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DCC Sewing meetups?

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DCC Sewing meetups?
Post By Rikku. 14/09/10, 09:06 am

AuckGeddon is looming closer and closer, gaiz. I hate to be the one to remind you all that it's NEXT FREAKING MONTH D8 D8 D8.
Anyway, I was thinking, mebbeh we can have a couple of casual sewing meetups, where people bring their sewing machines and we all sew in a big group? Be good to pass the time, and not so boring and lonely(cos I personally get lonely when I sew, as my stereo is at my computer, not upstairs in my sewing room </3).
Umm... What say you gaiz?
Who is even going to AuckGeddon, anyways? o.O
marshmallow ninja

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Re: DCC Sewing meetups?
Post By iristigerlily. 14/09/10, 09:27 am

I'm up for some sewing days, even though I'm not going to AuckGeddon sad I can just sit there and be jealous while you all talk about it!

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Re: DCC Sewing meetups?
Post By moonlight293. 14/09/10, 10:28 am

I am always keen for sewing meetups - especially since I can't sew! xD I won't be going up to Auckland either, but it is always good to do these anyway :3 My flatmate has a sewing machine which I can borrow and bring!
Le grande

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Re: DCC Sewing meetups?
Post By Rikku. 14/09/10, 11:46 am

Yayness! 8D ^-^
Sad face that not many from Dunnaz are going to AuckGeddon. </3 </3
marshmallow ninja

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Re: DCC Sewing meetups?
Post By IcyRose. 14/09/10, 12:07 pm

I'm heading to Auckgeddon, although I do most of my sewing with my Mum while the craft stuff I do on my own. I'd consider coming depending on if I have stuff to do whenever

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Re: DCC Sewing meetups?
Post By noodles. 15/09/10, 10:31 am

I'm not going to 'geddon but dedicated time for sewing would be good, I'm such a procrastinator. It'd be good motivation.

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Re: DCC Sewing meetups?
Post By TinTango. 15/09/10, 01:54 pm

Im keen, but depends on my roster!

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Re: DCC Sewing meetups?
Post By Yunca. 24/09/10, 02:05 am

me and Alice are going to Auckland Armageddon yey!!
not sure if i can make it to sewing partys after holidays either but have to see.

Alice wont be in nz till 19th of october and she'll already be in auckland lol.

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DCC Sewing meetups?

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