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[CNZYT] Question answers~

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Re: [CNZYT] Question answers~
Post By Tracer Kinship. 18/12/09, 02:02 pm

Double posting (for a legit excuse!)
Tracer Kinship
Tracer Kinship

Number of posts : 356
Age : 32
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Registration date : 2009-10-26

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Re: [CNZYT] Question answers~
Post By kyokyogirl. 18/12/09, 02:07 pm

Admin is so cute
fuzzeh duckling~

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Registration date : 2008-05-19

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Re: [CNZYT] Question answers~
Post By Ninaarrx3. 18/12/09, 02:09 pm

... I never knew he was that young until the Manry mods comp.... OTL

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Re: [CNZYT] Question answers~
Post By Cassiel. 18/12/09, 02:41 pm

1) When was this forum created?

Assuming this is Admin's sign up date... 2007-11-24

2) What was this forum before the name changed to CNZ?

Auckland Cosplay Picnic Forums

3) In order, name the first 10 members to sign up when the forum was first created.

The cosplayers in Question areeee...


4) What was this years April Fools Joke, and what percentage of members fell for it?

Saying that forumotion detected people illegally download stuff, and were thinking of deleting our forum xD and apparently 48% of people fell for it! This could, of course, ve wrong, with people lying to make themselves look awesomer!

The thread is

5) We used to have a sub-forum beginning with R, what was it?

Rules according to the Way Back Machine

CNZ members:
6) Who came up with the idea of having a National Cosplay Day?

Tails/Tahlee rae

7) Who loves the number 29?


8) Name our 500th member.

Josh-u-a -- according to the thread celebrating the fact.

Axelinn, -- Acording to the web adress

Bridgeychan -- according to the memberlist.

9) Name at least one CNZ member that isn't living in NZ at the moment.

tangent/syne who is in Malaysia
Tammy's on holiday in Japan
Kagerouhi is in Malaysia visiting family.
Moli is in Australia

'10) There's an awesome comic posted on CNZ about some members and armageddon, who created it?


11) Someone started a thread where they would post a picture and let people think of a caption to go with it. Who started this thread?

Saiyajin Mui

12) Name 3 members that had or have been offering to do cosplay commissions.

Static, SilkSpectre, Kagerouhi

13) Name 2 members who have created batch wig orders.

JVCA and Lost in Shangrila

14) Who has been commissioning boob squisher's?


15) Excluding all Mods, who has the highest post count?

Kiki [CNZYT] Question answers~ - Page 2 30tkwwo

16) Who has the shortest username (including symbols/numbers) in the CNZYT?


17) Which forum member runs Little Noise?


18) Who shared their birthday with Doujin Overload this year?


19) Name well known Cosplay Photographers.

JPwise, Static and lilapmedia.

20) Name the cosplay judges.

Michela and Angela

21) What place did our only man-mod win in the Manriest Mod Contest? xD

Admin - fourth place

22) Which mod has done two mascot costumes?


23) What's a Tammy?


24) Name the mods with admin ability.

Admin, JVCA, Aurelion, Tammy, Duckeh, Aura, Seraphik, Rowan, Riven_

25) Name all the other mods and all the sections they mod.

CNZ Contest = Duckeh, Tammy, Aura, Aurellion, JVCA
Wellington Cosplayers = Admin, WCG mods (Li-Bai)
CSI Cosplayers = CSI mods (Aura, Jpwise, pyro, Riven_, Seraphik)
CCC + events = CCC mods (LintuwolfWiing, Mandie_chan, Riven_)

Forum/Threads etc:
26) Name 4 'things' new members are warned of on their intro thread.

1)The 12 year olds are dodgier than you think
2)Don't feed the Duck, Kitten or FRED[who is on break]
3)Tammy is manly
4) We're not sane. At all.

27) What is CNZ's rule about signatures?

No more than 7 lines of text, images no larger than 450 pixels wide and 250 pixels high (and so spoiler tags either!...apparently...)

28) Find the yaoi bats thread and link it here.

Here it is~

29) How many members does CNZ have who have posted more then once?

Members who haven't posted: 182
Members who have posted once: 61
Members who have posted more than once: 582

30) On intro threads, there is sometimes a race for a certain smiley what is it and how long approximately has it been going?

