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Death Note! American Movie...?

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Re: Death Note! American Movie...?
Post By Le_Saboteur. 03/03/10, 08:01 am

Death Note seems like a story that can be easily adapted to any setting, I think. It should work just as well being an American story as it did as a Japanese one, assuming they get good people working on it. I don't see how it's an inherently Japanese story, it's just set there. What about the story do you find to be so Japanese?

Does Light playing football actually matter? As long as he's the same BASIC kind of character; a hard working, perfectionist high school student (who will take a potato chip and EAT IT), I can't see what the problem is here.

And like Kotone said, the Japanese movies did kind of suck, anyway. What's the harm? If fans of Death Note are so afraid of seeing an AMERICAN Light play football, just don't watch the movie.

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Re: Death Note! American Movie...?
Post By CheiraLeena. 03/03/10, 08:28 am



This sounds like another replay of the Dragon Ball Z movie.

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Re: Death Note! American Movie...?
Post By Highlander. 03/03/10, 08:46 am

Sonic Reducer wrote:
Can someone explain the hate to americans? Should I cringe when Japan adapts an American property?

Aikome wrote:
Probably because they sugar honey iced tea all over the originals.
/thinking back/
Their rep for adapting an Eastern media . . isn't so good.

While I am willing to admire a good Hollywood movie, you must admit most of them are ludicrous. And this is not even from a Japaneses adaption pit of view.

!) In on of the most significant events of WWII a British maritime command bomber forces a German Sub to the surface where it is captured intact. Thus gives the allies a intact code machine. From then they can break much of the German codes with ease!

Hollywood: An american commando team train to capture a German sub. They meet one in the middle of the ocean posing as a resupply ship, a feat which required they already have the code machine! They board the u-boat, and kill half the crew. They are then in a running firefight with the rest of the crew for the rest of the movie.

Things in common. The number painted on the side of the U-boat, and the fact it was captured?

Comparison of Excellent movie: Das Boot?

2) Pearl Harbour: Basically a love story. A fighter pilot is one of two to get into the air and shoot down a zero. Yay. From there he ends up flying a bomber of an aircraft carrier to attack Japan.

Points in reality. These two events did occur in the same war, but years apart, and a I doubt had personnel in common.

Good movie: Tora Tora! The best movie on Pearl Harbour ever. Very unlikely anyone would ever beat it. But the makers of Pearl Harbour were not even trying, and appear deeply confused about what they were trying to do?

So when did Hollywood stop making the best movies in the world and start making trash.

Now Black Hawk Down is an example of a good movie. There was an exciting story, they did not change it. Mostly they take a really good exciting story and rewrite it for no apparent reason.

Oh, and Sonic do not underestimate the power of the movie studio to suggest to the writers what changes are needed for an american audience.
dark CHii

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Re: Death Note! American Movie...?
Post By chiken_skratch. 03/03/10, 09:06 am

grrrr, this must not happen! i seriously think they are going to kill DN if they make it into a movie. It was originally a manga, then an anime, NOTHING ever proceeds further from this.

i vote that if they do turn it into a movie, the moment they start filming, a bunch of anti DN movie peeps, need to start sabotaging their working enviroment. we can use the flaming dog poo, smoke bombs, fire works, stink bombs (that'll be funny), get hired as extras and kill all the scenes for them, translate all their scripts into Japanese, steal all their toilet paper on burito day, cover all their toilets with gladwrap, through a variety of anime figurines at them, mow the lawns during a very serious scene, hire a marching band to go trampaging past their working areas, replace all their food with tofu,.... i can keep going if you want me to....... :)

buuuuuuut..... if they did make it, which i hope they never do, do ya think Johnny Depp would make a good L? with a bit of photoshopping to make him look a lil younger???

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Re: Death Note! American Movie...?
Post By DuckehsMinion. 03/03/10, 09:46 am

Watching DB:E i didn't see much of a change in the story, really I had no problem with it, it was a great action movie.

I think this is just one of those movies where people pre-judged it, & others pretty much thought they knew what they were talking about, so it sorta imprinted in there minds that the movie sucked.

It will be nice for them to bring out a Eng Death Note version, It doesn't matter who is cast.

I dislike that people say there gonna kill such and such, If you love the series so much then one or a few movies shouldn't kill it for you, Don't judge something you know nothing about.

just go into it with no expectations.

True Fans would be happy they get to see more of there fav characters, in a whole new light.
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Re: Death Note! American Movie...?
Post By Squishy blob. 03/03/10, 09:56 am

I've learnt by now to judge movies on a case by case basis, and try not to compare or expect too much out of adaptations of any kind. I don't know how many movie screenings I've ruined for myself by expecting the feature to be as good as the book or original film...

In fact now I like seeing remakes/adaptations to "see how they did it", and who the film managers cast and how they interpret a story is all part of that package.
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Re: Death Note! American Movie...?
Post By Sonic Reducer. 03/03/10, 10:01 am

Jeez people are still missing there is no cast yet. Can someone please edit the first post cause I'm so sick of people thinking its been cast.

Now Highlander. The events you picked are....well they're real.. they happened. If you want to see what happened you watch a documentry, if you want entertainment you watch a movie. Again I'm going to come across as a bad person but your point doesn't count in those examples. Sorry. (I didn't enjoy either movie you mentioned but some people do. Oh well.)

The problem I would with Dragonball evolution wasn't the movie. But the 90% of people talking about it thinking it was Dragonball Z..ummm no? do you see a Z in the title? So most people were confused and thought it was bad in that. No I didnt enjoy it. I couldnt even watch it, so as I didn't see the full movie I guess I have no real say, but I thought it was awful.

