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22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.

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22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Auroa. 03/09/10, 10:19 pm

Thank You.

A thank you to everyone who offered help, support, gifts, donations, smiles and thoughts to our City.

Updated 22.02.12:
At exactly 12.51, our City stopped, the only sound that could be heard around town was the bell. 185 chimes, for 185 lives lost but will remain remembered.
People gathered from to Hagley Park and other areas to commemorate those lost.
All the road cones we pass were decorated with flowers.
This is the day, when strangers unite, for the same reason, for the same cause.
"Its people working together, which will rebuild Christchurch."

22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on. Chchq11

Kia Kaha Christchurch!

22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on. Road10

These are things that happened, or have come from the Quake (if you what to add more let me know!):
((A working progress...))

~The support from family, friends, neighbors, Cantabrians, celebrities and from overseas,
~The Farmy and Student Army
~All the people in uniform (police, ambulance, road workers), the rescue teams from overseas as John Campbell put it "and our rescue workers can now have a break. We are all full of smiles here as our first support from overseas arrives. The Australians are here. Those bloody Aussies." He pointed out although bitter rivals, we are still there for each other.
~Normal people that became hero's - some known, some unknown
~Virgin Mary Statue rotated 180 during the quake (from looking inside the building, to looking outside at the City) unharmed
~Time Capsules were surfaced/found in broken statues and buildings
~Hot Jeremy - the sign-language guy, and his sudden fanbase following (LOL)
~The terms: 'munted,' 'you know you're from Christchurch when...', 'Bob the builder Mayor'
~We all know what liquefaction is!
~We know the size of a shake and where its from before Geonet does.
~We have heard of Key Ring, Barcarolller, HAARP, and Earthquake lights
~You're never 100% sure thats a plane, truck, or an earthquake coming
~Flowers of all kinds have been popping up in empty roads, cordoned bridges and broken buildings
~Bob Parkers classic jacket
~Avon River Petals
~Bands 4 Hope
~We've all been waiting for the Grand Chancellor to fall (its on such a dang angle)
~Signs that still remain "fresh water here" "save this building" "Christchurch will survive" "Kia Kaha"
~Mc Donalds "would you like a free 'shake' with that, how about an upgrade?"
~The Auctions on Trademe: "The Rock that went through my house" "My EQC frustration"
~The Lights of Hope (aka Batman Lights) that shine over our City every night
~The New CBD - Container Business District / CCC - Container Crate City
~The Road Cone flowers - they aren't just in town, they are in every suburb!
~185 Hearts



Very Old Previous Post:
(well actually several now)


Last edited by Auroa on 22/02/12, 12:03 pm; edited 65 times in total
Can't brain, has case of dumbs.

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Saiyajin Mui. 04/09/10, 12:35 am

We got a kick down in Ashburton, nothing major. Just had a couple of boxes fall over and a light broken. I hear a lot of Chch is out of power and shops had been broken into, particularly liquor stores...

Measured 7.4 on the Richter Scale.
Saiyajin Mui
Saiyajin Mui

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Kitten Slave. 04/09/10, 12:45 am

Wow, had no idea, I slept like a baby (except where I fell asleep on my arm).
Note to self, investing in property in Chch is a bad idea...
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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Wookster. 04/09/10, 12:45 am

Just gone around Ashburton, some bricks have fallen and a biut of a wall fallen over on burnett st. Firetrucks have got rid of most of it. At least I wont be late for work today.
seXAH <3

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Saiyajin Mui. 04/09/10, 12:50 am

I will be.

Oh wait... I don't work today.

Might scout around town too. Got woken up as it was happening at 4:35 so I quickly got my siblings to a doorway as my folks were working. Sort of concerned about dad though as he was driving to work when it happened.
Saiyajin Mui
Saiyajin Mui

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By jpwise. 04/09/10, 01:24 am

hrm.. i wonder if this is what woke Static and myself this morning..
*looks at news* - BLOODY HELL!

Yeah, i really hope everyones OK..

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Saiyajin Mui. 04/09/10, 01:29 am

Almost as strong as the Napier one back in 1931.
Saiyajin Mui
Saiyajin Mui

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Guest. 04/09/10, 01:29 am

My Cat has been missing for the past few hours and is really worried about him >:

I heard on the radio that it was a 7.4 earthquake and a few buildings in town have fallen over, that a brick two-story house is now a ONE- story house and a girl almost died because the bricks were falling, but her friends managed to save her just in the nick of time, and that there's a few cracks in the road near Avonside and alot of New Brighton people went straight to the read in fear that there might be a Tsunami . D:

Waaa~ I'm worried about Madam Madhatter and Mandie Chan.

Last edited by Bartzluver on 04/09/10, 01:33 am; edited 1 time in total


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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Auroa. 04/09/10, 01:31 am

I woke up, ran to the door, and just hopped it wasn't the BIG one that the South Island is overdue for.

Some parts of Chch have lost power, and are in liquefaction!
Things are getting worse, and we've been told to save water!!
They are thinking of whether to put it as 'a state of emergency.'

Please everyone take care!!!!
Can't brain, has case of dumbs.

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Saiyajin Mui. 04/09/10, 01:38 am

Will do. Just because it's stopped now doesn't rule out that there won't be aftershocks. Keep a lot of fresh water stocked up and some non-perishable food too.
Saiyajin Mui
Saiyajin Mui

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By jpwise. 04/09/10, 01:39 am

Theres been about a dozen middling sized aftershocks already.

Definitely hope everyones Ok. With any luck they'll check in as they get online..

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Keysha-chan. 04/09/10, 01:40 am

You take care too, Angie! ;_; Infact, all of you down there please take care!

