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District 9

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District 9
Post By TEMPLAR_1337. 12/12/09, 04:56 pm

I can't believe there's was no D9 topic on here. Guess I'll kick it off.

I watched it twice. the first time, i realised that i really should have watched it on a bigger screen, with three times as much refreshments, so I did. It was just so amazing, the actors were brilliant, and Weta did an acceptional job in making the special effects for this film.

But let's throw some ideas around. what are your thoughts?

Number of posts : 39
Age : 33
Location : Zanarkand
Transforms into : Chewbacca
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2009-12-12

District 9 Vide
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Re: District 9
Post By Static. 12/12/09, 04:59 pm

I thought it was absolutely amazing, and I'm glad I watched it - but I found it really hard to stomach. My inner liberal was coming out, lol - I found the scenes with the prawns being evicted/experimented upon/etc. really hard to watch.

Amazing movie though - it was hilarious, the couple next to us in the theatre walked out ten minutes in. Later on, I was like, ".......HA! You woulda loved the rest of it Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy"

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Re: District 9
Post By TEMPLAR_1337. 12/12/09, 05:06 pm

ah, forget them. Interesting though, how opressed south africans are analogized in this movie by giant alien prawns. funnily enough, it works.

and I love the violence in this movie. it's so juicy. Alien series, much?

My favourite part by far was the weapons. I had the pleasure in talking to lead conceptual designer for the movie Greg Broadmore. He told me that the pulse cannon in the african crime boss scene originally was designed as a medical tool. he told me he was surprised when he saw it blasting sound waves into african thugs.

Number of posts : 39
Age : 33
Location : Zanarkand
Transforms into : Chewbacca
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2009-12-12

District 9 Vide
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Re: District 9
Post By Le_Saboteur. 13/12/09, 03:47 am

I loved District 9. I can't wait to get it on DVD.

It has both great storytelling and emotion without the melodrama (or so I think, I've seen people elsewhere disagree completely). I was completely disgusted with some parts of it, not because of the gore, but because of how inhumane some of the characters are.

'It sounds like popcorn!' Ugh. And when they were forcing Wikus to use the gun on the captured Prawn in the testing facility...

Great movie.

Number of posts : 1202
Age : 36
Location : Auckerland
Transforms into : The Mare in the Moon
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Registration date : 2009-08-18

District 9 Vide
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Re: District 9
Post By Static. 13/12/09, 04:55 am

Yep...the popcorn bit. Ick, ick, ick. I'm trying to bully my family into watching it so I cantalk about it with them, hehe.

Number of posts : 3584
Age : 36
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Registration date : 2008-05-21

District 9 Vide
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Re: District 9
Post By level10. 13/12/09, 05:05 am

The best movie I have ever seen - hands down. I baaawed.


"We are the same."
"We're not the fooking same!"
District 9 21673

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District 9 Vide
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Re: District 9
Post By Le_Saboteur. 13/12/09, 05:55 am

^ It's true, he bawwed. A lot.


I did too, though.

That bit with Christopher and his son (that level10 quoted). Holy carp. I don't think I've ever felt so emotional in a movie before.

Number of posts : 1202
Age : 36
Location : Auckerland
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Registration date : 2009-08-18

District 9 Vide
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Re: District 9
Post By Mandie_Chan. 13/12/09, 05:59 am

Sadly I missed watching it in the movies... but I do plan on watching it ^_^
(I'm so glad there have been good reviews of it!)

p.s there was another topic made for this:
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District 9 Vide
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Re: District 9
Post By Guest. 13/12/09, 06:02 am

(LOL. I swear there was a thread about District 9 when it first came out..)

Anyway. I saw it with my brother and his friends. I think they were kinda disgruntled and confused as to why a girl was there xD
But I thought it was really good! Though a little disjointed from the first half of the movie where it was more a documentary atmosphere then it changed to a film with plot. But hey, there's only a certain amount you can do with the documentary approach.


District 9 Vide
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Re: District 9
Post By TEMPLAR_1337. 13/12/09, 11:11 am

when the DVD comes out, I will not rest until I have it in a damn tin! with an art book, bonus model, and two disks of special features!!!

Number of posts : 39
Age : 33
Location : Zanarkand
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Registration date : 2009-12-12

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District 9

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