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DCC Meeting #7: Noodle's Birthday

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Re: DCC Meeting #7: Noodle's Birthday
Post By noodles. 21/11/10, 02:16 pm

Sorry I haven't been posting! Exams and NaNoWriMo are slowly consuming my soul, as if those activities were like an obese man and my soul is a delicious new chip flavour.
See, my writing is leaking everywhere.
I'll try and make a reservation for the jitsu tomorrow, then we head back to kami's for fun! Movies, karaoke, idk. Fun stuff. Saturday I don't really know, if we're going to town we'll need rides somehow. Mum won't want to take me out until quite late, i think, since drinks will only be free from midnight onwards for me.
SUNDAY, what are we doing. I don't really know... all I really want to do is just hang out with everyone, so it's hard to think of specific things to do. \

/crawls back to her writing, crippled and writhing

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Re: DCC Meeting #7: Noodle's Birthday
Post By SailorDemyx49. 21/11/10, 02:20 pm

YEAH! ^_^ lol

Friday: I can do movies and all that stuff
Saturday: We can bus.... and maybe... >_> idk actually.. DO SOMETHING FUN O_O
Sunday: Who's house is free for raiding so we can have a little kids party for Shannon.

I NEED NAMES FOR FRIDAY O_O (I know Shannon and Judith are.. Kimmy? you in?)
champaign supernova~

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Re: DCC Meeting #7: Noodle's Birthday
Post By noodles. 21/11/10, 02:37 pm

hang on....
I could ask about my house but it's not that likely.

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Re: DCC Meeting #7: Noodle's Birthday
Post By seraphik. 21/11/10, 03:00 pm

I HAVE FRIDAY OFF SO I CAN COME TO DINNER. ... but i work the rest of the week B(
transient mod of fury

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Re: DCC Meeting #7: Noodle's Birthday
Post By IcyRose. 21/11/10, 03:25 pm

I can also do Friday and whatever is happening on Sunday

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Re: DCC Meeting #7: Noodle's Birthday
Post By Rikku. 21/11/10, 03:56 pm

UM UM UM. Put me down as a maybe for whatever costs money!!! I scrounge money off my parents and we're kinda tight at the moment!! So it's a maybe. D8
marshmallow ninja

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Re: DCC Meeting #7: Noodle's Birthday
Post By noodles. 22/11/10, 07:28 am

I've made a reservation under my name at The Jitsu, for 6.00pm (since I have a dentist appointment at 5) Don't worry Rikku, the food is pretty cheap. I myself intend to get a Curry Don, which I remember being about $10 or so. And it's delicious.
As for Sunday, if the weather's nice, we could have a picnic? I don't really feel like going to town, there's never anything to do anyway really. I know I'll have my laptop by then (it may be on it's way home right now~!!) so if Lennon could bring his hard drive with Durarara on it, I could steal that for club next year and not have to download it all over again. Smile
We need to play little kid games, of course, so I for one and voting for pass the parcel, and depending on prices I may buy a pinata.

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Re: DCC Meeting #7: Noodle's Birthday
Post By SailorDemyx49. 22/11/10, 07:58 am


seraphik, are you coming to the sleepover? (which I believe is a yes!)
rikku, you coming as well? You can bring Zelda ;)
champaign supernova~

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Re: DCC Meeting #7: Noodle's Birthday
Post By Rikku. 23/11/10, 12:13 pm

Of course I'm coming to the sleepover! xDD
We'll see whether I bring it or not. Depends what we're wanting to do all night. Movies or games or such things.

So we meet at The Jitsu(lol jutsu) at 6pm, eat for an hour or two, then head back to somebodies place? How are we getting back to said persons place?
marshmallow ninja

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Re: DCC Meeting #7: Noodle's Birthday
Post By SailorDemyx49. 23/11/10, 12:24 pm

My house (99.5% sure) not sure how O_O bus? or car... idk >_>
champaign supernova~

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Re: DCC Meeting #7: Noodle's Birthday
Post By noodles. 23/11/10, 01:12 pm

Personally, I think we should plug Kami's laptop into the TV and marathon Hanbun No Tsuki Ga Noboru Sora so I'm not the only one who's seen it. It's only 6 episodes so it won't take long, so we will have time for games too.

