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[CNZ Secret Santa] - Picture Posting Thread!

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Re: [CNZ Secret Santa] - Picture Posting Thread!
Post By PIe. 23/12/09, 04:42 am


I'll post pictures later but omg ilu so much, seriously, yay thank you so much
Sushi ;O

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Re: [CNZ Secret Santa] - Picture Posting Thread!
Post By Static. 23/12/09, 05:26 am

Haha, I'm glad you like it! Pictures or it didn't arrive!! Razz

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Re: [CNZ Secret Santa] - Picture Posting Thread!
Post By Admin. 23/12/09, 01:03 pm

8D Mine arrived today, was going to take photos earlier but then Pyro arrived~



SO YES. Secret Santa, whoever you are - I LOVE YOU. <3 And Amidamaru will be accompanying me when I cosplay as Yoh! <3
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Re: [CNZ Secret Santa] - Picture Posting Thread!
Post By sakuramiyabi. 23/12/09, 01:09 pm

lol yosuke in a dress XDD so cute <3

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Re: [CNZ Secret Santa] - Picture Posting Thread!
Post By Tracer Kinship. 23/12/09, 01:23 pm


Also, cross-dressing Yosuke = Win.
Tracer Kinship
Tracer Kinship

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Re: [CNZ Secret Santa] - Picture Posting Thread!
Post By Rolly. 23/12/09, 01:36 pm


It's great to see everyone's getting such awesome presents, I wonder whta mine will be like? [CNZ Secret Santa] - Picture Posting Thread! - Page 3 711668
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Re: [CNZ Secret Santa] - Picture Posting Thread!
Post By Pura. 23/12/09, 02:37 pm

... Lol. I saw Alex's added on DeviantART 8DDDDDDDb

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Re: [CNZ Secret Santa] - Picture Posting Thread!
Post By JVCA. 23/12/09, 03:02 pm

LOLOLOL. Now I know why you wouldn't tell me who the girl on the envelope was! XD
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Re: [CNZ Secret Santa] - Picture Posting Thread!
Post By NotSarah. 24/12/09, 04:21 am

I had him in my sights. There he was - Voldemort, he who must not be named, the one I'd been hunting down for what felt like forever - and he would stop at nothing to annihilate me. I had my wand out, I was just about ready to cast the final 'Avada Kedavra' and rid the world of this monster.. when I heard a voice yelling 'Sarah, Sarah! Wake up!'

Groggily, I opened my eyes a little. '.. wha? I'm busy. Go away.'

'Sarah, Sarah! You have a present from *Manukau*, who'd be sending you presents from there?!'

Still not entirely awake, I muttered something about cosplay and secret santas. Alas, this was not enough to stop my sister from hassling me.

'Well, open it! Hurry up, I want to see what you got!'

More awake now, I battled with the post bag, trying to get it open. A few minutes and a lot of brute force later, I had it open. I looked inside, and saw the most amazingly wrapped present ever. Seriously, it was so neatly wrapped, the folds so perfect, the sellotape so sticky.. after a few moments of admiration, I found that I just had to open the present. If the perfect wrapping indicated anything, it was that this present would be the most amazing thing I had ever seen.

I carefully unwrapped the present, and inside was an intensely bubblewrapped box. I popped a few bubbles, and then carefully continued my Epic Adventure of Sellotape Removal™️. A lot of sellotape and a number of popped bubbles later, I had it open. Inside the careful layer of oh-so-fun protection that is bubblewrap, was the most intensely awesome box that I'd ever seen. In fact, the word box doesn't really describe its glory. It was more like.. a Treasure Chest of +1 Holding Precious Items.

Treasure Chest of +1 Holding Precious Items:

'Woah, that's a cool box!' My sister exclaimed.

'Box? More like supermegafoxyawesomehot treasure chest!' I retorted.

I carefully worked the Treasure Chest's latch, and opened it. Inside, I found...





Just the sheer amount of bubblewrap in this present proves how truly awesome it is. I momentarily allowed myself to be dazzled by the beauty, the shininess, the satisfying popping noises, and then continued opening the present.

More sellotape and many, many popped bubbles later, I pulled something out of its bubblewrapy haven.

'What is that?' asked my sister.

'That's *Hermione Granger*' I replied, wistfully.

*Hermione Granger*

(Okay, my reply was a lot less like that and a lot more like 'omgomgthisissocoolomgcoolawesome', but that doesn't fit so well Razz)

I continued pulling the small figurines out of the safety of their bubbly enclosure:

and of course Hermione.

'Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooah, cool!' my sister exclaimed.

'Yeah, this is officially the coolest secret santa present I've /ever/ recieved' I concluded.

