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Lending Cosplays... I hate it!

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Lending Cosplays... I hate it!
Post By Campy. 18/04/10, 04:58 pm

So, I recently have had a couple of friends (Good friends at that) ask if they could borrow cosplays / general costumes and/or wigs from me...

I said no,
Felt like a horrible person, but I still said it. I just hate the idea that someone other than me would be wearing the costume I spent SO long on... Eating sticky, drippy foods, brushing up on greasy small children and cars or GOD FORBID stepping on the hems.

Wigs are worse... Not because I put effort into them, but because I know how much I'll have to when I get it back. Am I alone in my scroogeness? Please tell me I'm being totally reasonable!

The one time I lent a cosplay to a friend he got blue paint all over my Jedi robe. GRRRRR.

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Re: Lending Cosplays... I hate it!
Post By azeria. 18/04/10, 05:06 pm

I don't know how I'd feel about lending a cosplay to someone else....It'd just feel weird. I don't lend my clothes to other people either >__>

On the other hand I've lent quite a number of my wigs to others, but they're all been cosplayers so I trust them to look after them n__n
I would be very hesitant lending to 'normals' though as often people don't realise just how much a good quality wig costs.
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Re: Lending Cosplays... I hate it!
Post By sakuramiyabi. 18/04/10, 05:22 pm

I lend my cosplays out but ONLY to people I know who will take good care of them (i.e. fellow cosplayers or normal friends who I know will do their best to keep it clean and in good order_

Same with wigs. Though I would be hesitant to lend out long wigs or I will lecture them on how to take good care of it.

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Re: Lending Cosplays... I hate it!
Post By Pyro. 18/04/10, 05:30 pm

I lend my cosplays out to other cosplayers, but ONLY cosplayers.

No-one else quite understands how to maintain wigs and make sure that delicate pieces of outfits aren't broken... =_=

EDIT: This has been proved by the fact that one time, one of my school 'friends' nabbed a wig off me when I wasn't looking and ruined it. It is now full of dirt and leaves. I don't know quite how she managed that, but manage it she did. -groan-

Last edited by Pyro on 18/04/10, 05:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Re: Lending Cosplays... I hate it!
Post By Tails. 18/04/10, 05:31 pm

I sometimes lend out cosplays to those I trust, but I'm always paranoid until I get them back. Cosplays I don't lend out are my favourites, or ones that are made to my particular shape exactly~

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Re: Lending Cosplays... I hate it!
Post By Kitty of Doom. 18/04/10, 07:54 pm

Pyro wrote:
I lend my cosplays out to other cosplayers, but ONLY cosplayers.

No-one else quite understands how to maintain wigs and make sure that delicate pieces of outfits aren't broken... =_=

EDIT: This has been proved by the fact that one time, one of my school 'friends' nabbed a wig off me when I wasn't looking and ruined it. It is now full of dirt and leaves. I don't know quite how she managed that, but manage it she did. -groan-

Panicked thinking this was me. Then realised that (a) you knew I borrowed the wig and actually handed it to me so couldn't exactly have 'nabbed' it while you weren't looking, (b) though knotted T_T (I tried...), I'm sure there weren't leaves and dirt in the wig as I hardly spent any time in nature with it and besides (c) you wouldn't trust me with anything important. Very Happy So I am going to hope and pray that it wasn't me.
Kitty of Doom
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Re: Lending Cosplays... I hate it!
Post By Mischa. 19/04/10, 01:09 am

I'm happy to lend to friends who are cosplayers but I'm iffy about others. I have some quite odd proportions so my very tailored ones never seem to fit anyone else very well!

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Re: Lending Cosplays... I hate it!
Post By Olli. 19/04/10, 01:50 am

I was put off after I lent my really good wig to someone and it came back completely knotted!
It took most of a day to fix it.

Then my mother lent it to one of her friends who was going to a ABBA themed party......
Needless to say it came back knotty and smelling of alcohol and sweat >_<

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Re: Lending Cosplays... I hate it!
Post By Icarus. 19/04/10, 02:46 am

I don't think there's anything wrong with saying NO on lending cosplays, cause yea, fair enough, LOTS of effort (AND MONEH) is put into these fellas so you'd would be a little protective.

