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Not recovering from the Dragon Ball GT Ending.**Spoilers**

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Not recovering from the Dragon Ball GT Ending.**Spoilers**
Post By sakura-uchiha. 15/08/10, 07:33 am

I've recently JUST finished Dragon Ball GT.....

The ending with Goku making the last wish.....
Then Shenron Taking Goku....
ChiChi yells: Be back for dinner!!
Goku goes to see Kuririn&Piccolo for the very last time..
He passes Tein, yamcha and more friends on the way....
... The dragon Balls are absorbed into Gokus' body. Goku and Shenron then both disappear.
Everyone goes home.
Pan pickes up Gokus clothing... Vegeta tells her to take care of it.
The it skips to 80 or so years later.. With Goku Jr & Vegeta Jr fighting. Pan sees Goku but he disappears..
The last song then plays with Gokus' memories.....
GOku never went back for dinner....

Why did it end...
I'm not even sure if it's a happy ending....
I shouldn't have watched the neding > <
I feel so sad and depressed.... The ending seems happy.... but to me...
It has been making me cry every and all the night...
Not recovering from the Dragon Ball GT Ending.**Spoilers** 463216
Gokuuuu DX
**Totaly not recovering from ending....**

Is there anything MORE after dragon ball GT...
or is that the FINAL?
Apparently theres a movie called "A Hero's Legacy"
With Goku Jr....
But is that really it?

Number of posts : 140
Age : 28
Location : KoNoHaGaKuRe
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Registration date : 2010-03-03

Not recovering from the Dragon Ball GT Ending.**Spoilers** Vide
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Re: Not recovering from the Dragon Ball GT Ending.**Spoilers**
Post By carnione. 15/08/10, 11:50 pm

If they ended with Buu Saga in DragonBall Z...

Number of posts : 662
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Location : Palmerston North
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2009-11-07

Not recovering from the Dragon Ball GT Ending.**Spoilers** Vide
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Re: Not recovering from the Dragon Ball GT Ending.**Spoilers**
Post By moonlight293. 16/08/10, 12:32 am

I know, I felt the same way!
Even though I really didn't like DBGT, I couldn't help but feel terribly sad and teary in that last episode since it truly /was/ the end!!

I do love the fight between Goku Jr and Vegeta Jr. Little Super Saiyans! <3

So yea, that is the final episode. There is that movie, and also the "Yo! Son Goku and his Friends Return!" movie special that was released in 2008 - set after Buu Saga.

I got teary when Pan saw Goku... T^T
Le grande

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Not recovering from the Dragon Ball GT Ending.**Spoilers** Vide
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Re: Not recovering from the Dragon Ball GT Ending.**Spoilers**
Post By sakura-uchiha. 16/08/10, 03:08 am

carnione wrote:
If they ended with Buu Saga in DragonBall Z...

I know!!!!!!. They shouldv'e ended it there

moonlight293 wrote:
I know, I felt the same way!
Even though I really didn't like DBGT, I couldn't help but feel terribly sad and teary in that last episode since it truly /was/ the end!!

I do love the fight between Goku Jr and Vegeta Jr. Little Super Saiyans! <3

So yea, that is the final episode. There is that movie, and also the "Yo! Son Goku and his Friends Return!" movie special that was released in 2008 - set after Buu Saga.

I got teary when Pan saw Goku... T^T

And then he disappeared and Pan waslie, "YOu've finally come back grandpa...."
and then all his memories... then the song "DANDAN kokoro hikarate ku" plays
> n <

Number of posts : 140
Age : 28
Location : KoNoHaGaKuRe
Transforms into : a katt!!
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2010-03-03

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Not recovering from the Dragon Ball GT Ending.**Spoilers**

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