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FF + Magna Carta Photoshoot [DO 2010] [closed]

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Re: FF + Magna Carta Photoshoot [DO 2010] [closed]
Post By Tails. 19/05/10, 12:06 pm

Awesome! Ooo it'd be cool getting photos with you as the different versions of Tidus Very Happy Tehe. Okay put me down for Dissidia!Tidus please :)

Oh any idea what time these shoots will be?

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Re: FF + Magna Carta Photoshoot [DO 2010] [closed]
Post By Guest. 19/05/10, 12:09 pm

Hey could I join as FFVII AC Reno?


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Re: FF + Magna Carta Photoshoot [DO 2010] [closed]
Post By Pyro. 19/05/10, 12:19 pm

@Tails- I'm excited about getting photos of the two of us, too~ omnom, Tiduuus~

(now I just need to finish my cosplay, lol)
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Re: FF + Magna Carta Photoshoot [DO 2010] [closed]
Post By Tamoo. 21/05/10, 03:48 am

I was thinking...
Should we rent a studio? Im sure if we all chip in some money we could afford a half a day rent. (about $165) or a full day ($250)

They have changing rooms, kitchens, etc.

I'll do some more research on other studios. For now, thats the cheapest one I could google up 8Db

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Re: FF + Magna Carta Photoshoot [DO 2010] [closed]
Post By sakuramiyabi. 21/05/10, 04:22 am

^Would be a good idea I think. Was thinking of canceling the curry cook-off if it clashes but I'd still bring something anyways so we dont have to leave the area for lunch and brave the rain if there is any.

Also I am going to go with sugar honey iced tea weather for DO this year so that also gives us a place to have a photoshoot regardless of if its rainy or not.

And its also affordable considering how many people there are 83

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Re: FF + Magna Carta Photoshoot [DO 2010] [closed]
Post By Static. 21/05/10, 04:25 am

I'd love to put some money towards a studio shoot - but how do people feel? Personally I prefer location shoots, but depending on what the weather is doing, this might be a safer option. HOWEVER - we would also need to rent lighting gear. I have my own lights, but for a white studio you're wanting at least three (I only have two) and they should be either all constant or all flash - mine are constant, which is not the norm! And um...if I'm needing to rent lighting gear, I'd kinda like some financial help plz. It's pricey.

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Re: FF + Magna Carta Photoshoot [DO 2010] [closed]
Post By sakuramiyabi. 21/05/10, 04:26 am

They do have packages. I'm not sure if the kind of lighting you'd need is in package 3. It does definitely drive the price up more but I still think its well worth it 83

EDIT: sorry reread it XP and completely missed the point ... sorry =w=;;

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Re: FF + Magna Carta Photoshoot [DO 2010] [closed]
Post By Static. 21/05/10, 04:38 am

Nah, the packages are pricey and have a bunch of stuff we dont need. I'm looking at prices now (in between checking on fabric in dyebath and cooking lunch, so excuse me if it takes a while! Razz) and this is what we need for a WHITE background:

3x flash heads (3200w) - $30/each
3x stands (5/8') - $10/each
2x dish reflectors - $10/each
1x softbox (as large as possible) - 800x1400 $50
1x sync cable (which I can probably get myself, it'll be useful to have) - $

Total: $195

I would recommend a white over a black, black looks great but darker costumes tend to disappear. White is really versatile, and complements as much as black does.

Edit: numbers get. Cheaper than I was expecting, but still up there.

Last edited by Static on 21/05/10, 04:50 am; edited 1 time in total

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Re: FF + Magna Carta Photoshoot [DO 2010] [closed]
Post By sakuramiyabi. 21/05/10, 04:50 am

looking at some other places though these aren't white background. Unless that's what we want?

Though I think with Kingsize studios alot of the studios rely on natural light ... so I'm not sure =w=;; (is not sure she's being helpful or not =w=;;) but it does offer a duscount

Quote :
Discounts: Where ever possible we try to assist with special projects / requests, and small budgets, however please consider that this is a costly business and due to the large number of requests, please apply in writing.. For charity work, unpaid personal work, and non-commissioned shoots we offer a standard 25% off studios and equipment. (standard insurance terms apply)

Last edited by kagerouhi on 21/05/10, 04:52 am; edited 1 time in total

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Re: FF + Magna Carta Photoshoot [DO 2010] [closed]
Post By Static. 21/05/10, 04:52 am

White is really versatile, and can be coloured with gels - I have seen it done! I have never done it successfully, but I'm currently researching. But yes, white is probably best; as is somewhere with equipment available. We're probably going to want a full day with the amount of people we have, and may I suggest a per-costume contribution? If you want two or three costumes shot, you pay for it. Personally, I have a fair few...can people say now how many they'd want done?

Also - the equipment is per day, so we may as well hang onto it for as long as possible!

Edit: Sorted. If we get a studio with a white background and decent lighting gear, I have gels and can light the background to a different colour. Unless it's red. They were out of red gels. sad

Last edited by Static on 21/05/10, 05:41 am; edited 1 time in total

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Re: FF + Magna Carta Photoshoot [DO 2010] [closed]
Post By Guest. 21/05/10, 05:31 am

I'm keen for a paying photoshoot! I'll start saving now! 8D

We'd have to pay around 13.50 each for the 19 of us~


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Re: FF + Magna Carta Photoshoot [DO 2010] [closed]
Post By Static. 21/05/10, 05:44 am

There are 19 costumes, not 19 people Razz doubleups ahoy! I'm keen to bring another couple though, Faye and Maybe Eva. I really think paying per costume is fairest - and it's $23.something each at the moment Razz Don't forget equipment hire!

