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[CNZcon] ~HUGE~ NZ Cosplay Weekend Event

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Would you travel for a Cosplay Weekend Get-Together?
YES! I’m going, I’m so going.
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 33% [ 35 ]
[CNZcon] ~HUGE~ NZ Cosplay Weekend Event - Page 2 Vote_lcap1%[CNZcon] ~HUGE~ NZ Cosplay Weekend Event - Page 2 Vote_rcap
 1% [ 1 ]
I'd have to get permission but I would want to.
[CNZcon] ~HUGE~ NZ Cosplay Weekend Event - Page 2 Vote_lcap58%[CNZcon] ~HUGE~ NZ Cosplay Weekend Event - Page 2 Vote_rcap
 58% [ 62 ]
I would come for the two days but find my own place to stay
[CNZcon] ~HUGE~ NZ Cosplay Weekend Event - Page 2 Vote_lcap4%[CNZcon] ~HUGE~ NZ Cosplay Weekend Event - Page 2 Vote_rcap
 4% [ 4 ]
Not the first time, but the second time around if it was successful.
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 4% [ 4 ]
Total Votes : 106

Re: [CNZcon] ~HUGE~ NZ Cosplay Weekend Event
Post By Tamoo. 20/05/08, 04:50 pm

Keh. I'm lost. Tired.
But uh... from the gist of things, yeah i'm keen C:

I can help organise, I guess? Blah.
*sleeps on keyboard*

Number of posts : 4525
Age : 34
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Registration date : 2007-11-24

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Re: [CNZcon] ~HUGE~ NZ Cosplay Weekend Event
Post By Kelchup. 21/05/08, 12:55 am

I know I'm all new, but thats a good idea ^__^
Tho, the other thing is plain old getting people to go..
I have tried to organise simple things like movie trips with my theatre sports group, and the biggest no. that ever came was like.. 9. Out of about 30.

People are all busy x_x

And all you would need it the money for the hotel, coz witht hings like Rainbows End, you can pay there.
LOL I just imagined all these anime characters on the rollercoaster.
Thats mad-epic.

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Re: [CNZcon] ~HUGE~ NZ Cosplay Weekend Event
Post By Suixelo. 21/05/08, 01:07 am

We're going to Rainbows End the day after DO if you're up in Auckland =]

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Re: [CNZcon] ~HUGE~ NZ Cosplay Weekend Event
Post By jpwise. 21/05/08, 01:35 am

Aura wrote:

actually this idea was before scp xD
I didn't even think of the relationship until you just said hahah.
Yes, we'll convert you to cosplaying eventually jp... heh.heh.heh.
it'll be like "whose that guy? Oh its THAT GUY!"
I'm sorry couldn't resist =P
poor you, you have all these good ideas and take awesome photos and this is how you're treated ^^;

lol, it's all good, i think i'll probably convert eventually. Brent here in Wgtn did suggest Frank from Dead Rising since he's got a camera aswell, but yeah, I'll probably make a sleep deprived decision at some point. :)

u_ne_korn wrote:

I think about 100 cosplayers would be a resonable target. Make it 150 people to take into account parents/significant others/children coming along. Make it... $150 dollars that any given individual would be paying to the organisers. *pulls out calculator*does SERIOUS double take* Who is going to take responsibility for $22,500? Let me just repeat that. TWENTY TWO THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS.

I'm sure as hell not going to put that in MY bank account.

oh, oh, can I have it ? Pretty please? It'll make my bank account look, like, all positive balance and stuff? :) hehe.

Kelchup wrote:
I know I'm all new, but thats a good idea ^__^
Tho, the other thing is plain old getting people to go..
I have tried to organise simple things like movie trips with my theatre sports group, and the biggest no. that ever came was like.. 9. Out of about 30.

People are all busy x_x

hehe, you'll get to know cosplayers, if they hear of the slightest hint of cosplay they come flocking. :) The Wellington Cosplay gathering a few weeks back was enough to full the cablecar going up the hill? (~20+? - panini how many was it again?)

