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Favourite FF?

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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Kat. 24/03/10, 01:52 am

I've played all but ff 1 and ff11 Razz
and I dislike FFX (I hated the characters(mainly tidus. but lulu and riku where cool) and the story) the most followed by FFVI(FFIII)(damn octopus glitch kept killing me) then FFXIII

I liked FFIX FFVII FFVIII and FFV the most

the thing I disliked about FFVIII was that rinoa was pretty much useless and annoying and yet for aomost no reason at all squall falls for her and she ruins his awesome character
lets face it rinoa is pretty much like sakura from naruto

Last edited by Kat on 24/03/10, 02:06 am; edited 1 time in total

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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Tails. 24/03/10, 01:59 am

My favourites are X, IV, & Crisis Core. I can imagine Zack & Tidus getting along really well ^^

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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Link. 24/03/10, 04:24 am

Final Fantasy XI........ VI.

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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Sonic Reducer. 24/03/10, 04:31 am

FFIX is by far my favourite. FFXIII is by far my least.
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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Guest. 24/03/10, 06:20 am

FFX. Probably because it's the first one I played, but the story is really moving and the characters are really well-done. Though Tidus is competing for stupidness with Raiden (Metal Gear Solid 2), he's still very likeable and he makes Yuna happy, even while she knows what she must do in the end.

The battle system is great too. There's a lot less suspense (like: OMG hurry up and attack before the behemoth does or YOU'LL DIE) because of the turn-based stuff. You can strategise more.

The basturd sequel it spawned is horrible, but the happy ending and the 1000 Words scene are just wonderful. FFX is the BEST game ever, in my opinion. Kingdom Hearts hovering just above the awesome meter. ^_^


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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Guest. 24/03/10, 07:27 am

Don't let me choose between Final Fantasy 6 and Final Fantasy 7 gonk argh, don't let me choose ! It's way too hard to pick between them both because both have really good storylines, character development and music..
Also love Final Fantasy 8 too, which makes matters worse when trying to choose a favourite Final Fantasy game..

Would like FF V too if can get over the nightmare- fuel factor of Ex- Death's dungeon. *shudders* it's one creepy place ! xDD


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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Guest. 24/03/10, 09:11 am

My favorite Final Fantasy game is either VI or VII, both are awesome!


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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Crimson Dragon. 24/03/10, 09:22 am

ff7 then ff8
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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Squishy blob. 24/03/10, 09:33 am

My scale of FFness...

VIII = IV = X= Crisis Core > VII = VI > XII > XIII (Which I haven't played through.)
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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Zeorymer. 24/03/10, 09:35 am

FFTA, but only because its the only one I'm remotely good at. Although I did like Crisis Core as well.
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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Minato_mori. 24/03/10, 09:36 am

FF8, FF4 and then FF7.

Im a horrible romantic. followed by landscape, battle system effeciency and
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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Ze Pervy Kappa. 24/03/10, 09:43 am


Final Fantasy 8, is the best, ever.
Then 9, and then maybe 10 and 7 together.
Ze Pervy Kappa
Ze Pervy Kappa
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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By SoulessPuppet. 24/03/10, 02:29 pm

Hmm... FF9 cause it was my first FF then maybe 7.. I never tried 8 but it sounds interesting..
FF10 is nice but only started 5 minutes of it. FF X-2 is very confusing...

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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Guest. 24/03/10, 02:32 pm

Minato_mori wrote:
FF8, FF4 and then FF7.

Im a horrible romantic. followed by landscape, battle system effeciency and



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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Guest. 24/03/10, 03:18 pm

seraphik wrote:
i don't get why ff12 gets so much bashing..

Final Fantasy XII has Larsa in it, so it wins. (= Think it gets bashing because it's a huge change from the other games, mean the villains are governmental based, and it's very not so *One winged angel, evil guy with grey hair anymore * xDD


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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Phlaming Phoenix-. 24/03/10, 03:21 pm

Does Crisis Core count?

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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Le_Saboteur. 24/03/10, 11:09 pm

bubblegum wrote:
and it's very not so *One winged angel, evil guy with grey hair anymore * xDD

Haha, yeah, I think that might be a lot of it :3 Also YES LARSA! He's a spunky little fella' <3

So much FFVIII love in this thread.

