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Who is the best villian from final fantasy

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Who is the best villian from final fantasy
Post By Master Chaos. 22/11/08, 05:25 pm

Who is the best villian from final fantasy Dissid10

In my opinion it is kefka from final fantasy VI mainly because he is evil and insane. also he actually becomes a god and stays one for a very long time plus of course this cool evil laugh
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Re: Who is the best villian from final fantasy
Post By IcyRose. 22/11/08, 06:53 pm

Totally agreed about that. Of all the villains, Kefka was the one I loved to hate because he was pretty much the most evil villain of the whole series. Not to mention he's one of the few villains actually successful in destroying the world and becoming god of what was left of it.

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Re: Who is the best villian from final fantasy
Post By Master Chaos. 23/11/08, 03:03 am

Yay its good to see other people think so too
Master Chaos
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Re: Who is the best villian from final fantasy
Post By Rikki-Leigh. 23/11/08, 03:19 am

I always thought the best villain was the main procrastinator, more specifically Laguna and co. because, when playing as them in FFVIII, everything goes from bad to worse xDD


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Re: Who is the best villian from final fantasy
Post By Master Chaos. 23/11/08, 05:26 am

thats a good point. I didn't really think about them because they become good guys later on.
Master Chaos
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Re: Who is the best villian from final fantasy
Post By Guest. 23/11/08, 06:30 am

Kefka and Sephiroth .. Seem to be both as much Over-rated when it comes to Final Fantasy, who is the Best Villian Fanbase..

Tend to think that there is a better Villian out there, and might actually have to give the award to Hojo from Final Fantasy VII..

Kefka yeah, he becomes the ''Shin-ra'' the new God, of the Final Fantasy VI universe, he is sneaky, cunning, sly and has a witty humour which makes him almost likeable, and well Sephiroth Fanboys..pshh you can't stop them.

But Hojo was the one who let Jenova loose on the world, and think he was more cunning and more evil than Kefka, and didn't really have the whole ''stereotypical ' urge to become a ''God ''... he was able to forfill his plans in a more creative , yet screwed up way and like Kefka his plans managed to come to boot for a very long time before finally getting stopped.

But once Kefka is gone, he doesn't really have a lasting effect that could possibly 'Haunt' the Returner Group, He's gone, Whatever -move on.
Hojo still has a affect on the FFVII group, and still haunts their minds and pasts even many years after his death..

Sure he works behind the scences and Jenova and Sephiroth hog and take the credit for his works, but Hojo is truley a great FF Villian..

+ love the way he walks, it's kinda like in a cute- goofyish kinda way.. :3

Favourite Villain though.. Would have to be Kuja from Final Fantasy IX. Maan he's Epic !


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Re: Who is the best villian from final fantasy
Post By Pyro. 23/11/08, 06:34 am

The best villain is probably Kefka, from what I hear, but I haven't played FFVI yet, so I can't really give my two cents on that yet. ^^;;

My favorite villain though... Is Genesis. Because he's so poetic. x3
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Re: Who is the best villian from final fantasy
Post By Bridget. 23/11/08, 08:59 am

Mefushimi wrote:
Kefka and Sephiroth .. Seem to be both as much Over-rated when it comes to Final Fantasy, who is the Best Villian Fanbase..

Tend to think that there is a better Villian out there, and might actually have to give the award to Hojo from Final Fantasy VII..

Kefka yeah, he becomes the ''Shin-ra'' the new God, of the Final Fantasy VI universe, he is sneaky, cunning, sly and has a witty humour which makes him almost likeable, and well Sephiroth Fanboys..pshh you can't stop them.

But Hojo was the one who let Jenova loose on the world, and think he was more cunning and more evil than Kefka, and didn't really have the whole ''stereotypical ' urge to become a ''God ''... he was able to forfill his plans in a more creative , yet screwed up way and like Kefka his plans managed to come to boot for a very long time before finally getting stopped.

