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Final Fantasy XIII-2

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Final Fantasy XIII-2
Post By Saiyajin Mui. 18/01/11, 11:00 pm

Official Logo

FFXIII-2 Lightning

Quote :
Square Enix has announced Final Fantasy XIII-2 as being due for the PS3 and Xbox 360 in 2011.

The director has been announced as Motomu Toriyama – the same man who said towns were too much work for Final Fantasy XIII to bother with, and the driving force behind that game’s notorious “story-centric” linearity.

However, in his previous comments he did promise “those elements” would be present in the next game in the series, so there may be hope for corridor sceptics yet.

Online the reaction has been derisive – few seem particularly enthused by the prospect of a sequel to the much maligned XIII.

Source: Sankaku.

I remember first hearing about this when Square-Enix bought the domain name.

Your thoughts?
Saiyajin Mui
Saiyajin Mui

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Post By Admin. 19/01/11, 03:01 am


I'm skeptical. But if they're adding towns I am more than willing to give it a try.

I don't like Lightning's costume though - it's not very "sci-fi" like costumes from FFXIII.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Post By Pyro. 19/01/11, 03:23 am

Whyyy are they wasting time on a sequel to a game no-one really liked when they could be, y'know, focusing on getting Versus XIII done? |D Silly Square Enix.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Post By Guest. 19/01/11, 03:33 am

They should just remake the older ones instead of bringing out sequels. =/


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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Post By Saiyajin Mui. 19/01/11, 03:57 am

Casey wrote:
They should just remake the older ones instead of bringing out sequels. =/

I think I've had almost enough of Final Fantasy 1, 2 and 4 remake syndrome thanks.
Saiyajin Mui
Saiyajin Mui

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Post By Aikome. 19/01/11, 04:14 am

I kinda like the prospect of it.
Either I enjoy a game and continue to play it or I don't and completely ditch it.
I enjoyed FFXIII so I'd totally give it a try. Lightning looks sexy albeit odd but I'm curious as
to who that guy is?

Oh and I'm dubious about the story.

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Post By Rikku. 19/01/11, 05:45 am

Pyro wrote:
Whyyy are they wasting time on a sequel to a game no-one really liked when they could be, y'know, focusing on getting Versus XIII done? |D Silly Square Enix.

Also @Casey. REMAKE OF FFVII!! 8D 8D 8D
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Post By Le_Saboteur. 19/01/11, 07:24 am

Uh? Was this really necessary in terms of story? Was the game that well received? I thought it was the opposite, I wasn't expecting this at all. I guess slap a 'Final Fantasy' title on it and it'll make money (otherwise they wouldn't be doing this).

I do like Lightning's armour, but it seems out of place (assuming it's the same world and not ANOTHER DIMENSION or DREAM WORLD or some such thing). I don't like the logo as much as I usually do, the balance looks off.

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Post By Guest. 19/01/11, 08:02 am

@Thread;; I mean remakes of 7,8,9. I don't care for the old ones, they've had enough remakes and look good as they are.


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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Post By sakkaf. 19/01/11, 09:24 am

Think of it as a filler game...they're purposely making you wait in my opinion.
marshmallow ninja

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Post By Li-Bai. 19/01/11, 09:26 am

Hmm. I disagree with the notion of remakes for old FFs, or any old game for that matter. There isn't really much you could do for them and even if there was, I reckon it'd be taking away the magic factor of the original. As for graphics and/or voice acting? Games didn't need spectacular graphics back then and they still don't need them now. It's just now that technology's come such a long way, we're lucky enough to be able to access it if we want it. As for voice acting, might I suggest the Visual Productions subforum of the VAA? Plenty of wonderful fandubs out there. (VII is fandubbed to death, Shudo-Ranmaru's VIII fandub, Actorman's IX fandub, etc. etc...)

On a more on-topic note. I am a little skeptical. (Then again nowadays I am skeptical when I hear about most new Square sequel-related releases, ha! Now whose fault is that, hmm?) Apparently the story is Lightning trying to find a way to bring Fang and Vanille back (hey, this sounds remarkably like X-2...)

In terms of development:
Quote :
Hints at a sequel to Final Fantasy XIII were first given when Square Enix stated they would be willing to create a direct sequel if the fans want it. They also said the first installment had enough cut content to fill a new game. Late last year, in an interview from the Final Fantasy XIII Ultimania Omega, Motomu Toriyama proclaimed the idea to make a story where Lightning "ends up happy."


Doesn't Lightning's new outfit (and the setting) remind anyone else of a kind of swords-and-sorcery medieval feel? Scantily-clad medieval, but y'know...

Pyro wrote:
Whyyy are they wasting time on a sequel to a game no-one really liked when they could be, y'know, focusing on getting Versus XIII done? |D Silly Square Enix.
qft, lmao. Although the new trailer is out for Versus and it looks absolutely fantastic. :] (I always was looking more forward to Versus than XIII, har har)
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Post By sakkaf. 19/01/11, 09:41 am

Li-Bai wrote:

On a more on-topic note. I am a little skeptical. (Then again nowadays I am skeptical when I hear about most new Square sequel-related releases, ha! Now whose fault is that, hmm?) Apparently the story is Lightning trying to find a way to bring Fang and Vanille back (hey, this sounds remarkably like X-2...)

"Lets do it girls! L! V! F!"


