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Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you...

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Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you...
Post By Kitten Slave. 12/03/10, 04:46 am

In accordance with my unwholesome desire to meddle in other peoples lives, and your obvious perverse pleasure in watching or even taking part in the
aforementioned "meddling", I thus bring you...

The CNZ Bachelor/Bachelorette Auction, Wicked Thoughts III!

General stuff worth mentioning:
As before, Ill leave the whole age/location thing up to you - teenage hormones being what they are, you wouldnt listen to me anyway... Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... 132820
I dont think I need to mention, but refrain from doing anything that would make me have to spank you.

Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... 179767
There is nothing against nominees bidding, though bidding on your self would be lame, so... No bidding on your self.

The Bidding System:

So the details:
1. Each player gets 2000 "points". These are non monetary floating in the aether values. The first 1000 points are available over the first week, once the second week starts, you get topped up with an additional 1000 points - totaling your available points to 2k points! Yes, the auctions will last for 2 weeks.
2. Nominees (those upon whom the bidding is taking place) get an extra 300 (150 during the first week, and 150 more during the second week) points exclusively for the purpose of donating to someone whom is voting for them for the purpose of swaying the bidding slightly should they so choose.
3. Bids are PM'd to JP (who has kindly volunteered to play neutral third party) as he will be collecting results for me to publish.
4. Bids operate like a blind auction, with results/standings being displayed at the end of the day. This means that you place your bid anonymously of however many points you choose on a person of your choice, and end of the day, the person who bids the most points gets the top standing on the person that they bid on...
Eg: I decide to bid 10 points on FRED, Zorlich on the other hand bids 20 points on FRED. We both PM our bids to JP. At the end of the day, Zorlich's bid was higher than mine, so he wins the bid. I can then choose to try and outbid him the next day. However I have consumed 10 points in my attempt at a bid, so I now have a pool of 1990 points from which to place my bid. Zorlich is down to 1980 points though. Yes, win or lose, points gone are points gone.
Furthermore, FRED decides that she likes me even more than Zorlich, so she decides to top up my bid (by PM to JP) from her top up pool of 300 with 20 points, so technically, I now have 30 points on FRED. And so forth... FRED may not know that Zorlich has increased his bid by another 20 points the next day, rendering her top up redundant... Oh the suspense...
5. Bidding lasts for two weeks again.
6. Bidding is on all contestants at once.
7. We have decided to cap the amount of points you can place on any one individual at any one time to 200 points within a 24 hour period (between 24:00 day one, and 24:00 day two - 12:00 at night).

8. The "Special" event...
Bunny Special
God, thinking up rules for this...
Kotone, Syill and Eater of Cake Have decided to be a 3 4 1 Bunny Special. Thats right, 3 delicious young girls all dressed as haruhi bunnies (if you can call that "dress") on the Friday of wellygeddon. I doubt anyone is going to assign their points for other people to enjoy this occasion, and to avoid results being influenced by observers being conned into providing stray points, I shall discontinue that idea (for this one, you are bidding for your self).
Dare I say it, but everyone play nice, both on said date, as well as bidding...

NOTE: Event start time is Sunday the 14th, March 2010 starting at 11:69 at night
Event end time is Sunday the 28th, March 2010 at 11:69 at night

People upon whom you might bid (31 players at this point):


1. Creature
2. Kat
3. Minato_mori
4. Sonic Reducer
5. Maxi-me
6. TinTango
7. Shadeow
8. lilapmedia
9. Master Chaos


10. tobi-is-a-good-boy
11. Pura
12. Kotone
13. Tails
14. Pyro
15. Azeria
16. CheiraLeena
17. BeDemmy
18. Olli
19. catnes555
20. Crazy
21. SupernovaGirl
22. kyokyogirl
23. Aegis
24. Le_Saboteur
25. Thornback
26. Icarus
27. Tammy
28. Kagerouhi
29. Cactiberry
30. Syill

Package Deals

31. JVCA/Admin 241
32. BlazingBlossom/IcyRose 241

Special Event

33. "Bunny Special"

THE PROFILES (in case you need reminding):

Closet lolicon.
That is all.

Tall and well muscled where it counts, dont pass this one up boys and girls. Likes short girls, big sausages, and short girls with big sausages most of all, so if you match this description, be prepared for the ride of your life...