(Ange, I guess it will be well know to Lorne, but you want me to put the word that this will put a dent in your practice time for your Husbandry presentation?)

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Auroa. 04/09/10, 01:49 am

We've had I've lost count how many aftershocks we've had, but three have ALMOST been as bad as the initial earthquake. :/
The initial quake was so violent, no slow rocking or nothing.

Our dogs are banned from most parts of the house as there is glass and plastic everywhere. Cracks are on our ceiling D=
Boss has informed us the mall is closed, so no work.

Its worrying that we are being told to keep cellphones/phones short, and to save water.

Its unbelievable.

Thanks Kylie! ;-;
You can if you are contacting him anyway that'll be great, it will put a dent in it cause I'm helping in clean up but only for today... I think it depends how bad it continues to be. X_X

Aftershocks are just continuing its just wow...

edit: Bartz, try not to worry, cats will most likely be hiding somewhere until they know its safe to come out <3
Can't brain, has case of dumbs.

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Saiyajin Mui. 04/09/10, 01:51 am

I just watch one of the lights in our front porch fall down.

Man, this will be the talk of the town today.
Saiyajin Mui
Saiyajin Mui

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Crazy. 04/09/10, 01:53 am

ohhhmygod ;A;
my boyfriend and i woke up and we both thought i was having a seizure xP but when we saw the house swaying, and stuff falling on the floor we ran to the door.
we ended up driving towards the hills with the family, then hearing on the radio to go home so turned back.
now we're picking up bookcases, filling water bottles and waiting for the next one Dx hope everyone is okay!
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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By jpwise. 04/09/10, 01:53 am

@Aura - damn.. that last one was 5.9, only 7k deep, and 20k away. compared to the big one at 7.4 and 33k deep, 30k away... no wonder it felt as big.. sad

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Guest. 04/09/10, 01:58 am

Aura wrote:

Aftershocks are just continuing its just wow...

Yeah ! There has been like almost ten or eleven of them and one felt like somebody grabbed the earth and then tossed it down again. xD'; I think one aftershock was 4.5 on the scale, which is kind of heavy.

Aura wrote:

Bartz, try not to worry, cats will most likely be hiding somewhere until they know its safe to come out <3

Okay. Thankyou Aura. <:

Found this video of the damage the earthquake has caused.

- Edit. The video is only showing a New World advert, somebody with broadband connection needs to tell me if the video is a fraud or not. =_=';

Last edited by Bartzluver on 04/09/10, 02:03 am; edited 1 time in total


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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Thornback. 04/09/10, 02:01 am

Practically all my Family and old friends who are so close they might as well be live in christchurch. My parent are deperately making calls around to make sure everyones okay.

Architect Grandfather is currently gloating because his buildings haven't toppled-"They Rode out the storm, like a graceful swan over a wave..."-melodramatics aside, he sounds like he's okay.


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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Keysha-chan. 04/09/10, 02:03 am

Okay Angie. I'll leave it for a day and if it's going to be trouble, I will let him know on your behalf (how many other people will be affected? Not just Willowbank gang but the Orana Park ones too, I gather.

Sending out my thoughts to all the animals down there too - pets and captive and wild.

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Saiyajin Mui. 04/09/10, 02:03 am

Might duck out for a bit. My grandparent's house suffered some damage.
Saiyajin Mui
Saiyajin Mui

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Rocky. 04/09/10, 02:08 am

Okay, here comes my story, since I hope people might want to know xD

I sleep upstairs in a two story house, so I got woken up at 4:30 by shacking and swaying. Heard stuff falling in my house, parents yelling to see if I was okay, went for the lights and no power. Of course, the first thing I did was TWEET~ Sat in bed for the first few aftershocks before going downstairs. Got all the info I needed via a friend in Wellington. Nothing broke at my house, thank goodness.

7.4, 30km west of chch, 33km down.

Managed to get out transistor radio going, on Newstalk ZB, so got more info there. Sent txts around as many people as I could think of, checking they were okay - I still haven't heard back from some.
Mum and I went for a walk around the block, and I got some pictures, IT WAS INCREDIBLE. Powerlines crooked, huge cracks in the road, pretty much every driveway with lifted concrete, burst water and sewerage pipes. I'll chuck the photos up later.

I'm now at my nana's, because she has power and water (for now) which was of course naughty, since we aren't supposed to travel.

There's still the odd aftershock, and everyones a bit tense. The city-wide damage is gonna cost so much to fix and take agggeeess. So, that will be fun.

Of course, now we're getting stories of looting and all the facades falling and blocking roads, and bridges closed and such.

And the geologist in me is gleeful.... xD

I hope everyone is okay. BE SAFE, GUYS <3
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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Thornback. 04/09/10, 02:18 am

Finally got hold of my aunt-in-all-but-blood, who lives near the epicentre-her house is majorly smashed up, and a lot of stuff destroyed, but she's okay.


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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Bedemmy. 04/09/10, 02:19 am

Palmy people felt it, I sure know I did!
I dun liek earthquakes and I hope y'all are ok!
Many hopes sent your way!
Take care~
Has anyone heard from Highlander??
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delicious, delicious pie

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Thornback. 04/09/10, 02:22 am

Ha, marvellous serendepity-My dad was going to go down and visit his parents this week anyway-now he's heading down on the first available flight to help them.


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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Madam Madhatter. 04/09/10, 02:28 am

My street is fine compaired to ones around it.
-Cracks bumps and water spewing the street over!

Pic's from my bedroom!

...really glad I moved those chest of draws away from beside my bed to the bottom.

No one here was hurt!!!

Actually amused that this is trending world-wide on twitter

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22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.

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