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Popular vs uncommon cosplays?

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I wouldn't do a character that's overdone
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 19% [ 9 ]
I wouldn't do a character no one knows
Popular vs uncommon cosplays? Vote_lcap8%Popular vs uncommon cosplays? Vote_rcap
 8% [ 4 ]
I have no idea if my cosplays are popular
Popular vs uncommon cosplays? Vote_lcap13%Popular vs uncommon cosplays? Vote_rcap
 13% [ 6 ]
I don't think about it!
Popular vs uncommon cosplays? Vote_lcap60%Popular vs uncommon cosplays? Vote_rcap
 60% [ 29 ]
Total Votes : 48

Popular vs uncommon cosplays?
Post By Tails. 11/07/10, 03:54 pm

Do you guys think a character can be 'over-cosplayed'? Or even over-cosplayed to the point that you wouldn't consider cosplaying it at all?

Or do you like cosplaying popular characters? For a challenge of being better than the other 1000's that have done it, or so you'll definitely get recognised at cons? I know some people don't like the idea of people asking who they are all day, but others hate seeing someone cosplaying the same person.

So yeah, what do you guys prefer? Popular vs uncommon cosplays? 730432

Edit: Or do you just not care? XD

Last edited by Tails on 11/07/10, 04:00 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Re: Popular vs uncommon cosplays?
Post By Duckeh. 11/07/10, 03:57 pm

I can have both mindsets. I pick characters I like and I do them. Screw all you fgts.

I definitely prefer something pretty and obscure over gaudy and 'over-cosplayed' though. But I'll still do it if I'm in love with the character~
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Re: Popular vs uncommon cosplays?
Post By azeria. 11/07/10, 03:58 pm

For me it doesn't matter on the popularity of the character, I just cosplay them because I love the character.
Like there are hundreds of cosplays of Rin or Fai, but they're still such awesome characters that I want to cosplay them <3
On the flipside I've never seen a Saori cosplay, and hardly anyone I've talked to has even heard of Mirage of Blaze, the series she's in. But it's one of my favourites and she's so damn amazing that I'm cosplaying her anyway =]
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Re: Popular vs uncommon cosplays?
Post By Admin. 11/07/10, 04:01 pm

8| /points at vocaloid cosplays

I believe that would be a wonderful example of an overdone cosplay.

I used to want to cosplay Len (I actually like the twins) but then the next year every man and his dog and hid dog's mother's flees were cosplaying him. >_>

I don't mind cosplaying popular characters, in terms of the characters having a large fanbase, but I think cosplaying a character because lots of other people do is kinda sheeping. I mean if you have you own reasons, like you REALLY FEEL A CONNECTION WITH THIS CHARACTER or something, it doesn't matter how popular they are.

I'm rambling.

Sorry. >_>

...but yeah, I get sick of seeing vocaloid cosplays on the front page of coscom every day. They all look the same. B|

Edit: UH. To sum my opinion up: I don't really care. But I wouldn't go out of my way just to cosplay a popular/unpopular character. However, I do tend to avoid characters that have been over-cosplayed.
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Re: Popular vs uncommon cosplays?
Post By Icarus. 11/07/10, 04:03 pm

I used to do more characters that didn't get much love D:
Like Ichiru from VK & Kantaro from Tactics, I guess it was cause it's different. But now I'll just do and not care about anything else. (though if they have been done a million times, then I'll try and pick the outfits thats been done rarely, sneaky, y/y? 8DD )
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Re: Popular vs uncommon cosplays?
Post By Blooberry. 11/07/10, 04:05 pm


Last year I definately cosplayed characters which I knew would be recognized, sort of because I wanted the attention and sort of because I was afraid of people not knowing who I was and mistaking me for someone else.

This year I'm cosplaying characters that I love and think would look decent on me :3 I'm sort of indifferent. It's nice to get recognized but at the same time I think cosplaying something which isn't very well known and someone knowing who you were would be quite cool :3


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Re: Popular vs uncommon cosplays?
Post By SockPanda. 11/07/10, 04:12 pm

I don't really mind either way. TO me it's all a matter of personal preference and the love of a character/series/fandom/whatever, so the popular/unpopular doesn't come into the equation much XD Except one of my pet peeves, which is..... uh,


Not nitpicking or trying to be mean or anything, but even simple, "popular" characters/cosplays like L can be done... badly. I'm all for really well-done/decent costumes made of a character whether widely known or not, but there are... some instances where the character has become so overdone that most/all the cosplays done for it are... lacking in quality.

