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National Novel Writing Month

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 23% [ 7 ]
50,000 words is a lot!
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 23% [ 7 ]
Total Votes : 30

National Novel Writing Month
Post By Riven_. 05/10/10, 03:02 pm

I'm not sure you can call what goes on in NaNoWriMo 'literature' but who really cares. Razz This forum needs more literature.

National Novel Writing Month Nanowrimo_participant_03_120x90

SO. Who's taking part? I am! I've tried twice before and the furthest I've gotten was 20000 words. (which I was pretty proud of Razz ) Hopefully people on the forums can encourage each other, share tips (or hilarious writing misadventures) and other fun things. And if there's anyone in Christchurch, we can meet up and WRITE MADLY TOGETHER? 8D?

Don't know what NaNoWriMo is? Head over here and read up on it. :3
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Re: National Novel Writing Month
Post By Axelinn. 05/10/10, 03:08 pm

I've tried it twice before, 2008 and last year. I won in 2008, but then started exams last year and only got ~15000 ):

I might try again~ NaNoWriMo's always fun! 8D A couple of my friends do it, too, so we tend to have little races against each others~ It's good fun

The NaNoWriMo forums are really great for things prompts, music, and adopting characters/story lines/plot twists C:

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Re: National Novel Writing Month
Post By sakuramiyabi. 05/10/10, 03:09 pm

I might take part. I've been mulling over a concept for the past couple of weeks.

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Re: National Novel Writing Month
Post By Blooberry. 05/10/10, 03:10 pm

I tried last year but only got to about 25,000~30,000 words
I gave up because the story was going no where =A= /writes as she goes along
And realized I couldn't even enter because I was 12. EVERYTHING I WANTED TO ENTER I COULDN'T DO. D:

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Re: National Novel Writing Month
Post By Emo!Axel. 05/10/10, 03:14 pm

I've always wanted to try.....

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Re: National Novel Writing Month
Post By Pyro. 05/10/10, 03:26 pm

I'm not gonna do full-NaNoWriMo (since I have exams), but I am going to set a personal goal for November of finishing Part 1 of Project Re, a novel I've been working on all year. It's in four parts, and I'm like a chapter in to Part 1, but since that's the slowest bit of it I'm hoping to get it out of the way and get Part 2 done over the Summer-- so yeah. 8D
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Re: National Novel Writing Month
Post By Rikki-Leigh. 05/10/10, 03:33 pm

Definitely going for it this year. I've got it all planned out already, so I just need to write. I've only got two exams as well, so I'm gonna be pretty easy going during November.


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Re: National Novel Writing Month
Post By Guest. 05/10/10, 04:00 pm

I heard about Axelinn doing it last year and It looked pretty interesting, so I think I'll try this year~


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Re: National Novel Writing Month
Post By Riven_. 05/10/10, 04:10 pm

Hooray for writing things, huh? I know we're not even half-way through October yet, but I've decided that I'm going to be ORGANISED this year! Figure out some kind of plot/idea/thing which will vaguely guide my path towards success.

All I have to do is decide which kind of genre to try...
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Re: National Novel Writing Month
Post By fleyer. 05/10/10, 04:12 pm

I never got far last year but this year totally gonna finish it. I have my plot and characters down and everything >8]
Sushi ;O

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Re: National Novel Writing Month
Post By Guest. 05/10/10, 04:23 pm

Creature told me to try last year, but I diiiiiiidn't. ^^'; I'm really embarrassed that I'm going to do something wrong, and then get laughed at, or get worst story ever written...


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Re: National Novel Writing Month
Post By Riven_. 05/10/10, 04:40 pm

The thing is, no one ever sees what you write unless you want them to. And to be fair, very few people will write anything decent in 30 days (unless they're amazing or they've done this before XD)

The point is just to write, and write, and write and write and then write some more. If it's crap- who cares? You've written a few thousand words, which is definitely an achievement.
Advice Guru

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Re: National Novel Writing Month
Post By Guest. 06/10/10, 12:47 am

I have tried and failed I think three times.
This year, I have no exams to get in the way. I am GOING to get my thesis out of the way so I wont need to worry about it. I have a full-time job that leaves me hours and hours of free time in the evening. So I should do fine for time and organisation.
I have a setting, and half a plot. It might just be Act 1 of a plot, I'm not sure yet.
I post over on the nano site as u_ne_korn same as over here.

