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Secret Project .1 By DuckehsMinion. 14/11/09, 01:04 pm |
| Everyone loves them even if they don't know what they are!!!
I'm looking for people that are willing to help me design & construct a life sized, movable something.
He will be constructed from Metal, Have LED's/lights installed along with a small motor. Stand at 80inc in hight, 60inc in Length & 40inc in Width. That is just the basic information in creating it.
I'm hoping to get This project completed by Auckland Armageddon 2010 so that it may be displayed at the event, other wise it will have to be for Auckland Armageddon 2011.
If you think you will be able to help out with creating him then send me a PM :3 |
| DuckehsMinion paoupu fruit
Number of posts : 405 Age : 35 Location : The Satellite Gender : Female Registration date : 2009-09-25
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Re: Secret Project .1 By sora-roxas-ven. 17/11/09, 06:13 am |
| I know what you're making!!! XD
I can help with the motor, but i don't know if I'll have that much free time. And I live in Auckland, so if you live in Christchurch or summin' it's not going to work. I am too lazy to send to pm. Sorry about that.
EDIT: But (if I'm right about what you're making) in the original series they used to have short people inside controlling them. Oh, and I'm guessing you're going to make the new version?
And a old electric scooter motor would be great. Or possibly and electric wheelchair one (but they'll be more expensive). Failing that, I could make a four stroke engine - but I don't think that would go down well with the organisers.
Do you want it to be remote controlled?
Last edited by sora-roxas-ven on 17/11/09, 06:36 am; edited 3 times in total |
| sora-roxas-ven EPICLY EPIC
Number of posts : 623 Age : 31 Location : Omnipresent Transforms into : Something awesome that I will think of later [Prussia?] Gender : Female Registration date : 2009-05-31
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Re: Secret Project .1 By Guest. 17/11/09, 06:22 am |
| Make sure you check out with Bill any rules about engines you might be breaking. Like if the motor used gas or something he might not be terribly keen on having it indoors - batteries would probably be ok. You might also want to check out his ruling on the metal-ness. The 'Geddon crew try to limit the amount of damage we can do to each other in 8 hours and that means no metal swords and things.
Am excited to see something huge and motorised though! |
| Guest Guest
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Re: Secret Project .1 By DuckehsMinion. 17/11/09, 08:32 am |
| @Sora- It will have controls but on the inside, as i wanna make it as if i pulled it out of the show :3.... will be living in Aucks next year and thats when i plan to start on it.
@U_ne- I'm hoping to just leave it in one place 8DDD cos I'm lazy like that, it's nothing dangerous & all of it's edgers are rounded, As for the engine it will be battery powered, It is really just to Finnish off one of my outfits. |
| DuckehsMinion paoupu fruit
Number of posts : 405 Age : 35 Location : The Satellite Gender : Female Registration date : 2009-09-25
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Re: Secret Project .1 By Highlander. 17/11/09, 08:39 am |
| Well I was thinking some thing several meters tall and involving a lot of welding myself. Oh and missiles, and speakers, and waist up movement, cameras, etc. But then don't have that sort of money. And since the series has been canned don't think the studio is going to pay. So another pipe dream gone. |
| Highlander dark CHii
Number of posts : 4033 Age : 52 Location : Christchurch Transforms into : This stylish saffron shirt. Gender : Male Registration date : 2009-05-02
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Re: Secret Project .1 By RainbowMoonDust. 17/11/09, 10:30 am |
| - Quote :
- I know what you're making!!!
XD I think I know what this is. Is this for a costume that you were going to make for Auckgeddon but didn't finish? The comp one? *Is shot dead* |
| RainbowMoonDust fraggle rock
Number of posts : 1480 Age : 38 Location : Asguard Transforms into : Goddess of mischief Gender : Female Registration date : 2008-10-08
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Re: Secret Project .1 By DuckehsMinion. 17/11/09, 11:26 am |
| @rainbow- lol no i don't think im ever gonna get my AG09comp outfit done >< the outfit that go's with this is really simple |
| DuckehsMinion paoupu fruit
Number of posts : 405 Age : 35 Location : The Satellite Gender : Female Registration date : 2009-09-25
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