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Gluing together craft foam

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Gluing together craft foam
Post By firecat70. 02/01/10, 04:43 pm

So, I bought sheets of craft foam that are A4 size to make this:
Gluing together craft foam Nfvf10

Everything was going well until I had to glue one part to the other. Maybe it is just my lack of glue gun skills... I glued the two pieces underneath at first but since it is on a curve it didn't fit together, so I glued on top as well now the joining line is all bumpy and ugly looking.
What technique are you supposed to use to join pieces together? Is there any way to smooth out the ugly lines and make it look pretty??

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Re: Gluing together craft foam
Post By Tamoo. 02/01/10, 05:51 pm

Rather than using gluegun use superglue. I used a4 sheets of craft as well.

For my Fran armor - -
Everything was supergue and craftfoam, so I know what i'm talking about XD Since I suffered for two whole weeks aksdasdasd

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Re: Gluing together craft foam
Post By firecat70. 02/01/10, 07:55 pm

That is amazing! Tammy; master of all things craft foam!
Superglue! That makes a lot more sense.
-off to buy superglue- Waitwait... It's 4am. Noooooooooo

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Re: Gluing together craft foam
Post By Guest. 03/01/10, 12:51 am

Another question on Craft Foam:

Can you carve into it? I want to make this (and there is also a small bracer on her other wrist)

You can see small carvings in the piece, that design is throughout their Tech and I just would like to know before I buy it, if I can do those carvings...



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Re: Gluing together craft foam
Post By JVCA. 03/01/10, 12:56 am

Yup. I just used a ballpoint pen to 'carve' the grooves before I painted it to get grooves like that on my Rosso armour. I'd show you a pic, but it was on the back of the armour and I don't think anyone took a photo of the back...
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Re: Gluing together craft foam
Post By Guest. 03/01/10, 12:58 am

Cool! Thanks ;D



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Re: Gluing together craft foam
Post By JVCA. 03/01/10, 01:11 am

No worries! Very Happy
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Re: Gluing together craft foam
Post By Rolly. 03/01/10, 04:52 am

Learning from Tammy's sufferings, please wear gloves when you're supergluing. ;A;

And do it in a well ventilated place, or you're gonna get high on fumes. Gluing together craft foam 3772
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Re: Gluing together craft foam
Post By Pyro. 03/01/10, 05:55 am

If you're trying to apply glue to a wide area, I recommend buying spray glue~ Basically, it comes in a can, and you... spray it. It's really strong; you can buy it from hardware stores.

Also, I second JVCA's 'groove carving' method. Just get a pen or a pencil or something similar and dig in~! I used that method to make the dents on Beelzemon's gloves. 8D;; I have no pictures to show how it turned out, sadly.
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Re: Gluing together craft foam
Post By Tamoo. 03/01/10, 06:45 am

As for the gloves idea... not so good.
I've used disposable surgical gloves, and they were useless. They rip off and stick to the craft foam.
You just gonna have to suffer and use your fingers and solvents.
They come off after awhile anyways 8Db

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Re: Gluing together craft foam
Post By Rolly. 03/01/10, 07:01 am

orz Tammy prevails again. Just be extra careful then! <3 <3 <3
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Re: Gluing together craft foam
Post By CMKMStephens. 03/01/10, 01:25 pm

I'll might also need to partake of the wisdom of Honourable Tammy-Sensei (or Tigurius) for armour advice soonish.

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Re: Gluing together craft foam
Post By firecat70. 03/01/10, 08:50 pm

So much has been learnt in the space of this thread. Like Tammy's epicness and superglue and sprayglue and the soon to be death of my fingers (either that or me sticking myself to myself Gluing together craft foam 875635)

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Re: Gluing together craft foam
Post By Cookie Monster. 05/01/10, 09:09 am

JVCA wrote:
Yup. I just used a ballpoint pen to 'carve' the grooves before I painted it to get grooves like that on my Rosso armour. I'd show you a pic, but it was on the back of the armour and I don't think anyone took a photo of the back...
I did the same for the engraved plaques on the shoulder pad of my space marines costume.

Gluing together craft foam Sspx0410

CMKMStephens wrote:
I'll might also need to partake of the wisdom of
Honourable Tammy-Sensei (or Tigurius) for armour advice soonish.
I have lots of spare time for this month atleast. I could probably travel as well, as according to Hamstah, my written instructions are difficult to understand.
Cookie Monster
Cookie Monster

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Re: Gluing together craft foam
Post By jpwise. 11/05/11, 02:51 am

OK, posting this to the most recent appropriate thread.

Getting some EVA foam for the shelves at work and stumbled on this whilst surfing.


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