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Post By P-Layton. 18/05/10, 05:33 am

Rant: to speak or declaim extravagantly or violently.

A hell of a lot of people have spoken extravagantly about their problems and whatnot. And, frankly, it's kind of creeping me out!
Why's everyone so depressed? What's with this self-loathing twaddle? Seriously, life's awesome. Just think - for example - about all the cool things in life. Be it good friends or awesome video games. Surely, surely there is something awesome out their just for you!
That's what this thread is dedicated too! I'd like all of you to post things that make you happy or a thing you think is just plain awesome.

I shall venture to go first:

My sister is in a baking frenzy - that means lots of yummy stuff for me! And I found out that there is a frog that breaks his elbows (or was it his legs) for self defence, like Wolverine's claws. Pretty cool, huh?

So discuss you're awesomeness and stuff - be content!

8D 755823
Le grande

Number of posts : 173
Age : 27
Location : Wellington
Transforms into : Professor Layton
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2009-11-11

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Re: 8D
Post By Icarus. 18/05/10, 06:21 am

^ nicely said~~

lesee.. after putting LOADS of hard work and effort into something, and seeing a truly beautiful worthy end result~~
ACB King '10

Number of posts : 3485
Age : 32
Location : in a trojan Bull
Transforms into : a dancing octopus
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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Re: 8D
Post By Li-Bai. 18/05/10, 06:54 am

Well said indeed. You are supremely awesome. xD (Extra win for use of the word twaddle.) Yeah, they break their feet and the bone punctures through their feet. Insta-claws!

MY WIG HAS ARRIVED. I haven't got it myself yet, but... IT'S HERE! I LOVE WIGS! 8D And I'm looking forward to Thursday. Surprises and Table Tennis ahoy!
Been playing lots of FFVIII and New Super Mario Bros. (I'm on World 3 now!) Gaming makes me happy. <3
Sushi ;O

Number of posts : 2251
Age : 31
Location : Wellingtondizzle
Transforms into : a lover and a renegade fighter.
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2007-12-10

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Re: 8D
Post By Rocky. 18/05/10, 07:21 am

I like this thread. LET'S BOND IN SOME HAPPY.

I just noticed that my rank and my profile picture currently go very well together. C: Silly things make a happy Rocky.
Winner of the "Wait, what did he just say?" Award

Number of posts : 1656
Age : 31
Location : Auckland
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-04-30

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Re: 8D
Post By Tails. 18/05/10, 07:51 am

I drove today! In a straight line! Yay!

Number of posts : 3004
Transforms into : a Vulpix
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-10-06

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Re: 8D
Post By collarander. 18/05/10, 07:51 am

What Rocky said just made me realise a lot of the ranks are food lol. I bet the person who made them up was pretty hungry XD
Now I wanna get a banana related profile pic... <-- gahhh! it changed!

Number of posts : 228
Age : 36
Location : Christchurch
Transforms into : a nyan cat? I wish lol
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2010-03-18

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Re: 8D
Post By Cactiberry. 18/05/10, 08:54 am

Having a twin is pretty damn awesome.
I mean, there are like a BILLION things we can do. Like pretend we're telepathic! 8D
If twins actually ever tell you they are, they're lying.
Sushi ;O

Number of posts : 2283
Age : 27
Transforms into : sharpedo
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2009-06-20

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Re: 8D
Post By Aikome. 18/05/10, 09:12 am

My sister is awesome~ she cooks dinner regularly. CHICKEN PIE <3
People don't get it when they see us together because we act like best friends more than sisters (meaning I get to call her a dumbass, etc and it's all fun in games). Having an awesome sister makes me happy :DDD

Number of posts : 1564
Age : 31
Location : Auckland
Transforms into : TROLL :3
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2009-04-03

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Re: 8D
Post By Guest. 18/05/10, 09:14 am

It may sound a little simple and predictable, but Final Fantasy IX makes me happy.


Heh, and Mickey Mouse cartoons. I'm 21 but is going to admit that, that mouse can bring a wide smile on your face and can make you laugh into balls of laughter, he doesn't have to be for children only. Not when he can make life so damn awesome.

Also it's winter and studies have shown that winter can bring in depressive moodswings because of the lack of vitamin D that you would usually get from the summer sunshine. People who live in colder places are likely to be less happy than say somebody living by a hot beach by the Caribbean ocean.


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Re: 8D
Post By catnes555. 18/05/10, 09:23 am

I think I did really well on my exam despite the fact that I had a feaver 8D 95428

I think THAT is awesome. >w<

Number of posts : 789
Age : 28
Location : Auckton
Transforms into : Something......
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2009-07-30

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Re: 8D
Post By firecat70. 18/05/10, 12:06 pm

I made enchiladas!
They were so easy!

I also patted a cheetah on Saturday and it was FRICKEN AMAZING!!

And I may have only written 1200 words for my essay due tomorrow, and while I wanted to write it all like a week in advance, lets admit; it's 1200 more than I normally have at this time the night before my essay is due

Number of posts : 1117
Age : 34
Location : Christchurch
Transforms into : a dinosaur
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-05-08

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Re: 8D
Post By PIe. 18/05/10, 01:33 pm

I'm going to Auckland on the weekend for shopping (and a runway walking course) and YGOTAS s3 is about to start.

