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[TEAM] Wellington Plotting Thread

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[TEAM] Wellington Plotting Thread
Post By seraphik. 23/11/09, 01:46 pm

This thread is for members of the WELLINGTON team only.

Plot, plan and discuss the tournament here as you wish.

Last edited by seraphik on 25/11/09, 08:06 am; edited 1 time in total
transient mod of fury

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Re: [TEAM] Wellington Plotting Thread
Post By azeria. 23/11/09, 04:05 pm

So, Purikura!
I'd say easiest option of mashing everyone's finished images together would be Photoshop >3 I has, though I'm sure lots of other people do to =P



On a Boat
- Giant pot
- Baywatch?
Fast Food
- Readings? We usually end up there during meets anyway XD
Epic Battle
- Playstation > Tekken style
Team Name
- Frank Kitts
- Wharf Jumping
- Oriental?
- Wardrobe?
- Number One?
Upside Down
Abbey Road
- Pedestrian crossing at a non busy road? =P

So yes, discuss so we can get more ideas 8D I am tempted to sketch out some possible photos which is basically what I did all year in photography hur hur
...anything we could take around Te Papa? Invading there was fun XD

Last edited by azeria on 08/12/09, 04:29 pm; edited 3 times in total
ACB Queen '10

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Re: [TEAM] Wellington Plotting Thread
Post By Pura. 23/11/09, 04:06 pm

Now that the first task is up, I won't be here after the 1st of December Dx. Going to CHCH on the 2nd in the morning.


Edit: Who's up for Pokemon cosplay? Same series = win. A few of us already have Pokemon costumes xDD. Actually, I forget who's in it already, lol.

Optimus Prime

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Re: [TEAM] Wellington Plotting Thread
Post By Guest. 23/11/09, 04:25 pm

Crapcrapcrap. December 2nd is the final exams.
I have a gut feeling that we're all going to get lazy and not do this OTL.

ALSO! Can we just take photos against a wall and decorate the hell out of it?
If we do this, then we should arrange person to take photos, edit and so forth.


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Re: [TEAM] Wellington Plotting Thread
Post By Pura. 23/11/09, 04:26 pm

The final image needs to be one, and it has to be a certain size :/

I still like the idea of ACTUALLY doing Purikura xD. Becasue then we're being OFFICIAL 8DDDD.
Optimus Prime

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Re: [TEAM] Wellington Plotting Thread
Post By azeria. 23/11/09, 04:33 pm

^^ I thought it was every photo submitted by a user needs to be a certain size and the final image just mashes all those together.
Cause otherwise the final image would probably be too small to see all the details =P
& I'm thinking we don't actually have to go to a purikura, so if needbe we can just take photos and edit them/send them to someone who can edit them.

Does Wellington even have PuriKura with the OMG SPARKLES?
I've only been once lmao.
ACB Queen '10

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Re: [TEAM] Wellington Plotting Thread
Post By Pura. 23/11/09, 04:40 pm

YES 8D. We do. It costs $10 xD. But there's enough of us to only pay $1 each xD.

... I'm just really keen to do Purikura, lol xD.

It would be so much easier imo, ignoring the fact we need to find a date when everyone can come xDD;;

... Er, I say this Saturday? No exams on (unless year 13 schollarship) and on Sunday I have my Grandad's 70th (or 80th? idek) birthday party, which lasts all day Dx. OTL Exam time.
Optimus Prime

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Re: [TEAM] Wellington Plotting Thread
Post By azeria. 23/11/09, 04:41 pm

I can probably come for a bit this Saturday
then study for Classics orz

I'll try and drag Hannah along too 8D
ACB Queen '10

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Re: [TEAM] Wellington Plotting Thread
Post By Pura. 23/11/09, 04:49 pm

I think cosplaying whatever will be easier, instead of Pokemon. Hurr. Too little time to sort stuff out. I might go as a Pokemon still though xD. Or Byakuran.

Optimus Prime

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Re: [TEAM] Wellington Plotting Thread
Post By Guest. 23/11/09, 04:49 pm

I can't come on Saturday. Are you insane? I need to study.

Edit: Also, I MAY drop out. Depending on the situation.