Number of posts : 3780
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Registration date : 2008-01-31

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Re: [CNZcon] ~HUGE~ NZ Cosplay Weekend Event
Post By Guest. 21/05/08, 01:48 am

Alll of it. Poor cable-car!


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Re: [CNZcon] ~HUGE~ NZ Cosplay Weekend Event
Post By jpwise. 21/05/08, 02:26 am

Yeah, i count at least 24. (reminds me of trying to count the bears in those pictures).


Anyways, back onto the topic slightly, with regards to the money side of things, as much as I'd like to have an extra $22k sitting in my account I don't think many people know me well enough for that. So onwards to practical suggestions.

Just set up a new bank account. The banks can be a bit finicky about it, but if it's going to have a couple -> $20k sitting in it they just about fall over themselves to help open it. Given it's going to be essentially sitting with money in it for a period of time, I'd recommend a high interest call account (might aswell crib some interest while it's there). Pretty much any group payments are going to be lump sums, so an account with x transactions a month isn't an issue.

The only catch with bank accounts is I'd recommend getting a mandate drawn up on it. The account can be under one persons name or joint if you want, but the mandate dictates how the account is run. ie: set it up under one persons name with 2 nominated signatories, then set the mandate as withdrawals require account holder + one signatory, or both signatories together. Balance can be viewed by account holder, or signatories, etc. If you were overly worried about it you could make it dependant on account holder + both signatories to make withdrawals, but 2 people is usually enough. One person might conceivable (unlikely, but conceivable) do a runner, but two is extremely unlikely, plus everyone knows each other to an extent anyway. I've set up similar things in the past for flat accounts. For this situation and ease of payment (for anything less than a few k) it's probably easier for one of the account holders/signatories to to pay a bill and then settle it with the account afterwards. But specifics like that can be sorted out later.

On top of that I'd recommend whoevers name (or joint names) the account is under isn't on a benefit. WINZ (or whatever they're calling themselves now) can be a right nuisance if you're on a benefit and/or getting food grants, then they suddenly think you've got $20k sitting under your name. So um, yeah, recommend people in paid employment (or at least not on a benefit) only for account holding.

Well, that's about the extent of my first caffeine infusion used up, time to get another. :)

Number of posts : 3780
Age : 45
Location : Wellington
Registration date : 2008-01-31

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Re: [CNZcon] ~HUGE~ NZ Cosplay Weekend Event
Post By seraphik. 21/05/08, 04:01 am

i'd be keen to help out with organizing and stuff. i seem to have had a lot of practice. 8D but yeah... it sounds really cool. we can show the rest of the world what NZ cosplay is made of! \o/
transient mod of fury

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Re: [CNZcon] ~HUGE~ NZ Cosplay Weekend Event
Post By firecat70. 22/05/08, 12:33 pm

Money is the only real issue for me ^^ As well as if I have exams on. Things would also be cheaper if we went in 'off season'. I'm not sure when NZ's off season is. Summer time?

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Re: [CNZcon] ~HUGE~ NZ Cosplay Weekend Event
Post By kyokyogirl. 22/05/08, 01:20 pm

I wouldn't miss this for the world *starts saving*
fuzzeh duckling~

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Re: [CNZcon] ~HUGE~ NZ Cosplay Weekend Event
Post By Rallion. 22/05/08, 01:20 pm

I'd REALLY love to do something like this... but the problem for me would really be cost. I'd be happy to do such a thing, so long as it'd be worth what I'm paying for it.

Number of posts : 585
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Re: [CNZcon] ~HUGE~ NZ Cosplay Weekend Event
Post By Tamoo. 22/05/08, 01:22 pm


I'm sacrificing lunch money CC:

but its not really working...

Number of posts : 4525
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Registration date : 2007-11-24

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Re: [CNZcon] ~HUGE~ NZ Cosplay Weekend Event
Post By Rallion. 22/05/08, 01:27 pm

Yeah, but I lack the self-restraint! Which is all-important for money saving isms.

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Re: [CNZcon] ~HUGE~ NZ Cosplay Weekend Event
Post By Guest. 22/05/08, 01:29 pm

Ok then people, what would be worth the cost? What sort of funness and gameness do people want?

