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22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Rocky. 06/09/10, 04:55 pm

I approve of your choice of marathon.

Another one, gah >.<
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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By ^_^Steve^_^. 06/09/10, 05:05 pm

DX Not fun. Just finished marathioning it. now to sort beds.
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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By sakura_petals. 06/09/10, 11:25 pm

Good luck guys, thinking of you. Stay safe so I can see you all in a weeks time!

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Mandie_Chan. 07/09/10, 01:05 am

Madam Madhatter wrote:
Are these After-Shocks just getting worse?

^I agree.
They are also getting closer to the surface which means they'll do more damage/we'll feel them more.

Hey anyone been on trade me and searched "Christchruch Earthquake"?
Lots of funny stuff...

Sand Volcano Christchurch Earthquake 2010 - $1.00
Earthquake Proof New House - Enquiries over $295,000

And much, much more~
Optimus Prime

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Kitty of Doom. 07/09/10, 01:49 am

So last night we had a 5.2 aftershock and two 5.4 aftershocks. D: But most of the city has now been opened and buses are apparently going.
Kitty of Doom
Kitty of Doom
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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Olli. 07/09/10, 02:06 am

I will be so happy when this is all over >_<
And I can't stay at anyones place cause mummy is paranoid and wants me home by the latest at 9.30pm >_<
I hate cerfews.
But I do it cause I love my mum and I don't want her to stress out any more than what she already is

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By jpwise. 07/09/10, 02:42 am

Sounds like i may be in Christchurch tomorrow morning after all. Works asking me if i can head down early.

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By jpwise. 07/09/10, 03:49 am

Apparently payphones are now free to use in Christchurch

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Bedemmy. 07/09/10, 03:50 am

There was just a really small earthquake in Palmy, now I'm shaking DX
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delicious, delicious pie

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Guest. 07/09/10, 04:03 am

I didn't feel it at all, but the chart says it was actually bigger than anything in CHCH today. EEP!!!
Gonna bottle up water!


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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Bedemmy. 07/09/10, 04:03 am

delicious, delicious pie
delicious, delicious pie

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Guest. 07/09/10, 04:06 am

Wait, sorry, not bigger than chch today, bigger than chch in the last 4 hours or so.

this is more-or-less realtime records of shakes.


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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Bedemmy. 07/09/10, 04:07 am

D8 I'm still terrified!
I like my earth solid!
Edit: WHAT!? IT WAS 5.2?! OMFG!
delicious, delicious pie
delicious, delicious pie

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By jpwise. 07/09/10, 04:26 am

For those that could do with a laugh, found this trying to find out more about the curfew.

Quote :
On a slightly more light hearted note I think I need to brush up my emergency management skills. In my (wine hangover affected) early morning panic I remembered the need to get out of the house and to take something to keep warm and some food, only to come to my senses sat in my car with a pillow case and a jar of gherkins.

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Guest. 07/09/10, 04:35 am

Yeah, I'm going across the road in my lunchbreak to get an emergency radio and as soon as I get home (after going to "The Expendables") I'm gonna make me an emergency kit. I joked about it earlier but I mean it this time.


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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By jpwise. 07/09/10, 04:36 am

OK, can one of the ChCh'ians fill me in on the curfew? apparently where i'm staying is 'in' the curfew area. I'll be there before 7pm, but Static won't be arriving until 11pm.

What exactly does the curfew entail? Please?

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Mandie_Chan. 07/09/10, 05:43 am

Oh Curfew? They just want to limit the amount of people in the center city. I'm sure if you told the police/army guys enforcing it that you were picking someone up from the airport/ had just arrived on a plane they would let you through.

I just went to help move my friends grandparents out of their home (very badly damaged. On sat they were told they would stay but since the aftershocks the house will now have to come down). My mum and I got past the police (it was a no go area) by saying we were taking in food for people. Basically they just want to limit the 'rubber neckers'. If you have a reason to be there then they will generally allow you past~

Though I don't know how long the curfew is going to be in place for.
Optimus Prime

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Pura. 07/09/10, 06:30 am

So wait, I actually DID feel an earthquake this morning? (If if was felt in Palmy ...)

I felt one around 7:25amish, but the website listed nothing at that time xD.

Edit: Oh, there was actually an earthquake in that area, lol. Not related to CHCH. I think I'm imagining mine, lol.

Apparently the cathedral is getting more cracks too because of the aftershocks D:
Optimus Prime

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Guest. 07/09/10, 06:54 am

I think I need to stop looking at Piccies of Christchurch. It's just freaking me out. Because I know what will happen to my house if it gets shook that hard - a car will land in the kitchen, thats what. Which wont be a real blow, because the kitchen will be at the bottom of the ravine.


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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Mandie_Chan. 07/09/10, 08:15 am

Pura wrote:
Apparently the cathedral is getting more cracks too because of the aftershocks D:
OH NO!! That's not cool... It survived one earthquake, would've hoped it lasted this one too.

Also just heard my Church building is now red, which means it's going to be taken down... while on the other hand the lounge should be back up and ready for action this weekend! I also still have my job x2 and just had my hours cut back a bit~

OH! Avonside Girls high school just rang (for my mum) and school is closed until monday next week at the moment~
All schools should be watching their schools websites for updates too
Optimus Prime

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Guest. 07/09/10, 08:38 am

Mandie_Chan wrote:

Also just heard my Church building is now red, which means it's going to be taken down...

Noo. But that Church is awesome. I'm going to miss the memories I had with it all. :sadcry:


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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Pura. 07/09/10, 08:49 am

Actually, I think this is a different Cathedral ... The news title was misleading (I think it's the one that was also part school? Idk).

Lul. @Une, I have a theory that if an earthquake happened here then my house would fall down into my back garden 8D;; I think half the houses in Welly will fall, lol.
Optimus Prime

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Kitty of Doom. 07/09/10, 09:00 am

I'm waiting for You Shook Me All Night Long to play on the radio right now stare

Ministry of Education has announced that all schools shall remain closed until Monday the 13th of September
Kitty of Doom
Kitty of Doom
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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Olli. 07/09/10, 09:03 am

Great..... that means I have to put up with my brother untill then D:

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
Post By Rosenquarts. 07/09/10, 09:09 am

Anybody kno if the unis are still going? my friends sister goes to a uni in chch and wants to know. she couldnt get on the plane at all.

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Re: 22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.
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22.02.11 Earthquakes - A year on.

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