But once Kefka is gone, he doesn't really have a lasting effect that could possibly 'Haunt' the Returner Group, He's gone, Whatever -move on.
Hojo still has a affect on the FFVII group, and still haunts their minds and pasts even many years after his death..

Sure he works behind the scences and Jenova and Sephiroth hog and take the credit for his works, but Hojo is truley a great FF Villian..

+ love the way he walks, it's kinda like in a cute- goofyish kinda way.. :3

Favourite Villain though.. Would have to be Kuja from Final Fantasy IX. Maan he's Epic !

No lasting effect huh, um to my knowledge kefka destroys half the world, that doesnt just fix itself once he is gone, the world is still half destroyed. I pretty sure that would count as an lasting effect

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Re: Who is the best villian from final fantasy
Post By Kimusafox. 23/11/08, 09:06 am

Pyro wrote:
The best villain is probably Kefka, from what I hear, but I haven't played FFVI yet, so I can't really give my two cents on that yet. ^^;;

My favorite villain though... Is Genesis. Because he's so poetic. x3

I would assume from what I have heard about FFVI, Kefka is the best Final Fantasy Villain, but I haven't played it myself yet, so I don't really know.

And at this point I would have to say Genesis, I just loved him, his whole Loveless obsession xD, his awesometastic wing, his red leather Jacket and his Sword, I just thought it was all awesome. Plus he is quite likable, because he's not really trying to do anything but redeem himself and stop his degration so he can live. He's not trying to destroy the world of become god or anything, so he's cool, because he's not over the top evil.
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Re: Who is the best villian from final fantasy
Post By Guest. 23/11/08, 12:48 pm

Bridget wrote:

No lasting effect huh, um to my knowledge kefka destroys half the world, that doesnt just fix itself once he is gone, the world is still half destroyed. I pretty sure that would count as an lasting effect

Meant on the Returners, the Main Characters. The Returners are able to overcome Kefka's ruling of Terror...
Locke is able to overcome his past, Cyan recovers from the lost, etc They all overcome the tradgey that Kefka causes..

Guess you could agrue that is more personal Strength , and that the FF6 mains have more strength than the FF7 characters, but look at how screwed up Vincent and Cloud were..


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Re: Who is the best villian from final fantasy
Post By Doughtnut_Bandit. 10/12/08, 01:40 am

I think since ff6, they need to work on their villians more.

They got less creative as time went on, my favorite would have to be Golbez from ff4 (Thats it's number of release here and the states.)
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Re: Who is the best villian from final fantasy
Post By Strieth [Leon]. 14/12/08, 04:41 am



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Re: Who is the best villian from final fantasy
Post By Kitsunechen. 17/12/08, 11:48 am

Kefka...He's actually evil! Poisoning all those people ;-;

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Re: Who is the best villian from final fantasy
Post By Guest. 28/12/08, 03:14 pm

Mefushimi wrote:
Kefka and Sephiroth .. Seem to be both as much Over-rated when it comes to Final Fantasy, who is the Best Villian Fanbase..

Tend to think that there is a better Villian out there, and might actually have to give the award to Hojo from Final Fantasy VII..

But Hojo was the one who let Jenova loose on the world, and think he was more cunning and more evil than Kefka, and didn't really have the whole ''stereotypical ' urge to become a ''God ''... he was able to forfill his plans in a more creative , yet screwed up way and like Kefka his plans managed to come to boot for a very long time before finally getting stopped.

Sure he works behind the scences and Jenova and Sephiroth hog and take the credit for his works, but Hojo is truley a great FF Villian..

Back when the Jenova Project was in it's early stages, Hojo was second-rate under Professor Gast, and didn't really know a lot about the Project. Gast believed that the "Jenova" he found was an Ancient, and he was actually the one who began experiments to create a race of humans with the powers of the Cetra. When he realised that Jenova was actually -- a big evil thing that fell outta the sky 2000 years ago X3 -- he ditched his research and ran away. So, it was actually Professor Gast who unleashed Jenova unto the world. Hojo just picked up where Gast left off, and took it in his own twisted direction.

