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[sakura_petals's sketchbook] Making things even more complicated!

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[sakura_petals's sketchbook] Making things even more complicated!
Post By sakura_petals. 07/02/13, 11:55 am

So I thought it would be nice to show off the progress I've made for my Musical! Eternal Sailor Moon cosplay.

I started thinking about/researching it after CHCHgeddon 2009 and since then there has been many set backs (mainly earthquakes and having to move a few times because of them) but I'm finally in the last stages of it. cheers

For an idea of what the finished product will look like:

What I've manged so far:

Heart brooch for front bow
[sakura_petals's sketchbook] Making things even more complicated! Broochrefpic

There will be more pics to come - I just have to upload them when I'm at home and not at work. ashamed

Last edited by sakura_petals on 23/02/13, 03:42 am; edited 2 times in total

Number of posts : 1503
Age : 40
Location : Christchurch
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2009-04-10

[sakura_petals's sketchbook] Making things even more complicated! Vide
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Re: [sakura_petals's sketchbook] Making things even more complicated!
Post By Mandie_Chan. 20/02/13, 12:01 pm

YAY! I'm so glad you've made a sketchbook!
Will be stalking to see all your progress~

Must say that brooch looks rather spiffy ;)
Optimus Prime

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[sakura_petals's sketchbook] Making things even more complicated! Vide
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Re: [sakura_petals's sketchbook] Making things even more complicated!
Post By sakura_petals. 20/02/13, 01:22 pm

Hopefully I will get around to updating it shortly. I now have most of my WIP photos online, I just need time to post here in-between finishing this cosplay. You shall see the brooch first hand in 2 weeks time at geddon!

Number of posts : 1503
Age : 40
Location : Christchurch
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2009-04-10

[sakura_petals's sketchbook] Making things even more complicated! Vide
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Re: [sakura_petals's sketchbook] Making things even more complicated!
Post By sakura_petals. 21/02/13, 01:37 am

Right! Finally found some time to post the next lot of WIP photos.

Cresent Moon brooch for the hip rolls:
Reference Picture:

Some WIP photos:
[sakura_petals's sketchbook] Making things even more complicated! Moonbrooch
Finished product:
[sakura_petals's sketchbook] Making things even more complicated! Crescentbrooch

How I did things (copied from myy reg form):
I used a compass to draw 2 circles on thick cardboard to make a crescent moon with the ends almost touching each other at the top. Modelling compound was then layered on quite thick. Once dry and completely covered, I sanded the top smooth and proceeded to start sanding away at the sides to make the rim I had forgotten about when putting on the modelling compound.After the sanding was complete I had to carve holes for some of the gems to sit it. After this I spray painted the moon gold on both sides and glued the gems on for the finishing touch.

Odango covers and 'feathers' for headband:


The 3 silver circles below the silver ‘feathers’ on the head band were the hardest to find; I lucked out by finding teddy bear eyes in the right sizes. The screws at the back were partially cut and snapped off and then the tops of the eyes were spray painted with silver and a coat of shiny varnish applied to make them look like the shiny fake metal plastic the original was possibly made of.
I then had to make the ‘feather’ part. I started by placing 3 eyes (biggest to smallest) touching each other on thick cardboard and traced around them. I then worked out the middle of each eye and drew angled lines and then did the same for either side of each eye. Once I was happy with the angle I cut them out and glued the eyes to the cardboard.
I then added modelling compound to the cardboard to create the 3D feathers. When I was doing this I realised few things like the angle of the ‘feathers’ weren’t enough, it was quite flimsy because I hadn’t made the feathers touching each other and finally I had forgotten to flip the design when I traced the second set. This was easily fixed by cutting the feathers off the from the eyes, retracing the entire design onto much thinner cardboard and making the feather of the largest eye fatter to connect to the one beside it. I then glued the originals onto their new base and continued adding modelling compound.
Once the modelling compound was dry I sanded the feathers smooth and created an edge (like in the crescent moon brooch) where the feathers butt up each other, so when the feathers had been spray painted the silver ball edging (the same as used on the heart brooch feathers) could be glued down and wouldn’t stick out.
For the odango (bun) shields attached to the back of the feathers, I used a small polystyrene ball cut in half and then glued to stiff cardboard so the polystyrene wouldn’t catch on the wig. These half spheres were then covered in a few light coats of modelling compound (with sanding to smooth in between each layer) to give them durability.
Red acrylic (colour matched to the sequins to avoid clashing) was then painted on in layers for each half and left to dry. To finish off the shields I glued two rows of red sequins to the edges of both – this can just be seen in the reference pictures and gave them a coat of glossy varnish to add subtle sparkle to them.

Number of posts : 1503
Age : 40
Location : Christchurch
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2009-04-10

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