Bartz: Just do it. There is no WRONG way to do a nano. All you gotta do is write 1300 words a day for 30 days. Quantity over quality!
It's fairly common for conversations to go like this:
Writer: I'm stuck!
Nano: Quick, write some ninja's!
Writer: Ninja's? Ninja's don't make the slightest bit of sense in context. There are no ninja's in my world.
Nano: don't care, write ninja's. you can edit them out later.
Writer: .... Ninja's it is!


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Re: National Novel Writing Month
Post By P-Layton. 06/10/10, 02:34 am

I tried it last year (and won!) but didn't like my novel, so I scrapped it and a the middle/beginning of this year I wrote another one (51, 891) and still haven't got round to the much-needed editing. So I think I'll sit this year out (besides I'll leave before the end of NaNoWriMo).
Good luck to the rest of you, though! 8DDDb
Le grande

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Re: National Novel Writing Month
Post By noodles. 06/10/10, 05:06 am

I am I am I am!!!
I did it last year for the first time and finished, so I figure not doing it this year despite exams would be a waste.
I am waaaaayyyyy too excited for it, I've been vaguely planning for most of the year OTL.

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Re: National Novel Writing Month
Post By Zephyr. 06/10/10, 03:07 pm

I've never tried it, hell I've never even heard of it. But I'm so keen, I've been in those moods lately, where you just want to write and write and never stop but contemplating whether it'd be a waste of time or not. But now, I have a push factor.

Edit: Wait that's external NCEA exams time.

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Re: National Novel Writing Month
Post By seraphik. 06/10/10, 03:22 pm

i always want to do it, but otago uni exams are on during the first half of nov. 8( i'll probably still attempt it though!
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Re: National Novel Writing Month
Post By Guest. 07/10/10, 12:27 am

For those who are busy in November, there are lots of other, although much smaller, writing challenges that run through the year.

Southern Cross Novel Challenge | | Known as SocNoc
Another 50,000 word challenge in June, sponsored by the Kiwi Writers.

And the list misses Script Frenzy, so maybe it's out of date. Could be more!


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Re: National Novel Writing Month
Post By Guest. 31/10/10, 09:44 am

Wellington Kick-off meeting was this afternoon. I'm ready and rearing to go!


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Re: National Novel Writing Month
Post By Rocky. 31/10/10, 10:04 am

I'm attempting it again this year 8D (how did I not see this thread before now?)

I have a story and a vague idea for plot. Also, I have many exams, but EH.
Last year, I was way to worried about the quality for my writing and story, and kept editing. This year, I shall not go back to anything I've written before the end of november! I swear!

Also, I'm totally unprepared for starting tomorrow. OH WELL.
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Re: National Novel Writing Month
Post By KotoneVersus. 31/10/10, 10:11 am

I just remembered that I'm supposed to be attempting this... Whoops.

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Re: National Novel Writing Month
Post By fleyer. 31/10/10, 10:30 am

I've totally got something to do in class tomorrow X3
I'm all set to go and so excited 8D and I don't really need much study for exams and my exams are all clumped together
I won't fail like last year
Sushi ;O

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Re: National Novel Writing Month
Post By Riven_. 31/10/10, 11:03 am

Ahahahahaaa Nano starts tomorrow. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE.

I'm... not prepared at all? I've done a little prep with ideas/plot type things, but I guess we'll see what happens!
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Re: National Novel Writing Month
Post By Rikki-Leigh. 31/10/10, 11:22 am

fleyer wrote:
I've totally got something to do in class tomorrow X3

LOLTHIS. I'll be writing during my free period, I think~~ Write or Die =D


For anyone who's never heard of it, I suggest using Write or Die. It's an online app. by Dr. Wicked and is very good for encouraging you to write. You can set the timer to write for a certain amount of time and have a word count to aim for as well as consequences for stopping writing. Perfect for NaNo. USE IT.


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Re: National Novel Writing Month
Post By Guest. 31/10/10, 01:34 pm

Oh gosh. Just signed up. Very incredibly nervous. xDD';


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