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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By NieN. 25/03/10, 09:36 am

FFVIII yay, that one was one of my favourites. Very Happy
I liked X cause it had the best optional stuff. The Dark Aeons/Penance was a nice fun challenge.
I only liked the battlesystem and graphics from XIII.
I think XII had a bad story but took ages to fully complete so that was ok, I guess stare
Didn't really enjoy VII for some reason. Too easy maybe.

Need to play IX, heard it's really good. Hurry up and come out on PSN! Favourite FF? - Page 3 519410

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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Li-Bai. 29/03/10, 04:44 am

JVCA wrote:
My favourite tracks are 'Loss of me' and 'You're not alone'. I also like 'Town of Alexandria' (or whatever it's called >.<) - It's like, the soundtrack to my life as I walk around school and stuff -- or it would be if my life had a soundtrack. XD Town of Alexandria is the background music in the Rainbow's End portion of Alex's slideshow, if you're interested. I also like Dagger's Song, but I don't know what that one is called lol (she sings it in the game, it's lyrics are just 'Lalalalala', but the tune is pretty), and the song that plays on the opening screen of the game which I also can't remember the name of is very cool.

Psst psst - Look over here! (Search for Final Fantasy IX)

My favourite is... I don't have a favourite. (Ohoho! I bet you thought I was going to say VII, huh?) I dunno, there's something magical about each and every one of them in my opinion, so I like them all to their own extents. I feel like I'll really like Versus XIII when it comes out though. And Dissidia is a lot of fun. :)
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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By sakkaf. 30/03/10, 09:22 am

After much deliberation....VI.
marshmallow ninja

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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By superarmy. 30/03/10, 09:42 am

FF IX. By far, soundtrack, setting, characters, battle system and minigames (LOVED CHOCOBO HOT AND COLD).

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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Father Nightroad. 02/04/10, 04:03 am

Dissidia. It is pure awesome LOL
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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Le_Saboteur. 02/04/10, 04:27 am

Kazamaster wrote:

I think XII had a bad story but took ages to fully complete so that was ok, I guess stare

Bad... story? D:

I thought it was the best story. Less melodramatic bull than the other FFs. Look at the plight of Ashe, of Dalmasca, the clashing Empires! ;-;

Each to their own though 8D I'm more of a WRPG girl, and I thought 12 was the best by a long shot. Way too long though, they needed to cut down on the YOU MUST COMPLETE THIS IN ORDER TO FINISH crap. I don't know how many hours I got to- 120? That was with 90% of the sidequest-hunt-things done, though. There were a couple I couldn't be bothered doing.

Like Yojimbo. I played that battle for like thirty minutes and couldn't beat him. Then did it again. Still didn't beat him. I raged.

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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Guest. 02/04/10, 07:25 am

After much choosing, FF6 is my favourite Final Fantasy. Used to hate it the most because wasn't used to the downgrade in graphics =< but after playing through and noticing the magical storyline and characters ( omosh GENERAL LEO, TINA, LOCKE COOLEE ) and reckon that the music is the best within the whole entire history of FF games. And the ENDIING.. it was so good, had tears- nothing sad or depressing was going on- but had tears.
( * tries to 'man' self up after writing this *) and Kefka what a villain.. 0:


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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By sakkaf. 03/04/10, 12:41 am

Le_Saboteur wrote:
Kazamaster wrote:

I think XII had a bad story but took ages to fully complete so that was ok, I guess stare

Bad... story? D:

I thought it was the best story. Less melodramatic bull than the other FFs. Look at the plight of Ashe, of Dalmasca, the clashing Empires! ;-;

Each to their own though 8D I'm more of a WRPG girl, and I thought 12 was the best by a long shot. Way too long though, they needed to cut down on the YOU MUST COMPLETE THIS IN ORDER TO FINISH crap. I don't know how many hours I got to- 120? That was with 90% of the sidequest-hunt-things done, though. There were a couple I couldn't be bothered doing.

Like Yojimbo. I played that battle for like thirty minutes and couldn't beat him. Then did it again. Still didn't beat him. I raged.


It completely turned around how FF was played - from the turn based system to the active turn based system. Plus it was a spectacular civil war story - little do people know Square Enix has been developing it since X. The characters do look "cookie cutter"-ish though (meaning they look familiar, but thats generally how Squeenix works?), and theres hints of romance but yet not - which means fans of romance stories may or may not like it.

Plus the side-stories and quests...they really wanted one to explore the world in depth rather than FFX, which had two worlds and minimum of 50 hours of gameplay.
marshmallow ninja

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