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Four way stretch vinyl

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Four way stretch vinyl
Post By Guest. 22/04/11, 05:34 am

I'm making a cosplay next year and it's a bodysuit, I'm completely new to that and have no idea about fabrics, anyway, I was looking at and they have pretty much have the right color in their four way stretch vinyl. Since I haven't used this before and don't know what it's like, how stretchy is this stuff? I wanted to use wet-look spandex but they don't have it in this color. I also wanted to know how much I would need for a bodysuit? (I'm 156cm, unless I've grown in the past few months).

So help would be much appreciated, thanks in advance <3

^Webpage c:


Four way stretch vinyl Vide
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Re: Four way stretch vinyl
Post By neimhaille. 22/04/11, 05:46 am

Minimal stretch but enough :) You will need to pattern it with a fabric that has a similar stretch so a panne velvet will work but so will mechanical stretch fabric (usually seen in sale sections).

Don't expect it to behave like normal stretch fabrics, the plastic coating makes any wrnkles really stand out so fitting is key.

I have used the same stuff from MJ Trends for years and it is good, it is very long lasting and so much better than anything you can get from here.
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Re: Four way stretch vinyl
Post By Guest. 22/04/11, 05:53 am

Oh awesome. I figured that this cosplay is already going to push my skills to the limit so I guess i'll definitely have to do a few mockups so I'll note down those fabrics~

Yeah, Hopefully I can make it fit okay, wrinkles wouldn't be pleasant either. It's hard to figure out where I can and can't have seams on the costume either, gotta make sure I don't have to unpick anything else, the fabric would be unforgiving.

MJ Trends? I'll have to take a look there. And long lasting would be wonderful as if If I made this I'd have to make myself rewear it (: Thank you so much for the help~


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Re: Four way stretch vinyl
Post By seraphik. 22/04/11, 08:10 am

neimhaille wrote:
Minimal stretch but enough :) You will need to pattern it with a fabric that has a similar stretch so a panne velvet will work but so will mechanical stretch fabric (usually seen in sale sections).

Don't expect it to behave like normal stretch fabrics, the plastic coating makes any wrnkles really stand out so fitting is key.

I have used the same stuff from MJ Trends for years and it is good, it is very long lasting and so much better than anything you can get from here.

JUST CURIOUS (sorry for hijacking the thread), would you suggest wet look spandex over wet look vinyl for a bodysuit?
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Re: Four way stretch vinyl
Post By Rolly. 22/04/11, 08:23 am

Hijacking thread too Razz

@neimhaille what exactly is mechanical stretch fabric? I saw some at Designer Textiles the other day, I pulled it and it wasn't stretchy at all. Why is it called stretch if it's not stretchy?
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Re: Four way stretch vinyl
Post By Guest. 22/04/11, 08:27 am

Loving the Question asking, I'm really curious to find more out about different fabrics~ c:


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Four way stretch vinyl

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