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Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda

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Final Fantasy vs. Zelda
Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda Vote_lcap46%Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda Vote_rcap
 46% [ 11 ]
Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda Vote_lcap54%Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda Vote_rcap
 54% [ 13 ]
Total Votes : 24

Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda
Post By Rikku. 09/07/10, 06:28 pm

( I don't know if it's been done before.... o.o I looked through the first few pages of Video Games and couldn't find it. Any older than that and it would just be necro-ing. If I can't post this, you know, feel free to yell at me. xDD )

The age old argument!! Final Fantasy versus Zelda!
Mainly, FFVII vs OoT, tho that's not the only one. xDD

I, personally, prefer Legend of Zelda. That's the game I grew up on.

When I was.... Younger.. I forget how old. But when the N64 was first new and everybody wanted one, I entered a competition. I may have been 9... Or 7... o.o I really don't remember. But either way, it was '100 Ways to thank your mum'. You had to write down what your mum wanted most in the world. Mum, at the time I asked what she wanted, was raging at her electric egg beater, so that's what I wrote after she screamed it at me. I left it on the bench and forgot about it, until a few weeks later, a large parcel arrived in the mail. Dad had sent my entry away to the competition people. It came with Diddy Kong Racing and 1080 Snowboarding. I bought Ocarina of Time when I was about 12 or 13, which was, apart from Pokemon, my first srs game. I only got in to Final Fantasy last year when I had a sudden urge to know what the fuss was about with Cloud and Sephiroth.

I still love Final Fantasy. It's an amazing series, always full of new stuff, new plot lines, new characters, new cities, new adventures to be had.. The battle system is a lot different to Zelda, the bosses have actual HP that you can see(for the most part), there's VOICING in the newer games, rather than COMPLETELY text.
Zelda is action, fast paced... Same old story, same old characters, mostly same old places.. But Zelda; Ocarina of Time is the game that stole my heart for gaming. Twilight Princess is alright.. Pretty graphics and stuff, but OoT is still better, imo. xDD

What about everybody else? What got you into these two series? Which do you prefer? Why do you prefer it?

Let's keep the thread free of arguing.. I know everybody loves each other, but sometimes opinions differ. And that's okay. ^^
marshmallow ninja

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Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda Vide
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Re: Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda
Post By NieN. 10/07/10, 04:56 am

Final Fantasy.....well I've never played a Zelda game before. I've always had sony consoles and only used my nintendo consoles for Pokemon xD

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Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda Vide
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Re: Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda
Post By sakkaf. 10/07/10, 05:35 am

Final Fantasy. Try playing a game that DOESN'T have one character reccurring in thirteen different storylines. Very Happy
marshmallow ninja

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Re: Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda
Post By Admin. 10/07/10, 11:49 am

>_> I can't decide. I love both.

The thing with LoZ is that the protagonist is silent, so it doesn't really matter that he remains the same in each game. I love the new mechanics and the puzzle-solving of Zelda.

I don't really think you can compare them though since they're very different games.

Final Fantasy is an RPG, whilst Zelda is... a platformer I guess? B|
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Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda Vide
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Re: Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda
Post By Guest. 10/07/10, 05:38 pm

^it's an adventure game

being in different genres doesn't make them incomparable. it's pretty easy to say baroque is better than dance factory or capcom fighting jam, despite all three being in completely different genres. difficulty only arises when the games judged are all decidedly good. but it's still entirely possible, by reviewing them as you should any other game: by taking the highest standards of the genre and comparing them to the game in question. whichever reaches - or betters - the set standards the most frequently is probably the better game. the rest just comes from genre bias. B)

anyway. taken individually, i think the older loz games are often better (also true for the example you provided, though mm far outshines oot, just as ff8 outdoes ff7), but as a series final fantasy is the obvious winner. loz suffers heavily from repetitiveness - a lot of the time you’re essentially playing the same game you were playing last year, only with a few new items and dungeons (and, knowing nintendo, probably one or two new gimmicks too). se, on the other hand, manages to invent new systems for pretty much every ff (sometimes they can still feel a little similar, but this has more to do with the constraints of the genre than anything else). even if the mechanics are near-identical, the completely different worlds and occasionally not stereotypical characters can still make them worth playing.