But srs, I'm all for a FF6 remake, but not five billion times. Its like having a really good chocolate bar, but not if its the only thing to live off.
marshmallow ninja

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Post By Nikopol. 19/01/11, 03:13 pm

I'm all for square enix actually making a new IP again. They need to take a break for like, 5 years.

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Post By Rikku. 20/01/11, 04:07 am

...Interesting. I quickly flicked over the name to look at the picture again to remind myself of what the looks like. THe name popped into my head, but instead of it being XIII-2, the name X-2 popped into my head. XD
Oh dear.
They've really gotta move on from XIII(and start Versus. 8D).

</totally useless post> xD;
marshmallow ninja

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Post By DarkGaia. 20/01/11, 08:37 am

Hm, Cons set aside, I really liked XIII

They might be making this to improve XIII's reputation or something? >_>;;

I remember playing X-2, which didn't impress me as much as X, so HOPEFULLY this time around square is doing this in response to the criticism.

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Post By Saiyajin Mui. 21/01/11, 12:13 am

Here's the English trailer for the game.

Saiyajin Mui
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Post By commandercandyfloss. 21/01/11, 04:19 am

I KNEW it.
I KNEW there'd be feather spamming in the sequel! Hahaha typical Square Enix.

I'm not sure how into this sequel I am. I love the first one, and although I didn't exactly LOVE the ending, it felt like an ENDING to me. I don't want them to bring back Fang and Vanille, as much as I love the two of them, it makes the ending of the previous game seem a bit.. redundant?

Also, on the topic of remakes, I only want remakes so I can actually get the games easily.
I don't want to spend a KAGILLION dollars on FFVII, because simply enough I don't have that money for it. I want to play it though, I just can't get it anywhere. A remake would make it so much easier to get a hold of it.
Though if they did that, I would really only want it to be the graphics and maybe the music. If voice acting got added that'd ruin the feeling of the game.

Quote :
They've really gotta move on from XIII(and start Versus. 8D).
There are two different production groups (studios? idk) working on the two different games. The XIII team aren't doing Versus, so it's being worked on at the same time.

And there was a reason there were no towns in the first gaaammmeee D: People stop whining about that one.

Omg I actually posted in something other than mafia for once. Haha.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Post By hyolee123. 21/01/11, 05:21 am

xD we always guess the feather spamming. It's become custom now =P

You can buy VII-IX from the playstation store for about $20. You can only play it on your PSP or PS3 though.

Anywho...I only want to know who that purple haired dude is, that's about all. If the story is good enough then yeah I'll buy it xD I only want it if Hope was a main but it doesn't looks like it so P:
Is there a different team between Agito (now Type-0) and XIII-2? I want them to hurry along with Type-0 now too D;

Square why work on soh many games at once D<

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Post By DarkGaia. 23/01/11, 06:01 pm

Well, the reason for no towns was (in my opinion) this:

The linear nature of the game was just road after another, over and over again, and without interacting with others and running through towns, you felt sort of disconnected from the rest of the FFXIII world, which is exactly how you and the characters are meant to feel, continuosly running. (because you guys know the storyline and all that)

And when freedom comes
There's no one there to be scared of you.

Well, thats my conclusion anyway :3

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Post By Aikome. 25/01/11, 12:59 pm

Ohh true.
It'd be a bit strange if you were allowed to interact within the town/city like places
considering your characters are supposed to be feared and all that jazz :`3

I find her FFXIII-2 outfit startling but the same could be said for Versus,
what with the more modern take (Noctis in a tux?)

In any case I never want to see Lightning saying "Disasterific!" or "COME ON GIRLS!!1!<3!LOLOL"


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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Post By Choconyan. 25/01/11, 01:27 pm

Theres gonna be a XIII-2??!!! EXCITED!!

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Post By hyolee123. 25/01/11, 01:34 pm

I thought Oh hey they might add towns because all that being feared stuff was over. But no I could be wrong about that. I don't think I'd like to run around town wearing what Lighting is imo :F Kinda confusing trying to think what their gonna do with the game. I get the whole get Fang and Vanille back thing. But why? I thought it was a good ending.

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Post By DarkGaia. 30/01/11, 06:10 am

UGH, I hope it isnt a huge story point,
so bringing them back is rather pointless and makes the conclusion of the first game really unneeded : \

Maybe there will be a reason to rbing them back, I dunno.

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Post By commandercandyfloss. 01/02/11, 09:36 am

As pointed out by someone awesome, bringing Fang and Vanille back would be a bit like bringing Aerith back. It takes away from the story, plus it tries to make it too HAPPY ENDING DURR and the Final Fantasy series just isn't really built on intensely happy endings.

The fact
is more than that story seemed to be leading up to, imo. I just... can't see how well this game is going to work. I hope it goes off on another tangent and doesn't try to happy-ify the story up, or something.

Also, @Hyo, they are different teams. This was said about Type-0 in an interview: "the game is approximately 60% complete and will span two UMDs to allow them to avoid cutting out any content. They plan to polish the title until the last minute before release this summer."

Also, spoilered because of length, and because of spoilers. Famitsu interview with Kitase and Toriyama, I think:

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Post By DarkGaia. 05/06/11, 06:33 pm

Looks like the old battle-system that plays itself is coming back :L

Not that I mind the paradigms, but the auto-battle seems to make the game a bit too easy for the more intense gamers.

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