Cosplay New Zealand
Hi there! This forum has now moved over to Facebook. You can find us by searching for 'Cosplay New Zealand', or going to

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Cosplay New Zealand
Hi there! This forum has now moved over to Facebook. You can find us by searching for 'Cosplay New Zealand', or going to

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Cosplay New Zealand has moved
Hi there! This forum has now moved over to Facebook. You can find us by searching for 'Cosplay New Zealand', or by going to We'll see you there!

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For all you newbies - introduce yourself! ;3
1148 24524 New Christchurch...
06/10/16, 06:03 am
baka View latest post
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Announcements and Updates

Houses important announcements for anything regarding the site, rules, events or general "Hello! Look at me, I'm an important announcement!".
106 4212 Cosplay New Zeal...
06/11/16, 01:08 pm
JVCA View latest post
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Forum Suggestions/Help

Suggest anything for the forums here. Or if you need help with some thing on the forum you may ask here. Note: if you would like suggest anything for actual EVENTS, please post your suggestion in the respective event forum. :)
106 1949 How do I post im...
26/06/14, 12:01 pm
JVCA View latest post
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CNZ Challenges

Monthly or bi-monthly forum wide challenges to keep everyone entertained! You can post in any thread in this forum, but only mods can start challenge threads. Got a challenge suggestion? Post it in the suggestion thread!
Moderators: Duckeh, Tammy, Auroa, JVCA
29 4477 Logo concept com...
10/10/12, 06:18 am
Duckeh View latest post
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General Cosplay Discussion

Anything and everything about cosplay! Ideas for groups you wanna do, "wouldn't it be cool if...", or anything remotely cosplay related that doesn't seem to fit under any other forum. Note: for non-cosplay general discussion, use the 'discussion' forum. :)
490 17377 i fond www.cospl...
28/09/16, 11:07 am
candiny View latest post
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Potential Group Discussion

Putting a cosplay group together but don't know when for yet? Whether you've got all your members or are seeking more cosplayers, discuss here. (If you do know when the group is for, please make it in the forum of that con instead)
130 4777 Potential Auckge...
24/10/14, 10:29 am
Annabel View latest post
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CNZ Sketchbooks

Make your very own CNZ sketchbook to advertise your progress, get kudos from your mates and basically post a lot of pretty pictures of your costuming work! Check out the rules on how to get started.
52 996 [Paul's Sketchbo...
01/06/15, 08:31 am
Paul View latest post
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Costume Help & Critique

Need help on your costume? Not sure how to go about making it? Or do you want to get a costume critiqued so you can improve for next time? Ask away here~
549 4546 High Quality Cos...
28/09/16, 11:09 am
candiny View latest post
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Wigs, Make-up and Crossplay

Is your wig giving you trouble? Want some make-up tips to make those eyes really pop? Need help on flattening those boobs, getting curves if you're crossplaying a female? This is the place for you to ask!
390 4156 nice cosplay wig...
16/01/15, 12:24 pm
oopp View latest post
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Mm? What kind of pose should I do for the character I'm cosplaying as?
146 1953 ACP 2015!
25/01/15, 11:43 am
thewolfsbane View latest post
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Photoshoot Gallery

Showcase photoshoot pictures. Please take note of the rules before posting anything.
88 688 ACP 2015!
25/01/15, 11:43 am
thewolfsbane View latest post
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Props & Performance

163 1613 Pipe pistol (sug...
11/06/16, 02:05 pm
Dr S View latest post
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Auckland Armageddon

Auckland, ASB Showgrounds, October 23rd-26th 2015
448 31511 Auckland Homestu...
23/10/14, 02:13 pm
Slushie-Kitten View latest post
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Wellington Armageddon

Wellington, Westpac Stadium, July 17th-19th, 2015
203 11791 Supernatural bar...
15/06/15, 02:14 pm
magic_trick View latest post
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Christchurch Armageddon

Christchurch, Horncastle Arena, March 7th-8th, 2015
176 6778 Chch Cosplay Con...
05/03/15, 04:49 pm
MaydayBaby View latest post
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Hamilton Armageddon

Hamilton, Claudelands Arena, March 14th-15th, 2015
76 2415 Hammygeddon afte...
02/06/14, 02:07 pm
Icewolfnz View latest post
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Auckland, ASB Stadium, 4th October, 2014
122 5483 Overload 2013 Ph...
01/10/13, 05:08 pm
Rinelle View latest post
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Other NZ Events

This is a forum for all the smaller events that don't have their own forum dedicated to them. If it's for an event that may have multiple threads about it, we'd appreciate it if you could tag threads with a [ABBREVIATION] tag at the start - for example, Au Contraire threads are tagged [AC11] - the initials of the event, and the year. :D If you'd like to run an event and you think it's big enough to qualify for it's own forum, PM a mod and we'll discuss setting one up for you.
255 12608 Cosplay the them...
10/10/16, 03:43 am
Risqueevents_Sandie View latest post
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Past Events

All the threads for past user-run events can be found here. :)
205 11345 [ACP12] Photo an...
31/01/12, 02:22 pm
fuchsiagem View latest post
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World Events

Going to an overseas convention? Think some people might be going? Chat away here about cosplay events around the world~
43 504 18th Century Cou...
12/10/13, 01:49 pm
Highlander View latest post
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North Island Cosplayers

Want to organize a meet-up or event in the North Island? This is the place!
593 30649 [Hamilton] Hamil...
16/06/16, 12:05 pm
悪魔 View latest post
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South Island Cosplayers

Want to organize a meet-up or event in the South Island? This is the place!
337 13227 i fond www.cospl...
21/09/16, 08:29 am
candiny View latest post
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Anime & Manga

Chat about anime and manga only, please.
367 9278 Yuru Yuri!
07/02/15, 09:43 am
homura View latest post
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Literature & Comics

Discussion of books and non-manga comics belong here. :D
48 1295 Books you're cur...
01/07/13, 03:46 pm
Leaven View latest post
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TV? Movies? Music? WHATEVS G.
340 8754 ADVENTURE TIME!!...
27/10/16, 06:48 pm
Davis Patch View latest post
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Video games, tabletop, mmos or board games. TALK ABOUT DAH GAMEZ.
346 7870 Retro Gaming?
11/12/13, 03:53 am
Noclass_Nick View latest post
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CNZ Related

For all the silly bzns we've come to know and love of CNZ - threads that are specific to CNZ as a community, or addressed to CNZers in general.
77 10674 Is this communit...
09/06/16, 04:13 pm
Dr S View latest post
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Got figurines? Anime? Manga? Props? Offering/looking for a commission? Anything else? Buy and sell here :3
671 9129 [Seller] Various...
18/06/16, 04:45 am
hellsbro View latest post
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Links to other sites, etc.
212 3079 ~OUJIHIMESHOPPE ...
14/04/13, 01:02 pm
oujihime View latest post
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Artists Alley

Have you got a link to an amv or fanfic you've created? Want to submit original art, fanart, or literature here to get praised, assessed, C&C or whatever? XD. JUST SHOW-OFF! <3
291 4453 Selling at Overl...
20/07/13, 02:10 pm
Rolly View latest post
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Where all the dead threads are moved to. This forum is automatically locked, and purged every once in a blue moon. If you would like a thread unlocked and moved from the graveyard, please hit the report button, and choose "Topic in wrong forum" with an explanation as to why it should be saved.
72 8375 help please im i...
13/09/14, 06:46 am
Quelli_Azrieal View latest post
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