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COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone?

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COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone?
Post By Static. 12/10/09, 03:18 pm

*** Photos are up! All 'geddon photos are in the armageddon album, and the wintergardens shoot is separate from that. Find all these and more at Very Happy ***

HEY EVERYONE. The photoshoot location for BOTH DAYS is in the carpark, by the little round stone seats - each one is shaped like a half-circle - by the pavilion in front of the track. SEE Y'ALL THERE!

UPDATE oct 19, 09 - Auckgeddon slots are now full! If you haven't PM'd me your cellphone number, DO SO NOW. I DO NOT KNOW yet where the shoots will take place, and if you don't have access to the net to check on saturday night, NEITHER WILL YOU! I'll say this now - if you miss your time, that's it. I will not make any guarantees that you'll get an alternative time; you'll just miss out this time 'round. And that would suck!

On the release form thing - I won't have any with me at Geddon, as I haven't drawn up a sample yet. I need to do that and then go talk to a lawyer to make sure my forms are actually legally binding. I also do not foresee models being paid for this, just so everybody knows - I'm not making a huge profit off it, and even if I were, I wouldn't be able to pay you until the books were sold. However, all models will receive a discount on their book purchases :) I don't know what the discount will be yet, and won't know propably until I print, but I'm going to try and make it over 10% off, regardless of quantity - within reason. Razz

UPDATE Oct 13, 09 - I just got a pretty awesome quote! It's only valid for thirty days, and I will not be printing before then, but provided it doesn't fluctuate too much the books will be priced at $50 each. Still working out the details, but I'd like to have a portion of the profit from each sale going to the SPCC to help fund cosplay related stuff going on in NZ. So theoretically, if you buy one, you're doing a good thing for ALL cosplayers! Not just me. Very Happy

I want to get this out sometime next year - I'll be at this Auckgeddon, Welly and Chch next year, and will arrange as many private photoshoots as possible. I'm aiming loosely to have the book ready to go to print by August 2010. So if you want to book me, book away - I can't travel a huge distance just for one shoot, but if you have a few costumes/friends in costumes we can set a date and I will come photograph you. FINANCES DEPENDING! I'll also work out the new legally binding release forms to get sorted, and remember - if you don't sign it and get it back to me, you will not be in the book. I am SERIOUS.


So as many of you know, I've been taking a whole lot of photos of cosplayers recently. I got my books back today, and though I have a few issues with this particular printer, it's pretty awesome - nothing like seeing all you lovely ducks in print! Very Happy

A number of people expressed interest in buying copies when it was printed. This isn't really an option with the current printer; as I mentioned in the mini rants, four books (plus the dust jackets and one set of proofs) cost me just under 700 bucks. Sooo. Not really a viable option to get copies out for you guys. I have just requested a quote from a self-publisher for a run of 20 books, and once I hear back from them I'll have a better idea of whether or not I can move onto my next project...

Basically, there was a whole lot of talk about a cosplay magazine a while back, which then got forgotten about. I don't have the time or the motivation (YET) to pick the magazine up and run with it, but seeing my book in front of me lookin\' all shiny and pretty has made me absolutely determined to get a book on New Zealand cosplayers out in the public forum. So...I have a few questions for you guys!

- Those of you I've already photographed - if I use your image in a publicly published book, I'll get you to sign a new release pertaining directly to the public thing. If I haven't already photographed you - do you want me to? Very Happy YOU KNOW YOU DO! You will sign a release form saying I can use your photos as I see fit; as most people I've shot can tell you, I'm good at not using really terrible ones Razz and letting you use them online too. For a publicly published book I may reserve some images *just* for the book, but I'll certainly give you some to look at in the meantime!

- Everyone and their mum: I will have a copy of the book with me at Geddon for you to look at and see what I put inside it. I would like to keep it photo-centric, but what else would be cool to put in it?

- Everyone and their mum's neighbour: how much would you pay for a book like this? Again, you can have a look at it at Geddon if you want. It's A5 hard-cover (case bound) with a colour dust jacket and is currently 41 pages of images and text. I would like to double that, since I won't be on a time limit this time Razz and also use more candid imagery - there's a double page collage of candid shots throughout the country at the back, and it's pretty much awesome Very Happy The price will depend on what they quote me, obviously, but I'd prefer not to have it above $50. Which isn't bad for a hardcover, but it'd have to be pretty meaty, lol!

