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Transformers 2!

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Re: Transformers 2!
Post By Guest. 28/06/09, 06:19 pm

Zorlich wrote:

Oh original Transformers wasn't actually Japanese Razz
It was 100% American, an Anime wouldn't have had so many mistakes in it.

When the Japanese did take over though, they focused too much on the transformation of each character, rather than just plain old laserfire for 20 minutes.

O_o O RLY ?

Guess it's not too bad then ^___^

Going to wait to the movie goes on DVD though, somebody said that the action in the movie moves really quickly..?


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Re: Transformers 2!
Post By Guest. 29/06/09, 02:48 am

I'll always support Michael Bay because he revived and escalated Transformers popularity to ultimate coolness. :cool: So I say BRING ON T3!!


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Re: Transformers 2!
Post By Doughtnut_Bandit. 29/06/09, 01:14 pm

Cloud Strife wrote:
Doughtnut_Bandit wrote:
Why is it that everyone I know who likes this film is waaaay younger than me?

.. They didn't grow up on the original anime cartoon during Saturday Mornings..

..They have no childhood memories of the original Transformers..

Yeah, I'm going to go with that one.
Yellow Camaro

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Re: Transformers 2!
Post By CMKMStephens. 29/06/09, 01:29 pm

The overwhelming majority of critics couldn't give a damn about the original series, and they hate it. And they're x3 our age. Rather than 'no memories of original transformers' it's more of a young and stupid thing.

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Re: Transformers 2!
Post By Guest. 30/06/09, 04:27 am

CMKMStephens wrote:
The overwhelming majority of critics couldn't give a damn about the original series, and they hate it. And they're x3 our age. Rather than 'no memories of original transformers' it's more of a young and stupid thing.

That may be true but critics have also raved about movies such as Chicago and Master in Commander before, which is ridiculous because they were horrific movies, so dont always take their word. They are very biased.
Moreover, I have seen the originals and this is a good compressed, rendition of series.


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Re: Transformers 2!
Post By CMKMStephens. 30/06/09, 05:57 am

animemay wrote:
CMKMStephens wrote:
The overwhelming majority of critics couldn't give a damn about the original series, and they hate it. And they're x3 our age. Rather than 'no memories of original transformers' it's more of a young and stupid thing.

That may be true but critics have also raved about movies such as Chicago and Master in Commander before, which is ridiculous because they were horrific movies, so dont always take their word. They are very biased.
Moreover, I have seen the originals and this is a good compressed, rendition of series.

Unfortunately I don't think that the secret international critic conspiracy (otherwise known as 'they') has much bearing. Even Michael Bay fans thought it was stupid:

I'm not taking their word for it, I've seen the movie, thought it was super-dumb, and found the critics generally agree. Even if you award the movie 5/5 for CGI, the fact it gets no points for plot, maybe one point for characterisation (yay Jetfire), and one point for humour, that's a very a very low score.

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Re: Transformers 2!
Post By Guest. 30/06/09, 08:19 am

Well, if you try and focus on the negatives, obviously you'll score it very low. But if I had to slam everything that was wrong with Dark Night then, yes it would get the same review.

But meh, who cares, even though I feel the reviews are highly over-exaggerated, for those of you who havent seen the movie, go in with low expectations because you'll soon realise how wrong they were.


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Re: Transformers 2!
Post By CMKMStephens. 30/06/09, 08:47 am

animemay wrote:
for those of you who havent seen the movie, go in with low expectations because you'll soon realise how wrong they were.

I went in with high expectations of an action movie (divorced from any sort of nostalgia, because I know Michael Bay doesn't give a damn). And I was thoroughly dissapointed. Doughnut_Bandit went in with low expectations and Michael Bay managed to give him something even lower.

I can't really see the analogy with the Dark Knight though. Christian Bale's hammy sandpaper Batman voice is thoroughly outweighed by Heath Ledgers performance. In the Dark Knight the negatives are steamrolled by the positives, same for the latest Star Trek, Star Trek was an excellent example of how to successfully blend nostalgia and newness. In Revenge of the Fallen the positives are steamrolled by the negatives.

I was telling one of my work colleagues, similar age as me what I thought of it, and he gave me the 'I'll go in and enjoy it for what it is, a big dumb action movie' talk (which is of course, what I attempted to do in the first place). The following day he was like ' were right. I can't stop thinking about how stupid it was'.

If the quality had been as consistant as the opening Shanghai scene in how the action flowed it would have been a very good action movie.

Michael Bay has the pyrotechnic skills to make action movies. He has huge military connections that can get him his own private armies on film. He also has huge international connections, filming at the Pyramids and at Petra just doesn't happen for anyone. The problem is that they let him direct the entire movie. The scriptwriters for Revenge of the Fallen were the same for J.J.Abram's Star Trek (Alex Kurtzman, Roberto Orci). That movie is critically acclaimed. The weak link is Michael Bay as sole director.

