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Favourite Authors?

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Favourite Authors?
Post By Riven_. 06/01/09, 01:17 pm

It's good to know these things about other people!

Right, mine are:
(why yes, I am adding them as I remember them XP)

Terry Pratchett
Robin Hobb
David Gemmel
Dianna Wynne Jones
J.R.R. Tolkien
Mercedes Lackey
George R. Martin
C.S. Lewis
Tad Williams
Raymond E. Feist
Phillip Pullman
Tamora Pierce
Eoin Colfer
Garth Nix
Douglas Adams

My bookcase at home is very full.

(Remember kiddies! This is not a thread to bash other peoples fav. authors. Go rant in the rants section~)

Last edited by Riven_ on 11/01/09, 03:10 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Re: Favourite Authors?
Post By Doughtnut_Bandit. 06/01/09, 01:25 pm

J.R.R. Tolkien
Raymond E. Fiest

And thats all off the top of my head xD
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Re: Favourite Authors?
Post By Guest. 06/01/09, 01:33 pm

Lolz, @ Bandit - I'm glad you're enjoying your birthday present. Hehe.

Pratchett is a GOD. I got "Nation" for my birthday and wow, if he never writes again WHAT a doozy to go out on.
Fiest I do love - he is I think the best of the "Can't think of anything new so will mess around with Tolkein's material" that most fantasy for the last 50 years has been.
Anne McCaffery used to be my hero, but she got old and stale and her writing devolved dramatically - and then she let her son use her material and we all know how that goes!
I'm stalled half way through King's "Dark Tower" series - don't have the brainspace for it at the moment, but it's pretty awesome.

I read far too much trashy fantasy and sci-fi too.


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Re: Favourite Authors?
Post By Riven_. 06/01/09, 01:36 pm

u_ne_korn wrote:
I got "Nation" for my birthday and wow, if he never writes again WHAT a doozy to go out on.
I got it for christmas~ I'm AMAZED at what that man writes. It takes my breath away every time.
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Re: Favourite Authors?
Post By Guest. 06/01/09, 01:43 pm

Spoiler for "Nation"

Coz the first I didn't like either, but the second I thought was the only real way to end it and still be Terry Pratchett. He doesn't believe in happy endings.


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Re: Favourite Authors?
Post By Riven_. 06/01/09, 01:51 pm

I liked the first but not the second. It was very PTerry, but that doesn't mean I have to like it...

Or he gives happy endings to people who didn't think they wanted them. Ie: Vimes...
(goodness I love Vimes' family. Little Sam is too cute.)
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Re: Favourite Authors?
Post By Guest. 06/01/09, 01:56 pm

Poor Vimes. And Carrot. I have a horrible feeling something is going to happen to Vetinari that's going to NOT result in Carrot becoming king, but it will be a near thing.



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Re: Favourite Authors?
Post By lysistrata. 06/01/09, 01:57 pm

Terry Pratchett (as has been mentioned before, is a bit of a GOD)
Christopher Moore (pratchett fans would love him)
Tom Holt (ditto)
Scott Westerfeld (most imaginative person on earth at present)
Melissa Marr (beautiful language and fairies. Yay!)
Bernard Cornwell (makes history grymm :))
Emma Bull (practically the pioneer of urban fantasy, ergo, my first love)
Seb Hunter (funniest man alive...who also likes metal)
Eleanor Gill (brilliant NZ magic realism author)
Cormac McCarthy (read 'the road'. READ IT)
HP Lovecraft (one of the only horror writers who's actually frightening)
Karuki Murakami (beauty and strangeness)
Colson Whitehead (anyone who can make a literary fantasy out of 'elevator inspectors' is a totally rad dude)

And sooooo many others! Omg, too many to name!

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Re: Favourite Authors?
Post By Shukura. 06/01/09, 03:42 pm

Terry Pratchett is love. TEATIME.
Robin Hobb (although I only really like the Assassin books)
Ed Greenwood
Tom Holt
Terry Brooks
Philip Pullman

Yeah thats all I got at the moment. Razz

Edit: With assitance from Snow I have some more...

Jack London
David Clement Davies
Richard Adams

Yus I like depressing animal stories. Very Happy
Le grande

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Re: Favourite Authors?
Post By Rocky. 06/01/09, 11:26 pm

I'm just running over to my bookcase and typing off a couple.

Patrick Rothfuss
Tamora Pierce
J. K. Rowling
Eoin Colfer
Scott Westerfeld
John Marsden
Jacylyn Moriarty
Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell

Theres probably lots more that I just cant remember...
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Re: Favourite Authors?
Post By Guest. 06/01/09, 11:37 pm

We're all fantasy junkies aren't we :) I shouldn't be as surprised as I am.