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Re: DCC Meeting #7: Noodle's Birthday
Post By moonlight293. 24/11/10, 02:28 am

Apologies for the lack of posting - I have been dying working and it has not been going in my favour. xP

This all sounds good! Here's what I have so far:

Meet at 6pm at The Jitsu.
After, head over to SailorDemnyx's house for sleepover. Watch movies, marathon Hanbun No Tsuki Ga Noboru Sora, Play Mario Cart, hang out, etc.

We need to decide transport here :3

Most have mentioned going out somewhere. (Need to figure this one out! xD)
Later, noodles goes out with the family. I suggest we do some cooking while she's out for the party on Sunday :3

Lunch and Dinner? Also transport if we are going out.

The birthday! Very Happy
Majority says hang out at someone's house and celebrate. Then perhaps in the afternoon, if it is nice out, have a picnic in the gardens. Pass the parcel must be played, and the presence of a pinata. Kid's party.
The Chocolate game and a treasure hunt (just to add to possibilities)? Very Happy

Staying for dinner?
Le grande

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Re: DCC Meeting #7: Noodle's Birthday
Post By SailorDemyx49. 24/11/10, 03:30 am

I'd say take a bus (EPIC BUS ADVENTURE) to get to my house, I know the time table for fridays

Going somewhere on Saturday, perhaps.... -_- not sure, ideas anyone?

For sunday... I might be able to offer my house since my parents won't be back (hopefully) and I could kick out my brother Very Happy Another game we should play is that game where you have donuts hanging from the clothes line and yoiu have to eat them without hands

ALSO PEOPLE BRING FOOD FOR THE SLEEPOVER PLEASE O_O ALSO can someone bring one of those pancakes in a bottle thingy thta you shake up to make pancakes? I might be able to birng baccon ^^ (if you guys like baccon >_>)
champaign supernova~

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Re: DCC Meeting #7: Noodle's Birthday
Post By moonlight293. 24/11/10, 03:46 am

I like the idea of an EPIC BUS ADVENTURE! :3

Hmmm... Rikku mentioned the beach - maybe if it's a nice day we could head out to St Clair? Can't really think of anything else which doesn't cost money.

Donuts can be retrieved at Couplands if we are heading out for a pinic at gardens :3 I've never actually played that game before... xD
Bacon = win (for me at least). I may be able to buy bottle!pancakes if I remember. I'll give myself a reminder :3
Le grande

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Re: DCC Meeting #7: Noodle's Birthday
Post By noodles. 24/11/10, 04:05 am

I'll probably drop some stuff off at your house Kami before I go to my dentist's appointment at 5 if that's alright? I don't want to drag all of my stuff to dinner. I will try and bake something since I'll have tomorrow and friday FREEEEEEEEE (apart from writing)
Mum's got her works do on saturday so she'll probably want me home before then. not sure when that is happening but I'll ask when she's home. The beach, huh.... Hmmm. We'd need some sort of transport. One of you older people should go buy like a van or something, so we'll always have transport XD But as long as you people don't mind my hideous thighs, I'm all good for the beach!