"I will abide by CNZ rules and promise to give my fellow members service that is to the best of my ability" ^_-
Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... 21072_104228432935646_1000004547-2Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... 17345_242707127764_650062764_340353Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... 11264_101270883231401_1000004547007

Data data data, can't make bricks without clay. The bearded charismatic enigma. The man of mystery. And the man with too many nicknames. Sure he's not good looking, he's not charming, he's not even nice, but he is what you want. Women want him, men want to be him. And he will date either one. So drink up me harties yo ho.......and really bad eggs.


Call 555-MAXI-ME.
He's sexy, he's sassy, everyone needs a little Maxi in their life!

After trying his apple crumble with custard, you'll be seduced (Granted, of course, you haven't completely fallen for his looks already).
Lurks in Auckland, will be up for any kind of activity.
And we mean _any_.

Note: Will need cute monkey plushies to be kept....happy!
P.S. will not be attending Wellygeddon/Chchgeddon. but it dosent mean there wont be a time.
Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... 09112013Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... Max-it12

By day he's a mild mannered professional, with dorky glasses and a bad haircut.
By night, he transforms into a costume wearing, protector of the innocent, with an obsession for the colours blue and red.
Some may call him Super... but on CNZ he goes by the name:
Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... Prof2
Damsels in distress, prepare to swoon!
(*all successful applicants under 17 must be accompanied by a chaperon... Or at least, well behaved.)

I have blue hair.
What? Its true!

Hey I'm Lilapmedia....
I like to shoot people for a living! That's why you might see me around Armageddon Shooting people in their costumes....

I am also the greatest ninja on CNZ as you can see me hiding amongst prey in the first image! I am an asian... so I make a good asian driver! Who really cares about road rules anyways and people crossing the road???!!!?? Pfft what people? I'm driving so fast all I see is red splatter on my windscreen!


I love to eat food! So going out for dinner is an awesome thing to do... I normally eat out 3 times a week to go get mah yummeh Lasagna! I also love my hugs! Or you could say I am the best ninja and glomp you from behind... Like the 3rd picture.

Sometimes being a ninja, driving too fast or glomping girls from behind may get me into trouble... Who ever said blondes were dumb because that last blonde got me gooood and gave me what I deserved after trying to take her from behind....
So if you bid on me.... and win me... We will go out to eat and come drive with me, and if things get serious... I want a real fruit Ice Cream!! That's Serious stuff right there!
Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... Story

The proclaimed pokemaster of CNZ and a massive bleach, naruto, yugioh and final fantasy fan.
I am friendly and funny easy going, a bit shy, really nerdy and a great actor (best Jiraiya you ever saw and no its not cause i'm a perv in real life). Hopefully I can do my best to be the best "date", slave whatever out there.
Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... 7small10Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... 44155110

Twelve-year-old male, perfect pedo-bait, TRAP, winner required to supply diet coke.
Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... DSCF0344

Innocence personified, elegant, graceful and astoundingly beautiful... These are all the things that this young lady (if you can call her that) is not. Interests include cake, double entendres and stalking pornstars. Expect chaos a very enjoyable date. ;D
Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... Corset10

Whether it's staying up all night clocking Final Fantasy or raving on a mantle piece, Tails is guaranteed to show you a good time until at least 5am! Can you keep up?
Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... Flatpics0752Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... Wheel2

A creative chef and secret cyborg ninja, this breakdancing specimen of sexual glory is ready to take you out on a hot date - that is, when she\'s not out fighting her arch nemesis, Buxomwoman! In her spare time she enjoys roleplaying. saving the universe and treasure hunting at the bottom of the pacific ocean. Seeks cardboard box for venting her spleen.
Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... WickedThoughtsLulz

Loli? Or intelligent young woman? Loli...woman... loli...
Azeria is your typical 'all-in-one' package, for any type of 'fun' you desire.
A superb catch, the only thing you'll have to worry about is some kind of "Thirteen Year Old Mafia" sending hitmen to kill you.
Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... I1w313

Available for WellyGeddon or DO

Young, asian, loli-girl available for both sexes, comes with bed available. Dwells in Auckland, favourite flavour of....'candy' is strawberry. May require a leash, but at least you won't be bored by this fabulously perverted lolita.
Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... PictureuyWicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... Pokeball

This disturbing little princess has a sweet tooth for good times. She’s no pushover but certainly can show you a good time.. in the pants naughty. No matter the location, with food in her tum and a spank on the bum, she’ll take you to the land of giggles and fun. Beware: Predator. Do not give to small children. If swallowed.. you’re one lucky kid.
Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... Blargh10

