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Japanese wooden sandals/Geta

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Japanese wooden sandals/Geta
Post By Rue. 08/03/14, 04:06 pm

Hello everyone, I've planning to cosplay as Ririchyo's demon form from Youko Inu x Boku SS. Here is what she look like :
The sandals:
I have almost pretty much everything except the mask and the sandals. I can make the mask out from cardboard but i can't find anything for the sandals. Do you know where i could fine it? Preferly within new zealand. I found a couple of websites outside of nz selling those but they're kinda expensive and most of the time, the delivery wont get in time.

Number of posts : 17
Age : 33
Location : Nelson
Gender : Undisclosed
Registration date : 2011-11-03

Japanese wooden sandals/Geta Vide
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Re: Japanese wooden sandals/Geta
Post By LolliLane. 08/03/14, 04:48 pm

Making them yourself is probably the best option. Not only will it be cheaper but you can make them exactly as you want. Try finding wood from Mitre 10 or Bunnnings or something and use red material for the other part.

If you can get them to look something like this, you can then model a more desirable shape. What price were you looking at spending on them as I can do commission for you if you like  :cool:  *checks rules*

Another (and probably easier) idea is to find a pair of shoes with a platform, and a pair of red jandals, pull them apart and combine them together so you add the top jandal piece through the platform piece.

Number of posts : 21
Age : 31
Location : Wellington
Transforms into : Rogue, Gadget, Lulu
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2014-02-25

Japanese wooden sandals/Geta Vide
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Japanese wooden sandals/Geta

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