The cheer -- "the race for the cheer seems to have started sometime in Jan 08"

31) What subforum has the most threads?

Rants, with a princely 536 threads!

32) What's CNZ policy about warnings and banning's?

"On these forums we have a three strike policy - three official warnings,
and you get a temporary suspension, a fourth and you will be
permanently banned. Usually though, unless you've done something REALLY
bad, we give you a casual warning first, as a reminder not to do it
again. ;) "

33) How many members are online at 7.36pm?

"There are 57 users online :: 38 Registered, 6 Hidden and 13 Guests :: 1 Bot"

34) There is a thread about what anime made members cry the most, what series was mentioned the most and what came second?

Fullmetal Alchemist came first (8/9 times)
Second was Air (5 times)

35) Name CNZ's 5th rule.

"Do not make comments that are designed to start an argument."

36) Somewhere there is poll, choosing between Japanese or English Voices, what is the result of the poll?

Japanese = 87
English = 13

37) When was the gender option added to profiles?

Sun Feb 01, 2009 7:29 pm according to this thread

38) What forum/subforum has the most posts?

Forum Games, with 25806 posts! (Must be all the Mafia)

39) Show the before/after pic of a wig that was used to show that the FW wig dye works well.[CNZYT] Question answers~ - Page 2 DSC02962

[CNZYT] Question answers~ - Page 2 PC090467

40) What was the theme of the very first mafia game?

Code Geass

41) When was the most users online and how many were there?

"Tuesday November 3 2009, at 8:57pm, 108 members online."
champaign supernova~

Number of posts : 820
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Transforms into : Eating pudding.
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-09-19

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Re: [CNZYT] Question answers~
Post By Cassiel. 18/12/09, 02:51 pm

Team opinions:
(Essay answers guys! Kidding! XD Your answers can be a few words, sentences or a paragraph, whatever you feel is enough to answer the question.)

42) What is SPCC?

Society for the Promotion of Cosplay Culture SPCC aims to promote cosplay in New Zealand by organising events that are safe, creatively stimulating and fun.

Basically, the SPCC was founded by a bunch of awesome people who decided that there would be MORE PROFI--- er, it would be more beneficial if cosplayers were able to belong to a charity-based group. If the Higher-Ups wished it so, cosplayers would be able to have membership perks, and money donated to it could be used for the greater good without the... 'burden' of tax. However, the Higher-Ups were Not Very Nice People, and decreed that they were unable to see why this should be so. Which is annoying, because we're helping people with valuable skills! Like... sewing! And social skills! SPCC is just the embodiment of what the cosplay community is aspiring to.

43) Define Cosplay!

Wikipedia defines cosplay as "A type of performance art in which participants don costumes and accessories to represent a specific character or idea." However this is just a dry, yeastless factuality --cosplay is far more than this.

That is what cosplay is to a lot of people -- a place where those that are less socially adept, the ones that are perhaps the outsiders of the usual social grops can come together and participate in a safe environment, allow them to be themselves, and to meet like-minded people without any fear of being ridiculed. It is simply, a way to add some fun, some spice into one's life, while achieving valuable social skills.

It is also a type of escapism for people who may feel lonely and bored with the normal humdrum of life. Cosplay is the sweet escape from ourselves, where the self is eclipsed by the character of one's choice. When else are we literally allowed to cast aside our inhibitions along with our normal garb and become someone else for a few short hours? As one cosplayer put it "LET YOUR WILD SIDE RAGE".

Cosplay is nothing more than the realization of the deepest and dearest wish for many people, the closest that any of us will ever come to living in the worlds that we yearn after.

Cosplay teaches both dedication and devotion -- who else is going to obsess over the tiniest details and scrimp and save for the money to pay for our art? It will teach us to keep going when we feel fustrated, when we feel that we simply cannot go on anymore. For the moment of blinding and deep joy when one looks at an item that they created, that they have put their heart and soul into is the reward for struggling on through many upsets -- can this not be applied to any situation in life? Can we not take this relevation and simply realise, that what is possible with cosplay is possible in any facet of life?