... I don't think half of that made any sense whatsoever.

Tl;DR - L
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Re: Popular vs uncommon cosplays?
Post By Guest. 11/07/10, 04:33 pm

I do try to avoid overdone cosplays but in the end I don't really mind. To me it's more about me liking the character or series and kinda having a bond with the character. Most of the stuff which I really want to cosplay are pretty uncommon :3

But yeah, as long as I like the character, the design and thinks that I'll look decent then I'll just go for it XD


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Re: Popular vs uncommon cosplays?
Post By HomicidalHeroine. 11/07/10, 04:36 pm

I'm personally loath to pick a common cosplay unless I'm sure I can do it well.
I wouldn't have done Near if I was any taller than I am (I consider him to be a character who you can't pull off quite as well if you're tall. The shortness seems to somehow tie in with his character for me, I guess?), and I searched up a whole bunch of Carmen Sandiego cosplays before doing her for Pyro's birthday/the Santa Parade just to make sure that I'd be better than them > >; ... unfortunately she wasn't quite as good at Armageddon because, while I had better boots and a better dress, my hair was the wrong length due to a recent haircut, and John and I were in such a rush to leave that I left the gloves behind.
But I'm a massive perfectionist. I notice EVERY flaw in my costume.
I guess I'm equally fussy with other cosplays, too-- part of the reason I think I've procrastinated with Vexen is because I feel weird being 5'2" and cosplaying one of the three tallest Organization members xD
But that perfectionism is probably why I tend towards more obscure characters. That way, I can relieve myself of some of the pressure-- instead of worrying about whether or not I make a terrible Near, if I'm not recognised I can go "oh, well, Suzie only shows up in two episodes of Torchwood anyway" or "... well, a Shakespeare character probably isn't expected... much less a zombie version of a deceased Shakespeare character", which stops me from beating myself up about failing in my attempts to cosplay them.

So... yeah. I'd do a popular cosplay if it was something like Near or Carmen Sandiego, where I was quite sure I could do it well-- I'd never do, say, Axel.
Most of the time for me, though, it's personality first that draws me to the character anyway-- I'm an actress first and foremost, so I tend to get in character a bit whenever I don any costume, so characters who are similar to me are just easier xDD It just so happens that most of the time, the characters who are most similar to me are the ones who aren't cosplayed quite as much compared to others in their series, whether or not the series is a popular subject for cosplay-- Vexen and Suzie, for example.

So, basically, between perfectionism and personality, I tend to end up cosplaying slightly less common characters. The definition of "less common", though, can range from "almost no one does this cosplay" to "the series gets cosplayed a lot, but you don't see that particular character as often as the others".
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Re: Popular vs uncommon cosplays?
Post By Aikome. 11/07/10, 04:51 pm

I never really thought about it . . until now. ^~^; /agrees with the Vocaloid hype/
Tbh, Miku is actually be the only one I wouldn't cosplay because of her popularity.

Overall I don't care. I don't cosplay for other people and I do it for my own enjoyment so if I like a character/fandom alot. . screw anyone else who has overdone it. If the character was "overdone" I'd use that as a motivator to be accurate as possible/do even better. Because I'm totally anal about accuracy and doing best as I can in relation to cosplay.
Also . . more ref images >~>;; heh.

And I agree with SockPanda . . about the L cosplay.
It's over-cosplayed so much and half of them don't put an effort into it.
/verging on off-topic/ I think that in some cases that if a character is popular and cosplayed by many (especially beginners) they tend to be slack. Daaang. . . ;~; I sound mean. Not intentional.

But really, if I didn't cosplay popular characters from games/manga/anime alot of my favourites would be gone because there are many people who share the same interest.

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Re: Popular vs uncommon cosplays?
Post By acidpinkbunny. 11/07/10, 05:02 pm

I found overcosplayed characters helpful in order to build my confidence in cosplay.
Cosplay is really really scary and the fact that people knew who I was to start with made things a LOT easier for me. Everybody has to start somewhere and I found it easier to be able to see what other people had done in the past as it helped me to see what mistakes not to make and which things I liked.

Now that I'm more confident and feeling more skilled I feel like I can tackle characters who I really care about, whether they're likely to be recognised or not.

Overall I'm not sure how to answer your poll at all Tails XD I love feeling a connection to my character and would do them regardless, but I'm also doing a group with you simply because Patrick wanted to.

