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final fantasy xiii mafia [n3]

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Re: final fantasy xiii mafia [n3]
Post By Phlaming Phoenix-. 15/05/11, 11:20 am

Oh my Giddy Aunt.

Yes MM, yes we do.
Phlaming Phoenix-
Phlaming Phoenix-

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Re: final fantasy xiii mafia [n3]
Post By Admin. 15/05/11, 11:22 am

Hm. ._. Indeed.

I suppose Serah might not be in play? :/ She is, you know, a crystal for pretty much the whole game.

But she is kinda important.

I dunno. ._.
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Re: final fantasy xiii mafia [n3]
Post By Phlaming Phoenix-. 15/05/11, 11:29 am

I am completely theme illiterate,

But I have found when I have designed games in the past, it is difficult to encompass a whole game/series/book etc into one game. So sometimes it is easy and logical to take a snapshot and take the characters from that. Most logical is to take this from the beginning. And from what is said earlier, team NORA is in the beginning of the game? And this Serah person is a rock?
I may be completely wrong, but that is one way the character choices could be rationalised.

Also, sorry MM for being rude ><
Phlaming Phoenix-
Phlaming Phoenix-

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Re: final fantasy xiii mafia [n3]
Post By commandercandyfloss. 15/05/11, 11:52 am

[quote='Phlaming Phoenix-']My eyes are now on Rengen. She hadn't really struck an off note on me until just then when I read back over some of the thread, and considering what we have learned since those posts.
I now see someone who is acting a little jumpier than usual, and a little more aggressive than I am used to from her.[/quote]

...I'm not aggressive when playing now? Sheesh, when was the last time you played with me? xD

[quote='Admin']There has been a lot of suspicion on her through the game that has never really been lifted. [/quote]

It's day one. There's not much that /can/ lift suspicion.
banana in pajamas ;O

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Re: final fantasy xiii mafia [n3]
Post By commandercandyfloss. 15/05/11, 11:53 am

I CAN'T CODE TO SAVE MY LIFE. That is embarrassing.
banana in pajamas ;O

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Re: final fantasy xiii mafia [n3]
Post By Phlaming Phoenix-. 15/05/11, 12:53 pm

Its not being aggressive in your words that I see, because you are quite polite in general,
It is more in the pursuit of people. For example whenever you remove a lynch vote from someone you are immediately putting it onto someone else. While really there is no harm done in one vote, it just shows a little bit of indifference as to who you are lynching.
Remember that everything I am saying is only gleamed by the smallest little thing. It is not a big obvious "OH GOD LETS JUST KILL SOMEONE ALREADY" type aggressiveness. It is very small, however it is enough for me to go on as of now. And apparently I am not the only one. Curious to hear what others think :)
Phlaming Phoenix-
Phlaming Phoenix-

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Re: final fantasy xiii mafia [n3]
Post By commandercandyfloss. 15/05/11, 01:01 pm

Quote :
While really there is no harm done in one vote, it just shows a little bit of indifference as to who you are lynching.

Oh, I always do that haha. The only reason I take votes off on day one is because someone else has caught my eye.

Quote :
It is not a big obvious "OH GOD LETS JUST KILL SOMEONE ALREADY" type aggressiveness.

Tbph I am kind of like "OH GOD LET'S KILL SOMEONE" on day one every time. I hate day one and like getting it over with asap so we can get some real info to go off.
banana in pajamas ;O

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Re: final fantasy xiii mafia [n3]
Post By RainbowMoonDust. 15/05/11, 02:20 pm

Quote :
Admin wrote:

So those are probably the utmost important characters who kinda have to be in the game, leaving space for 2 minor characters.

So why do we have 3 people claiming Team Nora/minor members?

This ^^ ORZ

Quote :
Hm. ._. Indeed.

I suppose Serah might not be in play? :/ She is, you know, a crystal for pretty much the whole game.

But she is kinda important.

I dunno. ._.

I was also wondering one of said 3 people is trying to hint they might be Serah, if she is as important as Alex says then it's likely that she is in the game. :think: I suspect that one of the 3 people hinting at being Team Nora could quite possibly be Scum but I am not certain and as for who, I have no idea as this is more than a little confusing. Just my thoughts on the matter.
fraggle rock

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Re: final fantasy xiii mafia [n3]
Post By Lumissne. 15/05/11, 02:29 pm

Okay, this a post to say that I am going to try and make a decent post tomorrow, but right now I have been overwhelmed by homework & school production lD;

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Re: final fantasy xiii mafia [n3]
Post By Selphiroth. 15/05/11, 07:01 pm

Except that Serah wasn't a crystal at the time of the train collision and NORA's presence. She turned into a crystal soon after that.

I would be high surprised if she's not in the game.

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Re: final fantasy xiii mafia [n3]
Post By creature124. 16/05/11, 05:16 am

I'm not really sure what I think here. But a lot of people have claimed, far more than is healthy on day one. It needs to end. Vote: XOrengenOX
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Re: final fantasy xiii mafia [n3]
Post By RainbowMoonDust. 16/05/11, 09:57 am

Quote :
It is not a big obvious "OH GOD LETS JUST KILL SOMEONE ALREADY" type aggressiveness.

Tbph I am kind of like "OH GOD LET'S KILL SOMEONE" on day one every time. I hate day one and like getting it over with asap so we can get some real info to go off.

So in other words you are being passive/aggressive about it? That's what it looks like to me and it seems a bit out of character for you, there's something off about you.

