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The Most Gorgeous OST Ever

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The Most Gorgeous OST Ever
Post By Pyro. 25/01/08, 09:42 am

Okay, right now I'm listening to the Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core OST, and I officially declare it the most amazing; gorgeous and heartbreaking OST ever.

Here're some parts of it I found on Youtube:

'Fulfilled Desire' is powerful, and the brass section in it is utter win. The french horns keep the notes so tight... And it's just amazing! I envy the hornists for their prowess, I do. <3

The song itself is both inspiring and saddening (if you've watched the cutscenes of the game/played it, you'll know why) and the musicians in it are all incredible. The string section comes together very nicely, and the percussion compliments the brass in their section.

'Price of Freedom' has such tuneful guitars, and the way they've chosen to just use acoustics and bass during the main melody is very thoughtful.

The electric guitar during the end of the song is powerful, and while it could've had a better ending (sad that it's an in-game gameplay track, really, as they couldn't wind it off as well as they could've in a cutscene or scripted gameplay act) the short part with the soaring, new melody on the guitar is so uplifting for a death song, that it does what the scenes before and after it plays don't- they make us feel bittersweet hope.

For all those who've played the original FFVII, it shows something the original Zack pre-death fight-scene couldn't- it shows that he's still intending to live, not just feebly storm into the hailstorm of bullets with death on his mind.

The drums that kick in during the final reprise of the main melody and thereafter aren't too overpowering like drums usually are, either, which makes me incredibly happy. <3

(Note to those that care- I fully intend to learn the 'Fulfilled Desire' horn part someday and then play it in a Crisis Core costume. xD Same goes for the 'Price of Freedom' bass line.)

'Fragments of Memories' is a well-done remake of the original FFVII boss theme, and while not as good as the other tracks, it does exactly what it's supposed to- get our hearts pumping and make us feel ready for the fight.

The strings in it are very well done, as is the percussion, but I'm iffy on the piano and brass- they still sound somewhat polyphonic, even AFTER ten years of improvements!

I think that a woodwind section might've been a better choice for the piano and brass, personally. ;)

'Dreams and Pride' is a track which, in the beginning, sounds like lounge music from a hotel. While tuneful and enjoyable, it doesn't provide the emotion that the previous tracks do, and just doesn't make me feel as alive as it probably should.

Judging by the track name- I can't check right now- I'd assume it's Angeal's theme, but I'm not sure. If that's the case; then I'm disappointed in how it plays out for the first minute or two. While it does cover the relaxed nature of Angeal accurately, and the bass and piano provide a kind of gentle sense of pride, it doesn't quite capture his nature as well as it could.

The piano later on, however, is perfect Angeal music. <3 It's communicates his mood from chapter 4 onwards perfectly to me, and it captures his icy nature. The melody is very calming, but also sad at the same time. It reminds me of the winter, and as such, is perfect for the locale where I have a feeling it plays (the frozen hills of Modeoheim) and... Well, I ADORE the later parts of the track for this reason.

'Mission Start' is epic, and the beginning is a clear take off of 'Price of Freedom'. The part where we get the obvious titular melody, we get the real feeling of a SOLDIER mission. The strings and woodwinds playing the suspenseful tune about two thirds in are pleasing to the ears, but still provide the heart pumping-feel we need.

The soaring strings later on communicate Zack's valiant nature as he strides off to do whatever he does during this track, and keep me entranced.

The FFVII battle theme remix has nice brass tunes throughout; and it sounds so nice on my ears after hearing the awful, polyphonic version for over a hundred hours throughout the past few weeks. ><

I like the strings playing the classic suspense part of it around a minute in. <3 They sound SOSOSO gorgeous, and they're just so.. RAH! I love them. I am their new fangirl. <3

'Combat' is deliciously fitting, and fun to listen to. It makes me want to dance, dance, dance! And then hit things. xO

'A Flower Blooming in the Slums' is an interesting take on Aeris' Theme, I'll say.

I always imagined some kind of tuned percussion, like a glockenspiel or celeste, playing her theme, but honestly? Guitar is sweet too.

