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[AC10] Wellington sci-fi/fantasy con 27-29 August - COSTUME EXHIBITION

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[AC10] Wellington sci-fi/fantasy con 27-29 August - COSTUME EXHIBITION
Post By Guest. 20/06/10, 02:59 pm

Hey guys!

So I've muttered before about Au Contraire and how I'm organising a panel there. As part of the panel we'd love to have a mini-exhibit of some awesome cosplays.

Who wants to contribute?

We're specifically looking for costumes with a strong sci/fi or fantasy theme, and the more old-school the better. We're planning to have a section set aside for "don't touch" costumes, but also some for people to fondle and see how they're made.

How long they're up for is a lot dependent on us getting volunteers to supervise the exhibition, so we're also looking for volunteers to sit around answering questions for an hour or two each on Saturday and Sunday.


[AC10] Wellington sci-fi/fantasy con 27-29 August - COSTUME EXHIBITION Vide
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Re: [AC10] Wellington sci-fi/fantasy con 27-29 August - COSTUME EXHIBITION
Post By Static. 21/06/10, 11:38 am

I pretty much think this is the best idea EVER.

Number of posts : 3584
Age : 36
Location : Wellington
Transforms into : HULKSMASH
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-05-21

[AC10] Wellington sci-fi/fantasy con 27-29 August - COSTUME EXHIBITION Vide
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Re: [AC10] Wellington sci-fi/fantasy con 27-29 August - COSTUME EXHIBITION
Post By Guest. 21/06/10, 12:53 pm

I'd love to bring my Confessor, and my soon to be Sister of the Dark...and maybe, if I am too freaked to wear it closer to the time, my SSAC...Very Happy lol
Or, something specially made for you guys, that shows my SUPER AWESOME SCI-FI LOVING POWERS!! Very Happy


[AC10] Wellington sci-fi/fantasy con 27-29 August - COSTUME EXHIBITION Vide
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Re: [AC10] Wellington sci-fi/fantasy con 27-29 August - COSTUME EXHIBITION
Post By Huntress. 22/06/10, 08:02 am

I have medieval garb I'd be happy to wear while looking after the stall and answering questions.
Le grande

Number of posts : 165
Age : 37
Location : Sketch book
Transforms into : A cat canteen. I supply all-you-can-eat biscuits and meats. I also have a fountain of ever-flowing fresh water for your convenience.
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2010-04-05

[AC10] Wellington sci-fi/fantasy con 27-29 August - COSTUME EXHIBITION Vide
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Re: [AC10] Wellington sci-fi/fantasy con 27-29 August - COSTUME EXHIBITION
Post By Guest. 22/06/10, 08:08 am

Score! I'll put you on the list - an actual PHYSICAL list guys. I'll get in touch closer to the time about working people's slots in around other things they want to go to that weekend.


[AC10] Wellington sci-fi/fantasy con 27-29 August - COSTUME EXHIBITION Vide
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Re: [AC10] Wellington sci-fi/fantasy con 27-29 August - COSTUME EXHIBITION
Post By Mischa. 22/06/10, 09:47 am

WE have a stall?!

@Huntress I know Medieval garb would go down a treat

Number of posts : 1045
Age : 118
Location : Wellington
Transforms into : GRIMDARK
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2009-03-15

[AC10] Wellington sci-fi/fantasy con 27-29 August - COSTUME EXHIBITION Vide
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Re: [AC10] Wellington sci-fi/fantasy con 27-29 August - COSTUME EXHIBITION
Post By Guest. 22/06/10, 09:59 am

Mischa wrote:
WE have a stall?!
I thought she meant the exhibition?!?


[AC10] Wellington sci-fi/fantasy con 27-29 August - COSTUME EXHIBITION Vide
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Re: [AC10] Wellington sci-fi/fantasy con 27-29 August - COSTUME EXHIBITION
Post By Huntress. 22/06/10, 10:34 am

@Mischa: Assuming I find the right trim in time and bother to shove the eyelets in the surcoat (overdress) then I should look Royal... Will have to get my wig out again so I have a period appropriate hairstyle.
Le grande

Number of posts : 165
Age : 37
Location : Sketch book
Transforms into : A cat canteen. I supply all-you-can-eat biscuits and meats. I also have a fountain of ever-flowing fresh water for your convenience.
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2010-04-05

[AC10] Wellington sci-fi/fantasy con 27-29 August - COSTUME EXHIBITION Vide
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Re: [AC10] Wellington sci-fi/fantasy con 27-29 August - COSTUME EXHIBITION
Post By Guest. 09/07/10, 06:15 am


So we're still REALLY REALLY KEEN on having your costumes on display. Don't make me nag!


[AC10] Wellington sci-fi/fantasy con 27-29 August - COSTUME EXHIBITION Vide
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Re: [AC10] Wellington sci-fi/fantasy con 27-29 August - COSTUME EXHIBITION
Post By Guest. 25/07/10, 07:28 am


Anyone? Anyone at all? I want to make this a success guys but I can't do it alone!


[AC10] Wellington sci-fi/fantasy con 27-29 August - COSTUME EXHIBITION Vide
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Re: [AC10] Wellington sci-fi/fantasy con 27-29 August - COSTUME EXHIBITION
Post By Guest. 29/07/10, 02:55 am

It's suddenly occurred to me that it might not be obvious that you don't have to be WEARING the costumes. You just gotta post them in. Does that give anyone else more inspiration to join in?


[AC10] Wellington sci-fi/fantasy con 27-29 August - COSTUME EXHIBITION Vide
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[AC10] Wellington sci-fi/fantasy con 27-29 August - COSTUME EXHIBITION Vide
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[AC10] Wellington sci-fi/fantasy con 27-29 August - COSTUME EXHIBITION

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