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Re: DCC Meeting #7: Noodle's Birthday
Post By Rikku. 24/11/10, 06:00 am

This all sounds heaps great!!!
For the bus adventure, CAN WE DO IT IN COSPLAY?!?!?!?! 8D 8D 8D 8D
I have a thing about scaring the locals. I love it. It's so much fun.
Orrrr I could just turn up in cosplay and be weird on my own. XD

You gaiz have pretty much got this all sussed.
I'll bring my N64 AND my Wii, just in case. =P

/Ninjas out of thread to lurk.
marshmallow ninja

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Re: DCC Meeting #7: Noodle's Birthday
Post By SailorDemyx49. 24/11/10, 07:53 am

lol I shall try and obtain bacon and other things tomorrow night ^^ umm for the beach.. how are we going there O_o??? For the epic bus adventure... I don't know if I'll go in cosplay unless someone can help me pull together an awesome formal Ange outfit in time for Friday... I could maybe shorten that black dress of mine and (if I have time) put tulle under it and make it poofy.. hmm /plans

Yeah thats cool, I'll be home from about 3:50 onwards

oh, I don't have any of Hanbun No Tsuki Ga Noboru Sora, noodles do you have it to give to me?
champaign supernova~

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Re: DCC Meeting #7: Noodle's Birthday
Post By noodles. 24/11/10, 01:05 pm

Let's not do dinner in cosplay - it's an event with more than just the cosplay club and the others will probably feel awkward. We could always cosplay another day - I have half a mind to demand Mum buy me some fabric and make one in a few hours on saturday and then we could cosplay sunday, IDK. Just not for dinner, I don't want to make people feel awkward.

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Re: DCC Meeting #7: Noodle's Birthday
Post By SailorDemyx49. 24/11/10, 01:49 pm

I agree with you there! ^_^ lol

SO SLEEPOVER IS A GO O_O Bring food please (especially the bottle pancakes! O_O)

We are: watching anime, playing games.... eating, talking etc...... blah blah blah

BTW (off topic) could one of my amazingly amazing friends make me a signature with future cosplays? /doesn't have anything to make it with -_-
champaign supernova~

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Re: DCC Meeting #7: Noodle's Birthday
Post By noodles. 25/11/10, 02:15 pm

Ok! SO what are we doing on saturday? We need to decide, like, now, so if we do end up somehow making it to the beach or something we can pack what we need. Also, kami, should we bring sleeping bags? I'm going to go ahead and assume that we will be at Kami's again on sunday. Who wants to make the pass the parcel? I can bring chocolate for the chocolate game, and I still haven't priced up pinatas but I can probably get Mum to do that for me tomorrow.

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Re: DCC Meeting #7: Noodle's Birthday
Post By Rikku. 25/11/10, 02:18 pm

I have some of that bottle pancake mix that's been sitting in the fridge for weeks cos I keep forgetting to make it. I'll contribute and bring that along. I'll see if I can spare some money to buy chips and a drink, too. ^-^
And sunscreen!! Just in case! I'll bring that, too.

As for what we're doing... Umm... If somebody forgets something clothing-wise, I'm sure we could just scavenge from Kami's drawers! =P
marshmallow ninja

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Re: DCC Meeting #7: Noodle's Birthday
Post By moonlight293. 26/11/10, 12:57 am

Lol, I have some bottle pancake mix with me too :3 So more for all! Very Happy
I don't mind bringing lollies either.

Yea, I won't be doing cosplay - don't have anything ready that would suit anyway! ^_^ I have my own sleeping bag, so I'll bring it just in case.
Bus to the beach, perhaps? I think I have my beachwear... -can't remember-

Also, do we have scarf, gloves, hat, etc for chocolate game? :3
Le grande

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Re: DCC Meeting #7: Noodle's Birthday
Post By noodles. 26/11/10, 03:11 am

I'll bring those!
I guess I better pack the Go Card, huh...

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Re: DCC Meeting #7: Noodle's Birthday
Post By SailorDemyx49. 27/11/10, 05:22 pm

okies for tomorrow:

starts: 1 pm
ends: around 5... my parents will txt me when they're heading home so I'd say pack up around then

Bring: umm food, party stuff.... things like that ^^
champaign supernova~

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Re: DCC Meeting #7: Noodle's Birthday
Post By noodles. 05/12/10, 01:49 pm

Right, shall we start organizing what we'll do this month? I know we have to have a goodbye party for IcyRose, and we kind of missed seraphik's birthday too. Should we do something for Christmas as well?

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