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Worst movie

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Re: Worst movie
Post By Kat. 04/02/10, 06:22 am

I known it was supposed to be a social commentary but it had all the subtlety of a sledgehammer to the head. Also I didn’t find any of the characters likeable

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Re: Worst movie
Post By Sonic Reducer. 04/02/10, 06:46 am

I'm a movie snob so I'm happy to see a movie do so well, look so good, be entertaining on a budget half or even quarter of what modern movies generallly are. It was almost a spit in the face of Michael Bay. Which I would love to really say, followed by a fist and a foot to the face and a drowning
Sonic Reducer
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Re: Worst movie
Post By Guest. 04/02/10, 08:29 am

Kat wrote:
I known it was supposed to be a social commentary but it had all the subtlety of a sledgehammer to the head. Also I didn’t find any of the characters likeable

It was a touch unsubtle, yes.

But you weren't SUPPOSSED to like the characters. Any of them.


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Re: Worst movie
Post By Cookie Monster. 04/02/10, 09:29 am

Rowan wrote:
I keep seeing on the internet that people either loved District 9, or they really hated it! The kind of movie that inspires extreme reactions and no middle ground, then?
It seems from the deleted scenes they were mising something from it, like purpose or direction, I dunno, I can't place my finger on it.
The main film was O.K. Just the cheesiness of the main protagonist conflicted with the "seriousness" of the film.
Cookie Monster
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Re: Worst movie
Post By Thornback. 04/02/10, 03:13 pm

You weren't supposed to like the characters in District 9?

B-but what about the adorable little prawn child?


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Re: Worst movie
Post By Sonic Reducer. 04/02/10, 03:44 pm

The problem and in my mind only problem with District 9 was Peter Jacksons name on it. Now while its nice to be all smug to any foreign person, hit them in the arm and say "hes one of us" before they can tell you of regardless of which country they're from they were better at film 50 years before us.

The problem lies in that most people think that he directed it and even if you don't you expect the film to be of quality because of what peter jacksons name has meant to the film industry for the past 10 years.

Reality is, this is just an extended version of Neil's original movie "alive in jo burg" with a bit more story and CG thrown in. What we have is mostly the same actors and the same political message. Which means that we essentially have a bunch of people who are much better at film than we will ever be but at the same time they're probably only good at winning film festival awards rather than playing with the big boys.

Its almost a Kevin Smith of the sci fi world, where even when he lands the big money, the only people he works with are his friends, unlike Kevin Smith, none of Neils friends are big name actors, but are somehow much more talented.

My enjoyment for D9, however came from that it was refreshing to me to see something in the mainstream cinema that was different, sure it had some of the same old elements, but for the most part it was a unique film. and as i said before its also good to see a film that is made at around quarter of the budget most films today are made at and look and sound and pretty much all together be just as good, if not better.
Sonic Reducer
Sonic Reducer

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Re: Worst movie
Post By Guest. 04/02/10, 11:54 pm

Who thinks PJ directed it? It had "produced by Peter Jackson" written all over it. Literally. If a person is not up with it enough to know the difference between the producer and director, I think we can safely discount their insights on PJ's impact on the film, relative to Blomkamp's.


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Re: Worst movie
Post By Sonic Reducer. 05/02/10, 12:35 am

Alot of people. Mostly because being in little old New Zealand, when anything of note happens we hype it. The movie was often advertised here (as well as over seas due to his popularity) as "Peter Jacksons new film" while thats debately true. It leads people to think he directed it.
Sonic Reducer
Sonic Reducer

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Re: Worst movie
Post By Le_Saboteur. 05/02/10, 08:21 am

u_ne_korn wrote:
Kat wrote:
Also I didn’t find any of the characters likeable

But you weren't SUPPOSSED to like the characters. Any of them.

Christopher?! His son?

You guys didn't find these two likable? How could you not adore that kid? The scene where he's looking at Wikus' arm and says "We're the same."

Come on. Come oooon.

Also; yes, I loved District 9.

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Re: Worst movie
Post By Thornback. 05/02/10, 08:31 am

^Yes! The human characters were less than endearing, but Christophers son was all kinds of cute and lovable.


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