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Help with Emperor Mateus' hair

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Help with Emperor Mateus' hair
Post By Winds-Of-Despair. 06/11/09, 10:10 am

I'm wanting to cosplay as Emperor Mateus from Final Fantasy II/Dissidia and I need help with his hair/wig.

I'm wondering if I should go for his full length hair which is half way down his calf or if I should shorten it. and here's a picture just in case.
Now should I keep it that long or shorten it to save my sanity? Oh and it's for the competition so would it
be alright if I did shorten it a bit?

paoupu fruit

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Age : 31
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Registration date : 2008-11-12

Help with Emperor Mateus' hair Vide
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Re: Help with Emperor Mateus' hair
Post By fleyer. 06/11/09, 10:17 am

For your Sanity and the wind of NZ make it shorter but explain your reason why, tangled wigs are insane to fix.
Sushi ;O

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Help with Emperor Mateus' hair

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