The idea of going to all the Auckland attractions has been thrown around - is that something people want? Is there anything that people would prefer?

Assuming we're aiming for late 2009/2010 so plenty of time to save, what ARE people prepared to pay for a weekend? $200? $500?

Panels? Games? Activities? Would we rather just rampage around a campsite for a weekend than be in a town? Shall we try to bribe our Armageddon judges to come to teach us what they look for in judging? Shall we get people who excell at certain things to teach us that? Should we try to wrangle a few merchants? Do we want to?


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Re: [CNZcon] ~HUGE~ NZ Cosplay Weekend Event
Post By kyokyogirl. 22/05/08, 01:39 pm

Rainbows End would be a win. Considering we'll have that much time to save, I'd be quite happy paying up to $500, but I'd have to know what this included. Like is this all up for just the activities + accommodation? & not other individual costs like spending or food?
fuzzeh duckling~

Number of posts : 1097
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Registration date : 2008-05-19

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Re: [CNZcon] ~HUGE~ NZ Cosplay Weekend Event
Post By Guest. 22/05/08, 01:41 pm

Hey, I'm just throwing numbers out there. Although now you mention it, food and some others would make a big difference. Say the cost doesn't include food for the sake of arguement, or maybe one big fancy meal (which would count as an event).


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Re: [CNZcon] ~HUGE~ NZ Cosplay Weekend Event
Post By Rallion. 22/05/08, 01:46 pm

$500 is my ABSOLUTE maximum, but I'd need to be told the cost atleast a year in advance. Lower costs are better though.
And Sight-seeing is always a good thing.... I really don't know what I'd be interested in doing there, though. XD

Number of posts : 585
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Re: [CNZcon] ~HUGE~ NZ Cosplay Weekend Event
Post By kyokyogirl. 22/05/08, 01:51 pm

On the dinner note, there could also be a picnic in a park as some sort of event. Would give people a chance to mingle.
fuzzeh duckling~

Number of posts : 1097
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Registration date : 2008-05-19

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Re: [CNZcon] ~HUGE~ NZ Cosplay Weekend Event
Post By Riven_. 22/05/08, 01:54 pm

I wouldn't be willing to pay $500. Being a poor student, I think the most I could do would be around the $200mark <strike>but I'm a miser, so don't let me put you off!</strike>
Advice Guru

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Re: [CNZcon] ~HUGE~ NZ Cosplay Weekend Event
Post By Guest. 22/05/08, 01:55 pm

Mingle be good. What we absolutely dont want is people sitting with their pre-existing friends for the entire time. Part of the exercise is to meet people! Make freinds! Have raucous arguments at unreasonable hours of the night about things that have no relevance to anything and only barely make sense!


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Re: [CNZcon] ~HUGE~ NZ Cosplay Weekend Event
Post By kyokyogirl. 22/05/08, 02:03 pm

YES! Praise the Irrelevant Arguments!
fuzzeh duckling~

Number of posts : 1097
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Registration date : 2008-05-19

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Re: [CNZcon] ~HUGE~ NZ Cosplay Weekend Event
Post By Crazy. 22/05/08, 02:35 pm

I would definitely be coming if it was in the South Island! =3
banana in pajamas ;O

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Re: [CNZcon] ~HUGE~ NZ Cosplay Weekend Event
Post By Suixelo. 22/05/08, 03:28 pm

Quote :
Assuming we're aiming for late 2009/2010
I will actually cry if we decide to do it in 2010.

Um all those suggestions are win! We should try and fit in as much as possible and make people jealous they don't live in New Zealand XP

We should do both group events and all inclusive events, so have tutorials and talks and fandom specifics etc but also some events that every single person would want to be involved in.

We should make mini movies and music videos/lip syncs! In-character talent quest could be quite funny. And a lot of photoshoots.
Mini games! I'm always up for dancing, although I'm bad at freestyle lol, so what about something like a dance quest? A song is picked at random for each group, and you have to come up with 3 counts of 8 within a time limit. Teamwork galore.