Point is, are all adaptations bad? No! Is Death Note a japanese story? No. It's set in Japan sure. But what makes it Japanese? Shinigami? Oh please. Even if they rename it Angel of Death what does it really matter? if you're investing this much devotion to a series then how are you enjoying, all entertainment is nothing but mind numbing fun. I didn't watch Deathnote for spiritual guidance, I watched it for stupid entertainment. And sorry but it is stupid, A shinigami addicted to apples, a stalker model, a child detective (well, more likfe 50 of the bastards) who is addicted to sugar. Its stupid, but FUN stupid.

Also Highlander if the studio can pull the strings to change the writers script then the blame still is on the JAPANESE writers shoulders. Its their property, they sold it and they are the head writers MEANING the studio actually cant drop their script but would have to hire a new writer.

But also I don't know why we're bringing this up, it was announced about 5 years ago and has been in development hell since.. It may stay that way forever. I bet that will make the noteists happy (I will now on refer to you all as noteists in the religious context)
Sonic Reducer
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Re: Death Note! American Movie...?
Post By Highlander. 03/03/10, 10:11 am

chiken_skratch wrote:
grrrr, this must not happen! i seriously think they are going to kill DN if they make it into a movie. It was originally a manga, then an anime, NOTHING ever proceeds further from this.

But there were three movies!
dark CHii

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Re: Death Note! American Movie...?
Post By Sonic Reducer. 03/03/10, 10:13 am

and two of the movies were made before the anime
Sonic Reducer
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Re: Death Note! American Movie...?
Post By chiken_skratch. 03/03/10, 10:22 am

yeah, but arent those movies in anime???

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Re: Death Note! American Movie...?
Post By Sonic Reducer. 03/03/10, 10:24 am

Live action. all 3.
Sonic Reducer
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Re: Death Note! American Movie...?
Post By kelseyketchum. 03/03/10, 10:24 am

The anime ones have only come out semi-recently haven't they?
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Re: Death Note! American Movie...?
Post By chiken_skratch. 03/03/10, 10:26 am

eew, really?? are the live action ones any good? i would imagine the actor as Light would look like a Richard writing things down in a notebooks and doing his evil laugh though.

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Re: Death Note! American Movie...?
Post By Sonic Reducer. 03/03/10, 10:29 am

Really really. I enjoyed them but the story is 20000000% different. So for Noteists. You will probably want to build a time machine and bomb them etc etc etc.

The first anime one came out about three years ago and the second one came out two years ago. They both are just the series with scenes missing and some scenes added. Sooooo...yeah. Its basically there if you want someone to watch the show but they dont want to watch each episode.
Sonic Reducer
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Re: Death Note! American Movie...?
Post By chiken_skratch. 03/03/10, 10:47 am

yeah, i think im gunna pass on them, just because i like it how it is, an an anime and a manga.
speeking of time travel, i can kill two birds with one stone, quite literally.
im gunna kill shakespear or convince him to become a street sweeper. and now im gunna eliminate the death note movie cast and crew, or convince them to insteed make a movie based on Pukka. that should work out quite well, dont ya think???

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Re: Death Note! American Movie...?
Post By Sonic Reducer. 03/03/10, 10:48 am

Sonic Reducer
Sonic Reducer

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Re: Death Note! American Movie...?
Post By chiken_skratch. 03/03/10, 10:52 am

is that just a no to the Pukka thing, or what???

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Re: Death Note! American Movie...?
Post By Highlander. 03/03/10, 11:56 am

chiken_skratch wrote:
eew, really?? are the live action ones any good? i would imagine the actor as Light would look like a Richard writing things down in a notebooks and doing his evil laugh though.

As good as you could possibly expect. I enjoyed them.

They will never fit 12 mangas into a movie. So unless you expect that then I would try at least the first one. My personal opinion.

PS. The actor is of course a fan boy, as was the director, producer, etc.
dark CHii

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Re: Death Note! American Movie...?
Post By Guest. 03/03/10, 12:18 pm

Don't know, is going to take a optimistic heal- face turn here and is going to think that the movie could be possible to turn out quite good, just because there was bad movies in the past doesn't mean Death Note will fall down the same patten..

Plus think the western audience who will be new to the story will like the "Is light's action good or bad ?' theme of the story..

Don't like the Death Note Manga that much, though do wish the movie luck. ^^


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Re: Death Note! American Movie...?
Post By Bishkip. 03/03/10, 12:48 pm

just gonna say this, dragon ball evolution.
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Re: Death Note! American Movie...?
Post By Guest. 03/03/10, 12:48 pm

Bishkip wrote:
just gonna say this, dragon ball evolution.

we thought the same thing buddeh.


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Re: Death Note! American Movie...?
Post By carnione. 03/03/10, 10:27 pm

Aegis wrote:
Bishkip wrote:
just gonna say this, dragon ball evolution.

we thought the same thing buddeh.

I think we can all agree that Dragonball Evolution sucked 8D

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Re: Death Note! American Movie...?
Post By Choconyan. 27/01/11, 12:06 pm

Hmmm... I think Zac Efron looks enough like Light, but I just couldn't watch without expecting him to burst out in song!
But Miley Cyrus as Misa... lolwut??? Misa is meant to be cute nodnod

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Re: Death Note! American Movie...?
Post By carnione. 06/02/11, 12:46 am

Not sure where to post this since I've yet to ask to merge the 2 topics sweatdrop

January 2011, Anime News Network has... half-confirmed things.

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Re: Death Note! American Movie...?
Post By tashamanx1. 12/02/11, 12:10 am

i HATED dragon ball evolution. i hear what you sayin fool, TESTIFY

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