Last edited by CMKMStephens on 30/06/09, 08:55 am; edited 1 time in total

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Re: Transformers 2!
Post By Willuknight. 30/06/09, 08:50 am

Well, the plot sucked arrrssse, so did the characterization and the pacing of the story.

Everything else was mostly ok. I was satisfied with the awesome robot scenes.

Sure, I wish they had actually bothered to make a plausible story line, and pace things properly, but ultimatily i'm far to used to hollywood churning out movies that have absolutely no merits, so rather then get justifieably outrages that this movie is so bad in terms of plot, I'm resigned to just enjoy what I can from it.

watch the individual scenes and try not to question the movie too much, it does suck but it has shiney robots.

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Re: Transformers 2!
Post By Willuknight. 30/06/09, 08:52 am

the whole shanghai thing was stupid. There is no point in humans being involved in giant robot battles. Get a tank, but if all you got is a bazooka, run for the hills

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Re: Transformers 2!
Post By CMKMStephens. 30/06/09, 08:59 am

Willuknight wrote:
the whole shanghai thing was stupid. There is no point in humans being involved in giant robot battles. Get a tank, but if all you got is a bazooka, run for the hills

The humans taking down most of the Decepticons in the first movie probably pissed me off more than anything.

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Re: Transformers 2!
Post By Guest. 30/06/09, 09:35 am

CMKMStephens wrote:
animemay wrote:
for those of you who havent seen the movie, go in with low expectations because you'll soon realise how wrong they were.

I went in with high expectations of an action movie (divorced from any sort of nostalgia, because I know Michael Bay doesn't give a damn). And I was thoroughly dissapointed. Doughnut_Bandit went in with low expectations and Michael Bay managed to give him something even lower.

I can't really see the analogy with the Dark Knight though. Christian Bale's hammy sandpaper Batman voice is thoroughly outweighed by Heath Ledgers performance. In the Dark Knight the negatives are steamrolled by the positives, same for the latest Star Trek, Star Trek was an excellent example of how to successfully blend nostalgia and newness. In Revenge of the Fallen the positives are steamrolled by the negatives.

I was telling one of my work colleagues, similar age as me what I thought of it, and he gave me the 'I'll go in and enjoy it for what it is, a big dumb action movie' talk (which is of course, what I attempted to do in the first place). The following day he was like ' were right. I can't stop thinking about how stupid it was'.

If the quality had been as consistant as the opening Shanghai scene in how the action flowed it would have been a very good action movie.

Michael Bay has the pyrotechnic skills to make action movies. He has huge military connections that can get him his own private armies on film. He also has huge international connections, filming at the Pyramids and at Petra just doesn't happen for anyone. The problem is that they let him direct the entire movie. The scriptwriters for Revenge of the Fallen were the same for J.J.Abram's Star Trek (Alex Kurtzman, Roberto Orci). That movie is critically acclaimed. The weak link is Michael Bay as sole director.

Star Trek was good but as for Dark Knight as much as I want to be generous, it was medicore. The plot was weak and the hype surrounding Heath Ledger's death fuelled ticket sales not the plot.
Heath was just playing "a pretty generic psychotic role in the mantle of the joker."
Senseless killing without proper reasoning doesnt make a good film.
I dont know why people thought Joker's actions were unexpected because they werent. Random stupidity = explosions and dumbass insanity. And dont get me started on Harvey. he was pathetic. If he was raged with fury he would've gone after Joker regardless. What a douche. coocoo

Transformers is about robots fighting each other. This was lived up to.


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Re: Transformers 2!
Post By Guest. 30/06/09, 11:48 am

Willuknight wrote:
Well, the plot sucked arrrssse, so did the characterization and the pacing of the story.

Everything else was mostly ok. I was satisfied with the awesome robot scenes.

Sure, I wish they had actually bothered to make a plausible story line.
try not to question the movie too much, it does suck but it has shiney robots.

The movie basically has no storyline ? Usually get pissed off/ angry with movies that are raved about/ get good review scores because they just have flashy CGI. It's just movie- shallow.

Are people forgetting how powerful and dramatic a storyline can be ??

animemay wrote:
he hype surrounding Heath Ledger's death fuelled ticket sales not the plot.
Heath was just playing "a pretty generic psychotic role in the mantle of the joker."
Senseless killing without proper reasoning doesnt make a good film.

Yeah didn't really like The Dark Knight either. Thought that it was over-hyped..
Did like the Batman's new motorbike though, think wanted one for Christmas.. whee


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Re: Transformers 2!
Post By Tamoo. 03/07/09, 05:29 pm

...............Robots are sexy D:

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Re: Transformers 2!
Post By Doughtnut_Bandit. 04/07/09, 11:55 am

animemay wrote:
Transformers is about robots fighting each other. This was lived up to.