18 years old and can be feisty or sweet depending on what floats your boat or tickles your fancy. Extremely competitive and will play any game you want. From action games to singstar. She'll keep you entertained for the whole day. Can be a bit of a cheater and will do her best to distract you. If you want a laugh then this is the girl for you. (Just don't expect her to help with your homework or work)
Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... DSCF1805

Catness, pedobait, luvvah, mistress of the felines, bound to keep both genders entertained for a day - or night - of fun.
Blushing, Bashful and clumsy.
For this 14-year old girl, her lazyness is well known.
So long walks in the moonlight just don't do it for her. But, instead, give her food and a space on your lap to nap and shes yours for the day.
Available for Wellygeddon, Auckgeddon and DO.
Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... Ahoy_t12Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... Sdc11313Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... Sdc11415

Proof that good things come in small packages, Crazy hails from Oamaru in the South, gateway to Farmville, alternately very hot or very cold. Possible locations for dates include Oamaru, Christchurch or Dunedin.
She is a caring, fun person who loves Animals, Pasta, Cosplay, making AMV's, Harry Potter, Twilight, and a very sharp dresser. What more could you want.
Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... Untitled-1-3

Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... Picture4

22 year old glasses wearing lab nerd by day, eyebrowless mass murderer by night. Likes pizza and poky, dislikes rugby and currently has the flat mate's dog sleeping on her floor.
Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... Armage11Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... Img_2110

This spicy little bon-bon promises hours full of laughs. Tantalizing and cheerful, she doesn't mind the time or place, but the love of many people tends to be on this little flower. As long as you feed her, she will be perfectly satisfied with your date. Located in ze Palmerston North region, she will be woop woop wooping into WellyGeddon, Do, and Auckgeddon.
PS: Not accepting anyone over 19~
Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... Kiki11Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... Sdc10411

If you're looking for romance; best go elsewhere, my friend. This gal is in it for a good time only. If you like eating, drinking, merriment and zombie hunting, then look no further! Expect rambling conversations about video games, space sharks and Carl Sagan. Who could resist?! Available in Auckland any time.
Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... 155ripz


Looking for a fairy tale romance? Then look the other way! She's full of manryness, weird in more aspects than one and is a willing prince or maid~ whut..?
Insanity & awkwardness is only a couple of votes away~!
Will be at Wellygeddon & DO (you will be dating a guy at wellygeddon 8D)
Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... Dscf8810


Small asian girl who won't take your sugar honey iced tea and you don't have to take hers. Loves someone to toy with, so look forward to a little teasing and bullying. But underneath all this is a girl who wants a little warmth and a hug. Be sure to keep your nads covered if you're a man - loves yogurt.

Adorable, jailbait. So many words to describe this....'unique' girl.Bound to keep you entertained throughout the day, granted you either ignore or get past her initial shyness, and don't mind being arrested for pedophilia. Dwells in Auckland.
Note – Comes with giant book.
Availible at Auckgeddon and DO.
Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... 13734_10

17 year old that hails from Wellington and before that, Napier and before that Seoul.
Is a neat-freak, hygiene-happy and hand sanitizer-junkie. Winner must shower at least six hours before hand. If you are not clean, she will make you clean (so come dirty naughty).
Available in bunny outfit on Friday for some tête-à-tête.
Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... Bunny1

Looking for something a little... different? Not just perverted, but adorable too? Cute as a kitty on the outside, with a rich, dark innuendo filled center. You'll want to sink your teeth into this one. She/he/it comes prepackaged with brownies, but I warn you, these are no ordinary brownies. Just remember to smile for the camera ;D
15 Year old school girl, available for Friday and Saturday of welligeddon!
Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... Rawr14Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... 100_1711

JVCA & ADMIN 2-4-1:
CNZ's second favourite comedy duo (second only to the Kitten/Static combo, renown for their occasional cameos from JP), whether they're bickering or huddling from the windy Wellington weather, you're guaranteed to find these two amusing for hours (or at the very least, full of 'DAWWWWW SIBLING LOVE' moments).
Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... 7416_110

CNZ's unofficial cute couple are out looking to have a good time and possibly a potential harem member (if you're not already one). Said good time may include a lunch or dinner combined with DDRing or a nice walk or some other activity if you prefer, however a constant barrage of photos may be inevitable due to IcyRose's camwhore nature. One is elegant and very open while the other is cute and shy. Both are friendly, inseparable from each other and are lovers of asian clothes, food, gaming and shopping.
Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... RoseBlossomProfile

Looking for a heavenly lucky specimen ready for some bunny lovin' action. Only available on Friday of Wellygeddon for a limited time only. Winner will receive undevided attention from three gorgeous Asian girls.

