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Several irritating questions...

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Several irritating questions...
Post By Guest. 07/11/09, 06:41 am the other newbie cosplayers I'm really keen to get into my cosplay right away. ^-^ I am also doing a photoshoot with my friends so that gives me a bit of an excuse. These questions kind of relate to time.

1: Can you spraypaint Model Magic/Du'Kit instead of using acrylic paint?

2: Whatever paint I use on it, does it last? Or will it eventually crack/peel?

3: Does the MM/Du'Kit stick itself to wood, or will I have to glue it? Does it last either way?

4: Do wigs last? I heard my friend's drama wig from a couple years ago kind of just fell to pieces. It was probably a very cheaply-made one, but I still want to know.

Before you ask, yes...I looked around on Google, but I want to hear it straight from the horse's cosplayer's mouth.

Several irritating questions... 2982


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Re: Several irritating questions...
Post By JVCA. 07/11/09, 07:17 am

I can't help with the Du'Kit questions 'coz I haven't really painted it before, but there might be some answers for you in this thread: (sculpy and Du'Kit are the same kind of clay but from different brands)

As for wigs - yes, as long as you buy a good quality wig and look after it (ie., brush it properly, and don't do anything stupid like putting it through the washing machine). Very Happy
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Re: Several irritating questions...
Post By Guest. 07/11/09, 07:18 am

XD I knew you'd be the first to reply. Now every time I see Rosa I think of you. Thanks for the help. ^^


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Re: Several irritating questions...
Post By commandercandyfloss. 07/11/09, 09:05 am

Du-kit won't stick to wood on its own, but glue works well on it! Can't answer any other questions though ^^;
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