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LEAST favourite part of Cosplay?

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Re: LEAST favourite part of Cosplay?
Post By Mandie_Chan. 19/03/10, 09:06 am

can I ask what do people find so hard about sewing sleeves? o.O
do people use the patterns that have slightly gathered ones and you have to ease them in?

*is curious*
Optimus Prime

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Re: LEAST favourite part of Cosplay?
Post By CMKMStephens. 19/03/10, 09:10 am

for me it's the gathering and easing. I've done it once right before, but the current one I'm having difficulty getting it right.

It's supposed to be:

1. Sew two lines half a centimetre apart near edge
2. Pull on inner threads to gather
3. Evenly spread gathering
4. Sew onto body
5. Profit.

3, along with tidying and getting it to sit/look right worn is the problem.

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Re: LEAST favourite part of Cosplay?
Post By Mandie_Chan. 19/03/10, 09:15 am

ahhhh just making sure~

Guess I'm kinda lucky that I did sewing all through high school then coz I got TONNES of practice sewing (unpicking then RESEWING) sleeves sweatdrop

Also I really cant stand dealing with Wigs >_<;
like... I think they hate me AND I ONLY USE SHORT HAIRED WIGS!
Optimus Prime

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Re: LEAST favourite part of Cosplay?
Post By Pura. 19/03/10, 09:23 am

Icarus wrote:
even the thin stuff that I CAN bend is a ho, I cut some yesterday and it flicked backwards, the sharp end cut into my hand.

One piece nearly got my face grrr

THIS. If I didn't wear glasses, I think I would have got wire IN my eyes by now Dx. My hands have wire attack marks too.

I don't like trying to sort out how something works.


... Sleeves are easy. I don't get why people don't like them xP.
Optimus Prime

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Re: LEAST favourite part of Cosplay?
Post By Tails. 19/03/10, 09:24 am

I also hate when you get back from a MASSIVE cosplay shop (over $100-$200) just to find you missed something very small & important like thread or glue.


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Re: LEAST favourite part of Cosplay?
Post By damian. 19/03/10, 09:29 am

(lack of) money;
sewing. SEWING. i just hate sewing;

... i love styling wigs. the spikier/stranger the better... LEAST favourite part of Cosplay? - Page 2 65988

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Re: LEAST favourite part of Cosplay?
Post By Squishy blob. 19/03/10, 09:32 am

Procrastinating. Even though I know how good progress feels I'm a "Why do today what you can put off till tomorrow." person....

And yes having to unpick things you do wrong, and then being worried you'll screw up again....

Left-over fabric. Especially in colours you'd never use again. Like dirty yellow.
Squishy blob
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Re: LEAST favourite part of Cosplay?
Post By Guest. 19/03/10, 09:47 am

I Hate losing certain things..e.g ring, one glove, wallet...*sigh*LEAST favourite part of Cosplay? - Page 2 463216


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Re: LEAST favourite part of Cosplay?
Post By vefalasiel. 19/03/10, 10:23 am

I hate when you've thought you have finished for the night and then realise that you have sewn something inside out etc. and can't be physicsd fixing it at that point.

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Re: LEAST favourite part of Cosplay?
Post By Static. 19/03/10, 10:27 am

I hate running into things that I have no experience with. I have a big enough pattern collection that *most* things can be based on an existing pattern and modified - but when I get something that is completely alien to me, I HATE IT.

Also, when you can't find the pattern you're looking for. I know it's THERE why can't I FIND IT.....

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Re: LEAST favourite part of Cosplay?
Post By Guest. 19/03/10, 11:56 am

The money issue. Buying some of the costumes are alot of money and being a student makes it double hard lol


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Re: LEAST favourite part of Cosplay?
Post By Guest. 19/03/10, 12:14 pm

I dislike the initial research stage, where I have to source tutorials or gawk at patterns and think about how I could modify them to suit what I'm trying to make. Basically, figuring out *how* to make something hurts my brain much more than any aspect of actually making it.