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Re: Favourite Authors?
Post By creature124. 07/01/09, 09:05 am

David Eddings, King of Epic Fantasy.
R. A. Salvatore, God of Icewind Dale

Notable mentions:
Robin Hobb
Terry Pratchett
Robert Jordan
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Re: Favourite Authors?
Post By fleyer. 07/01/09, 09:30 am

Philip Pullman
Terry Pratchett
(both mentioned before)
Tamora Pierce

and my favourite <3

Orson Scott Card <333
Sushi ;O

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Re: Favourite Authors?
Post By Guest. 07/01/09, 09:32 am

fleyer wrote:
Philip Pullman
Terry Pratchett
(both mentioned before)
Tamora Pierce

and my favourite <3

Orson Scott Card <333

i agree i love his stories however i hate for what he stands for


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Re: Favourite Authors?
Post By Guest. 07/01/09, 09:38 am

Eddings writing is pretty good, but if you read all of his books they're pretty much all the same. And then he let his wife join in. BLAUGH! "Redemption of Althalus" was fun, but the Elder Gods? *puke* And that murder mystery about the twins - Hello? This is Captain Obvious: you're stealing my bit!


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Re: Favourite Authors?
Post By azeria. 09/01/09, 02:23 pm

Night Watch series by Sergei Lukyanenko = LOVE

& Uglies series by Scott Westerfield is cool too~
Alanna & Keledary series by Tamora Pierce
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Re: Favourite Authors?
Post By Kelchup. 09/01/09, 02:31 pm

Enid Blyton!
Dianne Wynne Jones
Nancy Drew series
Hardy Boys series
Sarah Dessen

There is a lot. I'm a librarian so I rarely have under 20 books out >____<

The book "Spud" is making me gwaffle at the moment

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Re: Favourite Authors?
Post By bekah. 10/01/09, 10:01 am

> Audrey Niffenegger (I don't care that all I've read by her is The Time Traveler's Wife -- that is the most amazing book ever)
> Garth Nix (Old Kingdom Trilogy!! Someone should make a movie of that shizz~~)


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Re: Favourite Authors?
Post By MajorNightside. 10/01/09, 02:04 pm

Tamora Pierce (I can't wait for bloodhound!!)
Timothy Zahn (I love his Dragonback series and his star wars novels Outbound flight and Survivor's Quest)
Michael A Stackpole
Karen Travis, Aaron Allston and that other guy (they wrote the Legacy of the Force)
Thomas Greanias
John Steinbeck

that's from the top of my head
Le grande

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Re: Favourite Authors?
Post By Guest. 10/01/09, 02:25 pm

Well mine are:

John Marsden
Stephen King
David Eddings
Erin Skiffington (Favourite Book)
and the Chick who wrote 'The Lovely Bones'...

There are a few more, but I can't remember them at the moment...



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Re: Favourite Authors?
Post By bekah. 11/01/09, 07:11 am

MajorNightside wrote:
Tamora Pierce (I can't wait for bloodhound!!)
Timothy Zahn (I love his Dragonback series and his star wars novels Outbound flight and Survivor's Quest)
Michael A Stackpole
Karen Travis, Aaron Allston and that other guy (they wrote the Legacy of the Force)
Thomas Greanias
John Steinbeck

that's from the top of my head

Lol, oh yeah. Forgot the Bard. I'm quite a fan when I can be bothered reading |D
And I've another few for my list:
Bob Geldof (who also happens to be my favourite person in the whole world)
Douglas Adams

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Re: Favourite Authors?
Post By Riven_. 11/01/09, 09:51 am

Almost everytime someone adds their fav. authors I realise I've left someone off my list. ><;;;

I read too much~
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Re: Favourite Authors?
Post By MajorNightside. 11/01/09, 02:20 pm

bekah wrote:
MajorNightside wrote:
Tamora Pierce (I can't wait for bloodhound!!)
Timothy Zahn (I love his Dragonback series and his star wars novels Outbound flight and Survivor's Quest)
Michael A Stackpole
Karen Travis, Aaron Allston and that other guy (they wrote the Legacy of the Force)
Thomas Greanias
John Steinbeck

that's from the top of my head

Lol, oh yeah. Forgot the Bard. I'm quite a fan when I can be bothered reading |D
And I've another few for my list:
Bob Geldof (who also happens to be my favourite person in the whole world)
Douglas Adams

i forgot douglas adams!! 42!
Le grande

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Re: Favourite Authors?
Post By CMKMStephens. 11/01/09, 02:46 pm

Terry Pratchett
Garth Nix
Robert Jordan (died recently)
Orson Scott Card
Philip Pullman
Herodotus (extremely dead)
Frank Herbert (dead)
Robin Hobb
Stephen Donaldson
Tad Williams
Kim Stanley Robinson

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Re: Favourite Authors?
Post By Guest. 12/01/09, 02:48 am

CMKMStephens wrote:

Robert Jordan (died recently)

With his epic uncompleted! The Bastard! I totally called that at like Book 10. I just KNEW he was going to die before he finished Wheel of Time, and that, combined with Rand turning into the biggest Mary Sue since Luke Skywalker, meant I just couldn't be bothered caring anymore. And now he has and HAH! WHY did he waste time writing prequels!?!?


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