Actually, only one of us stunning ladies is fully Asian. The other two sublime bunnies are questionable. If you can guess which one of us delectable dolls are fully Asian and which exquisite ones are not then you will receive an "oh-so-special" prize ;D
Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... Buuuuunies

Plz send me information/pictures on the subjects I am missing, I shall "modify" appropriately...
Some profiles may require updates, and will be "improved" when time permits.
Ill give you free happiness points...
Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... 309876

Last edited by Kitten Slave on 26/03/10, 12:33 am; edited 20 times in total
Kitten Slave
Kitten Slave
forum prisoner.

Number of posts : 2977
Age : 44
Location : When not in Auckland, Stalking cute girls...
Transforms into : A horny school girl.
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2007-12-04

Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... Vide
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Re: Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you...
Post By Kitten Slave. 12/03/10, 04:46 am

Placeholder for scoreboard.

27/3 - Evening update
27/3 - Morning update
25/5 - Evening update
24/4 - Evening update
23/3 - Evening update
22/3 - Evening update
21/3 - Evening update
21/3 - Morning update
19/3 Evening update
18/3 Evening update
17/3 Evening update
16/3 - Evening update
15/3 - Evening update
15/3 - Daytime teaser update.
Kitten Slave
Kitten Slave
forum prisoner.

Number of posts : 2977
Age : 44
Location : When not in Auckland, Stalking cute girls...
Transforms into : A horny school girl.
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2007-12-04

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Re: Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you...
Post By Maxi-me. 12/03/10, 05:41 am

Event start time is Sunday the 14th, March 2010 starting at 11:69
Event end time is Sunday the 28th, March 2010 at 11:69

.. my watch only goes to 11:59...

Number of posts : 685
Age : 37
Location : Auckland, CBD
Transforms into : your left one
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2009-08-29

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Re: Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you...
Post By Minato_mori. 12/03/10, 05:49 am

Ohnoez! this is old data! I'll have an update for you tomorrow ^^
fraggle rock

Number of posts : 1460
Age : 34
Location : Christchurch
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2009-06-23

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Re: Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you...
Post By Kat. 12/03/10, 06:40 am

What’s with this segregation kitten mix up the list so that its fair, if possible stick my name 26.4th in the list

and I am going for the no bids/lowest bid achievement

Number of posts : 771
Age : 37
Location : Reykjavík
Gender : Undisclosed
Registration date : 2009-05-14

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Re: Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you...
Post By Guest. 12/03/10, 07:24 am

Uhm, you should delete my old profile, currently making a new one >D


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Re: Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you...
Post By creature124. 12/03/10, 08:38 am

Someone should write a bio for me.
Winner of the Keen Designer Award

Number of posts : 1948
Age : 33
Location : Pakuranga, Auckland
Transforms into : Trollmon
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2008-07-11

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Re: Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you...
Post By azeria. 12/03/10, 09:04 am

ACB Queen '10

Number of posts : 3226
Age : 31
Location : Wellington~
Transforms into : Rinatron
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-05-20

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Re: Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you...
Post By Tails. 12/03/10, 09:07 am

Hey Kitten do we just PM you our bio?

Number of posts : 3004
Transforms into : a Vulpix
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-10-06

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Re: Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you...
Post By Highlander. 12/03/10, 09:33 am

Kitten Slave wrote:

Currently hails from the gateway to all things good (ie. the South Island), Picton, in the tropic Marlborough Sounds. However is moving to Oamaru later this year, and Christchurch next year. Not going to Auckland.[/img]

Icyrose is cute and shy? Hmm.

I seem to recognize Aegis and Crazy's profile as my work.

Um, those first two sentences of Crazy's need modifying, unless she wants a new one.

'Currently hails from the gateway to both the cold south, and farmville, Oamaru. Known to come up to Christchurch sometimes. Look out for the tall hat at Armageddon!'
dark CHii

Number of posts : 4033
Age : 52
Location : Christchurch
Transforms into : This stylish saffron shirt.
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2009-05-02

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Re: Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you...
Post By Guest. 12/03/10, 09:46 am

mine needs to be changed D: I think Pyro might be doing it <3


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Re: Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you...
Post By TinTango. 12/03/10, 10:07 am

Oh yeah, just PM'd kitten my bio... typically vague, and retrospectively cringeworthy *gulp* ah well, it's all in the name of fun.

