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Re: Skimmmmpy~
Post By Guest. 28/05/10, 04:14 am

That was fun. If you're going to do a skimpy cosplay. Do it with friends!


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Re: Skimmmmpy~
Post By Pura. 28/05/10, 05:09 am

I made my Lenalee skirt longer 8D. Otherwise I think I'd be showing ass. I just have short legs, haha.
Optimus Prime

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Re: Skimmmmpy~
Post By Anaria Zar-Rel. 28/05/10, 06:54 am

I did Slave Leia at Armageddon 08 - I haven't had the nerve to wear it again. I was so nervous, and got harrassed by a guy working for the Aotea Centre sad It was a costume I have wanted to do for years, but I'm not sure I'd ever wear it at a NZ con again. I'm a mum, wearing something like that after pregnancy was a fairly brave thing to do.

Anaria Zar-Rel
Anaria Zar-Rel

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Re: Skimmmmpy~
Post By Tails. 28/05/10, 07:08 am

Pura wrote:
I made my Lenalee skirt longer 8D. Otherwise I think I'd be showing ass. I just have short legs, haha.

I've seen a girl do a Sailor Moon cosplay to accuracy, & her butt was showing. She got praise for it on the interwebs, but I wonder how people reacted in person~

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Re: Skimmmmpy~
Post By Kitten Slave. 28/05/10, 07:16 am

I suspect that praise for that kind of costume might be a tad bit... Biased...

Kitten Slave
Kitten Slave
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Re: Skimmmmpy~
Post By acidpinkbunny. 28/05/10, 07:25 am

I'm doing my first actually skin-showing cosplays this year too. I'm equally terrified XD I'm planning to bring the pants up on my Gria for the sake of decency but it shouldn't change the look of the outfit too much.

Next year I'm planning to do Mad Moxxi from Borderlands, she pretty much just wears a tailcoat that presents a scarily large amount of cleavage. I'm going to HAVE to modify that because IRL it would be physically impossible to not pop out of. But I love her so much that I'm probably still going to try and make it as accurate as I can.. Eeep.

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Re: Skimmmmpy~
Post By Rikku. 28/05/10, 08:05 am

Welllll...... I cosplay Rikku.... And I enjoy all the stares. ^^ Especially when I went into the mall. Everybody was lookin' at me as I went down the escalator. Ahhhhh good times. ^^

Butyah. I haven't read the posts on this thread. I'ma go do it nao. =O

Hokay! I've caught up, now. ^^

As everybody else has said, go for comfort. It's okay to edit a costume to hide some stuff. xD
It's all about what you're willing to show and what you're not willing to show.
People will give you heaps of praise for being so gutsy.
At ChChGeddon this year, people kept telling my friend I had 'man balls of steel' for cosplaying Rikku.. xD;
So, yeah.
I forgot what my thoughts were.

OVERALL, YOUR comfort is vital! Don't do anything if you're not 100% certain you'll feel comfortable out in public. =D
marshmallow ninja

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Re: Skimmmmpy~
Post By RainbowMoonDust. 28/05/10, 02:03 pm

The skimpiest costume I ever wore was Nelliel Tu Oderschvank from Bleach in the form she has when fighting Nnoitra, basically her outfit just consists of rags, in other words a midriff (And boob!) bearing top and a tiny skirt, both shredded. gonk I lengthened the top so that the underside of boobs wouldn't be showing but aside from that I made both the top and skirt as short as I could for accuracy. nodnod I was self-conscious in this however as I had a burn mark on my stomach at the time and had gained a little weight. But I did it anyway and didn't care what others thought. nodnod

I don't mind wearing short skirts and often my cosplays have these anyway, lol, not so comfortable with the idea of revealing cleavage or midriff though.

I tend to have a bad habit of wearing whatever costume I choose, regardless of whether or not I feel comfortable in it, I also tend to sway towards skimpy cosplays too. I don't know whether this is bravery on my part or just pure recklessness. stare
fraggle rock

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Re: Skimmmmpy~
Post By Tails. 28/05/10, 02:15 pm

acidpinkbunny wrote:
I'm doing my first actually skin-showing cosplays this year too. I'm equally terrified XD I'm planning to bring the pants up on my Gria for the sake of decency but it shouldn't change the look of the outfit too much.

ILY Gria buddy! Skimmmmpy~ - Page 2 3772 We'll eat celery all day? xD

Number of posts : 3004
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Registration date : 2008-10-06

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Re: Skimmmmpy~
Post By acidpinkbunny. 28/05/10, 04:33 pm

Tails wrote:

ILY Gria buddy! Skimmmmpy~ - Page 2 3772 We'll eat celery all day? xD
ILY too! You'll have to celery police me. I'm likely to try and eat chocolate. Mmmmm. I have trouble caring enough what people think of me to not continue enjoying tasty foods XD

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Re: Skimmmmpy~
Post By Tails. 28/05/10, 04:35 pm

^ Sacrifices must be mad-ooooo a burger!

Yeah, I know what you mean! Usually at armageddon I forget to eat anyway~

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Re: Skimmmmpy~
Post By Hannah. 29/05/10, 02:04 pm

One of my cosplays i did at welly geddon was Blackrockshooter miku
i dont even show this much skin on a beach
so it was very daunting
BUT having others in equally revealing outfits helped ^.^ (skimpy cosplay group?)
also find out how to pose so you look your best it helps if you get awesome photos~
good luck!

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Re: Skimmmmpy~
Post By Guest. 29/05/10, 02:05 pm

^Yeah, you made me feel better when I was wearing meiko, I hope I helped you feel better too C:

I remember how we ran to the bathrooms xD


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Re: Skimmmmpy~
Post By azeria. 29/05/10, 02:46 pm

^Because she was wearing less clothes than you? 8D?

lol I was nervous wearing Rin xDDDD Short shorts dnw!
...and then I realised that I would be wearing leg and armwarmers as well, so was basically completely covered up lol.
ACB Queen '10

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Re: Skimmmmpy~
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