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Curves for men

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Curves for men
Post By Bridget. 03/11/08, 02:10 pm

ok bridget isnt really crossplay but how do i get curves for him cos he has curves......and im man shaped unfortunatly

Number of posts : 323
Age : 32
Location : Bounty hunting
Transforms into : Something more womanly :3
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Registration date : 2008-05-01

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Re: Curves for men
Post By Static. 03/11/08, 02:51 pm

easiest way is padding, slightly more difficult way is corsetry. For measurements, take your waist measurement and add ten inches for bust and hips (eg. 36/26/36). That will give you an hourglass-type figure (and, apparently, a perfect one!). Try bulking up a tshirt with stuffing (and do use actual stuffing, it's heaps lighter than anything else) and taping it in. Lo-tech, but effective! If you hav somebody handy who'll lend you a bra, use that for boobage in the tshirt, or your titties will look fake.

Number of posts : 3584
Age : 36
Location : Wellington
Transforms into : HULKSMASH
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Registration date : 2008-05-21

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Re: Curves for men
Post By Bridget. 04/11/08, 10:22 am

Bridget doesnt have boobs, hes a guy but still has a womenly figure so i dont need to worry about fake boobs. I might go with corsets lol, they sound like fun thank you

Number of posts : 323
Age : 32
Location : Bounty hunting
Transforms into : Something more womanly :3
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Registration date : 2008-05-01

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Re: Curves for men
Post By Static. 04/11/08, 10:38 am

lolz well in that case, would you like to borrow one? I have a steel-boned corset I got off trademe, which tightlaces rather well. Interested?

..also, I totally forgot Bridget was really a dude. Shame, man...

EDIT: HOLY CATS BATMAN! You're doing Snake! Shotgun Eva! XD~

Number of posts : 3584
Age : 36
Location : Wellington
Transforms into : HULKSMASH
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-05-21

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Re: Curves for men
Post By Bridget. 05/11/08, 02:23 pm

Im doing solid though not big boss, but you can if you want, also can i borrow it..... plz and thank you ^^ your like so cool

Number of posts : 323
Age : 32
Location : Bounty hunting
Transforms into : Something more womanly :3
Gender : Undisclosed
Registration date : 2008-05-01

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Re: Curves for men
Post By Static. 06/11/08, 03:08 am

yes, I know XD no worries man, I'll bring it with me on the day of the comp. We'll arrange drop off details closer to the time.

Number of posts : 3584
Age : 36
Location : Wellington
Transforms into : HULKSMASH
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-05-21

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Re: Curves for men
Post By Bridget. 07/11/08, 09:00 am

oh, um i live in CHCH lol, dw about it ill buy one myself, thanks for the offer and ide though

Number of posts : 323
Age : 32
Location : Bounty hunting
Transforms into : Something more womanly :3
Gender : Undisclosed
Registration date : 2008-05-01

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Re: Curves for men
Post By mightydelemma. 06/01/09, 01:33 am

a girdle or something would be good. just get the differentiation between waist and chest and hip and you'll look girly, be careful though boys bones aren't as flexy as girls so don't squish to much or you'll hurt yourslef

Number of posts : 212
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Registration date : 2008-12-27

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Re: Curves for men
Post By Frangipani. 12/01/09, 03:53 am

What you should do, is stuffing + Corset.

Just wrap yourself in, like, dacron, and then use the corset to shape it. It'd be a lot more comfortable, and wouldn't risk damage to your internal organ.

And that way you can actually get curves the way you want them, rather than just wearing a corset with minimal results.

Very Happy

I have a corset I could send you, and just get it back at the end of 'Geddon? It'd save you buying one, because they can be expensive if you want one that laces up nicely.
seXAH <3

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Registration date : 2008-07-22

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