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Final fantasy tactics advanced??

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Final fantasy tactics advanced??
Post By DarkGaia. 12/04/10, 07:31 am


I was wondering if anyone else has played it? :3

and if so, if you can remember, what are your clan members and lvl's ? xD

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Re: Final fantasy tactics advanced??
Post By Admin. 12/04/10, 07:35 am


Tactics Advance!

War of the Lions!

Grimoire of the Rift!


8D; By which I mean, the Tactics games would be my favourite branch of the Final Fantasy series.

I don't have my FFTA data anymore (I lost my game like... 6 years ago. Now we have another one, but I haven't played it yet.), but I have FFTA2. My favourite DS game by far~ I haven't finished it yet... |D I'm trying to get 100%. Which is very difficult because there seem to be NO MORE Wind Sigils. >:U So I can't make the last weapon for the Hunter and Sniper classes.
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Re: Final fantasy tactics advanced??
Post By DarkGaia. 12/04/10, 07:41 am

@ admin

aww that sucks >>;

I have tactics adavanced and war of lions (WHICH IS SOO HARD D:m but fun :3)

but I havent played ffta2 yet >>;, And its looks so awesome but I dont have a ds D:

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Re: Final fantasy tactics advanced??
Post By Admin. 12/04/10, 08:12 am

Argh, War of the Lions, I know right? @_@ It's so ridiculously difficult. I got so far and then... accidentally deleted all of my PSP data. 8D;;; I'm so speshul.

FFTA2 is awesome, and continues the theme of ridiculously clothed protagonists. The only thing that really bugs me is that "Trading" is a lie. There's a wireless link Trading system. But it's actually just a random lottery type thing, it sucks.

The auction system is awesome. 8D And the consequences for breaking the law aren't nearly as harsh~
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Re: Final fantasy tactics advanced??
Post By DarkGaia. 12/04/10, 08:54 am

@ admin

IKR!?, I remember, I got montblanc (the main moogle), to level 50, and then I accedentaly used firaga in a battle, and the penalty was loosing all his abilities >__>;

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Re: Final fantasy tactics advanced??
Post By Admin. 12/04/10, 09:02 am

Yeah. xD Now the only penalty is losing the bonus that you select at the start of the battle, and being unable to revive your dead party members during the battle.

What's your favourite race? I'd have to go with Viera or Hume, personally.
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Re: Final fantasy tactics advanced??
Post By Guest. 12/04/10, 09:08 am

One of my favourite games~!

I used to have Advance Tactics in Japanese, played it when I was younger and I didn't understand a single thing 8D All the same I still played it and loved it~

I just started Grimoire of the Rift a couple of days ago, it's definitely one of my favourite DS games 8D


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Re: Final fantasy tactics advanced??
Post By Lavi_x. 12/04/10, 09:21 am

FF Tactics for the PS1 is brilliant
As is FFTA and FFTA2 :3

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Re: Final fantasy tactics advanced??
Post By Guest. 12/04/10, 09:23 am

Grimoire of the Rift is addicting~

I still play it after 9000+ days of finishing the story. >w<


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Re: Final fantasy tactics advanced??
Post By Wishe. 12/04/10, 09:29 am

FFTA & FFTA2 are awesome~ <3 (I see Luso in Admin's future cosplay plans. *.*)
Haven't tried FF Tactics though. =o

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Re: Final fantasy tactics advanced??
Post By Tails. 12/04/10, 09:32 am

Oh oh! I'm playing Grimoire of the Rift right now! LOVE IT. I'm cosplaying a Gria at Auckgeddon Very Happy

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Re: Final fantasy tactics advanced??
Post By Admin. 12/04/10, 09:35 am

@Lavi: And the PSP remake of FFT isn't brilliant...? ._.

@Wishe: (Yes, yes you do. 8D)
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Re: Final fantasy tactics advanced??
Post By DarkGaia. 12/04/10, 10:07 am

Admin wrote:
Yeah. xD Now the only penalty is losing the bonus that you select at the start of the battle, and being unable to revive your dead party members during the battle.

What's your favourite race? I'd have to go with Viera or Hume, personally.

Viera or Nu mou, the rabbit girl and the dokey... dog... thing, their mine xDD

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Re: Final fantasy tactics advanced??
Post By Lavi_x. 12/04/10, 11:28 am

Admin wrote:
@Lavi: And the PSP remake of FFT isn't brilliant...? ._.

Well, without having played it for more than 5 minutes, I can't really say that it is. >_<;;

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Re: Final fantasy tactics advanced??
Post By Kat. 12/04/10, 11:51 am

FFTA was easy just fill your team with veira assassins lol they where the best unit Razz
concerntrate + last breath + teleport shoes = win
wish marche used a veira job system since the only good thing about the human one was the dual sword from the ninja job

ffta2 I havent finished and the same with war of the lions

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Re: Final fantasy tactics advanced??
Post By Tracer Kinship. 13/04/10, 06:24 am

I lost around 100 hours of my life for those games. :'D

I just started to play Grimoire again from scratch. Which in hindsight was kinda dumb, because I'm too distracted by that one to play War of the Lions. OTL

I like viera for their sesquipedalian loquaciousness. Razz
Tracer Kinship
Tracer Kinship

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Re: Final fantasy tactics advanced??
Post By Plazcheetah. 24/04/10, 06:14 pm

Moli wrote:

I still play it after 9000+ days of finishing the story. >w<

{i see what you did there

Yep yep Grimoire of the rift was awesome but i keep hearing that final fantasy tactics is better
resisting urge to go buy it and play it

VIERA ARE AWESOME[twitches} aw-awesome

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Re: Final fantasy tactics advanced??
Post By DarkGaia. 30/04/10, 10:23 am

War of the lions is great, but not as good as grimoire or the rift >>;;

WOTL, its just soooo hard, you need to train your ass off between each main battle >_<, and the cut scenes are really long. I like the leveling up process though, how you can buy the abilities with JP points earned with each job.

Tactics advanced is gonna be a forever positive memory of mine :3, Im still playin it even now xD, I dont know how many times ive completed it XDD

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Re: Final fantasy tactics advanced??
Post By Admin. 30/04/10, 10:46 am

I agree about War of the Lions. It's so tedious, but I do love the story so much. It's quite deep and political~ 8D

But yeah, I prefer Tactics Advance and A2 over War of the Lions.
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Re: Final fantasy tactics advanced??
Post By SoulessPuppet. 09/05/10, 11:25 am

I've only seen my friend play war of the lions for a little while but it was quite some time ago so don't remember much...

I regret restarting tactics A2... Now my gria isn't as strong ;_;

Yes, vierras are awesome! 8D
Theyre versatile in both physical and magickal strength~
plus... Double cast + summoning + blood price = epic win!

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Re: Final fantasy tactics advanced??
Post By Caddyl. 24/05/10, 09:51 am

FFFFFFFFF the best final fantasy game EVER imo (it's the only one I can play without going stir crazy olol) <3 /

And I don't remember my levels... I've beaten the game though yay! Took me ages.

I don't like the new weapons system in A2 though ; A;

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