So yeah. Discuss away!

EDIT: Booking slots for Geddon starts now! Please don't be greedy - I know some people have a whole lot of costumes, but please try to let everyone have a turn. If there are slots free getting closer to the event, book more, but for now just be circumspect :) Geddon shoots are now full!


Last edited by Static on 21/11/09, 05:57 am; edited 16 times in total

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COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone? Vide
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Re: COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone?
Post By Rikki-Leigh. 12/10/09, 03:26 pm

I would like to introduce this equation (doing physics study, shush >.>)

Static = Awesome
Cosplay Magazine = Awesome
New Zealand Cosplayers = Awesome

Static + Cosplay Magazine + NZ Cosplayers = Awesome ^ 3 = OVER 9000



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COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone? Vide
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Re: COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone?
Post By Duckeh. 12/10/09, 03:27 pm

Would want~ <3 I'd be able to pay up to about $60. Above that, it'd be pushing my limit as a leech. orz {Ohlul, I had only read half of your last paragraph for some reason. O_o Then as I skimmed I saw you mentioned $50, so we're on about the same page. NO PUN INTENDED.}
Does need job.

Fgsfds, may I see the book on the friday? COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone? 755823
It sounds amazingly awesome.
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COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone? Vide
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Re: COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone?
Post By Thornback. 12/10/09, 03:28 pm

That sounds freaking amazing.

If you needed more cosplayers I'd happily volunteer...but right now, I'd just really like to see the book at Geddon!


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COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone? Vide
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Re: COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone?
Post By Guest. 12/10/09, 03:33 pm

Who forgot about the mag? I simply stopped using my procrastinating time on it! Very Happy

Booooooooooooooook. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

How big it is would influence how much I'd pay. Which I realise is unhelpful.

Would you be able to make it cheaper if you ditched the dustcover? Just an idea.

I think if you're doing a photobook, just do a photobook. Don't try to complicate it by adding other stuffs. My $0.02.

Must sleep soon.


COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone? Vide
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Re: COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone?
Post By CMKMStephens. 12/10/09, 04:12 pm

u_ne_korn wrote:


Hey look, it ended with a k this time! COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone? Icon_lol

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COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone? Vide
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Re: COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone?
Post By Bishkip. 12/10/09, 04:19 pm


but the only reason i say that is because i have no money.

champaign supernova~

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COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone? Vide
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Re: COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone?
Post By Pura. 12/10/09, 04:31 pm

I think around $50-60 would be my limit.

So. When will you be publishing? 8D //wants to be in it ... with cosplays I'm making for Wellygeddon xD
Optimus Prime

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COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone? Vide
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Re: COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone?
Post By Guest. 12/10/09, 11:29 pm

I reckon you should take lotsa photos at geddon lawl.


COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone? Vide
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Re: COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone?
Post By sakuramiyabi. 12/10/09, 11:35 pm

cant wait <333 for u, your book, or the umbreon jacket

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COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone? Vide
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Re: COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone?
Post By Olli. 13/10/09, 01:09 am

I'd been keen to buy a book depending on price ^^

And I'll sign a release form if you want more people to take photos of ^^
(and after this friday mum doesn't need to sign it XD)

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COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone? Vide
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Re: COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone?
Post By Static. 13/10/09, 01:17 am

Just got my quote - for a run of 20, it'll be $50 each if I go with the 80 pg colour. It is a lot more pricey to do it case-bound - but I'm kinda not willing to compromise on that...damn! K, I'll keep looking...damn expensive stuff.

Also - owing to the fact that I'd probably have to pay a deposit, I'd be keen to get people who are definitely going to purchase one to pay a $5 deposit or something. And then there's postage, but the books are little, so that shouldn't be too much.

Edit: just sent off another quote request for perfect bound (paperback) with dustjacket so see what they come back with. Jeez, I'm not gonna be making any profit off this....