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Re: [TEAM] Wellington Plotting Thread
Post By Pura. 23/11/09, 04:54 pm

There's still quite a few days to study >___>;;

And it could only take like, an hour >__>;;

Minus travel time, lol.
Optimus Prime

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Re: [TEAM] Wellington Plotting Thread
Post By Guest. 23/11/09, 05:01 pm

I'm not risking it. At all OTL.
Sorry! (Also, I lack the money. Seriously. For the first time in my life)


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Re: [TEAM] Wellington Plotting Thread
Post By Thornback. 23/11/09, 11:35 pm

Pretty sure I can make it on saturday, and I may be able to coerce Chris into final two exams are tomorrow.


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Re: [TEAM] Wellington Plotting Thread
Post By kyokyogirl. 24/11/09, 02:10 am

So these are the 16 people that have signed up:


In terms of what costumes we should wear, trying to get everyone to do the same series ain't gonna happen [TEAM] Wellington Plotting Thread 37781 So we should just cosplay whatever costume we choose.

It would be ideal to get the photos taken asap so then we have plenty of time to edit them and make them look pretty.

The photoshoot need not take all day. Those of us that can be there for ages can hang around while those that have to go do study or whatever can just come for like 15 min to have a couple of pics taken.

I am pretty much free whenever at this point so any day we decide to do the photoshoot is fine with me.
fuzzeh duckling~

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Re: [TEAM] Wellington Plotting Thread
Post By Ninaarrx3. 24/11/09, 02:27 am

Noo. D: Saturday is the day I have to take my sisters to dance rehearsals -_______-" /doesnt want to go. I'd be fine with Sunday though... maybe. 8D

All going to a purikura machine would be pretty fun imo and I'd love go to seeing as I haven't been in who knows how long T_T but we'd have to arrange a day where most of the people can come... and some people are still on exams until after Dec D:

Oh and we should try do something original like.... idk, spell out CNZ / Welly or something more original than that in the final photo...

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Re: [TEAM] Wellington Plotting Thread
Post By kyokyogirl. 24/11/09, 02:54 am

I suppose those of us that cannot come to have photos taken can simply provide a cosplay photo of themselves that can be put into the final image. Not as fun but at least you get to be in it [TEAM] Wellington Plotting Thread 501139
fuzzeh duckling~

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Re: [TEAM] Wellington Plotting Thread
Post By Ninaarrx3. 24/11/09, 03:45 am

^ haha yeah. or there could be a second group on a diffo day for those who cant go to the purikura machines on the 1st day we plan...

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Re: [TEAM] Wellington Plotting Thread
Post By Hannah. 24/11/09, 05:39 am

saturday sounds good to me (finished exams XDD)
and is there anyone wanting to volunteer to edit?
if we decide that early on then the people who are unable to come can just send a pic

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Re: [TEAM] Wellington Plotting Thread
Post By Guest. 24/11/09, 05:51 am

I'll volunteer for editing. But I'll have to start after Monday since that's my final exam.


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Re: [TEAM] Wellington Plotting Thread
Post By Pura. 24/11/09, 05:58 am

That gives us eight days to edit, so it's all good 8Db
Optimus Prime

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Re: [TEAM] Wellington Plotting Thread
Post By azeria. 24/11/09, 06:20 am

If we do it on Saturday can we please have it earlyish~?
needs to learn the entirety of Roman politics orz;;

I shall download some of those PuriKura photoshop brushes so I can help with editing too =]
ACB Queen '10

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Re: [TEAM] Wellington Plotting Thread
Post By Ninaarrx3. 24/11/09, 06:40 am

I can help with editing c: I can start right now, even lol XD

I was just playing around on Photoshop with brushes and whatnot and I got this...


I have zillions of other sparkly & other brushes which we can use as well~

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Re: [TEAM] Wellington Plotting Thread
Post By azeria. 24/11/09, 06:44 am

lol nice Ninaarrx!
I can use my Tablet to draw randoms on too~~
ACB Queen '10

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Re: [TEAM] Wellington Plotting Thread
Post By Ninaarrx3. 24/11/09, 06:45 am

haha ty XD
Omg you have a tablet /envy ;A;

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Re: [TEAM] Wellington Plotting Thread
Post By kyokyogirl. 24/11/09, 06:54 am

Damn this sounds awesome XD So when and where on Saturday? And how many people can actually come?

Also, we need an epic banner denoting our team affiliation. I'm sure everyone has noticed Icarus's NCIS one. WE MUST DO BETTER. Any volunteers? lol I don't even have photoshop...
fuzzeh duckling~

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