The track is very nice, and suits Aeris well. <3

One song that I adore that isn't there that I'm also gonna comment on-

'THE WORLD'S ENEMY' = <33333

It's so insane, and gorgeous, and it's such a nice re-orchestration of OWA! It's not quite as good as 'Advent- One Winged Angel', but whatever.

What does everyone else think of the Crisis Core OST?
Winner of the Infinitely Quotable Award

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Re: The Most Gorgeous OST Ever
Post By Guest. 03/06/08, 01:59 pm

You know, you're like....a super genius. @_@
This is going to sound really creepy, but everything you write sounds like something I would struggle to cough up onto one of my Year13 essay papers. XD

As far as this actual TOPIC goes, ^^; I haven't heard any of the soundtrack and don't wanna until after I've played the game - which I should be getting a hold of in a couple of weeks hopefully.
I'm so excited I think I'm gonna explode. I hope it's made of all the win I could ever dream of.


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Re: The Most Gorgeous OST Ever
Post By calamity. 03/06/08, 02:20 pm

Okay, right now I'm listening to the Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core OST, and I officially declare it the most amazing; gorgeous and heartbreaking OST ever.

i totally agree with you >.<
Le grande

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Re: The Most Gorgeous OST Ever
Post By Pyro. 03/06/08, 02:27 pm

Calamity: What's your favorite piece from it?

I recommend the piano rendition of 'Price of Freedom', if you can find it. I'm unsure of the real name of it, but it's a very nice piece which plays when you're in Aeris' church, if you're just looking for a nice track. x3

Midsummer: Hah, I wish you luck for playing the game.

I'm sure you'll enjoy it, it's truly better than all its predecessors... Including the original FFVII.

(Knowing how you're a Vincent fangirl, you should be able to appreciate some of the more... Secret... Scenes in the game. -Hint: kill a Sahagin, grab the key, go into the left hand crypt from the entrance of the mansion basement... You'll get a really funny scene with Vincent. You'll understand what I mean when you play it.-)
Winner of the Infinitely Quotable Award

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Re: The Most Gorgeous OST Ever
Post By Guest. 04/06/08, 01:38 am

Ohh! Secret scenes with Vincent!! *jumps up and down*
Thanks for the hint! XD I'll try not to forget when I'm playing it!

Better than FFVII? @__@ Wooooow, it must be really amazing, because that's my favourite game in the entire universe by far. I recently played it twice over, back-to-back, just so that I could take notes on the plot. XD


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Re: The Most Gorgeous OST Ever
Post By Pyro. 04/06/08, 02:40 pm

Oh, and one more thing...
Being a Vincent fangirl, you should remember which coffin he sleeps in.
Remember to go to that one... (Center coffin, by the way) Or you'll be attacked by bugs. Ew.

Well, Crisis Core is better than the original in every way- graphically, storywise, gameplay wise, character wise, music wise and dialogue wise. -snrk-

Though the first and last ones on that list should be predictable, considering how crap they were in the original.
Winner of the Infinitely Quotable Award

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Registration date : 2007-12-03

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Re: The Most Gorgeous OST Ever
Post By Guest. 05/06/08, 03:39 am

Yeah, that's true. ^^, I just love retro graphics lol. And then, in the hardout movie sequences, their mouths' would be moving but they weren't fancy enough to have actual audible dialogue. XP

Of course I remember which coffin it is!! =P chuu~!


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Re: The Most Gorgeous OST Ever
Post By Pyro. 05/06/08, 10:17 am

Yeah, I found the whole moving mouths with no actual dialogue thing funny. x3
Winner of the Infinitely Quotable Award

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Re: The Most Gorgeous OST Ever
Post By Guest. 06/06/08, 04:03 am

It kind of killed the mood of the epicness! Like *OMG-insert-serious-end-of-game-movie-sequence* and then Tifa's just like...standing there looking like a goldfish while some text comes up at the bottom of the screen. Razz

It'd be great if they re-released FF:VII sometime in the future on a newer console, with fantastic graphics and actual dialogue.
I'd be so overjoyed, I think I'd cry. XD


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Re: The Most Gorgeous OST Ever
Post By Guest. 06/06/08, 04:12 am

I'd be happy if they just released another run on PS1! I mean, ISO's are nice and all, but they can be a bit scatty (I tried a FF8 one and it crashed my brand new comp), and some of the fun comes from playing on a playstation! And you can't make an ISO if you can't get your hands on a set of disks that havnt been scratched to hell and back.