Number of posts : 1278
Age : 43
Location : Australia
Transforms into : whelmed. Not over or under. Just whelmed.
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2008-11-02

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Re: Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you...
Post By Highlander. 12/03/10, 10:30 am

Hmm, what could I write about Cheri?
dark CHii

Number of posts : 4033
Age : 52
Location : Christchurch
Transforms into : This stylish saffron shirt.
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2009-05-02

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Re: Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you...
Post By Lumissne. 12/03/10, 11:06 am

Hehe, I'm not taking part in the game but watching this unfold shall be hilarious ^.^

Number of posts : 1047
Age : 128
Location : Christchurch
Transforms into : Piphopopotamus.
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2009-09-18

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Re: Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you...
Post By CheiraLeena. 12/03/10, 11:12 am

Highlander wrote:
Hmm, what could I write about Cheri?

Le grande

Number of posts : 177
Age : 126
Location : Maybe in Auckland, maybe not.
Transforms into : your right one
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2010-02-19

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Re: Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you...
Post By Highlander. 12/03/10, 12:32 pm

CheiraLeena wrote:
Highlander wrote:
Hmm, what could I write about Cheri?


Exactly, what?
dark CHii

Number of posts : 4033
Age : 52
Location : Christchurch
Transforms into : This stylish saffron shirt.
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2009-05-02

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Re: Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you...
Post By tobi-is-a-good-boy. 12/03/10, 03:10 pm

put me up for auction

Number of posts : 707
Age : 29
Location : beyond the goblin city
Transforms into : omnom-mon
Gender : Undisclosed
Registration date : 2009-02-13

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Re: Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you...
Post By Maxi-me. 13/03/10, 12:24 am

thanking Cheri and Cacti
they conjured an awesome profile for me ^^
*waits patiently for kitten to put it up*

Number of posts : 685
Age : 37
Location : Auckland, CBD
Transforms into : your left one
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2009-08-29

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Re: Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you...
Post By Kitten Slave. 13/03/10, 05:54 am

lulzors, all profiles updated, added Tobi-is-a-good-boy and master chaos as two more male contenders!

Kitten Slave
Kitten Slave
forum prisoner.

Number of posts : 2977
Age : 44
Location : When not in Auckland, Stalking cute girls...
Transforms into : A horny school girl.
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2007-12-04

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Re: Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you...
Post By TinTango. 13/03/10, 08:18 am

Max your profile is AWESOME Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you... 132820
Mad props to Cheri and Cacti for their work.

Welcome Tobi and MasterChaos to fold, let's see some more Bro-files up there!

Number of posts : 1278
Age : 43
Location : Australia
Transforms into : whelmed. Not over or under. Just whelmed.
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2008-11-02

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Re: Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you...
Post By Minato_mori. 13/03/10, 08:41 am

I just sent mine in thats NOT last years! lol but it's not as bro-fessional as maxis though ^^;;

infact it's only a sentence long T^T Should be up by the end of the night
fraggle rock

Number of posts : 1460
Age : 34
Location : Christchurch
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2009-06-23

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Re: Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you...
Post By Guest. 13/03/10, 08:42 am

Bedemmy wrote my new one C: tee hee ;3


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Re: Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you...
Post By Maxi-me. 13/03/10, 10:43 am

we need more male contenders >.<

haha ikr my profile is nearly as awesome as me XD
*pelvic thrust* booyah!

love the feedback XD

Number of posts : 685
Age : 37
Location : Auckland, CBD
Transforms into : your left one
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2009-08-29

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Re: Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you...
Post By Lexicon. 13/03/10, 11:19 am

... I kinda wanna join, but i wouldn't be able to go </3 Lol


Number of posts : 1037
Age : 124
Gender : Undisclosed
Registration date : 2009-02-20

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Re: Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you...
Post By Freddie. 13/03/10, 11:26 am

Is it too many times for fred to join?
forum prisoner.

Number of posts : 2615
Age : 265
Location : Kapiti Coast!
Transforms into : Doraemon
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2008-11-30

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Re: Wicked Thoughts III: Dreaming of you...
Post By Sponsored content.

Sponsored content

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