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Re: FF + Magna Carta Photoshoot [DO 2010] [closed]
Post By sakuramiyabi. 21/05/10, 05:48 am

Would it be alright if I got some shots of Marisa though this technically is an FF + Magna Carta shoot ... of course paying extra 83

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Re: FF + Magna Carta Photoshoot [DO 2010] [closed]
Post By Static. 21/05/10, 05:51 am

Yep - as long as you bring food! Razz If we do this for a whole day, 9-5, that would be amazing (and also cheap!), we could do HEAPS. But yes, food and water would be necessary :3

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Re: FF + Magna Carta Photoshoot [DO 2010] [closed]
Post By sakuramiyabi. 21/05/10, 05:55 am

Yup food would be no problem. And I think I will cancel the curry cookoff. But it would be good if people helped to chip in on food costs. I have no problems cooking and bringing the food though 83. Probably $2/each $5 max I think depending on what people want me to make XD

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Re: FF + Magna Carta Photoshoot [DO 2010] [closed]
Post By Static. 21/05/10, 06:00 am

Shall we start a list of who's bringing how many costumes then? That way we can plan the food and contributions - I'll figure out how many people I can do in one day (including myself!).

I'll have: Claire, Fujin, Faye (possibly also Saya)

ALSO - for those with DSLR cameras. I'll do the lighting setups, and I also have an adapter for syncing with the flashes for other people's cameras. Tammy, are you familiar with those? I can do a lesson on the day if people want to know, but you will need a bigass camera to work with the flash heads!

P.S - Just emailed them about their hours, how long a half day/full day is :) I'll plan around that!

Last edited by Static on 21/05/10, 06:03 am; edited 1 time in total

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Re: FF + Magna Carta Photoshoot [DO 2010] [closed]
Post By sakuramiyabi. 21/05/10, 06:02 am


Maybe Kitsu Chiri and Lyrica Prismriver

Food I can make:
Anything you want so long as you let me research before hand. Guaranteed goodness though is gratin and lasagna at the moment. List will probably increase by then. Also good for most Asian foods.

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Re: FF + Magna Carta Photoshoot [DO 2010] [closed]
Post By Static. 21/05/10, 06:10 am


Edit: Based on a 9-5 day, with a half hour set aside for pack in, pack out, and lunch, and giving everyone ten minutes per thingy thing, I can do 37 shoots. $450 split 37 ways is $12.16 per slot. I pronounce this Good. So if we fill up the day, that's what you'll pay per shoot, plus food allowance.

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Re: FF + Magna Carta Photoshoot [DO 2010] [closed]
Post By sakuramiyabi. 21/05/10, 06:28 am

That is actually an amazing price ...

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Re: FF + Magna Carta Photoshoot [DO 2010] [closed]
Post By Rowan. 21/05/10, 06:31 am

This sounds great!!!!!!

I'll have Calintz, Youmu, and maybe Ada Wong~

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Re: FF + Magna Carta Photoshoot [DO 2010] [closed]
Post By Static. 21/05/10, 06:33 am

Okay, I've put everyone into my handy dandy spreadsheet - me and alena down for four slots, everyone else for what's in the first post, and we have 14 slots left. I'll arrange them later, but for now let's fill her up!

Edit: LOL make that 12! Rowan, you're now in for three :)

Edit edit: Although each slot is ten min, that allows for a bit of fiddling with lights/etc so the actual shoot may only be 5 min. However, I can get at least 24 shots in that time, so it will still be worthwhile :)

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Re: FF + Magna Carta Photoshoot [DO 2010] [closed]
Post By Kurt. 21/05/10, 06:44 am

I have no problem with chipping in on the studio if that's what everyone else wants~!
It sounds great :3

I think I'll just have Agreian at the moment, though. <3
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Re: FF + Magna Carta Photoshoot [DO 2010] [closed]
Post By Guest. 21/05/10, 06:45 am

I'll nab an extra slot for Yuna, and possibly Larg (Black Mokona) if I get it done in time - which I *should* seeing as it's for ACB. =D

Edit: Oh, and only so long as the double-up isn't a problem. ^^;;


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Re: FF + Magna Carta Photoshoot [DO 2010] [closed]
Post By Static. 21/05/10, 06:53 am

10 slots left! Doubleups are no problem, at this point - first in, first served, but no more than four costumes each please. We'll see how it goes!

...Edit I am so sorry Tammy I just completely hijacked your idea ;__________;

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Re: FF + Magna Carta Photoshoot [DO 2010] [closed]
Post By sakuramiyabi. 21/05/10, 06:55 am

The girls who will be staying with me won't be leaving till evening. I think they would be interested in getting shots of their Vocaloid cosplays. There will be 3 girls in total. Could you please pencil them in for now for one slot and I'll confirm a little later if that's alright

Last edited by kagerouhi on 21/05/10, 07:03 am; edited 1 time in total

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