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Sewing meeting

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Sewing meeting
Post By Dozy. 01/07/08, 07:39 am

Cross-posted to the Christchurch Cosplay Club.

How many people are interested in a weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, sewing/craft meet up. This would be a few hours to work with other people on your latest cosplay scheme or craft project. A chance for you to get some help, or lend a hand to others. Also we could do some hands on tutorials if we anyone wanted to.
I am looking at renting a hall, it will cost $30 - $40 on a Tuesday, or Thursday, from 6ish to 9ish. It is looking like the hall will be in Hoon Hay, Halswell, Riccarton area.

Please pm me so I can get numbers and if you have a preference for which night.


Number of posts : 156
Age : 40
Location : Lancre
Transforms into : The eventual implosion of the universe.
Registration date : 2008-05-15

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Sewing meeting

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