Although Hojo may have been the catalyst for everything that could ever have possibly gone wrong in the world of Final Fantasy VII, as far as the definition of villian goes, he doesn't really apply. Sephiroth is the villian of 7 -- he wanted to destroy the world and ride around the cosmos with his Mommy. Yes, Sephiroth was created by Hojo; but purely in the name of science, not World Domination.
I honestly just see Hojo as a man given power to bend the laws of nature. And he has a lot of fun in doing so.
As far as who wins overall, I have no idea - as I've never played FFVI, and I don't know who Kefka is. I don't at all believe it's Hojo, though.


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Re: Who is the best villian from final fantasy
Post By Guest. 28/12/08, 05:23 pm


Haha only wrote that comment a few months ago to be different from other people, problery agree with them and say that Kefka is the best villain, but pretty much in denial.
still want to be different from other people..

It's hard to say that Sephiroth is the villain of Final Fantasy VII since Jenova was using his shadow to 'scare'/ provoke Cloud and trigger his inner pain..
Though Sephiroth is Cloud's main scare and fear and his main focus, so in a way he's the main villain but Jenova does all the dirty work..

but your dead right about Hojo and Gast, forgot about that..


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Re: Who is the best villian from final fantasy
Post By Guest. 29/12/08, 02:05 am

Lol. Well it's always good to raise different points -- otherwise the whole thread would just be "Kefka, Kefka yeah!" =P

I'm pretty sure it's Sephiroth who manipulates Jenova though, not the other way around. She doesn't really have any free will in the form she's in -- so Sephiroth drags her around and throws her in Cloud's path periodically through the game. (Literally - like, remember on the boat and he throws down Jenova's arm for them to fight? XD).

The Jenova cells inside Cloud screw him up, yeah, but Sephiroth does all the psychological Cloud-munching himself, imo.
I'm not really sure that Jenova has a ...consciousness quite the same as a human being would. Though I could be completely wrong. Some things in FFVII are pretty obscure.


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Re: Who is the best villian from final fantasy
Post By Guest. 29/12/08, 08:02 am

Too much Kefka-Sama can never be a bad thing though ;3

Awh okay, but during the second part in Nibelheim-- before Cloud goes insane..
Sephiroth says '' That the mind voice and body can be changed with the power of Jenova ''

kind of thought that Jenova was useing Sephiroth's shadow to provoke Cloud to go to insanity..

Though it would make more sense on why Sephiroth is the final villain and not Jenova..

Many other Final Fantasy Villains who we all thought was the main was actually being used by a higher power or alien like force - like Golbez ( Lord Golbeza ) from Final Fantasy IV, but the main puppet controller was always the Final boss, and yet Jenova failed to have the final show and the final battle theme..

your right Final Fantasy VII is Way too confuseing.. @_@

Last edited by Mefushimi on 29/12/08, 08:15 am; edited 1 time in total


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Re: Who is the best villian from final fantasy
Post By IcyRose. 29/12/08, 08:08 am

In regards to Sephy, I never really saw him as a major villain, rather the end boss that got to where he was due to being a victim of circumstance. Essentially Jenova was the trigger to screwing with Sephiroth's mind, before then he was actually a really cool guy, then when he was questioned his own existence as a human it led him to that fateful moment of research which eventually turned him into the crazed person he became.

But yeah, Jenova's actual sentience is a decent question, All of the silver-haired madmen of FF7 all do what they do for the sake of Jenova, but does Jenova really have power over them or do they just believe she does? It's why I never really took Sephiroth as a villain seriously since he always came off as a tool of Jenova. But then one argues that in the end it's Sephiroth who ultimately is the one to take responsiblity for his actions at the end, while it may be Jenova that convinces him to do what he does, he is the one who does it of his own will.