These things as lame as they may be, make me happy.
Sushi ;O

Number of posts : 2070
Age : 31
Location : Currently Tauranga
Transforms into : The Goddamn Batman
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2009-04-09

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Re: 8D
Post By Pyro. 18/05/10, 02:40 pm


That makes me happy! 8D
Winner of the Infinitely Quotable Award

Number of posts : 3934
Age : 29
Location : Auckland
Transforms into : Tik-Tok Tibenoch
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2007-12-03

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Re: 8D
Post By Guest. 18/05/10, 02:48 pm

I usually don't like visitors too much but suddenly visitors = GOOD FOOD 8D


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Re: 8D
Post By Olli. 18/05/10, 02:54 pm

I saw Iron Man 2 today with one of my good friends ^^
Fun times were had

Number of posts : 3197
Age : 32
Location : In your nightmares MWAHAHAHAHA (or Chch) XD and lurking on CNZ
Transforms into : The Shadow On The Moon At Night
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2009-06-04

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Re: 8D
Post By Guest. 18/05/10, 03:08 pm

I have awsome friends. : )


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Re: 8D
Post By Lumissne. 19/05/10, 04:10 am

Icarus wrote:

lesee.. after putting LOADS of hard work and effort into something, and seeing a truly beautiful worthy end result~~

Definitely this. I love the feeling that after sketching, etching, painting and whatnot, the picture at the end is fantastic.

Also, the feeling when you know you look amazing and how it boosts your confidence.

Number of posts : 1047
Age : 128
Location : Christchurch
Transforms into : Piphopopotamus.
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2009-09-18

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Re: 8D
Post By azeria. 19/05/10, 09:08 am

Moli wrote:
I have awsome friends. : )



But srz thiiiis^^ Friends are the best <3

& mussiiicc~~~~ Music is the best for making you happy.

....Even when listening to depressing songs such as Len's Psychotic Love Song and Dolls >___>
ACB Queen '10

Number of posts : 3226
Age : 31
Location : Wellington~
Transforms into : Rinatron
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-05-20

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Re: 8D
Post By Plazcheetah. 19/05/10, 02:50 pm

I had the best hockey game EVER!

The other team got the ball to our goal and tricked the goalie so they had a open goal to shoot at, the player with the ball lifted his stick up to shoot. I charged down as fast as i could and took the ball right out from under him and passed it to a team mate {EPIC 8D 65988 Totally made my day plus got to have Burger King afterward

firecat70 wrote:

I also patted a cheetah on Saturday and it was FRICKEN AMAZING!!

Cheetahs are SO AWESOME !!!!! and cute

Number of posts : 223
Age : 30
Location : Somewhere in wellington
Transforms into : A Shymon: shy SHY SHYMON!
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2009-12-24

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Re: 8D
Post By EaterofCake. 19/05/10, 04:17 pm

I get to see my Boyfriend tomorrow.
That fact alone makes me smile.

Number of posts : 157
Age : 32
Location : In a WELLINGTON.
Transforms into : Where you last saw me.
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2009-06-02

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Re: 8D
Post By Guest. 20/05/10, 03:29 am

The fact that I'm slowly starting to sleep longer means I'm no longer grouchy and losing 2.2kg means I'm a very very very happy Beth 8D 352708


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Re: 8D
Post By SoulessPuppet. 20/05/10, 10:51 am

I'm finally able to hit to the back of the court in badminton And...

I'm finally able to play the violin properly!

Seeing signs of personal and your friend's achievements certainly smacks a smile on your face~

Number of posts : 642
Age : 28
Location : Inside a tv :D
Transforms into : *Kupo.*
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2009-10-02

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Re: 8D
Post By carnione. 20/05/10, 11:29 am

Felt pre-panic attack today so went to the sick bay at period 4 and stayed there until school ended.

I had debating period 5.

The team I'm in... had half-baked arguments, to put it nicely.

I wrote my notes in Japanese.

They failed.

8D 352708

But, apparently in an incredibly amusing way XD With much serious face from Len, and looking laid-back-ness from Alex and Thor.

Number of posts : 662
Age : 28
Location : Palmerston North
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2009-11-07

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Re: 8D
Post By NieN. 20/05/10, 03:35 pm

SoulessPuppet wrote:
I'm finally able to hit to the back of the court in badminton
I remember when I could finally do this. It's tiring though
I think I'm getting the hang of smashing now, playing offensive is fun whee

Number of posts : 260
Age : 31
Location : Wellington
Transforms into : Ho-Oh, lol jks a Hoothoot
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2009-12-05

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Re: 8D
Post By RainbowMoonDust. 20/05/10, 05:05 pm

I found some craft foam today, that makes me a happy cosplayer! Very Happy

CCC meetings are always fun and leave me feeling happy, I love just hanging out with everyone, today we just went fabric shopping, then a few of us hit the mall later, it was nice just being together.

Watching anime makes me feel better too, so does playing Stepmania. nodnod But when I really want to cheer up, I put my headphones on and listen to some music while doing stuff on the internet, music works every time for me. Very Happy nodnod If I'm in the mood for it, playing video games can be good too.

A good conversation with my friends on Msn really helps too, Lennon, Meghan and I have some really epic/funny/weird chats, it's great! XD whee

Oh and sometimes I like to plays with the Kittens and puppies in the pet shop next door, cute baby animals always soothe the soul. chuu~! nodnod
fraggle rock

Number of posts : 1480
Age : 37
Location : Asguard
Transforms into : Goddess of mischief
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-10-08

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Re: 8D
Post By Sponsored content.

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