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Vocaloid - anyone want to fill me in?

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Vocaloid - anyone want to fill me in?
Post By RJayne. 03/08/10, 01:55 pm

Well, I found out about Vocaloid through this forum, and I've seen a few of the songs and know a little about the characters, but I'd really love to get to know the Vocaloid world properly.

So, it would be awesome if anyone (or everyone) could post about the characters, their relationships and personalities (like, the general concensus/idea), your favourite songs, pics, or even stories, etc. I really want to know as much as I can, so I can appreciate Vocaloid and love it as much as so many people here, and maybe even cosplay it one day Vocaloid - anyone want to fill me in? 711668

The more I know about Vocaloid, the more I can love it, so please don't be shy or sparing!

Thank you!

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Re: Vocaloid - anyone want to fill me in?
Post By Blooberry. 03/08/10, 02:13 pm

Well~ The characters don't really have set personalities, I think? It differs from song to song.
Like in Daughter of Evil, Rin is kinda evil but in something like Kokoro, she is portrayed as being unfeeling. [Well, as a robot...]

Same with pairings, although I think the main ones/most common ones are Miku x Kaito, Gakupo x Luka and Rin x Len.
Although Gakupo x Rin is preferred by /some/ 8'D

Have you heard about Utauloid~? It's a free software which lets you make your own unofficial vocaloid. 83 A couple are really popular~ Kasane Teto [the one with red drill curls] is the most well-known one.

A few of my favourite songs are The New Millenium, Discotheque★Love, Secret 〜Black Vow〜,
Eager♥Believer[Cover ver.] by Rin [although tbh I only like the cover version.]and Dolls

[edit]Just incase you were confused about the cover version, sometimes people do covers of vocaloid songs. You can find choruses and stuff by looking up '[song name]Nico Nico Chorus' : P
Some english dubs turn up, too, that are actually decent, like Rockleetist's.

I dunno if this helps xP

Last edited by Blooberry on 03/08/10, 02:24 pm; edited 4 times in total

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Re: Vocaloid - anyone want to fill me in?
Post By hyolee123. 03/08/10, 02:19 pm

Naw Well Vocaloid itself is a voice syntheses software.

There are tons of vocaloids the Japanese ones are more popular though.
Len is the MIRROR image (Sometimes sister. Sometimes lover depending on the song) or Rin.
Heh Had to clear that up. I was so confused when it came to that whole thing.

And I agree with bloo on the whole personality thing. I really like LukaxLen >w<

And a really good song by him (In my opinion) It's called rain.
So relaxing.

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Re: Vocaloid - anyone want to fill me in?
Post By riiche-. 03/08/10, 02:20 pm

Getting to know the VOCALOID world completely is almost impossible seeing as there are TONS of songs and outfits being uploaded each day. orz. Oh, VOCALOID world. How I love you~

VOCALOID Wikia. I hope it helps. Have fun reading through all the text.

WARNING: Once you get into this world, you can't get out~ *cackle*cackle*cackle*

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Re: Vocaloid - anyone want to fill me in?
Post By RJayne. 03/08/10, 02:39 pm

Thank you for the quick replies! /goes to watch songs

So do the songs link to each other in any way? I know that Daughter of Evil and Servant of Evil have some link...

And are there reasons for which characters sing which songs, or is it just random? (Why do I keep seeing Kaito and Gakupo duets?)

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Re: Vocaloid - anyone want to fill me in?
Post By SockPanda. 03/08/10, 02:54 pm

Singers usually depend on the artist/creator's pairing preference/storyline, I guess 8)

Some songs are wonderful to listen to alone, but a lot of them you have to watch the video to see how they link with other songs, for example Servant/Daughter of Evil mentioned above. Another well known one is the Synchronicity series~ (First video-, the second one should link off that~ The third has yet to be released)

Some other well-known songs are:
Just Be Friends-
Love Is War- (The Pandora mix of this is AMAYZING. Look it up >8)
World Is Mine-

One thing to note is that the ones mentioned above are the original songs with the original Vocaloid programmed for the song. You'll come across a lot of other versions of each songs (the more popular, the more versions xP) where other users have programmed their favourtire/preferred Voca/Utau to sing, with different pairings and combinations and so on~

The great thing about Vocaloid is that there are loooads of different outfits and combos you can make cosplays for >w< Some of the outfits are brilliant, like Sandplay 8D
forum prisoner.

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Re: Vocaloid - anyone want to fill me in?
Post By Blooberry. 03/08/10, 02:56 pm

Some songs are part of a series, like the Series of Evil, which is Daughter of Evil, Servant of Evil, and Regret Message. And then there is the Synchronicity series which is really good~ Check descriptions of videos, usually it will say if the song is part of a series. :3

Some songs are made specifically for a certain vocaloid [ie Miku Miku ni sugar honey iced tea Ageru [sorry if that is the wrong title ^^;]] but often people will make other vocaloids sing songs which were originally sung by another, like Melt, which was originally by Miku but has been covered by nearly [every?] vocaloid.