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Re: Who is the best villian from final fantasy
Post By Guest. 29/12/08, 08:29 am

I always thought that Sephiroth lost his mind in Nibelhiem due to the experiments he saw at the reactor -- and that after spending days on end researching the Jenova Project, he came to conclusion that he was the rightful heir to the Planet all on his own; and he should destroy it and take Jenova with him because she gave him his 'super special powers.' X3
I suppose we have no way of knowing wether or not Jenova was screwing with Sephiroth's brain or not during that time. ^^;

Hmmm. I didn't really consider her to be a sentient life form, at least not during the events of FFVII. Her only 'power' seems to be to call together all those who carry her cells into one big Jenova-blob a.k.a The Reunion.

I always asssumed that if the Reunion were to take place, then she would assume a form with sentience and ...stuff. X3


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Re: Who is the best villian from final fantasy
Post By Kelchup. 29/12/08, 10:58 am

Kadaj because.. he's cute.. >___> and he loves his mummy Razz cheers

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Re: Who is the best villian from final fantasy
Post By Guest. 30/12/08, 01:15 am

LOLOLOL. The first time I watched Advent Children, I had such an obsession with Kadaj and his tight, tight pants.


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Re: Who is the best villian from final fantasy
Post By IcyRose. 30/12/08, 04:43 am

Well actually at Nibelheim it wasn't really the Jenova experiments that screwed with Sephiroth's mind completely, although they did contribute a bit to them. As much as I don't really want to use a spoiler in an argument....


As far as I can remember, Sephiroth believed through the research that Jenova was the heir to the planet or something similar and that it was the humans that stripped her off her position in power and betrayed her so he vowed revenge on the human race.

Of course when one considers that Sephiroth actually wasn't Jenova's son and only just experimented on before birth with Jenova cells you figure out Sephiroth's beliefs and motives are basically all a misunderstanding of his origins. Which is kinda tragic really.

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Re: Who is the best villian from final fantasy
Post By Guest. 30/12/08, 06:46 am

Changed mind ! Going to say Kuja from FFIX because he had purple-ish hair, and a good theme song...

And he loved to Auction !!


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Re: Who is the best villian from final fantasy
Post By Guest. 30/12/08, 11:56 am

IcyRose wrote:
Well actually at Nibelheim it wasn't really the Jenova experiments that screwed with Sephiroth's mind completely, although they did contribute a bit to them. As much as I don't really want to use a spoiler in an argument....


As far as I can remember, Sephiroth believed through the research that Jenova was the heir to the planet or something similar and that it was the humans that stripped her off her position in power and betrayed her so he vowed revenge on the human race.

Of course when one considers that Sephiroth actually wasn't Jenova's son and only just experimented on before birth with Jenova cells you figure out Sephiroth's beliefs and motives are basically all a misunderstanding of his origins. Which is kinda tragic really.

Yeah, that's true. The spoiler part. n_n (It's okay, 'cause I've played Crisis Core).
Though does that really make much difference?
I suppose, if we're trying to discern whether or not Sephiroth was fully responsible for his actions...I'd still say he's at fault for being manipulated. XD But then, I'm probably being a bit brutal there. Putting myself in his position, I probably wouldn't have taken it all that well, either. =P

It seems blatantly obvious to everyone but Sephiroth that he's completely misinterpreted the information regarding Jenova and his own 'creation,' though I don't know if it was a tragic blonde-moment on his behalf, or if what he learned -- and what you discussed in your spoiler -- drove him part mad, and he simply twisted the truth to suit himself and his growing hatred for humankind. *scratches head*

And Mefu: Doesn't Kuja have really, really womanly hips? XD


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Re: Who is the best villian from final fantasy
Post By Guest. 30/12/08, 01:10 pm

: Doesn't Kuja have really, really womanly hips? XD

Yes he was a very womanly character and too passionate for a normal male, spent the whole three CD's of Final Fantasy IX thinking that his gender was female..


Though wouldn't think that there is something wrong with Kuja, would think that there is something mentally retarted in Garland's mind, after all Garland


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