Vote: XOrengenOX

I too am sick of all the character claiming/hinting going on here, day one has been going on for over a week now, it needs to end. stare
fraggle rock

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Re: final fantasy xiii mafia [n3]
Post By Guest. 16/05/11, 03:12 pm

RainbowMoonDust [1/7] — Peterofl
Peterofl [2/7] — Selphiroth, Zeorymer
XOrengenOX [5/7] — P-Layton, Phlaming Phoenix-, Admin, creature124, RainbowMoonDust

not voting
Madam Madhatter

day ends at 10.30 this friday. well bye


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Re: final fantasy xiii mafia [n3]
Post By Madam Madhatter. 16/05/11, 03:42 pm

I am undesided on the team NORA side of things.

On one hand if one is in the game it makes sense to add them all.

However the numbers seem off and I would have thought that if Serah wasn't here then sweet georgia brown would have been her rather than nora estheim. Since she seems to be a main reason why the group band together.

I hate being theme illiterate it makes judging things difficult.

XOrengenOX's case is tricky as well. I have read through the entire thread to try and pin exactually what is wrong. It's not just one or two comments, really she seems to be all over the place. I can't really remember her play style being so messy, but it has been a while.
I don't know if she just pulled a Peter, or has something she wants to hide.
I haven't desided where I stand just yet, I will deside in the morning when my head stops throbing.

Things noticed while reading through:
Selphiroth is there a reason you still have a vote on Peterofl or is it just lazyness?

Anyone know why Zeorymer hasn't posted since thursday?
Madam Madhatter
Madam Madhatter

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Re: final fantasy xiii mafia [n3]
Post By Zeorymer. 16/05/11, 03:51 pm

Madam Madhatter wrote:
Anyone know why Zeorymer hasn't posted since thursday?

That's because I've got several essays due. Soon. (One is late now D:) Is that bad?
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Re: final fantasy xiii mafia [n3]
Post By Madam Madhatter. 16/05/11, 03:55 pm

Fair enough, you just didn't say anything in thread so I wondered about it
Madam Madhatter
Madam Madhatter

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Re: final fantasy xiii mafia [n3]
Post By Peterofl. 16/05/11, 03:57 pm

Sorry about my lack of posting. I'm sure you're all enjoying it though~

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Re: final fantasy xiii mafia [n3]
Post By Phlaming Phoenix-. 16/05/11, 04:01 pm

I am having second thoughts on the rengen thing.
But I am not going to say more on it just yet.

Peyer, since you are already outed as Cop, before the day ends could you please tell us who you are going to target? so that if you should die in the night we still get some information?

Thanks :)
Phlaming Phoenix-
Phlaming Phoenix-

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Re: final fantasy xiii mafia [n3]
Post By Peterofl. 16/05/11, 04:02 pm

Unvote RMD, Vote PP

'nuff said, I think.

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Re: final fantasy xiii mafia [n3]
Post By Phlaming Phoenix-. 16/05/11, 04:37 pm

Don't particularly think that was called for.
We don't know if there is a doctor, as it is a very simple set up, your life and therefore your information is not assured.
Phlaming Phoenix-
Phlaming Phoenix-

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Re: final fantasy xiii mafia [n3]
Post By creature124. 16/05/11, 11:42 pm

Phlaming Phoenix- wrote:
I am having second thoughts on the rengen thing.
But I am not going to say more on it just yet.

Peyer, since you are already outed as Cop, before the day ends could you please tell us who you are going to target? so that if you should die in the night we still get some information?

Thanks :)

lol, this is such a bad idea. It has been established that this is such a bad idea. You are either being doubleplusgood at this game (/sarcasm), or are scum. Unvote: XOrengenOX Vote: Phlaming Phoenix-

If any of you are unaware of why this is such a bad idea, speak up. I can't quite remember what game it was.....Hamtaro mafia, I think. Yeah.
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Re: final fantasy xiii mafia [n3]
Post By Zeorymer. 17/05/11, 03:12 am

I am unaware of why this is bad, or at the least need the logic pointed out to me. I did not play Hamtaro.
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Re: final fantasy xiii mafia [n3]
Post By Phlaming Phoenix-. 17/05/11, 04:14 am

I can see absolutely no reason why this is a bad idea.
The votes on me are uncalled for and also illogical due to previous posts.

If Peyer had not already claimed of course I would not ask this. We are already significantly in the red with him having claimed on day one, I would like to cut our losses as much as possible and see if we can actually gain something from this silly situation we have gotten ourselves into.
Phlaming Phoenix-
Phlaming Phoenix-

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Re: final fantasy xiii mafia [n3]
Post By Admin. 17/05/11, 06:32 am

Tbh, I don't see how it's a bad idea either...? It's only a bad idea if there's a busdriver, and you said yourself Greg, that as sgb has said this is a simple set-up, it's likely only mafia + cop or doc + vanillas.
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Re: final fantasy xiii mafia [n3]
Post By RainbowMoonDust. 17/05/11, 07:30 am

Quote :
Phlaming Phoenix- wrote:
I am having second thoughts on the rengen thing.
But I am not going to say more on it just yet.

Peyer, since you are already outed as Cop, before the day ends could you please tell us who you are going to target? so that if you should die in the night we still get some information?

Thanks :)

@PP: I don't quite understand what you mean by this, I mean if Peter dies his NA should still go through (Unless he's roleblocked or something and with a simple set up like this I doubt we have a roleblocker anyway) and the information will be in the NS anyway. If he does live (Assuming we have a Doctor, I hope so) we will get the information regardless so I don't see why he should tell us who he is going to target. I think it's a bad idea too as it allows Scum to attempt to sway Peter's choice in their favour. (Ie: To a Townie or the GF). Even if Peter does live and is able to tell us who he targeted, we all know from experience that Cop results are not always 100% percent reliable. In my opinion, it's never a good idea for Town to discuss who they are going to target in the night because Scum can see it too and act accordingly.

Somebody please tell me why this is a good idea because I just can't see how it is. (Didn't play Hamtaro either).
fraggle rock

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