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Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Freddie. 18/04/10, 09:41 am

so, I was rereading School Out again last night whilst killing Zombies.
I was wondering... casually, if doing the School Uniform would be cool, or if we should stick with our ones? xD
forum prisoner.

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Olli. 18/04/10, 09:50 am

What does the school uniform look like?

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Freddie. 18/04/10, 09:52 am

its not in the Manga yet...
If you have the book, there's a descript. in there, sorta (they all wear it slightly different?)
Otherwise, I can copy it out later on.
forum prisoner.

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Olli. 18/04/10, 09:54 am

I'm waiting for the books
(stupid library is stupid)

If you could post the discription that would be awesome <3

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Cactiberry. 18/04/10, 09:57 am

Oooh, I'm keen for school uniforms! 8D
Sushi ;O

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Guest. 18/04/10, 10:30 am

*feels left out* DX


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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By RJayne. 19/04/10, 04:01 am

It'd be much easier to recognise if we did the flock (and Ari!) in their relatively normal attire.

Because I can just imagine people going "Who are the school kids with wings? What's that from?"

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Guest. 19/04/10, 09:47 am

RJayne wrote:
It'd be much easier to recognise if we did the flock (and Ari!) in their relatively normal attire.

Because I can just imagine people going "Who are the school kids with wings? What's that from?"

^This. I imagine uniforms would be "cute" but it's only from a very short part in one of the books so...*shrugs*


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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Cactiberry. 19/04/10, 09:51 am

:C Oh well, I don't mind~
Sushi ;O

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Freddie. 19/04/10, 09:52 am

Ravin wrote:
RJayne wrote:
It'd be much easier to recognise if we did the flock (and Ari!) in their relatively normal attire.

Because I can just imagine people going "Who are the school kids with wings? What's that from?"

^This. I imagine uniforms would be "cute" but it's only from a very short part in one of the books so...*shrugs*
yeah, That was my concern.
It just seemed like if we all did uniforms, we'd actually have something linking us all.
I didn't think about the fact that we have wings. FFFFFF
forum prisoner.

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Guest. 19/04/10, 10:03 am

Freddie wrote:

yeah, That was my concern.
It just seemed like if we all did uniforms, we'd actually have something linking us all.
I didn't think about the fact that we have wings. FFFFFF

Besides, how could I have a uniform? D8

I'm struggling to decide between a combat-clothed Ari or just-a-kid Ari. I mean...I have NO muscles whatsoever, so I can't pull off the mega-Eraser thing. I'm thinking combat boots, gloves...cargo pants? That's all I've got. XD

Random edit: Ever since Fred gave me the idea, I've been drawing MR fanart. I had no idea drawing winged people was so fun. 8D

Second random edit: Fred, you might wanna change the thread title now, as Olli is now Nudge. ^_^


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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Olli. 19/04/10, 12:53 pm

Lol yea Olli is here XD

I think the pictures in the first post is more known as they are like that in the manga ^^

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Guest. 19/04/10, 01:21 pm

To be honest, I think it's more creative to figure out what you think they'd wear on your own, based on descriptions found in the books. I mean, take Nudge - there is absolutely NO WAY she would fight/fly in that manga outfit. Sure, she likes it and she's that sorta gal, but...well, depends on what you feel like anyway. Same with Angel.

Fang and Gazzy look how imagined, though I figured Fang wore darker clothes that didn't stick out as "HEY! I'M SCENE 8D"

Everyone else...? *wiggles hand and grimaces*

EDIT: Da furk? Iggy doesn't wear glasses. EVER.


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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Olli. 19/04/10, 01:26 pm

There's pictures somewhere of them in the clothes they first wore in the manga that are suitable for flying and all that

I think I'll design my own outfit for Nudge ^^

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Guest. 19/04/10, 01:27 pm

What about your hair? I don't think I ever wondered over Nudge's hair. Will you be doing the manga version? O:


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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Olli. 19/04/10, 01:31 pm

I'm not sure. My hair is pretty much the same as Nudges (Dark brown and can be curly or straight) So I just need to decide what colour I'm gonna dye the front part ^^

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Guest. 19/04/10, 01:34 pm

You're dying your own hair? 8D Awesome! Will you be using dark foundation/thin Lizzy for her...ah...pigment?


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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Olli. 19/04/10, 01:39 pm

I'm not sure.....

I could always not use anything.... and cover up most of my body

And I prefer using my own hair to a wig ^^
If your at Auckgeddon this year you'll see that my hair will either be red or blonde
Not sure who to dye my hair for XD

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Guest. 19/04/10, 01:48 pm

I could imagine Nudge wearing fishnets (either arms or legs, but not both) which might help with the illusion of darkening your skin. You don't have to be BLACK black, just tanned. Like Tammy did with her Fran cosplay.


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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Freddie. 19/04/10, 01:57 pm

Ravin; Is A picture of all the orignal solo shots thrown together.

Google "Maximum Ride Manga __(Character Name)__" And the results of them in the same attire/pose as above are the original, pre-makeover Outfits.

The Manga Pictures in the first post?
Pretty much, the flock got offered a free makeover. They took it, then made their clothing more fly-able (Slits in their shirts, shorts under skirts, ect)

Plus, I keep tryna say xD,
The pictures are just as placeholders, It appears people are doing theyir own interpretations'

EDIT; The Originals also give a good reference for the Manga-Wings
forum prisoner.

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Guest. 19/04/10, 01:59 pm

I'm not saying you should/should not go by the manga. o_O


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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Olli. 19/04/10, 02:00 pm

I might do legs with fishnets and maybe make long sleeves ^^

I'm not sure why but I can see her in fluro colours XD

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Guest. 19/04/10, 02:02 pm

Olli wrote:
I might do legs with fishnets and maybe make long sleeves ^^

I'm not sure why but I can see her in fluro colours XD

^ Yes! I can too. Or at least something bright.


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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Olli. 19/04/10, 02:03 pm

I usually never ues/wear bright colours....
This will be fun!!

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Guest. 19/04/10, 02:05 pm

I'm perfect for Ari. I'm always the 'odd one out.'

*watches flock having picnic at geddon and sighs dramatically*

*eats ice cream*


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