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Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]

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Maximum Ride Flock [Comp '11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Freddie. 12/04/10, 09:56 am


The Flock
Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE] I2sshgMaximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE] AwyzvnMaximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE] Dzx9htMaximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE] 357n1c4Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE] 2rnwls6Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE] Ari

Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE] 2lna5hc

Group for Comp '11,

Self-Styled Nudge
Madeover Fang
? Gazzy
? Iggy
? Angel
? Max
Young/Self-Styled Ari

Last edited by Freddie on 22/04/10, 01:48 am; edited 13 times in total
forum prisoner.

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Olli. 12/04/10, 10:03 am

I'm not the right skin colour but I'm keen to try to do Nudge....

Not sure if I have a comp cosplay for next year though

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Freddie. 12/04/10, 10:29 am

Use dark foundation?
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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Guest. 12/04/10, 10:37 am

I didn't realise you were going by the manga versions. I don't even know what Ari looks like in the manga...but I'd still be keen to do him. My first cosplay with wings! ...and FANGS!

EDIT: Lol...I'm slow.

Last edited by Ravin on 12/04/10, 10:38 am; edited 1 time in total


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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By sakuramiyabi. 12/04/10, 10:38 am

I believe this topic is under the Auckgeddon thread ...

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Freddie. 12/04/10, 10:41 am

In the Manga he looks like~
Though to be specific; we're not "doing" the manga versions, afaik.
It's just for reference/basis, I feel?
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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Guest. 12/04/10, 10:43 am

That looks like a wereGoku. I think I'll do an original design if I eventually do join. XD Wings are daunting.


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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Freddie. 12/04/10, 12:46 pm

Our Iggy is currently at "Probably not",
So don't take it as a total let down~!


Wing/Hair Info. Anyone?
Wings ~ 13 feet. Description - Book/pale tan with white streaks and some freckly-looking spots. Manga/ Dark upper feathering, light lower feathers. Suggested DNA - Falcon
Wings ~ 14 feet. Description - Jet Black. Suggested DNA - Raven
Iggy Wings ~<16 feet. Description/Suggested DNA - Albatross
Hair ~ strawberry blond.
Nudge Wings ~ 10-12 Feet. Description - Book/Tawny. Manga/White. Suggested DNA - ferruginous hawk
Hair - Curly Brown/Staight, brown, Blonde streak.
Gazzy Wings ~10 feet. Description - Book/Owl-like . Manga/Creamy white. Suggested DNA - Mockingbird
Wings ~ 8 Feet. Description - Book/Angelic White. Manga/White. Suggested DNA - Dove


Last edited by Freddie on 13/04/10, 03:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Guest. 13/04/10, 11:37 am

@Freddie: It was either Iggy or Gazzy that was described to have "owl-like" wings. Sorry, but I can't remember who. But I do think it was in The Angel Experiment. ^^;;

Last edited by Ravin on 13/04/10, 12:24 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By RJayne. 13/04/10, 11:59 am

Um - in School's Out Forever, Angel is talking/thinking about wings:

She was a swan (prancing around on the school field lol)
Nudge was a pheasant, smooth and brown
Gazzy was 'something sturdy, like an owl'
Iggy was some kind of seabird
And Max and Fang were birds of prey, beautiful and fierce.

In her opinion.

As far as I can remember.

Btw - look in Angel Experiment for Nudge. Go to the part about the hawks - I think she's saying something about their wingspans (5-6ft??) and saying hers were nearly twice as big???


Last edited by RJayne on 13/04/10, 12:02 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typo)

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Cactiberry. 13/04/10, 12:07 pm

Eeee, I look forward to making all the camouflage clothing~ 8D
....Not so much the wig/wings :C
Sushi ;O

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Freddie. 13/04/10, 03:28 pm

What I have listed as "Book" and the Spans, are as listed in the book and/or Author interveiws.

I shall edit in Gazzy as "Owl-like" in /Book, and as his SDNA?

Gah. All three of my copies of Angel Experiment are lent out.
I shall put it down as 10-12 feet?

EDIT; In Schools out, Isn't she talking about them as a whole, not their wings?
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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Guest. 13/04/10, 03:33 pm

Freddie wrote:

EDIT; In Schools out, Isn't she talking about them as a whole, not their wings?

Instead of bothering to go and check my book like a nerd, I'm just gonna say I'm PRETTY sure she is referring to their wings, but kind of does relate them to their personalities too.

Neeeerd. x___x Sorry.


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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Freddie. 13/04/10, 03:36 pm

*Looks at wardroube with two copies, staring at me*

I'll check sometime tonight?
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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Guest. 13/04/10, 03:38 pm

Why do you have so many copies? o_O You're so odd.

I feel like a third wheel in this thread, since I'm not really part of the group. *goes to draw max instead*


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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Freddie. 13/04/10, 03:49 pm

I have Hardback and paper back of each book, both American and English.
Don't ask.

Also; I've figured I need to scale Fang by 83%.
So Fred!Fang's Wingspan is roughly a Hundred and fourty centimetres.

Anyone else? 8D
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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Olli. 14/04/10, 02:43 pm

If I go by the manga and cosplay Nudge I won't have to worry bout dark foundation if she's white XD

My hair is pretty much like hers anyway....

Ok! I will join this group as Nudge ^^

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Freddie. 14/04/10, 03:55 pm


Added :3
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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Olli. 14/04/10, 04:05 pm


I see my name Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE] 352708

I'll make the wings as big as I can to fit in my suitcase XD

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By RJayne. 15/04/10, 11:22 am

Um, Fred... that's really not correct...

83% of 14 feet is 11.62 feet.
Which is 354.2cm. Or 3m, 54cm, 2mm if you like.

Each wing should be about 175cm long, allowing for a 5-10cm gap in between.

Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE] 65988

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Freddie. 15/04/10, 11:31 am

This is why I hate converting from the imperial system.
I think I went wrong When I somehow got 180cm from 14 feet.
it was all downhill from there 8D

I need to put down that physics text book and get back to my main love D:

Last edited by Freddie on 15/04/10, 02:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Guest. 15/04/10, 11:33 am

America are retards for still using that stupid imperial system. Wings are serious business.


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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Olli. 16/04/10, 03:12 am

Soooo how big are my wings going to have to be?

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By RJayne. 16/04/10, 03:19 am

How tall are you?

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Guest. 16/04/10, 12:12 pm

Can I just say that I really would love to join - but as Ari, not Iggy, since I want to make dark wings. I want dark grey/black wings so I can reuse them for other cosplays in photoshoots (i.e. Crona or Dark Mousy.)

To be honest, I'd much rather cosplay Iggy and be part of the flock, but I'm just thinking economically here. *sigh* This is only if you accept an Ari, of course. Technically he isn't ever part of "The Flock" anyway.

Side Note: If my Ari idea is accepted, I'll be going as a kid-style Eraser, not a giant, muscled death machine, which will probably interfere with your exactness. :/
Second Side Note: Also, I'd be making wings to the same ratio as all of the Flock. Ari would obviously need ridiculously oversized wings to be able to even lift himself off of the ground, and I don't wanna lug big wings around. XD (I wonder how Patterson thought Ari having retractable wings was possible?)


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