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~Death Note~

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Death Note: Who would you support?
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 25% [ 15 ]
~Death Note~ Vote_lcap34%~Death Note~ Vote_rcap
 34% [ 21 ]
Both to a degree
~Death Note~ Vote_lcap16%~Death Note~ Vote_rcap
 16% [ 10 ]
I didn't really think about it...
~Death Note~ Vote_lcap8%~Death Note~ Vote_rcap
 8% [ 5 ]
~Death Note~ Vote_lcap16%~Death Note~ Vote_rcap
 16% [ 10 ]
Total Votes : 61

~Death Note~
Post By Auroa. 25/06/08, 02:06 pm

With the dub being released now, and the live-action remake coming out. Its still new. I think it deserves a topic =P

So whose watched/read it all, whose currently watching/reading, who hasn't yet oO' ?

For those that finished it~
What was your personal opinion about the show, was it overhyped?
How did you find the second arc, and the ending (though mark with spoiler tag)
Who was your favourite character and why?

whose side were you on? XD
who did you think represented justice? Light or L?

For those that are just starting~
how are you finding it?

and the question thats almost always asked, if you found a death note what would you do with it?

Last edited by Aura on 28/06/08, 02:33 am; edited 2 times in total
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Re: ~Death Note~
Post By Lavi_x. 25/06/08, 02:12 pm

All the way, L

Light was cool, but L was awesome.
Didn't like the second arc. Near and Mello seemed too much like L wannabes

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Re: ~Death Note~
Post By fleyer. 25/06/08, 02:20 pm

I would get lotsa sugar if I joined L right?
I've watched and read it didn't exactly like the live action one though.
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Re: ~Death Note~
Post By Pura. 27/06/08, 06:05 pm

Spoilers ahead, can't be bothered shoving in tag. If you haven't finished and don't want to be spoiled, then don't read.

Death Note is now really overrated. It annoys me how many people are like, "If I cosplay Death Note everyone will know who I am and everyone will love me! Expecially if I do L!" It's the same with Final Fantasy too.

I don't like how Light ended up being in the end. All phychotic and stuff. He was cool when he was all innocent though. What's funny is that you never notice him slipping gradually towards insanity until he's suddenly sane again (when he loses his memories).

Oh, and the dub is stupid. It doesn't feel like Death Note.
Optimus Prime

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Re: ~Death Note~
Post By Annabel. 28/06/08, 03:10 am

On the topic of the dub;
Mello's dub voice cracks me up... just thought I'd throw that out there. He sounds like an American Democrat and doesn't seem to hate Near as much as he hates communists.
And Misa sounds like they just picked some random off the street and went, "lol wanna be in an anime?"

The Death Note fandom is pretty annoying. I kind of expected for the fandom to be smart because it's a very intelligent series, but actually everyone's just like, "LOL LIGHT AND L ARE HAVING GAY SEX AWSUM" and it's kind of depressing.
That said
Death Note is so exploitable in the way of slash.

EDIT: Oh, lol, didn't answer any of the questions.
Second arc, yeah, okay, it was still cool. I wasn't one of those randoms who decided to cry and have tantrums just because L wasn't there any more.

I was on L's side, I suppose, but I definitely empathised with Light at times.

If I had a Death Note... hm. I'd probably kill you, Angie! :'D
Kidding... kidding...
...What's your surname by the way?
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Re: ~Death Note~
Post By Guest. 29/06/08, 03:23 am

I'd rather not really support either of them, because I think they're both unjust in their own ways. Knowing me though, I'd most likely align myself with L rather than sitting on the fence, because at least that way I'd be contributing to something, and L's idea of justice is closer to mine than Light's. ^^;

I've taken many a DN character quiz and I get Ryuk every time. Chaotic Neutral-ness ftw~


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Re: ~Death Note~
Post By Guest. 29/06/08, 07:41 am

Aura wrote:

For those that finished it~
What was your personal opinion about the show, was it overhyped?
How did you find the second arc, and the ending (though mark with spoiler tag)
Who was your favourite character and why?

Yes I actually dislike Death Note because it's over-rated and overhyped. Though was fond of it's darkness and dark themes and excellent music, However Light's arrogance was total pain and kept on getting in the way of everything..
The Ending was Pathetic it was like the authour was saying ' I'm bored of this now, I have enough money.'.
Favourite character's would have to be Misa and Mello- Near was pretty cool too....

Aura wrote:

whose side were you on? XD
who did you think represented justice? Light or L?

Neither because they are both wrong, L is wrong because he's a criminal himself if he wants to kill Light- and Light is wrong for believing that he-himself is a almighty God...

I'm Ryuk's side...Being bored all the time is true Justice..xd

Aura wrote:
and the question thats almost always asked, if you found a death note what would you do with it?