I used to lend them out and it'd be Ok, but this pops up Lending Cosplays... I hate it! ICONATOR_b2193b6c3c8626aab2ebf3a168538539 when people ask to borrow my 'hands off' section (the prettier and more painfully made ones)

and wigs! Sure you can borrow my $20-30 ones... no you can't touch my $90 ones
ACB King '10

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Re: Lending Cosplays... I hate it!
Post By Thornback. 19/04/10, 03:04 am

Depends on the cost and the amount of effort that went into it....


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Re: Lending Cosplays... I hate it!
Post By Guest. 19/04/10, 03:12 am

Pffffbt. You are well within your rights to refuse to lend a costume/ wig without feeling guilty. I don't think I'd lend any of mine out unless they were a) also a cosplayer, and therefore had a reasonable understanding of how to care for costumes/ wigs; and b) someone I knew well enough to discern that they'd take good care of my stuff. C:


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Re: Lending Cosplays... I hate it!
Post By Pura. 19/04/10, 05:24 am

I recently lent a wig to my sister's friend (for a cosplay) and it came back knotted OTL. I don't even want to try detangle it. It's not TOO bad, but still enough for me to cringe.

Short wigs are fine to lend, because they tend to not knot xP.

I've lent my sister a cosplay before, but I trust her not to ruin (but now thinking about it, I think she was fire spinning in it OTL.)

I assume it would depend on how breakable the cosplay is for me.

But everyone has their own opinions - you're well within your right to refuse, especially if they don't know much about cosplay in general and how to look after wigs and stuff.

It's like normal objects - you lend books and stuff to people you trust, and if you think they'll ruin them, then you don't lend them.
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Re: Lending Cosplays... I hate it!
Post By Smeagi. 19/04/10, 07:08 am

Completely justifies, they're like your babies <3
I wouldn't let Sorien out of my sight when I lent him my Kero accessories, he went chasing someone in the rain at the last Welly Cosplay Picnic and in panic went chasing after him so he didn't fall over then get muddy ground water on the pristine white...horror.
Any they were just some accessories I'd run together in a day the previous year...I can't imagine the stress caused by lending proper items o_O

So yes, don't feel like a bad person ~w^<3

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Re: Lending Cosplays... I hate it!
Post By Kurt. 19/04/10, 08:29 am

kagerouhi wrote:
I lend my cosplays out but ONLY to people I know who will take good care of them (i.e. fellow cosplayers or normal friends who I know will do their best to keep it clean and in good order_

Same with wigs. Though I would be hesitant to lend out long wigs or I will lecture them on how to take good care of it.

Speaking of lending cosplays Alena,

............Souseiseki... ;____;

/sneaky reminder

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Re: Lending Cosplays... I hate it!
Post By PIe. 19/04/10, 09:56 am

I'll lend out short wigs to people I trust that aren't cosplayers but if it's a long wig or a simple costume (nobody will be getting their hands on my Grell or Ahiru or even CDcover!China costumes) unless you're a cosplayer or trusted competition dancer (same deal with my dance costumes here) you've got no chance
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Re: Lending Cosplays... I hate it!
Post By Aikome. 19/04/10, 11:56 am

Huuur. I admit, I'm stingy about the wigs. I'd never lend a long one to someone who hasn't worn one before/knows how to care it and is a cosplayer. ;______; There are only some people who can understand the amount of money put into things.

Actual cosplay clothes I wouldn't mind much unless it happened to be an intricate/elaborate or very expensive costume.

/shifts about/ real stingy.

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Re: Lending Cosplays... I hate it!
Post By Minato_mori. 19/04/10, 11:58 am

I borrowed a wig for haku from Sakura petals and thought nothing of it
as i needed to put it in a bun and was allowed to.. unfortunately it made it
cling together and unbrushable&stuff ^^;; now that i actually own wigs i understand.
*ling curly wig, spray, brush, twirl in itself, pack.*
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Re: Lending Cosplays... I hate it!
Post By Pyro. 19/04/10, 12:07 pm

Kitty of Doom wrote:
Pyro wrote:
I lend my cosplays out to other cosplayers, but ONLY cosplayers.

