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Favourite FF?

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Favourite FF?
Post By Guest. 23/01/08, 11:00 am

I can't believe there's not a thread about this so far. xD

So yeah - what's your favorite Final Fantasy? Why's it your favourite?

Tell meh~. Very Happy


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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Admin. 23/01/08, 12:41 pm

FF9!!! FTW! I want Sheldon to do a Vivi cosplay!

And I <3 the costumes in FF3 DS
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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Wishe. 23/01/08, 12:51 pm

Hmmm... Not sure.
I've played FFVIII, FFIX, FFX-2... and FFTA. Got past the halfway point and then lost interest (after accidentally reading a spoiler, etc.). ^^;

But... VIVI! Coolest Black Mage ever~ ^^

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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Pyro. 23/01/08, 12:55 pm

FFX and Crisis Core.

I find FFX perhaps the most endearing, and all the characters are so easy to become fond of. The ending wrenches your heart out, and the battle system rocks.

You feel this uberly overwhelming sense of power when your Yuna finally learns 'Holy' and 'Ultima' and gets the Nirvana staff, and all the summons. That's my other reason for it.

Crisis Core has the best story of any game I've ever... Watched? Read the script of? It's not released in the Western world yet, but it will be this upcoming year, so obviously, I haven't played it, but I've watched all the cutscenes, and wow.

Perhaps the most powerful game I've ever seen. Zack is a realistic protagonist, through and through, and for all his redeeming qualities, he has twice as many faults. He grows as a chracter through the entire game, and gains the wisdom of a man twice his age by the end. He isn't afraid to cry, and he acknowledges that he's far from perfect.

His exchanges with Cloud and Aeris reveal he's not a hardened warrior like he often makes himself out to be, but just a regular Joe who one day decided to be a hero, and actually works for that goal, unlike so many FF heroes/heroines. It takes him the entire game to earn himself the recognition of a hero, and even then, it's only in his own opinion, as Cloud has already overshot him and started to save the world in the persona of Zack.

Crisis Core twists and turns with emphasis on many themes, but one prevails throughout- the essence of humanity, and what humanity is. As one character finds, it's who you are, not what you are, but only after much thought and massacring of his former friends.

Crisis Core is thought-provoking, tragic and above all, realistic, which is why it's my favorite-equal FF game. ;)
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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By bekah. 23/01/08, 02:40 pm

Um, first FF I played.
Aaaand it's awesome.
Idk. I just really like it ^^
The characters are all so rad, aaand I like the story lots.

( FFX-2 made me cry like woahhh in the 1000 Words concert D: )

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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Pyro. 23/01/08, 02:51 pm

I cried in the 1000 Words concert too. *o*
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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By bekah. 23/01/08, 03:04 pm

I wasn't expecting it to be that sad, as everyone said X-2 was lame.
That scene like saved the whole game, lol.

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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Pyro. 23/01/08, 03:28 pm


That, and the sad ending.

I like the sad ending better than the others. <3
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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By bekah. 23/01/08, 03:30 pm

I haven't seen it.
I only got the normal one, I think.
It's been a long time since I played it ><

I'll YouTube the sad one when I'm on my comp~

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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By seraphik. 29/01/08, 04:47 am

ffix, closely followed by viii and x.
i just love ffix's storyline and the characterisation, really- and it has, in my opinion, the best soundtrack out of all of the final fantasies. ;
ffix is also the most unloved out of them all as well, and i don't understand why because it's such a great game! in the ending sequences especially (the 'you're not alone' part in memoria) i was so moved. D8
maybe it's just because i'm a gigantic dork.
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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By JVCA. 30/01/08, 09:05 am

ZOMG! I LOVED THE YOU'RE NOT ALONE PART! I still get chills when listening to that song, and ffix was my first, and definately favourite FF.

I agree that the storyline is brilliant - it starts out like an exciting adventure, and becomes so much deeper and more serious... I also agree that it has the best soundtrack. And why does it get no love!? D: why!? It's so incredibly wonderful! <3 So no, you're not a gigantic dork.