I'm confused. Why do you do this to me?

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Re: Popular vs uncommon cosplays?
Post By Tails. 11/07/10, 05:19 pm

^ Because I love you? Popular vs uncommon cosplays? Icon_razz I like doing cosplays because a friend asked me to, mostly because I ask so many people to cosplay with me so it's like returning a 'cosplay favour'. But you're right about it being easier to start off with well known characters, more people (cosplayers) will approach you if they recognise you. Or even if they dont but it's obvious you're cosplaying.

@Icarus- I also like cosplaying an uncommon variant of a common character, like Chii, she's been cosplayed a million times but the particular outfit of hers that I chose has only been cosplayed a handful of times. *feels special*

But then I've done really popular characters like Tifa, that don't have too many different outfits. Personally, if I'm cosplaying a character I know has been done a lot, I go extra out of my way to do it as best as I can, so I can at least stand out a bit when compared to other cosplayers. I guess I'm kinda arrogant like that but half the satisfaction for me is knowing there's nothing in my cosplay that could be done better. But then it's the same with uncommon cosplays, like my Ultimecia, I knew people would definitely be judgemental because it hadn't been seen often, & uncommon cosplays are easier to compare. At the end of the day I'm a perfectionist no matter what, & I'll cosplay a character no matter how many times they've been done before, as long as I do my best I'll be happy.

then critisize myself later Popular vs uncommon cosplays? 37781

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Re: Popular vs uncommon cosplays?
Post By Pyro. 11/07/10, 05:38 pm

Personally, I just cosplay characters that I love-- and usually, for me, that means I'm cosplaying obscure stuff. Since I don't 'get' most of the mainstream anime/manga/gaming/whatever Vocaloid counts as cosplay trends, I often find myself as stuff like Motochika and Raikov-- awesome characters that next to no-one knows. And you know what? That's fine.

I mix in some other more well known characters here and there-- like how I've got a Snow Villiers cosplay planned for next year and I might end up cosplaying either Roy Mustang or Riza Hawkeye at some stage-- but nothing massively mainstream (by that I mean Naruto, Vocaloid, KHR, Death Note, Hetalia-- whatever else is in vogue right now, idk).

That said, even if I did like them, I doubt I'd I cosplay from the aforementioned series. Because I am sick to death of all of them-- especially Vocaloid. I was thinking of doing Luka once but AUUUGHH so many bloody Vocaloid cosplayers!! I can't take it any more!! So yeah, I'm in the same boat as Admin. No offense all you guys who're Vocaloiding it up, but there are so many of you out there and it's overwhelming for people like me who don't get the hype. 8D;;

tl;dr: TOO MUCH VOCALOID and a couple of other things; but other than that I'll cosplay whatever.
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Re: Popular vs uncommon cosplays?
Post By PIe. 12/07/10, 03:01 am

Popularity doesn't bother me in the least. Take my Sat and Sun cosplay from Wellygeddon this year, Sat, I had about 8 people recognise my character, Sun I was Misa in her most cosplayed outfit. DO is a massive exaple of over cosplayed characters for me, Izaya and China, their popularity didn't put me off, or make make me want to cosplay them, their characters did.

I do like to do less cosplayed versions of character that are overly cosplayed such as the Yotsuba Party version of Misa (and I don't actually believe anyone else has done that costume) and I'm working on a Chrome costume from a recent colour spread that I don't think many people will make but really, even if there are a million of people who have done the costume before me that really wont stop me from doing it myself.

Cosplaying a character that no one will recognise I find really enjoyable and I wish I felt a stronger attraction to some characters from lesser known series enough to cosplay them. Being recognised by someone when your dressed as a character hardly anyone knows makes you feel way happier than when they're the hundreth person to shout out "Misa, can I get a photo".

TLDR: Popularity doesn't come into it when I'm choosing cosplays
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Re: Popular vs uncommon cosplays?
Post By neimhaille. 12/07/10, 04:29 am

I don't care how often a cosplay is done so long as it is done well ;) Or the cosplayer is having fun and clearly enjoying themselves or a combination of the two ;)

As for what I do... again it all comes down to me enjoying the making and wearing :) I have a possible plan for a Bleach cosplay ;)
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Re: Popular vs uncommon cosplays?
Post By sakuramiyabi. 12/07/10, 04:40 am

I cosplay who I like whether or not they've been overcosplayed or not. But most of the characters I like are rather obscure as it is anyways XD

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Re: Popular vs uncommon cosplays?
Post By Huntress. 12/07/10, 08:02 am

I know I tend to pick more obscure Cosplays but it is usually because I'm looking for something particular. I tend to pick based on connection and technical difficulty and variety. Usually also characters with strong personalities. I like to be able to do skits so this also has a bearing on my decision.