And some vocaloids simply sing songs together because they sound good together :3
Or if its a pairing or something. [Like in Magnet]

[edit] Lulz, Socky got in first. So I'll just link some songs I like. 8D

Pane dhiria
Unyapu /dies from its adorablness


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Re: Vocaloid - anyone want to fill me in?
Post By riiche-. 03/08/10, 03:00 pm

RJayne wrote:
So do the songs link to each other in any way? I know that Daughter of Evil and Servant of Evil have some link...
Some songs relate to each other because they're like... series (I'm sorry, I'm bad at explaining). A lot of the songs are just one offs. And there are a lot of fanmade ones too.

RJayne wrote:
And are there reasons for which characters sing which songs, or is it just random? (Why do I keep seeing Kaito and Gakupo duets?)
Nope. It's just like real life singers. They can sing by themselves, sing in duets or groups. Whoever you want them to sing with 8DD
KAITO and Gakupo are :love: Maybe it's because they look really, really good together.

EDIT: Lol. Ninja'd by Bloo xDD You stole the words right out of my head. I had to actually think for a while before I realized that "Miku Miku ni Shi te Ageru" was filtered. If I remember correctly, I remember hearing something about people editing that song slightly for other VOCALOIDS...? My memory is failing me.

EDIT2: Kaito Kaito ni Shi te Ageru. It exists.

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Re: Vocaloid - anyone want to fill me in?
Post By Nikopol. 03/08/10, 08:13 pm

I don't like much vocaloid stuff [although i enjoy the games, heh] but the songs i enjoyed the most were

The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku -

Double Lariat - . The Nico video is particulary cool for this one because the sprites continue to spin even if you pause the video

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Re: Vocaloid - anyone want to fill me in?
Post By azeria. 04/08/10, 03:06 pm

My favourite songs~~

Roche Limit;
Bringing the Rain Along;
Len's Psychotic Love Song;
Tsugai Kogarashi;

& because I just found it
Last Night, Good Night; Len + Luka ver. ;

My Vocaloid shippings are rather... detailed >___>
Meiko --unrequited-> Kaito

Sonika/Gumi pair the spares lol.

& yes, definitely check out some of the Nico covers. Onces by Choucho (and her duets with Jack) & Valshe are awesome.

Choucho's The Time My First Love Ended;
Valshe & Coco's Yume Sakura;
Valshe's Soundless Voice;
Gerorin's Just be Friends; <- Everyone listen to this. Gerorin ;A; Same guy that did that insane lulzy Magnet
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Re: Vocaloid - anyone want to fill me in?
Post By RJayne. 08/08/10, 08:33 am

Okay, wow. Vocaloid is officially amazing.
/I have Dancing Samurai stuck in my head THE HORROR

So... for songs such as Love is War, which features only Miku, who designs the other outfits for other characters?

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Re: Vocaloid - anyone want to fill me in?
Post By Icarus. 08/08/10, 09:05 am

^ there are very rarely any Vocaloid PVs/songs that are actually done by the official company themselves. They have a few, but in ratio to the fan made ones, not much lol
This guy, I think was hired after he had done a couple images for the vids. The original World is Mine pic was done by him. Hes now designing album covers (like Re: Package) and Miku Append was also his design.

As for Koi wa Sensou/Love is War, the original images of Miku screaming on the megaphone was done by the artist of DOGS: Bullets and Carnage (IKR?! XDD )

basically most the vids are fan done, not hired to, the PV (along with the song) just becomes really popular with that PV design stuck to it. I'm not too sure about who made the other vids, but they usually have their usernames in the song credits.
(so thats why theres more than one PV to a song, its another fan's take on their interpretation of the song.)

friggin heck, I'm never gonna get my homework done at this rate, RAAAAAAWWR
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Re: Vocaloid - anyone want to fill me in?
Post By RJayne. 08/08/10, 09:40 am


In terms of cosplay, though - the cosplayers would borrow the outfits from the PVs, but for other characters who aren't in the PV, do they just design their own outfits?

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Re: Vocaloid - anyone want to fill me in?
Post By Guest. 08/08/10, 09:48 am

Yea, a good example would be Icarus and azeria's Valerious' Daughter/Servant of Evil costumes. Basically, all of the videos colour thems are yellow and black, and Rin is always seen in a flouncy, they just went from there. Barely any cosplay aside from the "official" album artwork is not originally designed by the wearer.

Last edited by Ravin on 08/08/10, 10:25 am; edited 1 time in total


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Re: Vocaloid - anyone want to fill me in?
Post By Icarus. 08/08/10, 10:10 am

^ my excuse was that I didn't want to wear white pants and I wanted something flamboyant 8DD
(Valerious was my Rin for that cosplay sweatdrop )
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Re: Vocaloid - anyone want to fill me in?
Post By Guest. 08/08/10, 10:24 am

Heh, sorry, I figured it was her because she's normally Rin. ALL CREDIT TO VALERIOUS. What a dress it was. <3

By the way, loved the "flamboyance." More knight-y than servant-y, which is really what he's like in the story.


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