Burn it in the fire ASAP


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Re: ~Death Note~
Post By masumaru. 29/06/08, 09:52 am

I finished reading the manga a few days ago (over 100 chapters, whew~) and I thought it had a really good storyline.
I thought L was the shizzzz, he was awesome. Very Happy Very Happy But I did like Light too, so yeah, I was conflicted between those two. XDD
I'm watching the anime now, onto episode 20~~ Haven't watched the movies yet, but I've yet too when I find time. Razz
I saw 10 seconds of the dub and concluded that it was horrible. >___> ((Judgmental, yes I know, but the voices were terrible. O___O))
I wanna cosplay as Misa before my life expectancy ends. X33

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Re: ~Death Note~
Post By Guest. 29/06/08, 02:12 pm

Melanie wrote:

I wanna cosplay as Misa before my life expectancy ends. X33

Yeah Same !! n--n


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Re: ~Death Note~
Post By SockPanda. 29/06/08, 02:23 pm


The dub scared the living crap outta me. It seriously killed most of the characters for me, especially L. But it was funny while it lasted XD

Oh, if I found a Death Note..? Well errrmm... *quietly slips Death Note into drawer and looks in the opposite direction*
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Re: ~Death Note~
Post By Ginger Ninja. 30/06/08, 01:58 am

Hmm I am only about halfway through but I totally support L!!
And cause of that I cant bring myself to watch past halfway.
L is my fav character (duh) he is just smexy.

If I found a DeathNote... hmmm.... I am not actually sure, its an interesting idea though.
Ginger Ninja
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Re: ~Death Note~
Post By Pura. 30/06/08, 02:36 pm

Lawl, I watched the scene where Mello and Near first get introduced xD.

And they are like, 14, right? Why is Mello's voice SO DEEP? o_O
Optimus Prime

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Re: ~Death Note~
Post By Hellagoddess. 01/07/08, 11:48 am

I actually wrote a fair bit about this very concept in My Live journal. I had reviewed a friend's story when she'd asked the same question of her readers and it got blown completely out of proportion. I had people leaving horrific reviews on MY stories and sending me emails and everything.. Here's an excerpt -

**********I recieved two emails from two seperate people about a review that I left for another story (and also now a comment on my livejournal) and it's, while not upsetting, it's somewhat disturbing. (the emails, not the comment, btw)

I don't know really. I didn't mean to offend anybody by it - and from the emails, I was 'quite offensive' (or 'a meglomanical, sociopathic Kira-loving beautiful and wonderful person who needs to be shot before I kill someone out of love for a drawing' (sic)) to one person.

I just...okay, yes I'm a Kira sympathizer. There, it's out there for your reading and judgmental enjoyment. Death Note is a story that is very close to my heart. It deals with a lot of my own personal opinions in a way that sees it from both sides which is very refreshing. I have a great admiration for Raito and what he hoped to attain, even though it was morally wrong. But here is why...

I can see and understand why Raito did what he did. I feel that, yes I would come to a very similar conclusion, had the Deathnote fallen at my feet in today's world. I would aspire to the same ideals as he had, a world free of crime and criminals. True that it would be full of fear instead but history shows us that people live happiest in fear, they are comfortable if there is an element of action/reaction to their lives. People desire order and they need someone to tell them that. I'm not saying that I would be the best person for this. There's no way that I'm that arrogant or full of righteousness either. I'm just saying that I can see why he did it.

However I can also see the horrific serial slaughter of criminally misled people he committed. I can see that the judgment over the world by a single person is wrong and unjust. Certainly there are people that are beyond redemption, even beyond simple guilt of their actions but, while the idea of cleansing these people from the earth entirely is tempting (and still legal in some places for crimes as low as simple theft), I feel that they suffer more remaining here.

I didn't mean for this to turn into a giant thing about my morals or beliefs. I was leaving a review and delved a tiny bit into my thoughts about justice and how I deal with it. I agree that i have somewhat skewed sense of the world, and I know a lot of people will disagree with what I have written here. Feel free to tell me what you agree or disagree with - we're all entitled to our own opinions, but please, there is no need to be abusive and caustic, or threaten me, my family or my personal life over something as trivial as an opinion on an anime.*************

Needless to say, I'd side with Light over this poll, Haha :) I didn't particular care for the second arc and I can see why a lot of people stopped watching/reading before the introduction of Near and Mello. To be honest, while their characters are somewhat well-developed and thought out, given their circumstances, they didn't have the same likability factor as their predecessor. I did however, enjoy Mikami in all his Worshipy Glory. I don't think the series could have ended another way really. I think it would have seriously affected it's popularity even further if it didn't end the way it did (can you see me trying to avoid the use of the spoiler tags here? haha) All in all, I loved the fact that it was a very intellectual anime as opposed to something like Naruto or Bleach that's all about fighting and 'getting stronger'. Though don't get me wrong - I love both those shows, it was just nice to use my brain while watching TV for once Very Happy

Note: Hope I didn't offend anyone in this post :S I have a habit of doing that when I get my Opinion Stick out! Lol!

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Re: ~Death Note~
Post By Auroa. 02/07/08, 01:08 pm

I finally reply... I try to keep my replies short (yes this post is 'short' oO) which means I edit and edit and come back to edit cause I could talk about death note for ages ^^;

um spoilers follow (kinda)...