Things that do not factor into my consideration: cost and hard work.

I don't care what it costs or how much hard work it is, I do it because I love it and it's a challenge.
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Re: Popular vs uncommon cosplays?
Post By Guest. 12/07/10, 08:45 am

I didn't read everyone's posts, but I do agree wholeheartedly with all that Admin said.

One thing to point out is that a lot of the over-cosplayed characters have simple outfits (for example, L! Every year you're bound to see a least five of em.) Which is probably the reason a lot of people choose them, aside from the fact that the character is popular. (Who DOESN'T like L?)

Baggy white shirt, shaggy black hair and jeans. How easy can it get to be recognised? If I see an L cosplayer, my instant thoughts are:

A. They can't sew.
B. They don't watch obscure animes.
C. They're lazy.
D. They procrastinated, like me. :]

Judgemental, I know. But cosplay is all in fun, so I don't really have a problem with it.


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Re: Popular vs uncommon cosplays?
Post By Mischa. 12/07/10, 09:40 am


I don't really think about it! Lots of my cosplays seem to fall into semi-recognisable.

"you're that thing from that game!"

I like seeing popular characters, but it's awesome to see someone obscure from something you dig- like Axe Cop!

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Re: Popular vs uncommon cosplays?
Post By sakura_petals. 12/07/10, 11:22 am

I don't care really either way. I like cosplaying recognisable characters (at least for the moment) but like Tails said taking a well known character with a not so well known costume is always good. Like when I did Sakura's last battle costume for CHCHgeddon this year I was having lots of fun because everyone knew who I was but it was different from her other well known costumes (plus I've only ever seen 1 other cosplayer with this particular battle costume). I also have plans for the musical version of Super Sailor Moon for next year.

For me having fun and enjoying the cosplay/character that you are wearing is the most important part.

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Re: Popular vs uncommon cosplays?
Post By Squishy blob. 12/07/10, 11:44 am

sakura_petals wrote:

For me having fun and enjoying the cosplay/character that you are wearing is the most important part.

This. I'm terribly guilty of cosplaying popular and recognisable characters, but I cosplayed them because I liked them, and because I thought it would be fun. Part of the fun with my Suzumiya Haruhi cosplay last year was that I wanted to do it a bit differently- not buy it, for a start. (even though it wasn't that great and I've improved it for Yuki Nagato at DO)

If you can stand out from the thousands of other people who have cosplayed that character or at least know that you mixed it up a bit, then I think that's a good thing.

As for being recognised, I don't really mind. But I think I want the characters I cosplay to at least stand out/look cool.
Squishy blob
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Re: Popular vs uncommon cosplays?
Post By hyolee123. 12/07/10, 12:23 pm

Well I don't really have much of a say seeing as no one recognizes me on my mufti days at school -_-;

I do cosplay recognizable people but they're ones you wouldn't see people cosplay if you get what I mean...I'm thinking more as you see them everywhere but people don't cosplay them because it's too hard or something.

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Re: Popular vs uncommon cosplays?
Post By Nikopol. 15/07/10, 04:14 pm

Normally i cosplay in groups, one of us will decide the series and we'll all cosplay from that series. It seems regardless if people know it or not as soon as they see a group thats all related, and the outfits are high quality, it seem noticed!

In saying that i probably do obscure stuff moreso than often, but not because it is obscure or anything! I just don't really enjoy the major series` as much these days so i don't have much desire to cosplay something popular like that [all i really watch is One Piece sad although i was thinking of doing a Bon Clay for a while... ].

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Re: Popular vs uncommon cosplays?
Post By IcyRose. 16/07/10, 06:20 am

My principle is that I cosplay a character I like. That said, overdone cosplays do sorta dissuade me from doing them but then again, the overdone cosplays I didn't want to do were also because I only had a vague liking to the character and not an actual fandom.

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Re: Popular vs uncommon cosplays?
Post By sakkaf. 16/07/10, 06:26 am

Depends how uncommon it is and how good the series is, imho.
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