Another silly idea... Everyone has to bring along something from the dress up area of the $2 shop, and they're all put together, secrecy attempted. Everyone has 30 seconds or something to find a prop for their costume. Prizes are awarded for the best choice for character, the funniest choice, most inventive way to use a prop etc And then we have photos =D

We'd also have to think up prizes that would be inexpensive/free.. something like art commissions?

My mum does a lot of graphic design work, so I could do editing/photoshop talks/tutorials if anyones keen? I know there would only be a few laptops here and there, but I have books I could photocopy and things I could print off. She's thinking of starting photoshop/Digital scrapbooking classes anyway, so I could get a sample class together for you guys perhaps.
You could have a play around on CS3 on my laptop, just don't drool on the keyboard XD
And maybe marry that to a photography talk/tutorial session if anyone is keen to take that up?

It depends what is involves, as far as money goes. As much as I can spare, and right now I have no clue how much that will be.

Number of posts : 3569
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Location : Birkenhead - Auckland
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Registration date : 2008-03-25

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Re: [CNZcon] ~HUGE~ NZ Cosplay Weekend Event
Post By Guest. 23/05/08, 11:08 am

Gotmemorised has brought up an important point: Location location location?

Where do we want it? Off the top of my head the issues are thus:

Probably a higher proportion of us live in spitting distance of Auckland
Auckland is MUCH MUCH more expensive then... well, anywhere.
Auckland has attractions
I hate Auckland weather. It rains practially every day, all year round :-P

Wellington/Central/Lower North Island
Cheaper than Auckland
Central to the country: probably less average travel distance overall.
Has less fun stuff, but still lots of fun stuff.
Weather is either completely terrible or pretty nice.

South Island somewhere
Cheaper than Wellington or Auckland (except Queenstown...)
Travel issues: especially if we go for camping grounds then the north islanders will have to lug stuff over the interislander (whereas there are less South Islanders to do the reverse.
Cold! But I don't know anything about the weather other than its cold.

So it really comes down to which location we think is best for everyone. If we decide the attractions in Auckland are actually important, then Auckland might get a better rating. But if we decide that they aren't important, the cost of being in Auckland is slightly prohibitive. Should we maybe have a poll?


Obviously some of this doesn't apply, we're aiming for something different than what these people are, and the legalese is all different too.


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Re: [CNZcon] ~HUGE~ NZ Cosplay Weekend Event
Post By Duckeh. 23/05/08, 11:35 am

I read it all. But my head hurts... AGAIN?

Well since South Island was having SCP we were gonna have it up here?
Teh weather isn't that bad O_o
I think Auckland is best, I'm not biased at all... I don't care if I have to go without eating to get to where ever it's held. But for the first one? Auckland... It just gives us more to do && options, we won't have it sorted on the first weekend so impromptu back ups are good.

Thanks jpwise~ Gah. Banks still try to confuse me ;D

Yes. We were thinking of having a huge shared dinner for the award/talent quest/skit night thing.

As for food in general it'll be easy enough to order pizza or whatever with whoever your sharing a room with or anyone else who's around~ xDDD
I havn't thought too much on food yet~ sorry guys! >.<

Also we were going to add $5ish to the entrance/hotel fee && use that to buy prizes.

I've heard cosplay judges arn't allowed to say how to improve costumes && such && have to be very careful about what they suggest? O_o
I dunno... But It's still worth inviting them along && seeing what they can do. Maybe it'll be fun for them too? xD

Yup it most definately will be next year I think.
Well that's what Angie & I were thinking.
GOD of all things EPIC

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Re: [CNZcon] ~HUGE~ NZ Cosplay Weekend Event
Post By Suixelo. 23/05/08, 11:54 am

Quote :
It rains practially every day, all year round :-P
LIES. lol unless my weather an hour north is different XD

Is Auckland really more expensive? Never knew that haha. I'm not very well traveled in the country, obviously.

But I agree with Auckland, it is the biggest city after all.

Number of posts : 3569
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Registration date : 2008-03-25

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