I have no experience with sewing, so EVERYTHING is unfamiliar territory. Everything I make has that "Oh gosh, I've never done this before! *HESITATION*" thing going on, so I usually end up asking a whole bunch of people for ideas and picking the one that makes the most sense to me.

I also have trouble deciphering the jargon in sewing instructions, so that makes life a pain in the ass too. X_X

Last edited by Midsummer-snow on 19/03/10, 04:48 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Re: LEAST favourite part of Cosplay?
Post By RainbowMoonDust. 19/03/10, 03:05 pm

Wigs! They itch like crazy! Drives me insane! gonk Does anyone else get this? I think I have a sensitive scalp or something. stare They also tangle, move about, annoying to style and are just a general pain in the butt! stare I do have one wig I love although most of them are a pain. nodnod

Oh yeah that's right, I still have to fix my Euphemia wig as one of the buns has started falling apart, I hate brushing that, it's ridiculously long and takes hours to get all the knots out of it, looks like candy floss too. stare XD Oh and when you put the buns on you have to slide the metal combs through the wig and into your own hair otherwise they won't hold, hurts like hell! >_<
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Re: LEAST favourite part of Cosplay?
Post By Pyro. 19/03/10, 03:15 pm

Having to put up with those weird cosplayers hanging around me all the time.

... I jest~

(my real least favorite part is looking at photos of my cosplays-- I get all worried like 'no, I forgot to put on my gloves!' or 'fff-- THAT POSE LOOKS TERRIBLE')
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Re: LEAST favourite part of Cosplay?
Post By angellsnz. 20/03/10, 01:17 am

Motivation - knowing that you should be working on something, then leaving it for the last minute.

Oh and that first cut into the fabric. The fabric is so pristine, and pretty, and that first cut means you are committing yourself to something, for x amount of hours. Sometimes it's scary stuff.
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Re: LEAST favourite part of Cosplay?
Post By kyokyogirl. 20/03/10, 01:38 pm

I hate designing patterns. I've had to do it for a part of almost every costume and it never gets any easier.
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Re: LEAST favourite part of Cosplay?
Post By demon-girl. 21/03/10, 09:45 am

I hate deciding who to cosplay for expo's snice I only go to ones in auckland. so I only get to cosplay like 7 different characters a year

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Re: LEAST favourite part of Cosplay?
Post By Guest. 21/03/10, 09:53 am

my least favourite part is finding cosplays I really want to do and then having no space for them o_o


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Re: LEAST favourite part of Cosplay?
Post By Duckeh. 21/03/10, 10:01 am

Trimmings. A little amount of trimmings is godly, all through out the costume is not. ;-;
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Re: LEAST favourite part of Cosplay?
Post By Ninaarrx3. 21/03/10, 10:07 am


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Re: LEAST favourite part of Cosplay?
Post By Li-Bai. 21/03/10, 10:10 am

demon-girl wrote:
I hate deciding who to cosplay for expo's snice I only go to ones in auckland. so I only get to cosplay like 7 different characters a year

Sushi ;O

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Re: LEAST favourite part of Cosplay?
Post By chiken_skratch. 21/03/10, 10:27 am

the freakn cost of everything
not to meantion trying to find the motivation for everything

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Re: LEAST favourite part of Cosplay?
Post By demon-girl. 21/03/10, 10:59 am

@ li-bai. well if you put it this way
auckarmgeddon - 4 characters (mon sat sun ball)
DO - 1 character
ACB- 1 character
ACP- 1 character
( dont know if anymore)
and that im moving to aussie so yeah..

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Re: LEAST favourite part of Cosplay?
Post By Li-Bai. 21/03/10, 11:02 am

I'm not sure if there was a miscommunication here, but I only get to cosplay two or even three (at a stretch) new characters a year. P:
Sushi ;O

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Re: LEAST favourite part of Cosplay?
Post By damian. 21/03/10, 11:04 am

demon-girl wrote:
and that im moving to aussie so yeah..
if you move to brisbane i'll love you and be your bffl LEAST favourite part of Cosplay? - Page 2 352708

na jokes. but it would be awesome to have a friend in the same city LOL.
/syn fails.


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Re: LEAST favourite part of Cosplay?
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