In today's society it is so very easy to be passive, to let oneself simply soak up information. But to create to see something and to be struck with the need to create, is so much harder... and yet so very much more rewarding. This is something that is precious, and must be nurtured in all of us. While people may scoff at "cosplay" and the fact that it is just "playing make believe for adults", but the dreamers in society, the ones who feel a need to create, to perform, to delight in aesthetic beauty... aren't these the people who will ultimately push humanity foward?

tl;dr - Cosplay = WIN.
"Converting one person at a time, with LOVE" <3 -- Tracer Kinship


45) What is CNZ, to your team?

The internet is a wonderful place, where minority groups can connect, and helps to alleviate the feeling of lonliness that seems to be part of the human condition. On CNZ we are doubly blessed in the fact that we are not just anonymous avatars and screen names. We are a community, where we connect not only through the internet, but also face to face, and build ties of friendship and love between us.

But we also have the advantage that we are not limited to "The cosplayers in Wellington" or "The cosplayers in Auckland". Because of modern technology, CNZ transcends time and space. It allows people in Auckland to connect with people in Invercargil, perhaps to make a lifetime friendship. We are no longer isolated groups, but the cosplayers of New Zealand, together, united.

So what is CNZ? Perhaps it cansimply be described as a home, a place where we can feel safe, secure, happy. A home were a growing family resides, where no matter if you log in at 4:00pm or 4:00am, there will be someone to talk to, someone to laugh with. Logging into CNZ is coming home, no matter where you may be.

tl;dr - CNZ = HOME.
champaign supernova~

Number of posts : 820
Age : 32
Location : Middle-Earth biatches &gt;:D
Transforms into : Eating pudding.
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-09-19

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Re: [CNZYT] Question answers~
Post By kyokyogirl. 18/12/09, 03:14 pm

PM sent
fuzzeh duckling~

Number of posts : 1097
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Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-05-19

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Re: [CNZYT] Question answers~
Post By Ninaarrx3. 18/12/09, 03:15 pm



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Registration date : 2009-04-06

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Re: [CNZYT] Question answers~
Post By Tracer Kinship. 18/12/09, 03:40 pm

For those unfortunate enough to miss the msn chat-party thing, here's the answer for question 44:

[CNZYT] Question answers~ - Page 2 2h69atf
Tracer Kinship
Tracer Kinship

Number of posts : 356
Age : 32
Gender : Undisclosed
Registration date : 2009-10-26

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Re: [CNZYT] Question answers~
Post By Caddyl. 19/12/09, 07:51 am

... Wow, you're finished already?

Sorry I couldn't help - was at a sleepover. 8DDD ;;

Number of posts : 678
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Registration date : 2008-11-11

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Re: [CNZYT] Question answers~
Post By Ninaarrx3. 19/12/09, 07:59 am

Hah Im suprised you guys finished at so fast as well :'D

I came back from work and there were only 3 questions left to do >w<"

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Re: [CNZYT] Question answers~
Post By Pura. 19/12/09, 01:05 pm

Heh, did anyone notice the date on the picture with Kiki's post count is wrong? xD. It has '112' or something on it xD.
Optimus Prime

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Re: [CNZYT] Question answers~
Post By azeria. 19/12/09, 01:09 pm

hahaha win XDD
ACB Queen '10

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Re: [CNZYT] Question answers~
Post By Ninaarrx3. 24/12/09, 04:54 pm


Welly won the other 2 event too!!! WOOO~

Number of posts : 589
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Registration date : 2009-04-06

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Re: [CNZYT] Question answers~
Post By Cassiel. 24/12/09, 04:57 pm

OMG I am so stoked about that!
champaign supernova~

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Re: [CNZYT] Question answers~
Post By Ninaarrx3. 24/12/09, 04:57 pm

Same here! LOL Im smiling so hard for our team~


Number of posts : 589
Age : 31
Location : Wellington
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Gender : Female
Registration date : 2009-04-06

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Re: [CNZYT] Question answers~
Post By Hannah. 25/12/09, 04:50 am

WOOT~ for wellington
celebration meet up anyone?? ...(i know the final results arn't up yet but we should have one even if we dont win.

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Re: [CNZYT] Question answers~
Post By Thornback. 25/12/09, 05:57 am

Hell yes celebration meet! After people have recovered from christmas.

To celebrate our nigh inevitable win! But yeah. We shall see, butr we sould meet to celebrate getting through it with such flying colours!

unless csi or auck clear the awards we should be fine....


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Transforms into : Sir Robins Minstrels(there was much rejoicing.)
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