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Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Freddie. 22/04/10, 01:52 am

I planned on slit. I think I'll have the underpart (Skull+uh, leopard?) as a muscleback singlet, so I only have to put slits in the shirt.

On Angel; If you're really keen to know what it looks like from all angles, you could grab the manga? Its in volume 2.

@Olli; Someone's interpreted ehr outfit in colour over here

EDIT; it probably better to link them all

They all seem pretty close to what I was imagining, minus the PINK in Max's hair, and the lack of color in Gazzy/Iggy (They had little bits of colour put in, right?)
I think the only big difference in my Fang is the underpart coloring, and the stripes in the middle of the red ones, which I was thinking of white for.
forum prisoner.

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Guest. 22/04/10, 02:35 am

Gazzy had light blue on the spiky bits, and Iggy had black. Also, it says Max dressed Angel in "cargo pants and a T-shirt" as well as a "fluffy blue fleece jacket" that Angel had picked out. That'd make her look more bad ass that cute. X3

My books are within reaching distance...>_> sorry for the nerdity.


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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Cactiberry. 22/04/10, 03:29 am

/finished rereading The Angel Experiment yesterday
I need to get the other books out again, hurrrr.
I think the colour-versions are pretty accurate, 'part from of course the couloured bits of hair.
....I'm going to need blue contacts, methinks.
Sushi ;O

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Guest. 22/04/10, 03:48 am

Freddie - you still need to change the title to the thread. ^_^ Olli probably feels invisible. XD


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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Freddie. 22/04/10, 10:41 am

I actually Can't >3>
I've tried multiple times (read; EVERYTIME I SEE IT D:) and it never changes.
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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Guest. 22/04/10, 10:44 am

D: No fair! Poor Olli.

EDIT: This is so lol.


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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Blooberry. 22/04/10, 10:54 am

Freddie wrote:

They all seem pretty close to what I was imagining, minus the PINK in Max's hair, and the lack of color in Gazzy/Iggy (They had little bits of colour put in, right?)
I think the only big difference in my Fang is the underpart coloring, and the stripes in the middle of the red ones, which I was thinking of white for.

Actually, I believe in the books it's mentioned that Max gets a pink streak in her hair 8D;;

:L Hmm, I might actually do a dark-ish sky blue for the ribbon + shorts, mainly since I prefer blue. ^^'

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Guest. 22/04/10, 10:56 am

Blooberry wrote:

:L Hmm, I might actually do a dark-ish sky blue for the ribbon + shorts, mainly since I prefer blue. ^^'

Seriously, I'mma eat you.

Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE] - Page 5 95428


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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Freddie. 22/04/10, 10:59 am

Yeah. I had Angel in my mind either as Pink, with it being a generally girly outfit, or blue if you interpreted it as more of a sailor-ish one :3
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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Cactiberry. 22/04/10, 11:00 am

Ravin wrote:
D: No fair! Poor Olli.

EDIT: This is so lol.

I did lol, though.
Sushi ;O

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By RJayne. 22/04/10, 11:00 am

I'd advise against cannibalism, tbh.

And Max does get pink streaks. I'd know. I HAVE TO PUT THEM IN.

I don't the the slits thing will be a huge issue, it seems easy enough.
What the flock would do would be just to get a knife and cut, so you don't even have to sew round the edge if you don't want to!

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Guest. 22/04/10, 11:02 am

Nope. And pink streaks doesn't mean everywhere or just one big chunk like the manga. I always imagined her with two or three inch-wide chunks that went down the length of her hair. But RJ is amazing, and she will be a great Max. 8D *kiss ass*


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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By RJayne. 22/04/10, 11:26 am

/lets ass get kissed
I did say streaks in plural, you know... I always thought the same as you, Rav.
Thank you, btw! /hugs

And as far as I know, in a blog post (not that I follow the blog, ugh...) it was said that Fang had a black leather jacket with a red X design on it... so I think the fact that the red was incorporated into that colour pic was a nice touch.
I prefer that to white anyway - Fang needs SOME colour!!!

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Freddie. 22/04/10, 11:31 am

Yeah. I've been messing around with the original Makeover picture in photoshop.
I actually think a bit of a red shirt maybe...
Judging by what I like of what I've done, I think only his jeans'll be black xD
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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Guest. 22/04/10, 11:38 am

As long as you look simultaneously emo and I'ma-kick-yo-ass-if-you-come-near-me, I'm sure you'll be great. 8D

Unfortunately...I cannot come shirtless.


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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Freddie. 22/04/10, 03:43 pm

Damn, why not? D:
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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Guest. 22/04/10, 03:44 pm

You kind of aren't allowed, are you? Besides, I don't feel comfortable doing it. XD

EDIT: I think I better start working out. I'm cosplaying both Ari and CLOUD. Time to get some serious muskles.


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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By RJayne. 23/04/10, 10:44 am

Good idea, my friend!
/imagines Ravin with epic bulky arm muscles

Yeah, I can see why you'd be uncomfortable with shirtless, Rav.
And if you do want said muscles, you should get a move on... as should I. Once I finish my History internal, I need to make 3 dresses, a skirt, alter another dress, maybe make a blouse and maybe even some pants.

All before October. YAY.
Whilst being at high school, not here next hols and on a budget of brokeness. Waaaah!

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Guest. 23/04/10, 10:49 am

Wow! You have such talent, amiga. ^^ Sewing sounds harder than lifting weights though. X3


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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By RJayne. 24/04/10, 04:36 am

You betcha.

At least I have until next year with this one, right?

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Olli. 24/04/10, 05:21 am

I is invisible!!!! XD

Those are cool coloured in pics!

If I can't design a good one then I'll just use that ^^

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Guest. 24/04/10, 01:33 pm

@RJ: Yep. You might notice the picture in my signature...if you know the characters, the entire ensemble gets harder and harder as you progress through the list.

Well, Ari will probably take the most work (wings only, really) but the list is in the order of the cosplays I'mma do (bound to switch around, though). But I'm so glad that MAX LIVES IN MY TOWN. 8D Photoshoots galore.


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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Olli. 25/04/10, 03:54 am


I think.....

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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Freddie. 25/04/10, 10:23 am

yup 8D.

However, the nearest to me is actually olli, judging by distance.
Then it Rj and Ravin...
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Re: Maximum Ride Flock [Comp \'11] [Looking for NUDGE]
Post By Cactiberry. 25/04/10, 10:27 am

Well, Maddi and I can do Gazzy/Angel photoshoots whenever? 8D?
Sushi ;O

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