though to be fair, i’m not a massive fan of either series. v______v


Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda Vide
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Re: Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda
Post By Hewajima Shizuo. 10/07/10, 06:01 pm

I have to say I vote Zelda, although I haven't played MM or TP I have played OoT and absolutely loved it, it was, after all, the N64 game I grew up on... Though I have only played FFXII and i still thought OoT was better...
Hewajima Shizuo
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Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda Vide
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Re: Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda
Post By Plazcheetah. 11/07/10, 02:06 am

^ Isn't your signature picture a little too big?

I vote for final fantasy because i've played more of them and liked them than Legend of Zelda games

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Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda Vide
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Re: Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda
Post By Rikku. 11/07/10, 11:31 am

-Sobsob- xD Zelda appears to be much less well known than Final Fantasy, despite the fact both Nintendo and SE are popping games out the wazoo. o.o
-Does a count-up-
There are 17 Zelda games annnnnd... 48 Final Fantasy games. Both companies are currently in the process of making new games(Final Fantasy is always making new games, Zelda has Skyward Sword in the makings). But quantity doesn't necessarily mean quality.
I think I remember reading somewhere that Zelda was originally used as an example for Final Fantasy.. But that proves nothing, really.
Quote :
In the mid 1980s, Square entered the Japanese video game industry with simple RPGs, racing games, and platformers for Nintendo's Famicom Disk System. Though a couple of games were successful in North America, most were not popular and the company faced bankruptcy. In 1987, Square designer Hironobu Sakaguchi headed development of a game to prevent the company's financial ruin. Sakaguchi chose to create a new fantasy role-playing game for the cartridge-based NES, and drew inspiration from popular fantasy games: Enix's Dragon Quest, Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda, and Origin Systems's Ultima series. As Sakaguchi planned to retire after completing the project, he named it Final Fantasy.[64][65][66] Despite his explanation, publications have also attributed the name to the company's hopes that the project would solve its financial troubles.
I just thought it was pretty awesome that Zelda and FF are, in a way, allies. That's how I like to think of it, anyway. xDD
Final Fantasy and Legend of Zelda have been around for a very long time. I suppose it's what you grew up with which dictates what you like better, I suppose. xD;;

ANYWAY. I'ma stop rambling now. o.o <33333
marshmallow ninja

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Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda Vide
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Re: Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda
Post By Guest. 11/07/10, 01:02 pm

Final Fantasy. I played a Zelda game on the SNES. Hated it. It was dull as anything, and it made me wonder about the Zelda hype. The storyline wasn't well explained at all, and I no idea where to go. I spent hours in random dungeons, random deserts and getting nowhere.

Final Fantasy I fell in love with by incident. It wasn't planned. I brought FF VII because the back cover with Ifrit and Cloud lowering Aeris into the water looked pretty. I also thought that buying the game will soon become a future mistake, because wasn't used to the whole JRPG experience and was a little too young to understand the mature plotline. If I liked the Zelda series, it would be hard to judge what game series is better because choosing between two loves is a hard task, it would be like choosing favorites between children. >_<": !

But yeah, played Zelda Link to the past and hated it, so Final Fantasy.

Rikku wrote:
I just thought it was pretty awesome that Zelda and FF are, in a way, allies.

I don't think that they are, because in the original version of Final Fantasy I there's a grave saying "Here lies Link. RIP ".
Don't know what it means really, but it seems like Square was trying to say " This is the new great game, Zelda is dead".


Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda Vide
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Re: Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda
Post By Tails. 11/07/10, 01:11 pm

Bartzluver wrote:

I don't think that they are, because in the original version of Final Fantasy I there's a grave saying "Here lies Link. RIP ".
Don't know what it means really, but it seems like Square was trying to say " This is the new great game, Zelda is dead".

Are you serious? I want to see this!

