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Worst movie

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Worst movie
Post By HECROLIPON 8. 17/01/10, 05:22 pm

I just finished watching "The Punisher" and I would have to say its one of the worst movies I've seen. For a marvel movie it reeaaallly dropped the ball.

However I'm not wanting to only talk about the punisher, what movies have you seen that are just plain terrible? And let me put twilight out there as the worst straight off. There, its out of the way now.

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Re: Worst movie
Post By Guest. 17/01/10, 05:29 pm

I had to sit thought that 'Bridge to Terabithia' movie or whatever its called. Mega ouch. SO MORBID DD:


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Re: Worst movie
Post By Rikki-Leigh. 17/01/10, 05:48 pm

Twilight. 'Nuff said. (Mainly cause I haven't seen New Moon).

Only thing I liked about the Twilight movie was the two pieces of eye candy (Emmett and Alice) and the baseball scene.


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Re: Worst movie
Post By Number-IX. 17/01/10, 06:20 pm

Oh crap i was planning to watch The Punisher yesterday D:
Ye Bridge to Terabithia was real sadish.
Twilight wasn't good xD Baseball scene was so awesome though. Jasper is ma fav C; New Moon was pretty good though, imo. Waaaay better than what i expected. Though my expectations weren't that high. Really liked it though.
Worst film i've seen so far, mmm not sure atm. Prolly Pledge This. And i haven't even seen it all. It's so crap. Paris Hilton makes me >:U. OH AND ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS. I walked out after first 20 mins. I hate them. I'm sorry. xD
And Baby Geniuses 2 is up there on worst movies list. Urrrrgh.

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Re: Worst movie
Post By Guest. 18/01/10, 11:31 am

Number-IX wrote:
OH AND ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS. I walked out after first 20 mins. I hate them. I'm sorry. xD

Haven't seen all the movie so can't judge, but have seen the TV add where they are advertising the musical album for the 2nd film and man alive, their voices are soo squeaky even more so than the original cartoon and it just gave out a massive headache. Though can't call it bad because haven't seen or even watched the movie yet. xD

But their voices are just one big massive headache. ><'';;

Worst Movie, Think it would have to be just another Teen Comedy or something ? Can't remember the name, but it was just awful. There was one moment where they are draining somebody's fat and using it for Mayo on a Sandwich... [Holds a Bucket close by..]


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Re: Worst movie
Post By Guest. 18/01/10, 11:45 am

See, now I LOVE bad films. I collect bad film experiences. I actively go out and seek out appalling films because they make me laugh.
Worst one lately... "Against the Night". Wow, that was a work of Bad Art. It was Post-Apocalyptic Vampires Zombies vs STEVEN SEGAL. I mean, clearly thats going to be awesome film. It was set entirely within a hospital, the plot made very little sense. There was this smart-vampire who was drinking blood out of "Best Dad in the World" Mug. Full of faux-philosophy and dark grimy walls. I laughed hysterically the entire way through.

I have had the pleasure of "Plan Nine From Outer Space". Edward Wood is a director who isn't phased by small things like the LEAD ACTOR dying after 2 scenes were filmed. He re-used the same shot four times, and then when the character had a new scene, replaced the actor. Replaced the 5 foot italian man, whose face had been seen clearly with a 6'2" American, with a cape over his face.

Of course there is "Star Wars Holiday Special". Which is really really special. It opens with 20 minutes of Chewbacca's Wookiee family preparing for "Life Day". Twenty minutes of Wookiees talking Wookiee to each other: WITH NO SUBTITLES.

Those are the worst I remember right now.


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Re: Worst movie
Post By creature124. 18/01/10, 11:56 am


I *liked* The Punisher.

Anyway: STARSHIP TROOPERS. Best-worst movie ever.
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Re: Worst movie
Post By Tails. 18/01/10, 11:56 am

Dracula 3000. Worst. Vampire. Movie. Ever.

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Re: Worst movie
Post By Guest. 18/01/10, 11:59 am

creature124 wrote:

Anyway: STARSHIP TROOPERS. Best-worst movie ever.

Hey! Starship Troopers is made of 100% concentrated awesome! It's SUPPOSSED to be cheesy and ever so slightly bizzare.


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Re: Worst movie
Post By Mischa. 18/01/10, 12:33 pm

u_ne_korn wrote:

I have had the pleasure of "Plan Nine From Outer Space". Edward Wood is a director who isn't phased by small things like the LEAD ACTOR dying after 2 scenes were filmed. He re-used the same shot four times, and then when the character had a new scene, replaced the actor. Replaced the 5 foot italian

This thread is about bad movies not super-awesome ones!

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Re: Worst movie
Post By Kitten Slave. 18/01/10, 12:53 pm

Depends... I would say "The Pest" but in all honesty... I love that movie...
So, so, so bad on so many levels that it is hilarious...