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Re: The Most Gorgeous OST Ever
Post By Guest. 06/06/08, 12:35 pm

What's an ISO? *feels incredibly stupid* XD


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Re: The Most Gorgeous OST Ever
Post By Lavi_x. 06/06/08, 12:36 pm

Like, a copy of the disk, on computer.

An ISO image is an archive file (a.k.a. disk image) of an optical disc using a conventional ISO format that is supported by many software vendors. ISO image files typically have a file extension of .ISO but Mac OS X ISO images often have the extension ".CDR". The name "ISO" is taken from the ISO 9660 file system used with CD-ROM media but the term ISO image can refer to any optical disc image, even a UDF image.

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Re: The Most Gorgeous OST Ever
Post By Guest. 06/06/08, 12:47 pm

Are you stalking me through the threads? *shifty eyes*
It's okay, I am overjoyed to think that Vincent has taken such an interest in me as to go so far as stalking. *flutters eyelashes*

Wow, gee, you know what you're talking about. XD
..........*re-reads several times*
Okay -- I understand now, I think. Lol. ^^, Thanks!!! *glompage*


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Re: The Most Gorgeous OST Ever
Post By Lavi_x. 06/06/08, 12:50 pm

Actually I have stole that from wikipedia.
But yeah, lets pretend I knew that off the top of my head
And I'm just lurking the forum coz I'm bored.
But if it makes you feel better I'll admit to stalking you.

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Re: The Most Gorgeous OST Ever
Post By Guest. 06/06/08, 03:45 pm

LOL!!! Nice one!! And here I thought you were like an uber-supra-plus-genius who could spout stuff like that in casual conversation! =P

Hey, how come you have a bunch'a stars underneath your username and rank? D=


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Re: The Most Gorgeous OST Ever
Post By Lavi_x. 06/06/08, 03:47 pm

I don't?
You do xP

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Re: The Most Gorgeous OST Ever
Post By Guest. 06/06/08, 04:08 pm

Huh? Oh really....Oh, yours are gone now.
Wow, my brain's fried already. XD


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Re: The Most Gorgeous OST Ever
Post By Lavi_x. 06/06/08, 04:10 pm

So are yours =o

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Re: The Most Gorgeous OST Ever
Post By Guest. 06/06/08, 04:13 pm

Oh man, I'm listening to this really sexy song -- it's totally distracting me. XD It has this deep heart-beat sound in the background and it's called Lust for Blood by Gackt.

Suuuuuuu cooool~ (I bet you have no idea what I'm talking about lol).

WOW! It shall henceforth be known as the mystery of the 'bunch'a stars.'
Aura would probably know what they are....She knows everything. XD


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Re: The Most Gorgeous OST Ever
Post By Lavi_x. 06/06/08, 04:14 pm


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Re: The Most Gorgeous OST Ever
Post By Guest. 06/06/08, 04:15 pm

cheers cheers cheers


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Re: The Most Gorgeous OST Ever
Post By Lavi_x. 06/06/08, 04:19 pm

I wish I was hailed D:

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Re: The Most Gorgeous OST Ever
Post By Guest. 07/06/08, 06:52 am



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Re: The Most Gorgeous OST Ever
Post By Guest. 07/06/08, 12:50 pm

Midsummer-snow wrote:
Oh man, I'm listening to this really sexy song -- it's totally distracting me. XD It has this deep heart-beat sound in the background and it's called Lust for Blood by Gackt.

ASLKJASKL i love that song Very Happy
It makes it creepy with the heart beat thinger~


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Re: The Most Gorgeous OST Ever
Post By Pyro. 07/06/08, 01:02 pm

The stars?

They mean you've either attained pr0n star or demon rank, I believe, at 69 or 666 posts.

There's your answer.



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