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sorry if I spell like an American

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Re: sorry if I spell like an American
Post By kisbe. 13/07/10, 02:39 am

Duckeh wrote:

I remember you! <3 I did matsumoto with balloons. orz I STILL CLAIM IT WAS HILARIOUS. And Ritsuka with pink wig/red costume. We talked for awhile, I think? But I dunno, I only remember you because you were badass. 8D

Hahaha, I totally remember you! Your Ritsuka was excellent. I'll definitely check out DO, hope to see you there!

IcyRose wrote:
I remember meeting you back then, you were awesome to hang out with.
It's nice to hear you're back in NZ for a while. Would be cool to see
you in later events.

Hey man, I remember you too! I didn't know what Code Geass was at the time, but you were an amazing Zero (pizza box and all). Hope to see you around!

Rocky wrote:
And, I just wanted to say, you inspired me to keep cosplaying after that day because you were so awesome.
Thank you. So. Much.

Wow! I have no idea what to say to this, but I'm really glad I could inspire you in such a way. Please come and say hi to me if you see me at any cosplay events because I'd love to talk to you (though you may not recognize me without the mask, haha)!

Thanks to everyone else for the nice comments~ I'm really glad to see there are some DOGS lovers here, as it's a pretty obscure series. I really hope I get to meet all of you at DO and Auckgeddon (hnnnngh you're all making me want to cosplay again).

Number of posts : 15
Age : 35
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Registration date : 2010-07-12

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Re: sorry if I spell like an American
Post By Phlaming Phoenix-. 13/07/10, 02:54 am

Welcome to CNZ fellow American Very Happy
Enjoy yourself here :)
Phlaming Phoenix-
Phlaming Phoenix-

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Re: sorry if I spell like an American
Post By Rolly. 13/07/10, 04:38 am

Wow, whee! Yay, another to the family~ I haven't met you before, but please do enjoy yourself! I'll be at DO and ACB. ;D
forum prisoner.

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Re: sorry if I spell like an American
Post By Guest. 13/07/10, 12:43 pm

Welcome. 8D

Don't let what they say about the 13 year olds trick you, we're completely harmless... Or atleast I am.


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Re: sorry if I spell like an American
Post By Guest. 13/07/10, 01:11 pm

Welcome to CNZ!!


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Re: sorry if I spell like an American
Post By riiche-. 13/07/10, 03:00 pm

Welcome to CNZ!
Your coscom is awesome >D

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Re: sorry if I spell like an American
Post By CheiraLeena. 13/07/10, 03:20 pm

Even...Even Sanji from One Piece?!

I'm definitely in the fan club.

Le grande

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Re: sorry if I spell like an American
Post By jpwise. 14/07/10, 06:35 am

Welcome! - I remember you aswell. :)


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Re: sorry if I spell like an American
Post By Static. 14/07/10, 06:37 am

Welcome to CNZ! I look forward to taking your picture at DO/geddon/whenever, and I mean that in a totally non creepy way Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

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Re: sorry if I spell like an American
Post By Admin. 14/07/10, 08:04 am

^she actually means it in the most creepy way possible. 8|

And welcome to CNZ! 8D
Winner of the Golden Gun Award

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Re: sorry if I spell like an American
Post By Static. 14/07/10, 12:43 pm

^I didn't troll through the Vault of Souls and post pics of her. Razz

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Re: sorry if I spell like an American
Post By Hewajima Shizuo. 14/07/10, 05:00 pm

Hey there whatever you do stay away from the 13 year olds... they trick you into believing their harmless... then devour your soul!!!
Seems you just got 50 or so fangirls and 51 mates for life! XD And you play TF2!! that makes it 52 mates for life... XD If you want, face me... if you can... sorry if I spell like an American - Page 2 48404
Hewajima Shizuo
Hewajima Shizuo

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Registration date : 2010-06-07

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Re: sorry if I spell like an American
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