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Re: Worst movie
Post By HECROLIPON 8. 18/01/10, 01:00 pm

Yeah I'm going to agree with u_ne_korn here, starship troopers is amazing.

Also I saw deathrace. Now it has cool parts in it and is fun to watch but, lets be honest, its a terrible movie. Just because...Jason?...Statham is in it doesn't automatically make it good.

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Re: Worst movie
Post By creature124. 18/01/10, 01:17 pm

Yes, but I find the reason Starship Troopers is so amazing is becuase of how good it despite having shockingly terrible production values 8D It is a bad movie that is actually amazing.
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Re: Worst movie
Post By Guest. 18/01/10, 01:31 pm

Most of the original Disney films they show on the Disney Channel are pretty crap.
Twilight was just dull.. Kristen Stewart's face pisses me off..


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Re: Worst movie
Post By Guest. 18/01/10, 01:34 pm


Mega Shark Vs Giant Octopus.

That movie was just... beyond all rational levels of bad.

For example: the shark ATE a plane. No, this plane was not in the water. It was flying into America. This shark JUMPED OUT OF THE WATER and ATE A PLANE. It wasn't even coming into land. This was shortly before it ate the Golden Gate Bridge. OM NOM NOM.


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Re: Worst movie
Post By Zeorymer. 18/01/10, 02:00 pm

u_ne_korn wrote:

Mega Shark Vs Giant Octopus.

That movie was just... beyond all rational levels of bad.
Its a Mockbuster. Its guaranteed to be bad. So is everything by The Asylum.

But I'd have to say the Matrix sequels.

Also, Starship troopers is in no way a bad movie, its absolutely fantastic.
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Re: Worst movie
Post By Icarus. 18/01/10, 02:10 pm

Epic Movie, ugggggggggggggh

some parts were a little funny, but it just kept repeating the same jokes, it stopped being funny after the first 20 mins
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Re: Worst movie
Post By Guest. 18/01/10, 04:01 pm

Icarus wrote:
Epic Movie, ugggggggggggggh

some parts were a little funny, but it just kept repeating the same jokes, it stopped being funny after the first 20 mins
Disaster Movie is worse (:


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Re: Worst movie
Post By Thornback. 19/01/10, 12:03 am

StarshipTroopers is redeemed all its faults by having Neil Patrick Harris in it.

Worst movie ever....disregarding practically all teen movies released in the last decade or two, and parody movies....anything with Kevin Costner in it. Waterworld, Dances with wolves, The Postman...all make me want to go cry in a corner and pretend they never existed.

Oh, oh, and Crossroads. Oh dear. Thank god Britneys never been in another far as I know.


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Re: Worst movie
Post By Guest. 19/01/10, 12:14 am

Thornback wrote:
StarshipTroopers is redeemed all its faults by having Neil Patrick Harris in it.
In a Nazi uniform. It so is, go watch it again. It's purposefully a Nazi SS uniform.

Thornback wrote:
Worst movie ever....disregarding practically all teen movies released in the last decade or two, and parody movies....anything with Kevin Costner in it. Waterworld, Dances with wolves, The Postman...all make me want to go cry in a corner and pretend they never existed.
WHAT! Those are masterpeices!! The Postman is like my most favourite Post-Apocalyptic movie EVAR! And Waterworld. I mean, it's Mad Max vs Global Warming. Whats not to like?


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Re: Worst movie
Post By Thornback. 19/01/10, 03:13 am

Yeah, it is a leather Nazi Styled Uniform...all the higher ups wear it, which kinda suits the fascist, militaristic government they have going in that movie. But I just really, really like Neil Patrick Harris. And not just because of How I Met your Mother and Dr Horrible...although the former is undeniably his best role.

The Postman? Really? Well, each to their own. One day I shall explain to you the Kevin Costner Revolutionary picture theatre.


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Re: Worst movie
Post By Rowan. 19/01/10, 07:58 am

Harvard Man D:

A video tape that my friend and I grabbed out of the cheap selling bin at a video rental store purely because it had Sarah Michelle Geller in it. SO SO BAD.

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Re: Worst movie
Post By Highlander. 19/01/10, 08:10 am

Deathstalker, but I have heard that the sequels are even worse.
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Re: Worst movie
Post By Luzkan. 19/01/10, 08:14 am

Worst movie i have seen has to be Paranormal activity.
seXAH <3

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Re: Worst movie
Post By Kat. 19/01/10, 08:38 am

starship troopers is just a huge parady of the american military

but nearly anything you had to study in english (how did they find such awful films)
the only good english film study I got in school was the shawshank redemption

and seth rogan(?)films the zack and mirri make a porn and pineapple express guy, man they were terrible

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