Officially the coolest secret santa present I've /ever/ recieved

Yes, I did use a lightbox on my bed made of a shoebox and my lamp to take these photos, that's how excited I was
Le grande

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Re: [CNZ Secret Santa] - Picture Posting Thread!
Post By Guest. 24/12/09, 04:40 am

wow NotSarah, those look awesome! : D go go harry potter!

i woke up to a lovely package this morning! i'll take pics in a sec, i'll just procrastinate about it a bit first xD
I'M SO HAPPY~ i was a bit confused at first, since the package was ringing. LMAO. yay for bells.

when i wrote on my likes 'ears', i didn't expect to actually GET ears haha. i'm so glad though! they're very cute (:


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Re: [CNZ Secret Santa] - Picture Posting Thread!
Post By kelseyketchum. 24/12/09, 04:46 am


[CNZ Secret Santa] - Picture Posting Thread! - Page 3 95428
fraggle rock

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Re: [CNZ Secret Santa] - Picture Posting Thread!
Post By Guest. 24/12/09, 04:49 am

fghfhfgdhgdfhdfgsdhjhds ;o; <3
this is glorious

thanks icarus you are an excellent bro [CNZ Secret Santa] - Picture Posting Thread! - Page 3 Cool-2


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Re: [CNZ Secret Santa] - Picture Posting Thread!
Post By nyx613. 24/12/09, 05:40 am


Thank you sooo much Thornback!!! I absolutely love them!!! They'll feel right at home hanging from my bedroom ceiling next to my other bats, lol ^^

P.S. Can anyone tell me how to do the spoiler thingy?

Last edited by nyx613 on 24/12/09, 08:44 am; edited 1 time in total

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Re: [CNZ Secret Santa] - Picture Posting Thread!
Post By Rolly. 24/12/09, 07:29 am

All you have to do is enclose what you want spoilered in these tags - [spoiler ] and [/spoiler ]. Without the spaces between the brackets. Hope that made sense. :)

OMG Juxtapoz - that looks so awesome!!! What is it?
forum prisoner.

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Re: [CNZ Secret Santa] - Picture Posting Thread!
Post By Duckeh. 24/12/09, 07:35 am

Ohmailawd. ;o; Everyones gifts are epic!
//Is drooling.
GOD of all things EPIC

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Re: [CNZ Secret Santa] - Picture Posting Thread!
Post By nyx613. 24/12/09, 08:45 am

Rolly wrote:
All you have to do is enclose what you want spoilered in these tags - [spoiler ] and [/spoiler ]. Without the spaces between the brackets. Hope that made sense. :)

OMG Juxtapoz - that looks so awesome!!! What is it?

Thanks ^^

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Re: [CNZ Secret Santa] - Picture Posting Thread!
Post By Guest. 24/12/09, 08:47 am

@Rolly: It's jack frost from persona 3 :3


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Re: [CNZ Secret Santa] - Picture Posting Thread!
Post By Wishe. 24/12/09, 08:52 am

@NotSarah - I'm glad they got to you safely! -was a bit paranoid with them possibly breaking on their way down to Christchurch-
And yay! I'm really really happy you like them~ ^o^

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Re: [CNZ Secret Santa] - Picture Posting Thread!
Post By NotSarah. 24/12/09, 09:27 am

Wishe wrote:
@NotSarah - I'm glad they got to you safely! -was a bit paranoid with them possibly breaking on their way down to Christchurch-
And yay! I'm really really happy you like them~ ^o^

They're absolutely amazing! And yeah, the bubblewrap probably helped. How durable do you think they'd be? I'd love to use them as keyrings and cellphone charms, but if they're going to break apart in my pockets, then maybe they're better to sit on my computer and look pretty.
Le grande

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Re: [CNZ Secret Santa] - Picture Posting Thread!
Post By Wishe. 24/12/09, 09:41 am

Hmm~ I think they'd survive alright as long as they aren't dropped or banged against a hard surface too often (oh and don't try to flex them)... Would be a shame to not use them as cellphone charms and keyrings when they're made for that purpose. ^^''

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Re: [CNZ Secret Santa] - Picture Posting Thread!
Post By Icarus. 24/12/09, 11:10 am

Glad you like him Juxtapoz~~~~~!! (sorry hes got rabies white on the mouth, super glue is evil! he ate snow...? 8D;;)
ACB King '10

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Re: [CNZ Secret Santa] - Picture Posting Thread!
Post By Kelz. 24/12/09, 12:51 pm

kelseyketchum wrote:
Kelz wrote:
Mine is awesome <3 I'm totally in love with the hat. Although I can't seem to get the DVD working. D:

I'm glad you like it Very Happy

I was worried about the DVD, after I sent yours off I tried my copy and it didn't work either sweatdrop
It should work on a computer though, with a program like Gom Player :3

Gom Player? o.o I tried to look at the files on my computer but it was all nou there's nothing on here but 3-4gb is taken.

Also Sarah, muchjealous those are so cool

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Re: [CNZ Secret Santa] - Picture Posting Thread!
Post By kelseyketchum. 24/12/09, 12:56 pm

Gom Player is really good (and free!) and plays lots of types of files Very Happy

Buttt yeah, sorry it's a bit fail sweatdrop
fraggle rock

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Re: [CNZ Secret Santa] - Picture Posting Thread!
Post By Thornback. 24/12/09, 01:19 pm

@Nyx Glad you like em! I was stumped...and then it came to me. And glad it arrived in time-I mailed it at the last second! Thank you New Zealand post!

Sorry if they're still linty-I gave my lint roller to SAFE to help get fur off peoples clothes after they got out of their animal suits. And their eyes suffer the same affliction as Jack Frost-superglue hated me.


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Re: [CNZ Secret Santa] - Picture Posting Thread!
Post By Li-Bai. 26/12/09, 03:13 am

I don't have a picture of it (yet?)! But thank you to my Secret Santa for that little book! Some of the pictures make me laugh sooo much xDD

Despite a name being written on the back of the envelope I still can't figure out who it is! >____>
Sushi ;O

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