Not really, and especially when the camera shakes so much you can't tell what was going on, you got to see the army guys do plenty.

I'm going to ask you all a question: Have any of you seen all the behind the scenes for the first one? If anyone says they weren't basing it off a particular series you are DEAD wrong. G1 was the inspiration and source material for both films and the sad part is the research was done, but then must have been thrown out or forgotten.

Also I do agree the Dark Knight didn't have the best plot, it was ok. But at least it flowed well and the actors did well bringing their characters to life on screen.

With Transformers I think they failed on that front, and one of the main reasons why TF2 fails there is that they never even introduce any of the new characters. They assume with their new unrecognizable designs that you should know. I didn't even know Sideswipe and Sideways were in the movie until the end credits for example.

iwuvanime wrote:
I am both a fan of the originals series and the
movies.....and deep down I have a love for the Transformers:Robots in
Disguise series (the one with Hot Rod and his love of lil red sports

I distinctly remember you telling me you were never into G1, I remember you saying you liked RID and what not.
Yellow Camaro

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Re: Transformers 2!
Post By Guest. 04/07/09, 12:15 pm

I have to agree there: if I had gone in with my brain shut off and just tried to enjoy a film about robots hitting each other....

I STILL would have been disappointed. Unless one of your characters is actually Superman or Neo, you should not need bullet-time to make a fight-scene comprehensible. Even WITH the bullettime, the action scenes were clumsy, too busy and interspersed with too many testicles jokes.
Terrible Action Sequences Spoilers:
OK, so I spose there was plot in there. But only in hindsight, y'know? We know what it means, but apart from #1, people who havn't seen it would not be much enlightened.


Last edited by u_ne_korn on 04/07/09, 12:51 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Re: Transformers 2!
Post By Doughtnut_Bandit. 04/07/09, 12:40 pm

I think that may have needed a spoiler warning ^_^;
Yellow Camaro

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Re: Transformers 2!
Post By Guest. 04/07/09, 12:49 pm

Really? Still? I figured anyone who cared would have seen it by now. Bah, ok.


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Re: Transformers 2!
Post By Doughtnut_Bandit. 04/07/09, 12:56 pm

You never know XD I'm sure people will thank you :3
Yellow Camaro

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Re: Transformers 2!
Post By Zorlich. 04/07/09, 03:31 pm

This thread is so full of hate xD

Nyeh, I still watch G1 repetitively, but I enjoyed the new films too, I'm a special effects junkie at the same time as enjoying a classic plot, and still, there are a lot of loopholes in G1, ask me anything, the series is still lulzy

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Re: Transformers 2!
Post By Freddie. 04/07/09, 03:32 pm

Psssst, what G1?
forum prisoner.

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Re: Transformers 2!
Post By Guest. 04/07/09, 06:44 pm

Tammy wrote:
...............Robots are sexy D:


..Is he in the original cartoon ?

Can't remember..


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Re: Transformers 2!
Post By Tamoo. 05/07/09, 03:26 am



Its not like any of you guys have the money and skills to do a better job. Just either enjoy or not. Who cares? Personally, I got my money's worth. I only paid $9.50 to see it, and it had cost US$200 million to make it.

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Re: Transformers 2!
Post By Rikki-Leigh. 05/07/09, 04:07 am


Was a freaking epic movie.

Why so much hate? It was awesome. And I'm a Transformers purist.


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Re: Transformers 2!
Post By Guest. 05/07/09, 04:15 am

Because if people are spending $200 million dollars on something, it should be good! $200 million dollars could be doing something useful. It could be fixing the New Zealand economy, or feeding a state worth of homeless people in America. Or digging wells for starving children in Africa. Instead its making a crappy action film.

And, actually, with $200 milion dollars I *DO* think I could make a better action film. And don't anyone say anything stupid like "off you go then". Coz we all know no-one is gonna give me $200 million dollars. But I'd make a film the way John Carpenter, or Quentin Tarantino, or even better yet, Paul Voerhoven makes films - with love and affection, and with no cheap uplifting trumpet sections (John Williams did it, get over it!), hoping to enlighten and benefit people who watch the film instead of making a quick buck out of them. Movies you can watch twenty or thirty times because you STILL havn't noticed all the details that were lovingly placed there. And film you can actually have real discussions about, instead of films you start singing other people's theme songs halfway through.

I LOVE action films. And many of the best action films, and especially the best sci-fi action films of the 80's were made on much less money (yes, I'm counting inflation) and are films that I will watch again and again until the DVD wears out and then I'll buy again on whatever format we have when I'm 70 so I can give them to my grandchildren. If I never see Transformers 2 again, then I don't really give a sugar honey iced tea.

And since when did "being critical" count as hate? If you really can't deal with anybody giving guenuine critiques you should probably stay away from the rest of the internet.


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