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COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone? Vide
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Re: COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone?
Post By Olli. 13/10/09, 01:23 am

I'll be willing to go up to $60-$70 if it helps you make a profit ^^

Also with the pics you take from auckgeddon will you be putting those in a book aswell?

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COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone? Vide
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Re: COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone?
Post By Static. 13/10/09, 01:45 am

Yes - providing they were awesome photos and everyone got their release forms to me, lol. I've had a couple not arrive, which I blame the postal service for, and I snuck those photos in anyway - I couldn't do that with a publication. Nooooo way. I could get sued!

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COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone? Vide
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Re: COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone?
Post By JVCA. 13/10/09, 02:18 am

You can do hardback with a perfect binding if perfect binding is cheaper (which I imagine it is) - it would still retail the hardback look that you want. Very Happy
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COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone? Vide
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Re: COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone?
Post By Cassiel. 13/10/09, 02:26 am

I'd buy it, provided it was under a certain amount... heck, I'd consider it my carrot for getting through exams~ Maybe $60 Max

I really want to be in it too, I'm planning some awesome cosplays for next year, and I'm NOT GOING TO PROCRASTINATE xD
champaign supernova~

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COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone? Vide
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Re: COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone?
Post By Guest. 13/10/09, 02:49 am

CMKMStephens wrote:
u_ne_korn wrote:


Hey look, it ended with a k this time! COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone? Icon_lol

Only helpful people get to mock me!!


COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone? Vide
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Re: COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone?
Post By Static. 13/10/09, 03:38 am

@Jess: Hrmmm. Well the place I'm looking at at the moment is in Auckland, so I might go and have a chat with them next week. Perfect hard cover would be really nice...although I was half expecting it to be more expensive. I need to see if the price goes down for larger orders, too - the quote I got was for 20 books, but if I can get orders in for 50 I'd consider that.

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Re: COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone?
Post By Guest. 13/10/09, 03:40 am

book do want 8D
would most certainly buy it as long as the price doesn't go too far above $50. >w<


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Re: COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone?
Post By Static. 13/10/09, 03:46 am

Yeah, I don't really want to ask people to pay more than that. Most photo books DO sell for more than that, but lol, those people are not selling to poor cosplayers Razz

Can't wait to show the current one off next week COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone? 352708

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Re: COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone?
Post By JVCA. 13/10/09, 04:12 am

For the record, I would happily buy one for $50. 8D But yeah, one would assume perfect binding would be cheaper than any of the sewn varieties, but I'd also assume HB to be more expensive than paperback obviously. Having said that, when we made HB covers for a perfect bound book it wasn't time consuming at all - making the cover itself probably took about 5-10 minutes but that was with materials they had already cut for us... *is rambling now* Really I think the most expensive thing with HB is just the bookcloth - it's about $20+/m, but if the book is only a5 then I imagine that the cloth alone shouldn't be too expensive per book...
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COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone? Vide
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Re: COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone?
Post By PIe. 13/10/09, 04:50 am

I'd be willing to pay around $50 for it, if I wasn't so poor I'd say $70 but as you said, poor cosplayers DX
Selling them s a really cool idea. I'd love to be in it too
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COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone? Vide
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Re: COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone?
Post By Pura. 13/10/09, 05:10 am

Static wrote:

Can't wait to show the current one off next week COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone? 352708

Ohgodnextweek. WHY IS IT NEXT WEEK!?!? .___.
//completly didn't notice
Optimus Prime

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COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone? Vide
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Re: COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone?
Post By Olli. 13/10/09, 07:08 am

I'd probably buy the one of the Auckgeddon photos if they are put in a book (cause I would love to be in it ^^)

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Re: COSPLAY BOOK - photoshoot anyone?
Post By Static. 13/10/09, 07:36 am

First post updated! I'm not sure how Bill will feel about me publishing photos inside the Geddon venue, so I'm going to just say NO PHOTOS INSIDE THE BUILDING WILL GET INTO THE BOOK. Outside photos ONLY.

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