I can't help in the argument, haven't played Zelda sad If anything, at least I know it's a good series! Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda 94682

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Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda Vide
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Re: Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda
Post By Guest. 11/07/10, 01:46 pm

Tails wrote:

Are you serious? I want to see this!

Sorry. I made a mistake, it's not in the original version. It's a random surprise in the Gameboy Advanced versions of FF I. It's just one of those SE jokes that they make, like Cloud dressing up as a girl. ^_<';

Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda Link1


Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda Vide
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Re: Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda
Post By CamusCanDo. 11/07/10, 02:51 pm

I can see that as totally being a jokey easter egg.

Well played SE, well played!

Also, I like the Zelda and FF franchise equally on different grounds. Zelda fuels my need to hack stuff in pretty worlds with always changing artistic directions, and FF let's me play intense story driven games with almost always interesting characters.
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Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda Vide
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Re: Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda
Post By Link. 11/07/10, 03:36 pm

Its not a case of Zelda games being better than FF games, its more Zelda games being better than ALL OTHER GAMES. Smile

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Re: Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda
Post By Tails. 11/07/10, 03:36 pm

^ Of course Link would say that Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda Icon_razz

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Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda Vide
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Re: Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda
Post By Link. 11/07/10, 03:43 pm

Tails wrote:
^ Of course Link would say that Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda Icon_razz

Hey! Excuuuuuuse me, Princess!


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Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda Vide
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Re: Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda
Post By Rikku. 11/07/10, 03:54 pm

^ w00t!! You made my day. Day? Night. ^-^
marshmallow ninja

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Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda Vide
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Re: Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda
Post By Tails. 11/07/10, 03:57 pm

Link wrote:
Tails wrote:
^ Of course Link would say that Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda Icon_razz

Hey! Excuuuuuuse me, Princess!


...did you just pun me back? Touché!

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Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda Vide
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Re: Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda
Post By Caddyl. 12/07/10, 12:43 am

Zelda o/

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Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda Vide
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Re: Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda
Post By Hewajima Shizuo. 12/07/10, 03:20 pm

Link wrote:
Its not a case of Zelda games being better than FF games, its more Zelda games being better than ALL OTHER GAMES. Smile
GOOD CALL I SOLUTE YOU MY SHOPKEEPING FRIEND! (I personally think that Ukitake is as pedo...) Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda Icon_smile
Hewajima Shizuo
Hewajima Shizuo

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Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda Vide
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Re: Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda
Post By Nikopol. 15/07/10, 03:51 pm

Other than being completely two different games which has been covered!

I think Zelda just holds my attention longer than Final Fantasy, story aside (because neither really have good stories... Sorry!) The gameplay of Final Fantasy is just too slow in where everything seems to be going.

Don't get me wrong i like some JRPGS... most SMT, Tales and Tactics Games such as Disgaea and Fire Emblem being heads and shoulders above so much. Just not the traditional ones [anymore].

But Final Fantasy Tactics is such a fantastic game. I'd go so far to say it is the best Final Fantasy game to date in my eyes, too.

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Re: Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda
Post By sakkaf. 16/07/10, 04:52 am

Haha, the Link grave IS an easter egg.
marshmallow ninja

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Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda Vide
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Re: Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda
Post By Lavi_x. 18/07/10, 03:38 am

Link wrote:
Its not a case of Zelda games being better than FF games, its more Zelda games being better than ALL OTHER GAMES. Smile

Sums up my opinion perfectly.
Link's Awakening, Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess are my favourites, though I pretty much like all of them.
Whereas the only notable FF game in my eyes is IX

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Re: Final Fantasy vs. Legend of Zelda
Post By carnione. 18/07/10, 04:40 am

Sort of difficult to decide ^^;; Final Fantasy because I played Final Fantasy V (my first FF game) before playing Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (my first LOZ game) so there's some nostaglia with that.

Leaning towards LOZ when it comes to that need to cheat ^w^ but I like FF's characters and storylines better.

Not to mention, I like (the more recent) Final Fantasy graphics more than Legend of Zelda. And the stylus mechanic for Zelda pisses me off.

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