@ Pura: lmao, well kinda. The very first scene Mello is near 15, but after he's 20-21... so maybe they didn't bother changing his voice for the 10 minutes before the
I really gota find that dub I wanna hear their voices =P

I agree with what you said about being overrated, its kinda sad cause people are more seeing it for the fanservice (wait...I don’t think that’s the word I’m meaning... mainstream? Well whatever...) then for the intelligent series it is... well imo anyway.

I'm glad I picked it up before the hype, its been my most favourite series and I doubt anything would ever take its place.
I loved the character development, the twists Death Note had,
On an unrelated but related note, even in the novel: BB murder case, omg, that ending was the biggest twist in history I swear wtf never expected THAT.
But most of all the story, (what I consider) the grey line between good and evil, who really stood for justice?

Anyway. I really don’t know whose side I’m on… if any.
Okay well at the start I was on Lights side, criminals were getting away because the justice system isn’t that great, even here in real life >>
Then again, what Lights father said was true: “yes laws aren’t perfect… because the people who made them aren’t perfect.”

But the moment when Light tried to kill L in the second episode I was beginning to change my opinion. It was hard cause on one side, L was not a criminal, on the other side, L was trying to stop and kill Light… what other choice did Light have?
Having said that, the only problem I had with Light was the fact he did seem to use the Death Note has entertainment... "I am bored." In the end of that second episode it didn't seem to be a matter of survival, he even said "if you were smarter this could have gotten interesting."

The second arc didn’t feel the same, from the second episode onwards it felt like the series was made as a battle between L and Light. Even though really he was still battling L, through Near and Mello… it still… I don’t know lacked?
People seem to dislike the second arc because of that fact, or lol as Annabel stated “omg L’s not in it WHAA.”

Near, Mello and Matt were raised in the same orphanage under L/Watari, so its not surprising they’d develop their own quirks (Near & toys, Mello & chocolate, Matt & games.)
They’re eccentric genius’s alright ^^

In response to hellagoddess
Wow, some people really take the morality in Death Note to personal levels. Which is kinda hmm ironic since Ohba seems to suggest that s/he never intended the story to be taken in a moral way, rather that it was 'just a story' ... a story of wits, not morals.

But the impact its had on people…
good – some people were inspired to learn about the justice system, even thinking of becoming a lawyer etc
bad – school kids being arrested/expelled for having death notes with classmates and teachers names written inside
and worse – the notes saying “watashi wa kira dess” found next to a body.
Even the huge April fools joke where many sites even a fake CNN had information about ‘mysterious heart-attack deaths of criminals.’

Amazing isn’t it… what one story can do…

Last edited by Aura on 07/07/08, 09:45 am; edited 1 time in total
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Re: ~Death Note~
Post By SockPanda. 02/07/08, 02:14 pm

*On a totally random note* (no pun intended)

My intermediate school had an exchange program with a Japanese school and every second year, students can apply to stay with a host family over the term 3 holidays.

This year, someone has ended up staying for 11 days with the Yagami family XDDDDD
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Re: ~Death Note~
Post By Lavi_x. 02/07/08, 02:34 pm

Would be cooler if they had a son called Raito

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Re: ~Death Note~
Post By SockPanda. 02/07/08, 02:51 pm

Apparently they don't... But you never know XD
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Re: ~Death Note~
Post By Lady Phantomhive. 15/10/08, 05:11 am


Last edited by Lady Phantomhive on 15/10/08, 06:44 am; edited 1 time in total
Lady Phantomhive
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Re: ~Death Note~
Post By jpwise. 15/10/08, 06:36 am

*ahem* there's a spoilers tag there for those kinda posts.

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Re: ~Death Note~
Post By Lady Phantomhive. 15/10/08, 06:43 am

oh gosh sorry i have no idea how to use this T.T

Thanks for telling me =) i'll edit it right away sorry if i spoilt anything for you...
Lady Phantomhive
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Re: ~Death Note~
Post By Auroa. 16/10/08, 02:56 pm

Death Note is something so easily spoiled either by accident or by people on purpose. Someone sent a pm to people on the death note forum (in animesuki) which said what happened in the ending (this was a couple of episodes before it airred) and ruined the end for a lot of people. He got banned though lol.

Anyways wow to the poll, as usual L is in the lead, but Light is pretty close behind. =P
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Re: ~Death Note~
Post By Lady Phantomhive. 17/10/08, 09:18 am

>.< sorry~~ be more careful next time.. yay! go L~!
Lady Phantomhive
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Re: ~Death Note~
Post By Auroa. 17/10/08, 09:25 am

Oh I wasn't talking about you in my post, just in general, besides you already said sorry Very Happy don't worry about it Razz

and... I forgot who I voted for Suspect

also, I wish the games got released here >_>'
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Re: ~Death Note~
Post By masumaru. 17/10/08, 09:30 am

^ Same here, but only if I could read Japanese. T__T
But they'd probably translate it to English anyways.

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Re: ~Death Note~
Post By SockPanda. 17/10/08, 09:32 am

.. I get a dose of Death Note pretty much every day at school... CREEPY TEACHER WHO LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE LIGHT DDDDDDD8
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