Who's your favourite character? I love Beatrix, personally - she's so noble, and I love her theme song as well. I really wanna cosplay her, actually, and Alex wants to do Zidane, and make his friend do Vivi - would you wanna do an FF9 Cosplay group at some stage? 8D
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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Pyro. 30/01/08, 09:18 am

Waaark! I haven't played FF9 yet (I intend to as my next FF to try, once I've killed that damn Sephiroth in FFVII) but it sounds quite good (especially with Quina... xD)

The soundtrack of Crisis Core shall top everything in my mind, for all eternity. Listen to it sometime, seriously. IT WINS. I'm tempted to hop on OO'tube now and listen to some of the music from it (FF9; I mean) based on the praise you're giving it. Could you link me to any particularly sweet pieces? 8D

Muaha. I'd join in an FF9 cosplay group; if you do one next year. I'd be Kuja. xD
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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By JVCA. 30/01/08, 09:34 am

My favourite tracks are 'Loss of me' and 'You're not alone'. I also like 'Town of Alexandria' (or whatever it's called >.<) - It's like, the soundtrack to my life as I walk around school and stuff -- or it would be if my life had a soundtrack. XD Town of Alexandria is the background music in the Rainbow's End portion of Alex's slideshow, if you're interested. I also like Dagger's Song, but I don't know what that one is called lol (she sings it in the game, it's lyrics are just 'Lalalalala', but the tune is pretty), and the song that plays on the opening screen of the game which I also can't remember the name of is very cool.
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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By seraphik. 31/01/08, 04:22 am

i did indeed love the start to the third disc where beatrix and steiner are protecting alexandra. 8D favourite character, hmm... probably zidane. and blank. BLANK. blank is so awesome, and so unloved! 8D i mean, he got PETRIFIED to save everyone. ;3; oh and eiko too, she's pretty sweet.

i loved the game so much i downloaded the soundtrack, and then when i was in japan i bought the piano collection sheet music. 8D so i can play the you're not alone song whenever i feel like being all creeped out, it's awesome.
dagger's theme is melodies of life, by the way 8D
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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Admin. 31/01/08, 05:47 am

Blank is awesome! But my favourite is Vivi.

I can't wait to do a Zidane cosplay for thee cosplay ball.
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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Sheldawg. 31/01/08, 01:36 pm

FF I >.> I like the original, more customization. Probably next would be FFIII remade on the ds for obvious reasons.
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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Admin. 31/01/08, 01:39 pm

Chyeah! FFIII FTW!
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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Pura. 01/02/08, 09:39 am

I've never been much of a Final Fantasy fan, actually. I find it too overrated half the time. I prefer Kingdom Hearts and .hack//G.U <3

Buuuut, out of the games I have played (FF IV, FFV, FFVII, FFVIII, FFX, FFXII), I like FVII the most. It may have old graphics, but it's still wau better than the rest. I find FFX annying, and I don't like Tidus (I like Cloud in VII ... I tend to like games more if I like the character you play xD), and I always get confused and I'm stuck in it too. Can't kill a boss.

In FFVII I haven't got very far and I suck at it (I suck at all FF games ....). But I love the music and old-style-ness <3)
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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By bekah. 08/02/08, 12:25 pm

Whee~ I'm replaying FFX. I never realised how much I love that game...
And umm, what the hell? How did they screw up FFXII so much? Like, they went from REALLY GOOD (FFX) to like, amazingsly crappy...

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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Pyro. 08/02/08, 02:36 pm


I was watching FFXII scenes on Youtube the other day.

WTF is up with the VAing? They're all plastic-British. It's weird. It's like they're all played by people doing obviously fake British accents, and it scares me. >>

But FFX does rawk. <3
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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By bekah. 08/02/08, 02:51 pm

It scares me too. I have no idea what i'm supposed to be doing in FFXII. Something about collecting... chips? Dunno. Don't care. It doesn't really compell you to keep playing or anything u_u

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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Admin. 10/02/08, 11:00 am

HikariEXE wrote:
FF I >.> I like the original, more customization.

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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Guest. 29/05/08, 02:35 pm

Final Fantasy VII would be the Favourite and Final Fantasy IV and Final Fantasy IX come next

Final Fantasy IX has the best music and like somebody said above
the ' You are alone part' Vivi and Kuja-Sama.


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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By SpamTomatoSpam. 29/05/08, 03:14 pm

I have only played the first 7 FFs. (Yeah, I need to hurry up and play some of the later ones) - but so far my favourite is VII.

On a fairly relevant note, I recently had a dream that I was playing Final Fantasy VII on one of the computers in the school library. And somehow I managed to prevent the Inevitable Very Bad And Painful Thing from happening. And I was all "Wait, what?! How the hell did I avoid THAT?! I guess I'd better save..." And then I realised my maths teacher was standing behind me, but instead of telling me off for playing video games at school, he said "What are you DOING?! That's not how the storyline goes!!" And he turned off the computer before I got a chance to save my game.

It was so disappointing.

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Re: Favourite FF?
Post By Riven_. 30/05/08, 02:33 am

Welll.... I've played FFI/II, but never finished... so I'm going with FFVII:AC <strike>and I had to watch that about a bajillion times before I understood what was going on</strike>

*is shot*

in my defence, I don't own anything except a computer, so I never bought any of the games (on which I've played FFI/II, but I never got too far 'cause my computer is slow and doesn't like me.... sad)
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