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(16/8) Film Festival - Sukiyaki Western Django

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(16/8) Film Festival - Sukiyaki Western Django
Post By Willuknight. 10/08/08, 04:29 pm

Director: Miike Takashi
Year: 2007
Running time: 121 mins
In English with English subtitles

(16/8) Film Festival - Sukiyaki Western Django Sukiya10

Quote :

In a career as unpredictable and shape-shifting as Miike Takashi's, it was only a matter of time before the Japanese maverick tackled the Wild West (or East in this case). Made with his usual unmatched off-kilter energy, Sukiyaki Western Django is more inspired insanity from the director who refuses to slow down: a violent, orgasmically gonzo genre mash-up that screws around with Spaghetti Western conventions. While the title cribs from Sergio Corbucci's Django, the story is pure Yojimbo/Fistful of Dollars territory, involving a nameless gunslinger (Ito Hideaki) who gets caught between two warring clans. Imagine El Topo remade by Suzuki Seijun, and you might have something like this East-meets-West, pop art-meets-psych, guns-and-swords fusion that Miike makes weirder by having his Japanese cast speak in phonetically delivered English with subtitles! The icing on the cake? A Tarantino cameo. — A

When: 16th of August, meetup 8:15 pm, screening at 8:30pm
Where: Rialto, Cnr Moorhouse Avenue &, Durham Street
$13.50 Adult
$11 Student / Unwaged


It's a Japanese western where everyone is speaking engrish!
Quote :

Set around, in a strikingly offbeat way to, the 12th century Heike/Genji clan wars Sukiyaki Western Django is the tale of a mysterious gunman (played by Hideoki Ito) who comes into a nearly deserted once prospering town now controlled by the two rival groups. In a sense this is the Italian West going back to its roots, it's no secret Leone was greatly inspired by the works of Akira Kurosawa with Yojimbo serving as the blueprints for the maestro's own breakthrough with A Fistful of Dollars. Corbucci's own Django used the same basic premise and now Miike follows. After some flashy display of skill, and some attempts from the two clans to persuade him to join one of them the Gunman is persuaded by Ruriko one of the few residents who remain to help the townspeople. A series of flashbacks reveal much of the background and motives behind the two clans arrival. They also open the pathway to a subplot revolving around a tragically destroyed Genji/Heike family which plays a major part in the main plot. For those of you who deem themselves Tarantino fans will have much to be happy about as Tarantino plays a bad-ass, poncho-wearing gunslinger named Ringo who introduces us to the Heike/Genji conflict and plays a important part later on.

Who's coming?


Number of posts : 1288
Age : 39
Location : Christchurch
Transforms into : Megatron
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2008-04-27

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Re: (16/8) Film Festival - Sukiyaki Western Django
Post By Mandie_Chan. 19/08/08, 04:45 am

Will did you end up going to see it?
any good?
Optimus Prime

Number of posts : 6753
Age : 33
Location : Middle Earth - Chch
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Registration date : 2008-05-15

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Re: (16/8) Film Festival - Sukiyaki Western Django
Post By Pseudonym. 19/08/08, 05:02 am

Heh, we saw it, it was really random, they didn't actually have English subtitles for the Engrish (only signs and the couple of random Japanese lines) some of the speaking was really hard to understand, (open to individual interpretation? lol) and I'm pretty sure there wasn't a plot, and the ending was rather lame, (the title comes from what a random minor character in the film supposedly did years after what took place in the film...? ) but it was pretty humourous, the random "English" phrases/idioms thrown in were very comical, it's not something I would ever sit down to watch again though.

Number of posts : 388
Age : 37
Location : Christchurch
Registration date : 2008-06-02

(16/8) Film Festival - Sukiyaki Western Django Vide
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Re: (16/8) Film Festival - Sukiyaki Western Django
Post By Mandie_Chan. 19/08/08, 05:05 am

lol oh dear... sounds... interesting >_>;
Optimus Prime

Number of posts : 6753
Age : 33
Location : Middle Earth - Chch
Transforms into : Epic Baker of DOOOOM
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-05-15

(16/8) Film Festival - Sukiyaki Western Django Vide
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Re: (16/8) Film Festival - Sukiyaki Western Django
Post By Willuknight. 19/08/08, 12:23 pm

it was very surreal. I loved how at the very final fight scene it suddernly starts snowing... in the desert

Number of posts : 1288
Age : 39
Location : Christchurch
Transforms into : Megatron
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2008-04-27

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Re: (16/8) Film Festival - Sukiyaki Western Django
Post By Mandie_Chan. 20/08/08, 01:30 am

thats different...
Optimus Prime

Number of posts : 6753
Age : 33
Location : Middle Earth - Chch
Transforms into : Epic Baker of DOOOOM
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-05-15

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(16/8) Film Festival - Sukiyaki Western Django

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