No-one else quite understands how to maintain wigs and make sure that delicate pieces of outfits aren't broken... =_=

EDIT: This has been proved by the fact that one time, one of my school 'friends' nabbed a wig off me when I wasn't looking and ruined it. It is now full of dirt and leaves. I don't know quite how she managed that, but manage it she did. -groan-

Panicked thinking this was me. Then realised that (a) you knew I borrowed the wig and actually handed it to me so couldn't exactly have 'nabbed' it while you weren't looking, (b) though knotted T_T (I tried...), I'm sure there weren't leaves and dirt in the wig as I hardly spent any time in nature with it and besides (c) you wouldn't trust me with anything important. Very Happy So I am going to hope and pray that it wasn't me.

It wasn't you, it was Madds Ashton-Martyn, who you may or may not know (she's in my year).

Luckily, it was a crappy wig, but still...
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Re: Lending Cosplays... I hate it!
Post By firecat70. 19/04/10, 12:08 pm

Mischa wrote:
I have some quite odd proportions so my very tailored ones never seem to fit anyone else very well!
This! Once a friend tried on one of my cosplay dresses at a houseparty an burst into tears because it wouln't fit her (she's way taller than me so the waist came up to just under her chest)

I am okay with people borrowing my costumes 99% of the time since I normally don't rewear them. Not so okay with wigs - especially if they borrow them without asking when I am not home then leave them tangled an the way I find out is through facebook photos. Gah

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Re: Lending Cosplays... I hate it!
Post By Number-IX. 23/04/10, 08:36 am

I've let only a few friends wear my wigs and costumes, and i really don't like letting them.. But im too much of a sissy to say no :/ Sometimes, they'll even say how they neeed a short wig or something, and its obvious theyre hinting at me, so i offer one of mine up >_> I don't want to, but i feel its the polite thing to do <__<
I'm always in fear that they'll get my long wigs tangled, or dirty etc. Only twice has this happened, and once to a costume of mine, but it wasn't extreme so i wasn't angry or anything..

What reeeeaally pisses me off, is when they don't say the outfit is not theirs, and that they've borrowed it from me. Every time i let friends borrow costumes/wigs they take all MY thunder and glory. And i don't say anything because i feel i'll look like a prick >__>

EDIT: That being said, i've borrowed some costumes/props off other people D: They weren't like competition-worthy, i'd never ask to borrow someone's outfit that they spent like 300 hours on.. But even then i was very careful, and i always said it wasn't mine :) [Rolly's Mad Hatter hat, Tammy's waistcoat etc..] So with all of that, i guess i feel like a hypocrite if i reject a friend's request too borrow one of my costumes :/

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Re: Lending Cosplays... I hate it!
Post By iwuvanime. 23/04/10, 06:08 pm

I base it on case to case.

I tend not to lend out cosplays for a number of reasons....usually it is just because it won't fit someone but it is because of the quality the costume is at, truth be told a lot of my old cosplays are BADLY made and I feel I am the only who knows how to wear them properly without them falling apart O_o (I think it is me just being paranoid though)....I'm also embarrassed to let people see all the corners I cut XD.

That being said I have nothing againt close friends wearing fact I let Kai wear my Rozalin cosplay and adapt it to fit her (yeah turns out my chest was bigger).

Wigs I am a bit 50/50 on...some people I will lend them to no questions saked....others arn't getting near them and by others I mean people who screwed up their chances.
I once had a beautify long blonde wig that I lent to someones for the night (was a party at my parents place)....said person got drunk and lent it to anyone who the end of the night I had a tangled mess with a bald patch.....Needless to say I was pissed off

Then there is props....props I seem to have no problem with (unless they are fiddly lil things that break if you look at them). My Keyblade has been lent to so many people and all it ever really needs is a bit of paint touchup.
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